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Annabella's Oblivion (Hard World Tour)

Page 25

by V. F. Mason

  He probably came to the same conclusion as I did. I smiled to myself and quickly changed into my pajamas, washed my face, and took care of business, then joined him in bed. I tried to do it as quietly as possible. I didn’t want to wake him up and laid down a bit far on my side. Suddenly, I felt his hot body behind my back as he spooned me.

  “You don’t come to bed and sleep on the other side,” he mumbled sleepily, and I closed my eyes because the feeling of rightness washed through me.

  “I didn’t want to wake you up.”

  “It’s okay for today. Next time, just hug me.”

  “Okay,” I whispered, and after several seconds, I felt his body relax and heard his light breaths as he fell asleep.

  I had no idea what I was doing.

  But being with him here made me happy.

  And protected

  And wanted.

  It was scary, but for the first time in my life, I had no desire to run away from it.

  I wanted to draw in the feeling.

  I fell asleep quickly, and that night, there were no nightmares or memories present in my head.


  I felt like fire was going through my body, but for some reason, it wasn’t everywhere—just in the special places. The soft lips were kissing my neck, shifting down to my chest where she slowly bit on my nipples and then licked them. Who the fuck knew guys’ nipples could be sensitive? Certainly not me.

  Then her tongue touched my abs and she licked and kissed them softly, each one of them. As she moved lower, my breath hissed. My cock was hard as steel, which didn’t really surprise me. She took it into her hand and squeezed hard. That finally made me open my eyes.

  “Jesus Christ, honey.” She gave me a cocky grin and then lowered her head, taking the tip into her mouth. She sucked on it gently, and then licked the head with her pink tongue. The heat of her mouth was an out-of-this-world experience, but then she took me deeper and I saw stars. Although she wasn’t afraid of my length and looked at my cock as some sort of candy, I knew she wasn’t experienced in this and, fuck, if that didn’t make me harder. I couldn’t help it; I grabbed her hair, guiding her in how I liked her to do it. Slowly, she went on licking me up and down. She couldn’t take all of me inside her mouth, so her hand was gripping the base. She slid it along with the movement of her mouth, as I watched, too mesmerized to miss it or pay attention to anything else.

  “Ahh, honey, take me deeper.” She moaned again around my hard-on and, fuck, the vibration it created almost made me come. I was about to push her aside, because she hadn’t given me permission to come in her mouth, when she squeezed me hard and sucked greedily on the tip. God, it was impossible to hold out, even if I tried. I came harder than ever in my life. Although I couldn’t be sure, because each time with her, oral sex or not, she was the best I ever had in everything.

  “Fuck!” I hissed, expecting her to move, but she kept on sucking me dry and finally raised her head. She wiped her mouth and her lips were red and swollen.

  She was beautiful.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” My voice was husky and hoarse from the pleasure and arousal she gave me. “I’m sorry, baby.” I couldn’t believe I was so lost in my desire that I didn’t have enough strength to pull away.

  She smiled and climbed on top of me, and I noticed she was gloriously naked.

  My girl was anything but shy, apparently.

  “I didn’t mind. In fact, I loved the taste of you. Here.” She leaned down and gave me a hot, deep kiss. I could taste myself inside her mouth but didn’t mind. Her kiss was sloppy and wet, and she was trying to grind herself on me. I could feel her wetness on my stomach and couldn’t let her waste her precious cream.

  My girl needed to come. Although I could feel myself hardening again, I still wasn’t ready to enter her. I placed my hands on her hips and raised her up, moving her forward.

  “Put your hands on the headboard.” She gave me a questioning look, but did as I said. “Sit on my face, baby.”

  “No, I can’t. How can you—” I slapped her heart-shaped ass and she yelled.


  “Do as I say. Sit on my face.” After a second, she did what I asked, and without a moment’s hesitation, I started to lick her out. She moaned above me and I had to steady her with one hand. I focused my attention on her clit when I pushed one finger inside her. She was tight and swollen, and needed my attention badly. I stiffened my tongue and moved it inside her. It was almost as good as fucking her, and, fuck, it was making me hard again.

