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Chaos (Bound by Cage #3)

Page 15

by Brittany Crowley

  Placing my knee on the bed and bending down, I gently wipe between her legs. I quickly throw the cloth across the room and lay in bed with my woman.

  We lay in companionable silence for a while just taking in the what just happened. My hearts bursting with all the emotions I’m feeling in this one single perfect moment.

  “Thank you.” She whispers.

  “Why are you thanking me? You didn’t even get off.”

  “I don’t care. That was more than I ever expected it’d be. I’m so happy you waltzed into my life singing One Direction to me.”

  “You turned me down.” I point out.

  “You laughed at my beer.”

  “Can we never admit to ourselves that beer-gate was hilarious?”

  She props herself up on her elbow staring at me intently. “I love you Jayden Cage.”

  I pull her arm until she’s lying on top of me. “I love you too Georgie, more than I ever thought possible. I never thought this was in the cards for me. Love, someone that makes me a better person, completes who I am. Never thought I’d get that in life. I’m so thankful the cops raided your compound and brought your sweet ass to me.” I smack her right on the derrière.

  “So, how long do you think it’ll be before it doesn’t hurt?”

  “Why are you ready to go again?”

  She lifts her head and gives me a defiant look. “I mean, if you’re not ready yet I suppose I can wait.”

  In a flash, I have her straight on her back as I hover above her on my elbows. “Challenge accepted.” Then I slide home causing a long moan to escape her lips.

  Chapter 22


  “Josh, at least try to act like you’re having a good time. Z cheated me when he got hitched in Vegas then planned a shotgun wedding leaving no time for some bachelor fun. Act like you care that I got you a fucking koozie with the date of your demise.”

  “I’m not dead asshole.”

  “Your bachelorhood will be. And I’m not gonna tell you that you’ll only get one pussy for the rest of your life, I now see how the other side lives. Georgie has domesticated me and I’m totally okay with you having one snatch for the rest of your life.”

  “I’m so glad you’re okay with it.” He laughs.

  “Did we really have to wear these?” Kyle questions looking down at his shirt.

  I went all out for this little bachelor soiree. Everyone got some cool ass swag, including a funny as shit tee shirt with a custom saying. Kyle is referring to his You’ve been training for this moment your whole life tee that has a picture of a pacifier, bottle and ice cream cone underneath the lettering.

  I chuckle to myself. “That’s classic.”

  “No, it’s gonna get my ass beat by some psycho chick tonight. How come they got the timid ones?”

  “Hold up, how is mine in any way timid?” Z pipes up.

  I look down at his I hope your couch pulls out because I don’t tee and feel a sense of pride. Damn I’m good.

  “What the hell’s wrong with yours? Don’t tell me it’s not true, you have a baby for fuck sake. They’re all awesome! Are we all just gonna be a bunch of women talking about our periods all night long or are we going to have some fucking fun? Forget about the girls, tonight is about us. Brothers doing manly things and bonding.”

  “What manly things will we be doing oh fun one?” Josh asks, a slight smirk on his lips letting me know he’s actually enjoying himself. I look down at his shirt that says I’m not gay, but $20 is $20.

  I can’t believe they actually wore their shirts without an argument. No, that’s a lie. There was plenty of argument, but I told them to suck it the fuck up and deal. This is my night… even if it’s really Josh’s. It’s all semantics when you’re a twin, everything is shared.

  “You don’t even know bro. By the end of the night you’ll be giving some hot little number a lap dance, I can promise you that.”

  “Jayden, you know Ashlyn’s rules.”

  “Fuck her rules, ye have little faith. Nothing tonight will get you in trouble, just sit back, relax and drink from your booby straw bro.”

  We proceed down the highway in our party bus. That’s right, I got the four of us a fucking party bus complete with a stripper pole.

  “Kyle, entertain me. Jump on the pole.”

  “No way in hell am I dancing for you assholes.” He yells shaking his head.

  I turn my head towards Zander. “I liked him a lot more when he wasn’t so mouthy. You get laid one time and BAM, you no longer have respect for your elders.”

