Dance With Destiny

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Dance With Destiny Page 6

by Louise Crawford Ramona Butler

  His lips tightened briefly, but he said nothing about her date until he'd fixed her bike and tossed his tools back in his truck. Only then did he nail her with a searching look, the cocky young brave completely gone. "You seeing another taivos?" he asked quietly, wiping grease from his calloused hands with a grimy rag.

  She noted the corded muscles in his neck. His chiseled features, long black hair braided at the sides and held in place with a red bandana headband, all shouted Indian. His stance made her feel defensive and annoyed at the same time. "The doctor I'm dating happens to be white, yes."

  Jake's mouth turn down at the corners. "Wasn’t that last dude a doctor, too?” Pure disapproval.

  She didn’t want to think about that fiasco. “Yes.”

  His dark eyes flashed as he met her stare. “To whites, we all look alike, Des. Why can’t you see that?”

  Same Jake, same argument. “Because you’re wrong.”

  He crossed his arms and studied her. “He means a lot to you." Not a question, but a statement.

  She nodded, disliking the friction between them, wishing that just once he would realize they didn't have to see everything the same.

  A reluctant smile broke across his face, surprising her. He shook his head. "Creepin’ Cannibals. Anyone else from Pyramid and I'd say 'you're making a mistake.' But not my sister." His tone softened. "The reservation's never been quite enough for you, has it?"

  Her heart swelled with love. "Or you either, Jake."

  He chuckled ruefully. “You just might be surprised, Des.” He gave her a quick hug. "Take care, Doctor Sis. You need me, you know where to find me."

  "Thanks, wannga'a." Watching him amble back to his battered pickup, her heart lurched and she repeated the sentiment, "Thanks, little brother."

  Minutes later, she had her overnight bag on the rear of her Yamaha, her jacket and helmet on, and was roaring down the highway. It was only 6:00. She'd be there within the hour.

  Her stomach rumbled. “I’ll get to you later,” she promised. Much later. Her hungry hormones needed satisfaction first.

  Chapter Seven

  Driving along the edge of Lake Tahoe with her helmet visor up, the wind cool against her face, Destiny marveled as she always did at the scenic beauty. The sun, now a great red ball slowly settling toward earth, lit the sparkling azure water. In some spots, the lake appeared midnight blue, in others, deep green, a reflection of the firs that dominated the perimeter. The fresh scent of pine teased her nose as she slowed for a turn. According to Web's directions, she was almost there.

  She pulled to a stop before an A-frame nestled in a large wooded lot, the cabin's picture windows mirroring the sunset. Stairs led from a wrap-around deck to the drive and carport. When she spotted Cole's Lexus, her heart kicked into high gear.

  After parking her bike, she grabbed her bag and ran up the steps. Nervous perspiration trickled down her back. She dropped her bag, helmet and leather jacket, tucked the tail of her tank top back into her jeans. Then she knocked.

  No answer. The only sound was a whisper of wind in the treetops.

  She knocked again. Golly ghost dance, the man was elusive. This was turning into a regular spirit-tracking expedition. She banged on the door one last time. Where was he?

  She tried the door knob. Locked.

  Walking around the deck to the back of the cabin, she tried a sliding glass door. Also locked. She noted a covered hot tub, patio table and chairs. She glanced at the book face-down on the table top. The blurb on the back cover jumped out at her, He's waiting for you...

  "Don’t I wish," she muttered under her breath, checking her watch. Maybe he'd decided to eat out instead of grilling those halibut steaks he’d mentioned – after she'd apologized for tearing into him like that about her contract.

  Continuing her exploration, she noted the barbecue was all set to fire up. Darn, everything was here but the good doctor!

  "What the hey?" Cole's voice split the silence and she jumped a half mile, her heart in her throat as she whirled.

  He wore nothing but skimpy, bright green swim trunks. All that bare skin glistened with moisture. Six foot two, eyes of blue, and a towel draped over one shoulder. Gorgeous.

  Her gaze slid down his muscular chest to his flat stomach. Adrenaline hit, making her hyper-aware of his proximity, his virility. He was First Man, she was First Woman and together they would create the world anew.

  "Cole..." Did he hear the longing in her soul?

  He mopped his face with his towel. "I went for a swim. It's pretty cold though."

  She wondered if it was as cold as her reception.

  His gaze wandered up her legs to her face, his expression demanding an explanation. For her presence? Or merely her tardiness?

  "I tried to call you at home and then here. When I couldn't reach you... well, here I am."

  "Where's Web?" A decided chill in that voice.

  "At home, I suppose."