  “Nate,” she whimpered, and her one hand moved to my hair as she painfully tugged on it.

  I moved back to her clit, licking and sucking at it hard while my two fingers pushed inside her. Her walls clenched and, in a minute, she was crying out in pleasure.

  I kept my mouth where it was and licked the aftermath of her orgasm. Nipping lightly on the inside of her thigh, I enjoying the silkiness of her skin.

  I felt her body go lax and I pushed her down on my stomach and raised up. Flipping her over, she ended up on her hands and knees in front of me. I quickly put on a condom and entered her in one smooth move.

  She cried out and I fisted her hair around my hand, pulling her back to me, while my other hand pinched on her nipple. I felt her spasm around me.

  “Does my baby like it a bit rough?” I pushed inside her slightly harder.

  “Oh, my God.” My hand moved lower until it reached her clit and started to massage it.

  “Who makes you feel good, Bella?” I whispered in her ear, and then reached her mouth so I could have good access for a deeper kiss. I let go of her lips and asked again while pushing inside her harder. “Who?”

  “You.” She was breathless and kept moving back to reach her peak, but I steadied her hips in a death grip. My hand pushed both of her breasts up and pressed them harder to her chest, giving her nipples the sensations they needed.

  “Me, who?” She moved her hand into my hair, brought my head closer, and gave me another deep kiss.

  “Nathaniel,” she whispered against my lips and I made a final thrust. The walls of her pussy clenched around me and we both came loudly at the same time.

  We hugged each other and kissed while the waves of orgasms were still shaking us to the core. I didn’t want to pull out, enjoying the feel of my slowly softening cock inside her.

  This was perfect.

  She was perfect.

  I never wanted to let her go, but I dreaded the day she would learn the truth.

  “Do you guys remember how we used to sing at weddings to make money?” Jane’s question was met with a collective groan.

  “Who doesn’t remember that shit? It was so boring, and we had to play some lame-ass music,” Sam grumbled, and Ariel pinched her.

  “It wasn’t all that bad. Remember, it was romantic. All those brides—and don’t get me started on the father-daughter dance.” Her eyes grew misty and I just shook my head.

  Out of all of us, she was the only one who had a great relationship with her folks. She dreamed about a big wedding with an amazing white dress, how her father would walk her down the aisle, and having their own dance.

  We were all in our room. Our New York concert was minutes away and we were waiting for the countdown.

  We usually talked about random shit while we waited.

  “Ariel, do whatever you want on your wedding day, but I’m not wearing a pink dress,” Jane commented, and we all laughed because just the idea of her in a dress, let alone pink, was unimaginable.

  “I don’t dream about it anymore.” She abruptly stood up, grabbed the mirror, and checked her makeup. She added another layer of red lipstick and we glanced at each other. Her and lipstick—it was something she would usually do when she got all nervous. “I mean, I have no desire to get married anymore.”

  “How come? I mean, I know I’m the only one who is waiting, but you always wanted a double wedding with me.” Jane frowned, and didn’t sound happy about her r
evelation at all.

  “Not anymore. I mean, please, who needs love when there are so many other guys to screw around with? I would hate to settle for one.” She pointed a finger at Jane. “And you, girl, need to re-think the whole virginity thing.” She grabbed her bottle of water and the hand lotion that she used. “I’m going to the bathroom and will meet you guys there.” Before any of us could form a word, she was out.

  “Well, that conversation went well,” I finally said in the stretched silence.

  “I don’t know what to say anymore. Whenever I joke about the past, she closes off. I know it’s because of Diego and how she doesn’t want to think about it, but I thought at some point she would get over that.” Jane sounded displeased and slightly guilty. I patted her on the back, grabbed some water, and took a sip before I replied.

  “It’s not your fault. She has issues, and she needs to deal with them.”

  “She never really spoke about it, you know? It’s like he never happened.”

