Chaos (Bound by Cage #3)

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Chaos (Bound by Cage #3) Page 8

by Brittany Crowley

  All I’ve been able to think about is Georgie yelling Fuck the other day. It was so incredibly sexy and I can’t wait to get her to say some more dirty words when we’re alone. I think her inner dirty girl is ready to come out and play.

  The bar is packed for a Thursday night. Not surprising considering there’s a campus not too far away and all the kids are “Thirsty”. It’s hard to believe sometimes that I’m only a couple years older than these college brats. I don’t think I was ever that much of a moron, and I say this knowing I was worse.

  When my girl comes into view I just stand there silently watching. The way she moves is so fucking sexy. The sway of her hips and the swell of her tits. Damn, I’m suddenly aware of all these jackasses at the bar staring at the same thing. The only difference is it’s my right, not theirs. Putting a lid on jealousy, I saunter to the bar pushing my way through the crowd. I stop right in front of the bar waiting to get her attention.

  When she lifts her head and her eyes meet mine they light up. I wink at her and lean over the bar. She looks hesitant but no way am I missing an opportunity to let these shit heads know she’s taken. I wrap my hand around the back of her head and pull her face towards me. When our lips meet, I own her, briefly. I wish it could be longer but I understand she’s working, I’m not a total prick.

  “Hey.” I breathe into her mouth wanting her to smell the minty freshness of my breath. It’s a weird fetish, but hey. At least I don’t have to wear women’s underwear under my clothes or bathe in ketchup.

  “Oh yeah.” She moans.

  “You like that?”

  “Mmmm-hmmmm.” She shyly smiles at me then starts filling orders again.

  Is it wrong that it’s totally sexy revving her engine with my pearly whites? I had my teeth cleaned today and I’m pretty sure it’s going to get me a BJ. After thinking about my last one though, I find myself okay settling for the ol’ high school handy if I’m being completely honest. Obviously if she’s eager to try again I’ll give her a bit more direction. Since then she’s asked me what guys like and I’ve sent her some articles and video clips hoping they steer her in the right direction. I think she was a little embarrassed at first, but she’s bombarded me with a million questions so I’m feeling hopeful for the next round of oral play.

  As I watch her for the rest of her shift it’s like foreplay. The little looks she’s giving me, the subtle touches when she refills my drink. When I think about bending her over the bar top and going down on her in front of all these strangers, fuck! All these things most certainly have my cock stirring.

  When her shift is over, I’m breathing like a 60-year-old smoker and can’t think straight. Georgie has embedded herself under my skin and I can’t think about anything else but how good she smells and how amazing that lick up my cock felt. Looking over I see Georgie signal she’ll be one minute before she heads towards the bathrooms. Fucking perfect, I can’t wait another second.

  Walking with purpose, I burst through the lady’s room door not caring if I’m met with chicks making out. That’s what they do in there right? Well, at a bar. I always figured there was definite lesbian action going on in the bathrooms and I’m completely devastated that’s not the case.

  I check the stalls and don’t see anybody. So now I find myself alone… in the women’s bathroom, like a fucking perv. It’s time to exit this potentially horrible situation. As I’m exiting Georgie bursts through the bathroom door nailing me right between the eyes.

  “Holy motherfucker!” I hold my head trying to fight off the tears. I’m not fucking crying, you know the tears that come when you’re wailed in the face? Yeah those, don’t be an asshole.

  “Holy cow Jayden what are you doing in here?” She’s frantic and trying to get me to move my hands from my face. No way, uh uh. There has to be gallons of blood oozing from my face.

  “The hospital, I need stitches!” I yell getting dizzy.

  “What? No way I don’t even see any blood. Just move your hands and let me look ya big baby.”

  Well that hit me straight in the ego like a one, two punch. I take a deep breath, squeeze my eyes together and drop my hands positive she’ll scream at any moment from the sheer terror of seeing my damaged noggin.


  “Huh? Huh? That’s all I get? You almost decapitated me woman! Call 9-1-1, no, call my mom!”