  “Oh, and by the way, you never did tell us who the lucky lady was Kyle.” Josh inquires.

  “Someone I shouldn’t have slept with.”

  “What? The only person you should never sleep with are anyone that falls under the bro code and best friends. You don’t mess with friendship with a little light fucking.”

  Kyle cringes and it lets me know exactly who he did the sexy time with. “Kyle…” I sigh. “Please tell me you weren’t stupid enough to sleep with Sophie.” I stare at him while he’s looking at everything but me.

  “No way, he’s not that stupid. They’ve known each other since they were wee little tots in the sandbox.” Zander looks at Kyle. “Fuck, it was Sophie.”

  “It was Sophie and now she hates my guts. She won’t even talk to me.”

  “What did you do?” Josh asks.

  “Why do you think I did something?”

  “You did, just tell us what so we can help you.”

  He slightly shakes his head not wanting to elaborate on the story. It’s surprising. Him and Soph. I guess everyone expected them to get together one day and be the all-American couple. It’s blowing my mind that there’s issues. Maybe it shouldn’t though. Kyle’s been changing since he got word of his fight next year. Guess I’ll have to keep my baby bro humble. He tells us about a party they went to where she caught him making out with another girl, although he swears it wasn’t his fault. The girl mauled him and Sophie walked in at the point of face suckage.

  “She barely talks to me. But it might be for the best, I’ll be leaving.”

  “You’re leaving college at the end of the semester to try your hand in MMA, of course she’s acting weird. She thinks you’re just going to leave and never look back. And from the sounds of it, she might be right in her thoughts.”

  “I’d never do that to her.”

  “You guys have been friends for fucking ever, she’ll come around. Just promise me you won’t lose yourself when you head for Vegas.” Kyle nods his head. He’s clearly hurting right now, he’s always had a thing for Sophie. With his first real fight on the horizon he should be fucking ecstatic, not thinking about some puppy dog love.

  “Okay no more whining, we’re at our first destination. Let the festivities of Josh’s Bachelor Bash commence!”



  “This is my jam!” Savvy yells before she jumps up from the booth and starts swinging her hips. She’s a step away from jumping on our table.

  “When mom’s go wild.” I laugh.

  “Hey! I’ve been slow brewing a bambino for nine months and I haven’t had a single drink since my sweet baby boy popped out of my lady bits. My tolerance is shit and I need this tonight! Dance with me!” Savvy grabs both Ash and me, pulling us towards the dance floor.

  It’s not really a dance floor and if I were sober, I’d care that we’re about to start a flash mob in the center of a strip club. But I’m six deep in Margaritaville so I whip my hot pink feather boa in the air like I don’t care!

  “I’m jiggling, I can feel body parts flapping and I can’t stop myself from dancing to this song.” Ashlyn says while busting out the robot.

  Savvy spins around showing us her ass then proceeds to shake it. She points down. “See this jelly?” She shakes her ass some more. “This is 9 months hard time and 36 hours for evacuation. All my efforts left me with jiggly ass cheeks.” She still shakes it and I’m about ready to pee
my pants.

  “Show me the jiggle Georgie.” She demands then stops dancing. “You suck, you have not one jiggalicious spot on your whole body, you whore! You need to have a baby so you can shake it like we can!”

  “Um, I think I’ll wait a little bit. I can pretend.” I shimmy my chest hoping to satisfy her sudden jiggly fetish.

  “Fuck yes, jiggle one and jiggle two in the houuuussssseeeee!”

  We dance for a little while longer until my bladder starts screaming at me. “Shit I have to pee guys.”

  “Don’t do it!” Ashlyn says in a voice that can only be described as demon like. “If you break the seal you are screwed girlfriend!”

  “Fuck, I have to pee too. Let’s go Georgie, buddy system.” Savvy links her arm with mine as we head off in search of the bathrooms.

  “Wait for me! I have to go too!” We hear Ashlyn yell before she sprints past us.