  His eyebrows drew together.

  Did he really think she could be interested in Web after she'd moved several planets just to get here?

  "Come on inside," he said, turning away and leading her to the front door where he picked up her helmet.

  No welcoming hug or glad-you-could-make-it?

  She grabbed her other things and followed, letting her gaze skid from the high ceilings and massive stone fireplace to the blue and white country kitchen, looking anywhere but at Cole.

  He ambled over to the bar which separated this floor into two rooms. She couldn’t resist studying his bare back and tight buns--a view that took her breath away. Simply setting her helmet aside, the ripple of his arm muscles mesmerized her as though he were Svengali.

  She swallowed hard, heat flooding her face. "I feel sweaty from the ride up. And...uh, seem to be a bit woozy. Can we talk after I freshen up?"

  He gestured toward the stairs leading below. "There's a bedroom and bath down there. Another one on this floor.” No trace of emotion. “The master bedroom suite is upstairs. Take your pick."

  "Downstairs will be fine."

  Now why had she said that? He would naturally be using the master bedroom. Hadn't she come here to be with him?

  Later, she told herself, after we talk, then I'll move.

  Hurrying down the stairs, she missed the last one and landed in an inglorious heap on her backside.

  "Destiny!" Cole yelped.

  Feeling shell-shocked, she sat there a moment.

  He was beside her in two seconds with something more than professional concern in his eyes. "Are you all right?"

  She rubbed her rear. "Pride's a bit tarnished," she murmured, getting to her feet, all too aware of his nearness. Everything she wanted in a man. Forthright. Sincere. Tender. And a bit clumsy, but she didn't have any room to talk.

  The slight twinge of pain at the end of her spine vanished as she lost herself in the sea of his blue, blue eyes. Her heart pounded like the drumbeat at a powwow.

  He slipped his arm around her waist, his heat blistering through her thin cotton top. "Destiny?" He whispered her name, still questioning, but hunger had replaced his earlier tone.

  She lifted her lips to meet his. Their tentative kiss turned wild and famished as she opened to him. His tongue danced, teasing. Tingling excitement and delicious shivers of need spread down through her middle. She could feel every inch of him as she melted against him.

  Without a word, Cole swung her into his arms and carried her into the downstairs bedroom. His blue eyes were dark, fathomless pools in the gray shadows as he gently placed her on the bed and stretched out at her side. But he didn't touch her.

  She silently cursed the space between them.

  "What do you want, Destiny?" Rusty barbed-wire etched his tone.

  "You," she gasped, sliding her hand across his chest, relishing the rough feel of his hair. "I want to make love with you."

  He raised himself on one arm, lifted his other hand and traced her lips. "And I want this to be special."
  A jolt of unadulterated desire shot through her as his tongue followed the invisible trail forged by his fingertip.

  "Oh, Cole, I've longed for this..." She looked into his face, noted the furrow between his brows, caught a glint of wariness in his eyes. "Cole?"

  With a low-pitched groan, he wrapped both hands around hers, brought them chest-high and pushed himself away. "Before this gets completely out of control, I think we better have that talk."

  "Now?" she sputtered, still tingling from his kisses.

  "Now." He managed a tight smile.

  She sat up, straightening her clothes as she tucked her legs beneath her, embarrassed, and suddenly very, very weary. "You want to know why I said I couldn't make it – then show up?"

  He nodded.

  She felt the distance widen between them, broad as the state of Texas. "I hadn't been off work more than an hour when the shift nurse called. There'd been a bad accident on the Kingsbury Grade. They had a man, critically injured – not expected to make it. His name was listed as Moon."

  A shudder ran through her. "Thanks to everything sacred, it wasn't my brother."

  She closed her eyes, blinked them open, still feeling the effects of her long shift, little sleep, and the emotional drain. Darn it, when had she ever felt so ready to drop? "The nurse who'd called felt terrible about alarming me. But I was just so grateful..."

  "So you decided to celebrate with Web." A flat, accusing tone.

  "No! Why do you keep insisting there's something going on between Web and I?"

  "He can do a lot for you."

  "Yeah. Like give me a ride home when my bike breaks down!"

  Relief filled Cole's eyes and his face slowly relaxed. He reached out, sketching the contours of her arms with strong hands. "Is that what happened?"

  "The whole truth and nothing but, I swear." She smiled as the last hint of doubt faded from his expression. But she didn't want him getting too smug. "Wait. I take that back. The whole and complete truth is..."

  His hands stilled.

  "...that my backside hurts like I've been kicked by a wild burro." She twisted to relieve another twinge.