  “Stop it for a second, you’re fine. They weren’t lying when they said you were a wussy.”

  “A wussy?” I crack an eye open to look at her.

  “Well, I can’t say the real word.” She fidgets and that’s when all thoughts of my head trauma vanish. This is an interesting development.

  “Did they call me a pussy baby?” I push her back into the vanity.

  “Yup, that’s what they said.”

  “Say it.” I command.


  “Say it, Sunshine.”

  She shakes her head in defiance.

  “Oh this is going to be fun.”

  Mischief passes through her eyes. “Tonight is going to be fun. I have plans for us, big plans.”

  “Well let’s hit the fucking road already baby.” All thoughts of some taboo bathroom fun leave my brain. Now I’m thinking about what she has in store for me.

  I walk to the exit and hold it open for my lady as a shocked group of girls stand on the other side. Georgie ducks her head in embarrassment, but me, I couldn’t care less. It’s not my first walk of shame from the shitter, you gotta have fun in life.

  “Don’t eat the crab cakes.” I yell behind me as we make our way out of the bar.

  Halfway down the hall Georgie turns and suddenly pushes me up against the wall. Hell yes!

  “Here.” She whispers as she holds something in front of my mouth. With no pause I snake my tongue out and suck her fingers into my mouth. Interesting, a breath mint. I must be slacking in that department, she’s clearly telling me I have dog breath. Guess I have to step up my oral hygiene game.

  “That’s what I’m talking about.” She states before leaning in and sucking my lip in between her teeth.

  “Is that better Sunshine?” I make sure to breathe directly into her nose so she can smell my intoxicating breath then I dazzle her with my newly cleaned chompers. She’s probably so fucking wet right now.


  I grab her hand and pull her out of the bar and into the street. Decisions, decisions. “Let’s head to my place.”

  I throw my arm over her shoulders and steer her towards my SUV. My bed is the only place we need to be, and it ensures there will be no interruptions.

  “Oh, okay.” She smiles at me before jumping into her seat.

  “Fucking adorable.” I mumble under my breath.

  I notice her texting someone and laughing to herself when I look over at her. “What’s so funny?

  She jumps and throws her cell phone into her purse. “Nothing, just something funny Mia did.”

  “What’d she do? I wanna hear.” I love the funny stories about Mia.

  “Oh, just something stupid about… spitting.”

  I know she’s full of shit. But I’ll leave it for now. When we get to my place we both jump out and meet at the front of my house.

  “I love it!” She exclaims.

  My home is a modest two story log cabin. Trying to see it through her eyes, I guess it’s beautiful. I worked really hard with Josh to build it when I first moved up here. Apartment living isn’t for me, I need a place to relax and unwind without thinking about my old neighbors hitting the sheets, loudly I might add. That apartment lasted all of a week before I started cooking up these plans with my twin.

  I quickly look around and don’t see anyone. There’s neighbors on either side, not too close but close enough to have us in their view. But everyone’s lights are off so we may be good. I reach down and hoist her up flush to my body and sit her on the hood of my car. Luckily it was a quick ride and it’s not that hot to the touch.

  When I
step in between her legs they come around me pulling me even close to her center. One grind of my cock into her has her sighing.

  “I need another taste, it’s all I can think about Sunshine.” Pushing her chest, she lies back flat propped up on her elbows staring at me. The look she’s giving me says it all. She’s so ready to be ravished and I’m much too happy to oblige.

  I unbutton her shorts and make quick work of ripping them off along with her panties. When I spread her legs apart and see her glistening pussy my hard-on nearly busts through my pants to get to it. I can’t wait any longer, it’s been four long fucking days.

  “Jayden.” She moans as I lick her entrance. She’s yelling something unintelligible when I dive my tongue in and start fucking her in fast strokes with it.


  My head pops up. “Did my girl just use a dirty word?”

  “No, just don’t stop. Fuck.”

  “That’s so fucking hot baby. Say it.” I attack her clit with my tongue.

  “Say what?” She heaves.

  “What am I owning right now?”


  I lift my head up again waiting for the words. “Your what baby?”