  By the time we catch up to her in the hallway we find Ash sprawled out on the ground, ass up.

  “Thank god she’s wearing panties otherwise we’d be getting a show.” Savvy giggles before taking a picture with her phone. “Good blackmail.” She winks at me.

  I drop to my knees to assess Ash and find her laughing her ass off. “Who the fuck puts a trip wire in a public hallway? The government, that’s who!” Ash grabs my arm and I manage to hoist her off the ground. “Let’s get this urination thing done.”

  When we walk through the bathroom we notice there’s only two stalls. The normal thing to do would be for one of us to wait. Nope, Savvy declares she can share a toilet with her soul sister and they enter into a stall together. I was polite and let them take the giant stall.

  “Fuck Savvy, I think you just peed on me!”

  “No way, I think I’m peeing on the floor.”

  “Oh, okay. My mistake.”

  I do my business and then wash my hands. The guys are out for Josh’s bachelor party so I decide to check in. When I pull out my phone I have a text from Jayden.

  The Man, The Myth, The legend: I miss your ass, sugar tits! Are you behaving?

  Me: Not even a little bit, shit stain.

  The Man, The Myth, The Legend: That’s not a sexy term of endearment pumpkin. We’ll have to work on it. You know what else I’m gonna work on? You… later.

  He adds the eggplant emoji and the water squirting emoji. I shoot him back a text with a few emoji’s of my own. Who would have thought they could be so sexy? Another text pops up on my phone.

  The Man, The Myth, The Legend: I’m assuming you’re trashed. Otherwise you just told me you want to cut off my prized cock and feed it to a chicken.

  Me: Will I be seeing you soon? We’re just… at the club.

  I can’t tell him we’re at the strip club. The girls made me swear not to tell the guys we were going to a strip club.”

  The Man, The Myth, The Legend: I’m gonna make you pay tonight for that lie… with my tongue.

  Shoot, is it getting hot in here? I start to fan myself as the girls exit the restroom. Looking them over, I see no pee stains on their garments. Phew, I thought one of them would make me change clothes with them.

  “Oh no, the shows starting! We need to get to our seats!” Savvy yells before hauling ass out of the bathroom. Me and Ash are close behind not wanting to miss a second of the show either.

  We get back to our seats just as they’re announcing the first stripper named Hector. He’s apparently a firefighter that wants to use his hose to get us ladies wet. Yikes!

  I thought this would be awkward but it’s fun as hell. We’re dancing to the songs, clapping along, and screaming like sex deprived middle aged housewives. This is so much fun! It’s time to make it a little more exciting.

  When I was at the bank earlier I made sure to get a bunch of singles to stick in some G-strings. I pull out three stacks of ones and place one in front of each of us.

  “Yes, I’ve always wanted to make it rain in the club!” Savvy rips the paper band off her stack and stands up. She makes her way to the stage and holds the stack in front of her, rocks her hips and starts hitting the top of the stack with her other hand. The stripper looks like he wants to laugh, but he’s staying in character. Barely.

  “I’ve always wanted to stick a dollar bill in a G-string!” Ash jumps up and makes her way towards the stage where Savvy is still throwing her stack of bills around.

  I’m laughing my ass off when someone taps me on the shoulder scaring the shit out of me. Looking behind me I see Jayden standing with a huge smile on his face. I’m about to jump out of the booth and maul him when he places his finger in front of his face telling me we have a secret.

  “Where’s everyone else?” I whisper.


  “Where’s everyone else?” I whisper again.

  “Georgie the music’s fucking loud, speak up.”

  “Where’s everyone else?” I yell and he points to the ground.

  When I look over the booth I see Zander, Josh and Kyle all on their hands in knees apparently hiding from us. When I look back up at Jayden he lifts his hand pretending to be drinking a bottle. Oh, he’s saying they’re trashed. Fun!

  He bends down and tells me the master plan in my ear and I can’t stop giggling. Number one, I’m horny as hell right now. Jayden does that to me. Number two, this plan is brilliant. So brilliant, I suggest we do the same for Savv and Zander. Kyle’s on his own. No way am I setting him up with a stripper. Although, a little lap dance couldn’t hurt him?

