How To Tempt A Crook

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How To Tempt A Crook Page 14

by Linda Verji

  Something so real.

  Something so right.

  And he wanted – no, needed to explore it further.

  The next Friday found the employees of Chambers & Quinn on a flight to Miami, on their way to a weekend team-building event. Judging by the excited chatter that echoed in the plane’s main cabin, most people were excited about the trip. Spencer wasn’t one of those people. It was bad enough that he spent all his weekdays with these people; he didn’t want to spend his weekends with them too. The only exception to that was Kelly. She could spend every day and night with him if she wanted.

  His gaze wandered past the talking heads to her. She was standing in the aisle, trying to fit her carry-on bag into an overhead bin. Today, she’d ditched the suits and replaced them with a t-shirt, jeans and wedge sandals. Though the plain outfit left her looking nothing like the sexy vamp who’d driven him crazy in his office just a few nights ago, that didn’t change the fact that he knew what was hidden beneath all that fabric.

  He could still remember what magnificent breasts her navy t-shirt covered and how they’d felt in his hands; how warm, supple and lush they’d been. His shaft thickened beneath his jeans as he recalled the thick hips that those jeans concealed, how smooth her skin was when he’d spread her legs, and how amazing it’d felt to finally shove his c-

  “Stop staring at Kelly so hard.” Angelina, who was seated next to him, yanked him out of his wicked thoughts. “People will notice.”

  “I’m not staring,” Spencer denied even as he set his magazine over his lap to hide any evidence of his staring.

  “Yeah! Right!” Angelina scoffed. Eyeing Spencer with interest, she asked, “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Nothing.” Spencer doubted that Kelly wanted any of their colleagues knowing their business.

  “Really?” Angelina’s eyebrows shot up. “Then why does she keep staring at you when you’re not looking too.”

  “She’s staring?” His excited gaze immediately swept towards Kelly. Nope, she wasn’t staring. In fact, she was now seated and chatting animatedly with Marie.

  “Heh! Got you.” Angelina laughed. “Nothing’s going on, my foot!”

  Even Spencer had to chuckle at that. “Why are you asking? Jealous?”

  “Please.” Angelina rolled her eyes. “The kind of drama you and I had was the kind you don’t have reruns of. We were bad for each other.”

  Spencer turned to her with genuine curiosity. “How was I bad for you?”

  “Back in those days you were too straight, stiff and judgmental. Everything was just so black and white with you, and your job was everything to you.” She shrugged. “To be honest, it was a little intimidating and suffocating.” She rushed to add, “I’m not making excuses for what I did or saying it was right, but that was how I felt at the time.”

  “I get that.” Spencer nodded.

  It was interesting how time could bring perspective. When he and Angelina had broken up, he’d been too wrecked to listen to her reasons. But now, he could look at her criticism through unclouded glasses and without even an iota of pain. Had be really been that much of a hard ass?

  “I’m actually really glad you met Kelly,” Angelina confessed. “She’s the reason our feud ended, and you started talking to me again. You remember how we used to one up each other?”

  “I remember.” He chuckled.

  Their feud had been the stuff of legends. Whenever they appeared in court on opposite sides, all the rules flew out of the window and the guns came out. Winning was the only thing that mattered. Once they’d even been sent to jail for contempt of court.

  “Kelly makes you less unbending and more empathetic.” Angelina smiled. “You two are a great match.”

  He wasn’t sure whether she was saying that he and Kelly were a great match in court, or a great match as a couple. Either way, it sent an odd warmth rushing through him. A great match? His gaze wandered to Kelly. He smiled. Getting paired with her wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

  About three hours later, their plane landed at Miami International Airport, and soon, they were boarding shuttles headed to their hotel. Though Kelly and Spencer were in the same shuttle, he ended up seated upfront while Kelly sat right behind him next to Lucas Balvin, one of the junior associates attached to the Family Law Division.

  “You know, Kelly,” Lucas said, sounding annoyingly close to Kelly. “You and I have never had a chance to get to know each other.”

  “I guess,” she agreed. “I don’t really visit your floor that much.”