  “Pussy! My pussy! Get back in there and don’t stop, don’t ever stop eating my pussy!”

  “Oh fuck, Sunshine.” My tongue returns to her center and goes crazy. I feel her fingers dig into my scalp pulling me even closer to her.

  “Yes, right there, right there.” She yells as she comes undone and squeezes her legs around my head. It’s hard to breathe but I don’t stop. I can’t, couldn’t if I tried with the vise like grip she has on my head. I slowly slide my finger to her ass and rim her puckered flesh. She squeezes me even harder if that’s at all possible and yells my name.

  When her body calms down and she releases my head, I take a step back wiping my mouth.

  “Seeing you spread out on top of my car is hot as fuck. If my neighbors didn’t know who I am, they do now.”

  She bolts up and covers herself as I laugh. I grab her and wrap her legs around my waist when I see her trying to jump down.

  “I’ve got you Sunshine.” I tell her as we make our way into my house.

  “What about my shorts?”

  “You don’t need them.” I growl.

  Once we get through the front door I push her up against the wall. I just need to kiss her.

  “Your lips, damn I can’t get enough. Can you taste yourself on me baby?”

  “Why do I find that so sexy?”

  “Because it is.” I growl.

  “Now it’s my turn. Will you allow me to do something to you?” She shimmies down my body and looks at me through her long lashes.

  “Fuck, anything you want.” I start unbuttoning my pants but she stops me. Not that, yet.


  She grabs my hand and asks where my bathroom is, not my guest bathroom, my personal bathroom. Now my spidey senses are tingling. Maybe she wants to shower? Hell yes!

  She pulls my hand and leads me to my master bath right off my bedroom. She rummages around in my drawers until she sees my toothbrush on my counter. Picking it up, she runs it under the faucet and puts a big dollop of toothpaste on top. Maybe she doesn’t like the taste of herself as much as she led on?

  “I want to brush your teeth.” She looks at me nervously. Aw, this is her kink and she’s finally sharing it with me. Seizing the opportunity, my mouth opens.

  The brush touches my first tooth and she bursts out laughing. “I can’t do it, no way.”

  She’s dying, laughing her little ass off in the middle of my bathroom, pussy out while holding my toothbrush.

  “Did I miss something?”

  “Confession time. I don’t have a clean mouth fetish. Savvy made it up. We had a whole elaborate plan for tonight and I can’t do it while keeping a straight face. I’ve never been much of a practical joker.”

  I smile, then start laughing. “That was pretty good I have to admit. Thank Christ, I thought you were going to make me catch your gargled up mouthwash like a golden shower.”

  “Oh god.” She bends over unable to breathe.

  I pull her into my arms. She looks up and I brush a piece of hair out of her face. “I’m kind of crazy about you, Sunshine.”

  “I’m rather fond of you as well.”

  And that fucking blush heats up her cheeks and that’s when I realize I’m a goner for this girl.

  Chapter 12


  After going back and forth and trying to figure out what to do, I decided I need to go to my brothers. Well, Zander and Josh. Kyle’s too young to be dragged into this mess. He’s only 20 for fucks sake.

  I knock on Josh’s door knowing he’s not expecting me. Heavy footsteps make their way to the front door before I hear the lock click and its pulled open. A smile lights up my face when I see my niece Mia bouncing in her daddy’s arms.

  “I’ll be taking that.” I swoop in and scoop her out of Josh’s arms before he knows what hit him. “Try to at least put up a little fight bro, what if I was a stranger? You’re lucky your favorite Uncle’s here and not the candy man baby girl.” Idiot.

  “You’re not a stranger asshole. And you think she loves you so much more than Z and Ky, think about it Jay. Think really hard.” I turn looking over my shoulder and arch my brow.

  He wipes his hand down his face and sighs. “We’re twins shit head.”

  I pull the baby’s head to my chest and cover her other ear with my hand. “Watch your language dick head, I don’t want her calling me Uncle Shit head.”

  We head for the kitchen and find Ash cooking up a storm. “Damn it smells good in here, it’s giving me a semi.”