  The guys disappear before the girls come back to the booth and it’s time to put the plan in motion.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you ladies.” I smile sweetly at them.

  “I love surprises!” Ashlyn claps her hands.

  “Follow me.”

  They follow closely to the opposite side of the club where there’s a curtain blocking the view of a hallway. I pull it back and hold it for my sister and Savvy.

  “Are we allowed to be back here? I don’t even care, look at the silk on the walls.” Ash walks up and starts rubbing her bare shoulder on the material.

  “Okay ladies, I got you private dances. They are by the best dancers in the club and they swore to me you wouldn’t be disappointed.” I wink.

  “Wait, no. No, no, no. No!”

  “No freaking way, how awkward! We can’t Georgie. It was a nice gesture and all.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer. Let’s go.” I grab their elbows and hall them to the doors that are on either side of the hallway. Shit who’s supposed to go in which door? I start to panic. What if I send Ash into Zander?

  I hear a little noise and look at the end of the hall where the noise came from. I see Jayden hiding behind a curtain pointing from Savvy to the room on my left. Thank god!

  “Alright, Savv. In you go.” I open the door and all but throw her through then proceed to do the same to Ash. Once they’re in their respective rooms I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Way to go baby girl.” Jayden walks up to me and pushes me up against the wall. I look around to see if anyone’s watching us.

  “There’s a bodyguard on either side of the curtain, no one’s coming in under my orders.” He bends his head down and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth.

  I push him away and look at his confused expression. Giving him a sly smile, I grab the band of my panties under my dress and pull them down. Once I step out Jayden grabs them from my hand and places them in his pocket.

  God I’m turned on and I need him so bad. I turn around and place my hands on the wall, inviting him to have at it.

  “Fuck Georgie. Are you wet for me already?” He moves up behind my back and I feel his hands caressing my skin as they move upwards taking my dress with them.

  When my dress is at my waist I’m bared for all to see should someone sneak back here. I’ve gotten so used to Jayden’s kink it doesn’t bother me anymore. Sometimes I hope someone will walk in on us.

  When I feel his fingers dip inside of me I moan. �
��How long do you think we have?” I question.

  “Does it matter? I’ve told you before, I’m rushed by nothing.” He nips at my neck causing a shiver to run up my spine.

  “But I must say, we’ve never had a quickie. How about it? Are you ready for another lesson baby?”

  “Yes, god yes.” I yell when I hear the zipper of his jeans.

  “First, I need to make sure you’re ready for this. That you’re just short of begging for my cock.”

  When I reach back and thread my fingers into his hair, he grabs my hands and places them back on the wall. “Grab the wall Sunshine and don’t let go.” And I do as I’m told.

  When I feel his penis probing my ass cheeks I grind back against him. “Fuck, you’re ready for me and I’ve barely touched you.”

  I arch my back and he plunges himself into my center. Hard. I almost lose my breath from the sheer pleasure coursing through my body.

  “Fuck me Jayden.” I cry out.

  He grinds his hips in and out a few times. “You know what that does to me don’t you. When you talk dirty to me. Do you feel me owning this pussy? It’s mine.” He pulls out and slams into me. Hard.

  I’m flush against the wall and he doesn’t stop. If anything, he picks up the pace and pushes even harder, sinking into me farther and farther each time. The pain mixed with pleasure is the combination my body’s calling for. Never has he been so rough with me and I’ve never been turned on more in my life.

  “You’re close baby. Your soaking wet pussy is starting to squeeze my cock so fucking tight I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back much longer. Do you want me to come?”

  I nod my head yes.

  “Say it.”

  “Come with me. Please!” I squeak out as I feel my orgasm fast approaching.

  “Don’t come yet.” He links his fingers with mine on the wall. “Hold it back.” One hand comes down and starts playing with my clit as he thrusts his hips. The sound of his flesh slapping on my own the only thing I can hear over our heavy breathing.


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