  “You should,” Lucas drawled. Through the rearview mirror, Spencer caught him waggling his eyebrows. “You might find something – or someone – you like.”

  Kelly sniggered. “Someone like who?”

  “Someone like me. I’ve been told I’m a very likeable fella.” The flirty look Lucas gave Kelly was enough to make Spencer swear beneath his breath.

  Spencer had nothing against Lucas. The guy was a hard player but worked just as hard. Still, Spencer didn’t want him playing in his yard. Why was Kelly smiling so hard at the man’s lame jokes anyway? They weren’t that funny.

  “I’m serious,” Lucas said when Kelly snorted at his suggestion that she transfer to his division. “You and I could make a great team in Family.” He winked. “Maybe even make our own family?”

  The guy didn’t know when to quit, did he? The muscles in Spencer’s stomach tightened as a hot ball of anger swelled deep inside him. If he punched Lucas right now, how much would a court make him pay? And would Kelly understand why he’d cracked the man’s jaw? Probably not! It left him with only one choice; listen to the conversation with one ear while imagining all the pieces he could’ve torn Lucas into if this was still the cavemen era.

  His torture ended thirty minutes later when they got to their hotel. Or so he thought. Moments later, he discovered that Kelly was going to be staying in the room right next to his. Talk about temptation and torture wrapped in one toe-curling bundle! He stared at the wall between their rooms, wondering what she was doing in there. Was she unpacking? Or maybe she was changing her clothes; peeling off her t-shirt, dragging her jeans down her voluptuous thighs, unclipping her bra to reveal her fleshy breasts, taking off her panties…

  Groaning, Spencer rubbed his palm over his face. This was going to be one hard weekend.


  Spencer wasn’t the only one having trouble with their proximity. Kelly sat on her bed, unable to look away from the wall that separated their rooms. Someone up there had to be having a good laugh at their expense. After all the effort she’d put in during the last week to avoid Spencer, how could she end up in the room right next to him?

  What is he doing in there? She wondered. A part of her imagined that if she stared hard enough, her gaze would x-ray that wall, and she’d find him looking right back at her. A nervous tremor seared down her spine at the thought, and she quickly turned away from that wall.

  Still, her thoughts remained stubbornly, and annoyingly, fixed on Spencer. No surprise there. In the last few days, he had occupied more space in her brain than she wished or even cared to admit aloud. Her nights were filled with memories of their one night together, and her waking moments were spent trying to fake that she’d forgotten all about it.

  The only good thing that had come out of that night was that she’d discovered her innate ability to separate business and pleasure. Somehow, someway, she managed to work cases with Spencer without melting into a bundle of hormones at his feet or worse, outing herself to their coworkers.

  “Kel?” Marie’s knock on the door cut into Kelly’s thoughts.

  “Door’s open,” Kelly called out.

  A moment later, the brunette threw the door open and skipped into the room. “Are you done unpacking?”

  “Not yet.” Kelly stood up and opened her suitcase. “You’re done already?”

  “I got someone to do it for me.” Marie grinned. “What’s the point of staying at a ho
tel if you don’t use all their services? Want me to call someone to do your suitcase?”

  “Nah.” Kelly made a face. “I prefer to do my own suitcase.”

  Hotel or not, Kelly couldn’t imagine leaving a stranger to rifle through her private stuff. She’d already had enough of that in prison. Marie settled on the bed, entertaining Kelly with the latest office gossip as she unpacked. The brunette was distracting enough to get Kelly’s mind off the fact that Spencer was in the room next-door. Unfortunately, when they stepped out of Kelly’s room they found Spencer out in the hallway, locking his door.

  “Mr. Chambers,” Marie called out before Kelly could stop her. With a grin, she skipped to his side. “How do you like your room?”

  “It’s okay.” Spencer shrugged even as his eyes swept past the brunette to rivet on Kelly.

  “You know, I’m the one who recommended it.” Marie dragged his attention back to her.

  “Is that so?” Spencer offered unemotionally as he started down the hallway.