  “I know. But we can’t push her until she is ready.”

  Sam was about to say something when there was a soft knock on the door and then Joanna entered. She had her headphones on and was carrying her clipboard. She looked all over the place as usual and motioned for us to get up.

  “Come on, girls, showtime.” She frowned. “Why are there only the three of you? Where is Ariel?”

  “She’s going to be there.”

  “I don’t like it. What if she’s not there and we’re late?”

  Sam rolled her eyes. “Come on, Jo, don’t worry. We’re ready, and the concert will go good. As always.” She winked at her and Jo made a distressed sound, which made me laugh. The girl was stressed all the time, and sometimes, even though it was rude, we couldn’t help but make fun of it.

  I checked my phone one last time; Nick usually sent me a message when he was here, but for some reason, he was still late. I gave the phone to Jo; she had them all during concerts, and I gave her instructions.

  “Let me know if Nick sends anything, okay?” She nodded and made some notes on her notepad.

  With one last glance at it, I went up on stage with the girls and our fans greeted us with loud cheers. It was always so energetic up here and it made us feel like we were the best version of ourselves. We had no inhibitions, shyness, or fear. It was where we all belonged.

  “Ariel, a kiss! Give us a kiss!” some guys shouted out, and she walked toward the front of the stage and performed her signature move. She took a white napkin and pressed her lips to it, leaving her red lipstick marking the spot. She then crumbled it and threw it out to the audience, and they went all crazy to get hold of it. She went to the keyboard and stood in position.

  Jane and Sam took positions too, and I grabbed the mic.

  “Hello, New York!” I shouted with everything I had, and the crowd only cheered and screamed louder. “Are you ready to rock tonight?” Again, loud squeals; but maybe they didn’t pause in the first place? “Great! Let’s do it then!” I motioned for Sam to start, and she wildly started to play the intro on the guitar. Ariel joined in with a single note on the keyboard, and then Jane added the soft beats of drums.

  I grabbed the mic, counted the beats, and opened my mouth to start singing.

  It was showtime.


  The breakfast was awkward at best.

  After I woke up Nate rather provocatively—still blushed inside from all the things that happened this morning, and couldn’t believe the things that man has done in bed—we took a quick shower and went downstairs to grab some food.

  Marie had the breakfast table ready and there was lots of food, as though there was an army to feed. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and asked her why she cooked so much.

  She just gave a hard stare and said there were three men to feed and went back to preparations.

  Apparently, in her dictionary, that meant enough said.

  I sat down next to Nate and bribed my way to coffee again, and thank God for that. I needed some caffeine for the long day at the studio; I always did.

  Then Jane came in wearing a white tank top and a pair of denim shorts that used to be a pair of pants, but she cut them. This girl was the only one who didn’t bother to spend much money on clothes; she preferred to make the most of what she had.

  She gave us a slight nod, grabbed some coffee and toast, and started to eat. She had dark circles under her eyes and I was worried she didn’t get enough sleep. I didn’t like the fact she wasn’t herself. Ariel and Sam joined us too, both still in their pajamas, which wasn’t so surprising, and they were really loud.

  Everything was fine; they joked and even had a conversation with Nate about global warming—did I mention Ariel and Sam were obsessed with our planet?—when Jeremy and Drake entered the room.

  They both looked like shit and were still wearing their clothes from yesterday.

  “Why is everyone shouting?” Jeremy grumbled and took the coffee mug from my hand. He finished my drink in one gulp.

  “Hey, that was mine!” I glared at him and then quickly pointed to Marie. “I deserve another cup. He drank mine.” She shook her head and gave me the look, which meant hell freaking no.

  “Jer, look what you did! Left me with no coffee.” He looked at me, then her, then back at me, and finally at the full coffee pot.

  “I don’t get it. We need permission for coffee?”

  “No, only I do because I’m not allowed to drink it that much.” I felt Nate move beside me, and then his mug ended up under my hand.