  “Ew, don’t talk about your D-I-C-K while you’re holding my baby, Jay.”

  “Whatever. I need to steal your husband for a few hours. I figured I’d cut out the middle man and go straight to the source.”

  “Screw you man, I don’t have to ask for permission.” He looks at Ash. “Do you need me for anything?”

  I chuckle under my breath and receive a slap to the back of my head. “You know Ash, sometimes you have to take your pants off.”

  “What the hell man? Don’t tell my future wife to take her pants off. What’s wrong with you?” I think my only saving grace right now is the fact that I’m holding precious cargo.

  “Calm your nuts, not her real pants. Her metaphorical ones. Sometimes she has to share the pants, maybe even give you a leg from time to time. You’re a man, not a child.”

  “Hello kettle.” Ashlyn interrupts.

  I sigh. “Can I steal him for a few hours? I really need my brothers for the evening.”

  “Brothers? We’re going to get Ky and Z too?” Josh questions.

  “That is the plan baby brother, but just the champ. Ky’s too young to deal with this mess.” I bend my head down and blow raspberries into Mia’s neck causing her to do the cutest baby giggle. This girl has me wrapped around her finger.

  “Who would have thought Jay would be a baby whisperer?”

  “It’s what I do for a living. Give me some credit Ash.” I walk over to her and give a smiling Mia to her mommy while she has her hands open reaching out.

  “I can’t believe she’s going to be six months next week.” I shake my head in disbelief.

  “Believe it. You’ll have another new one on the way any day. Savvy’s about ready to pop. Getting Zander away from her is going to be like pulling teeth, I can barely get him to the gym these days. Luckily his fights in a few months.” Josh walks up and throws me in a head lock.

  Elbowing him in the gut gets him to ease up his hold and I duck out. “Come on man, that was unnecessary.”

  “How about we all drive over and I’ll stay with Savvy while you guys go out and do… whatever it is that you need to do. Shit better be legal Jay.” She narrows her eyes at me.

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “Nothing we do tonight will be illegal, you have my wor
d. Nobody likes a spicy mama, I don’t need to be on the receiving end of your wrath.”

  “Good. Let me pack a bag for Mia and we can be on our way.”

  Ash hands off the baby to Josh and goes to leave the kitchen. He whacks her ass causing her to turn around narrowing her eyes while trying to hold back a smile. He looks back at me. “That’s one spicy mama.”

  “What I wouldn’t give for a piece of spicy right now.”

  “Still haven’t gone there with Georgie yet?” Josh asks after Ash leaves the room.

  “Nope and my dick hates me for it. But I won’t until I know she’s ready, she’s been through enough already. Believe me though, when I get the all clear I will be all up in her shit. All up in it.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  Twenty minutes later we find ourselves ringing Zander’s doorbell. He opens it not too long after with a hesitant look on his face.

  “What are you all doing here? What’s going on?”

  “Bros night!” I exclaim.

  “Bros night? I don’t think so. Savvy…” Ash cuts Zander off.

  “I brought Mia and we’re going to keep Savvy occupado. No worries.”

  “Okayyyyyy. Let me talk to her before we head out.”

  “Another one? I’ll have to give the pants lecture again.” I walk past Zander looking for his woman.

  “No, once is enough for a lifetime. Seriously Jay, if I hear you tell Savvy to take her pants off I’ll junk punch you.” Ash whisper yells.

  “After I shove something not so pleasant up your ass.” Z threatens.

  “Damn, why do you guys want to ruin my poor ass. What’d it ever do to you guys?”

  “You don’t wanna know.” Josh tells Zander.

  Finally, after dragging Zander away from an exhausted looking Savvy, we’re on our way.

  “Where to? And what’s with all the secrecy? Are you okay?” Josh questions.

  “Head to Josh’s, this talk has to be in private. You never know who’s listening.” I grumble.

  “Now you’re worrying me.”

  “Welcome to the club.” I sigh.

  When we get to the house we make our way inside and take a seat in the kitchen. It has a large island so we all grab a stool so we’re sitting side by side.


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