  “Yeah!” Marie nodded like an eager puppy. Struggling to keep up with his long strides, she trailed him down the hallway. “A friend of mine came here just a few days ago and had a great time. Do you know these guys offer twenty-four-hour meal-service…”

  Though Kelly stayed a few feet behind them and kept an ear on Marie’s chatter, most of her attention was on Spencer. She’d only seen him in casual clothes once before – the time she’d come for her interview – and almost forgotten how the man could make any outfit look good. He was in a gray t-shirt and dark-wash jeans that followed the lean lines of his tall muscular frame.

  Kelly had caught quite a few of her female coworkers staring at him thirstily on their way to Miami. Though she’d contemplated stabbing those women’s eyes, Kelly couldn’t really blame them. The combination of good-looking, inspiringly competent at his job, and rich was irresistible. What woman could turn it down?

  Marie babbled on uninterrupted until they got to the elevators.

  “Do you have any painkillers on you?” Spencer finally cut in as the elevator doors closed. His eyes on Marie, he said, “I have a headache.”

  Kelly, who was standing a step behind them in the elevator, bit back a smile. If that was his way of saying Marie was talking too much, he wasn’t being very subtle.

  But it flew right over Marie’s head. The brunette frowned and concern flashed in her eyes. “I don’t have any on me right now? Is it bad?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “It’s not that bad.”

  “Maybe I should go ask at the reception,” Marie offered. “I’m sure they can help.”

  “Don’t bother,” he refused firmly but with a smile. “Besides, I can ask at the reception myself.”

  At first, Kelly thought he was just playing about the headache but soon she began to worry. When they got off the elevator, Spencer didn’t head to the reception to ask for help. Instead, he silently followed her and Marie as they joined the rest of the firm’s staff for dinner. The table Kelly sat at was close enough to Spencer’s that she caught him wincing a couple of times, even closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. It was obvious that he was in pain. However, even after dinner, he still didn’t go looking for medication. The group he was in dragged him off to the hotel’s function room where an acting troupe was holding a performance.

  Kelly started to follow everyone else then stopped. How was Spencer going to survive a whole evening of raucous laughter and loud cheers with that headache?

  Why do you care? The voice inside her taunted. There’s nothing between you two, remember?

  She started walking again then halted. Could she really just walk away from his pain? No, she couldn’t. She spun on her heels and headed to the hotel’s reception desk.

  She was doing this for herself, she assured the whining voice inside her as she waited for the concierge to bring her painkillers. Watching Spencer constantly wince was annoying, and she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the show that the hotel had worked so hard to put on. Yes, this was all for her. Besides, Spencer was technically her boss. What kind of employee would just ignore their boss’s pain?

  Two pills and a bottle of water in hand later, she entered the function room to find that the play hadn’t started yet. Her coworkers were milling around the room, chit-chatting in groups. Spencer was seated at the far end of the room conversing with Mark Cousins. He smiled at something Mark said, but that smile seemed forced, and she caught the glimmer of pain that shadowed his eyes.

  Careful not to attract attention to herself, Kelly weaved her way between seats until she was right behind Spencer. Neither he nor Mark noticed her presence until she tapped Spencer’s shoulder.

  “Kelly?” Spencer’s eyes widened in surprise as he and Mark turned to her.

  “Here are the painkillers you asked for.” She held out the pills and water.

  “I didn’t-” Spencer started but stopped when she jerked her head in a silent signal. Awareness flashed in his eyes and he stole a glance at a curious Mark before coming back to her. “Ah! The painkillers I asked for.”

  “Whoa! Now, you’re using the juniors as errand-boys?” Mark teased Spencer. “You’ve really become a boss.”

  “It’s not like that,” Spencer defended himself before turning back to Kelly. Offering her a grateful smile, he reached for the pills and water. “Thank you.”

  That grateful smile sent warmth trickling through her. She couldn’t help the little smile that lifted her lips as she beat a hasty retreat. So she couldn’t sleep with Spencer again – that didn’t mean they couldn’t be friends.

  The play was just as good as the hotel had billed it, and the evening ended on a happy and relaxed note. However, the next day started off on a blood-thirsty note.