  “Drink, beautiful.” Oh man, wasn’t he just sweet. I grabbed his chin and gave him a loud kiss on the lips, not caring who was in the room.

  I was going full open on my relationship.

  “You are the best,” I said, and inhaled the smell of coffee.

  “Crazy,” Jer muttered, and sat down on the opposite side of the table. But somehow it was close to Sam. Drake didn’t even bother to hide his attempt and occupied the chair that was next to Jane. She tensed and glared at him.

  “There are other chairs here, you know,” she snapped, and he just gave her a half-smile.

  “I know. Babe, please, not so loud.” He grabbed his head and then gave a pure, pleasant smile to Marie and, man, the dude was hot. I mean, obviously not as hot as Nate, but he was good-looking, and by the curious looks of Ariel and Sam, I wasn’t the only one who noticed it.

  “Marie, do you have some aspirin for this head of mine?” In a minute, two tablets were in front of him. She also gave some to Jeremy, and they drank them down.

  They were going at food like there was no tomorrow, and now I understood why we needed so much.

  “You need to give me a divorce,” Jane finally said, and all pretense of conversation left the table.

  “Really? I do?” His voice held amusement, which pissed Jane off more.

  “Yes, you do. We need to do it quietly so no one will hear of it. Or better yet, let’s get an annulment.” Now he just openly laughed.

  “Really, baby? Annulment? I think that only happens when there was no sex involved.” She became all red and looked down at the table.

  “Don’t call me baby.” Her voice sounded as though she was barely holding herself back from killing him.

  “No can do.” Then he was silent for a second. “I’ll give you a divorce.” She snapped her eyes at him as though she couldn’t believe what he was saying. “But only after your tour, which I’ll have to spend with you because Bella needs me to be there.” Smooth, really smooth, using me as his excuse to be near her. “Then when it’s all over, if you still want to get a divorce, I’ll give it to you.” They held each other’s gaze for a few moments, and finally she nodded.

  “Okay, fine. I can deal with that, but you don’t tell anyone we’re married. I don’t want any rumors.”

  “Fair enough.” Then he leaned down closer to her and said in a low voice, “Want to seal the deal with a kiss?”

  She moved back. “No.”<
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  He shrugged, finished his coffee and food, and stood up. “Okay. I’m gonna take a shower and change, and then we can have our session, Bella.”

  I gave him a nod, although I wasn’t feeling like sharing anything today, but I knew it was important for my healing process, and I did want to get better.

  “I had no idea he had a room here,” I whispered to Nate.

  “He does. We aren’t close, but sometimes he likes to come and stay over.”

  “What do you mean, you aren’t close. I thought you guys weren’t even friends.” He frowned.

  “We aren’t, but he is my brother, and he helped you, so it wasn’t like I could kick him out.” I felt like my jaw physically hit the table, but I know that wasn’t possible.

  “He is what?” He tensed, and I understood this wasn’t something he wanted me to know.

  “My brother,” he finally said through his teeth. Suddenly the events from the other night came to my mind and I remembered that I missed this small fact because I was focused on Drake being Jane’s husband.

  “So he told you about everything, and all this time you—” For some reason, I felt betrayed and didn’t understand why.

  He quickly turned to me and palmed my face.

  “He never said anything about your sessions except that you guys were moving in the right direction.” some sort of guilt flashed through his eyes, but it was gone so quickly I almost thought I imagined it. “Your secrets and talks are and will stay between him and you. I asked for his help because he is the best and I trust him. I know it sounds weird because we don’t talk much, but I know he wouldn’t do anything wrong by you.”

  His explanation made me calm down a little and I kissed him again.

  For this to work, I needed to learn to trust him. The relationship wouldn’t last without that, and it was important. I had feelings for him and I wanted to embrace them, and not run away from them.

  “Okay, so let’s go to the studio now, and then when you have your therapy session, we can work on some technical things that you don’t need to be there for.” Sam’s voice distracted me a little; I completely forgot we weren’t alone in the room.


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