  The atmosphere was heavy with competitiveness, aggression and adrenalin as the staff of Chambers & Quinn huddled in their respective team to prepare for a round of paintball. The organizers of the event had gone all out. Everyone was wearing black, special-ops type, combat outfits with armbands in red or blue depending on their team.

  “Men,” Angelina started, her gaze sweeping over the members of the Criminal Justice and Civil Lit Divisions. “We have a trophy to defend. Last time those hooligans tried to steal it from us.” She jabbed her finger at the team made up of members of the Family Law and Corporate Law Divisions, earning herself raucous jeers and hisses in the process.

  Kelly and her other team members jeered right back at them. Soon the two teams were making faces at each other, throwing taunting jibes around. A few people even flipped the bird. Even Spencer, who’d made his reluctance about playing this game known quite clearly in advance, joined in on the jeering, albeit with a grin.

  “Those hooligans,” Angelina cut in loudly, “tried to beat us at our game. They failed. They’ll try this time too. And they’ll fail.”

  “Booooooo,” The opposing team hollered but Angelina’s team’s cheers soon overwhelmed their boos. Not surprising since Marie’s screaming voice alone was enough to shut up even the loudest of birds.

  “Today, we fight,” Commander Angelina continued. She pumped her fist in the air. “For Criminal Justice. For Civil Lit. For Victory.”

  “For Victory!” Her soldiers cheered her on, waving their paintball guns like they were the real deal.

  “Shouldn’t I be leading this thing?” Lawrence murmured as they trooped determinedly into the field. Unlike the other managing partners, he’d chosen to get in the game and picked theirs as his preferred team. “I’m the boss.”

  “Not here.” Spencer scoffed. “Angelina rules this roost. Plus she can run faster.”

  He wasn’t joking. Angelina was a beast on the field as were the rest of their team members. Soon, shots were being fired left, right and center, and paint was splattered everywhere.

  Well, damn! Kelly panted as she hid behind a stack of hay. She’d never met a group of people who took paintball so seriously. Nervousness tightening her muscles, she peeked around the
stack. But she wasn’t stealthy enough because someone caught her. A muzzle appeared above the haystack across from her just seconds before a pellet came flying towards her. If it wasn’t for her fast reflexes and quick duck behind the haystack, she would’ve ended up with blue paint splattered on her face.

  That was close. She closed her eyes and dragged in a deep breath.

  “You’re not out yet?” A deep voice echoed beside her.

  “Oh jeez-” Her hand flew to her throat as her wide-eyed gaze swung to the intruder. Relief rocketed through her when she realized that it was just Spencer. “You scared me.”

  “Sorry.” Spencer was a far-cry from the amused man who’d entered this field. His expression was somber and intent, and he was holding his gun firmly. This was the face of a soldier. He said, “You’ve been marked. I heard them talking about how they were going to ambush you.”

  “Me? Damn!” Kelly cursed low in her throat. In the face of the war they were currently facing, her intent to avoid Spencer as much as possible was forgotten. All that mattered now was winning. She said, “They’ve already taken out Casper, Lawrence, Mark, Sam and Russell.”

  “We need to distract them,” Spencer said.

  “You’re right.” Kelly paused for a moment to consider their situation then asked, “They want me, right?” When Spencer nodded, she said, “Then let them come for me. I’ll lure and distract them. You get them when they come out of their hiding places.”

  “But they’ll take you down,” Spencer protested. “This is suicide.”

  “But it’s a good way to go.” She grinned. “Just don’t let my sacrifice go to waste.” Before he could protest, she pushed him towards the neighboring stack. “Go find a good sniping position.”

  Spencer looked like he still wanted to protest, but a second later he nodded curtly. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  As far as strategies went, it wasn’t a bad one, plus the two of them made a great team. Kelly raced around the field, calling out to her pursuers while simultaneously dodging their gun fire. Every time an enemy emerged to take her down, Spencer darted out, seemingly from thin air, to take him or her out with unerring accuracy. Kelly lasted much longer than even she expected.


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