  Fighting a grin, he gave her an amused look. "And?"

  "It's probably jealous of all the T.L.C. the rest of me's getting."

  The temperature of his gaze went up a notch. "So?"

  "So, Doc Holliday," She gave him a sleepy smile. "Just how talented are those hands of yours?"

  His chuckle sounded husky, full of desire, sending ripples of anticipation through her. He wiggled his fingers in the air. "I guess we'll just have to find out..." But he slid from the bed, then turned for a moment to study her. "Later."

  It was a whispered vow that lingered as his footsteps thumped on the stairs.

  She melted against the bed, her eyelids heavy, desire mixing with the need for sleep. Cole's voice drifted to her, fanning the wings of dreams. "Get some sleep, Sweetheart."

  She sighed, missing his arms, his touch, but in her dreams she had both.


  Reluctantly, Cole climbed the stairs. Whether Destiny realized it or not, she was exhausted and needed sleep. No matter what his own body demanded, he could wait. This wasn't a race. He wanted them both to enjoy every second.

  He returned to the room a few minutes later with a folded comforter. From the doorway, she looked like a copper-skinned Sleeping Beauty, her long black hair fanned out across the white bedspread making him itch to bury his fingers in its silken strands.

  A stronger urge, to kiss her awake, surged through him and he found himself moving to the edge of the bed, his gaze following the long line of her slender legs from her slender ankles to her trim waist. He took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, unfolding the comforter and gently covering her. Oh Lord, he ached to join her, caress her delectable body, steal into her dreams. He wanted to wake up to this vision every morning, go to bed with her every night. Every time they were together, the need to keep this woman with him – for always – grew stronger.

  She stirred, murmuring a Paiute endearment. He recognized the word. Hiddse, sweetheart.

  And still he forced himself to move away from her, to climb the stairs back to the kitchen where he chugged down a tall glass of ice water before stepping outside to start the barbecue.

  An hour later, dinner was on the table, candles lit, frosty glasses filled with wine. Fresh from the shower, he pulled on chinos and a loose-fitting Hawaiian-print shirt, then padded downstairs to wake Destiny.

  The bed was empty. His gaze flew to the closed bathroom door and the sliver of light beneath. The sound of running water stopped even as he became aware of it. "Destiny?"

  "Be right out."

  Within seconds, the door opened. He felt his jaw drop. She wore a short, splashy blue sundress with spaghetti straps, fitted waist--and no bra. The flared skirt showed off her long legs. "Dinner's ready," he croaked.

  She flashed him a bright smile. "Thanks for the nap. I feel great." She crossed the room in four quick strides, slipped her arms around his neck, kissed him lightly, then pulled back. "And I'm hungry."

  Lightheaded from her nearness, yet resisting the urge to forget dinner and go straight to dessert, Cole drew her up the stairs to the main part of the cabin.

  "Oh-h-h, that looks wonderful!" she gasped, her gaze directed at the table. He pulled out her chair, then scooted it in as she sat, wishing he was the chair.

  She lifted her goblet of ice water to her lips. A delicate sip left her mouth dotted with moisture. He ached to lick it off, taste the sweet softness outside, the wet heat within. God, dinner was going to be pure torture.

  He got up abruptly, crossed to the sliding glass door and pulled it open, absorbing the chilly breeze from the lake.

  Forget dinner, his mind shouted.

  No, he argued, keeping his silence as he resumed his seat. He was not going to act like a randy college jock.

  He saw Destiny's hand tremble as she set down her glass. "Mind if I say a prayer?" she asked.

  "I'd like that."

  "The wind stirs the willows and the gentle breeze stirs the grasses. For the sun. For the rivers. For all living creatures. For these things, we are grateful."

  Cole echoed her words, then dug in, amazed to discover he could eat. Everything tasted great. Plus, he hadn't barbecued the cabin. No lumpy rice, no brittle broccoli or crisp carrots. The perfect amount of butter, garlic, and basil on the fish. Surprise, surprise.

  "Mmmm..." Destiny murmured, licking her lips, her innocent gesture sexy as hell. "Maybe you should forget being a surgeon."

  "Then I wouldn't get to see you everyday."

  He could hardly believe she was here, sitting next to him, her dark brown eyes alive with enjoyment, passion banked in their depths, waiting to be lit...

  The occasion called for a toast. He lifted his wine glass. Oops. Too fast. White zin over the side. Darn. Things had been going so well!

  She grabbed for extra napkins, hit her own glass and sent ice water spilling across the table. "Oh, no!" She leaped to her feet.

  "It's all right," he said, dashing into the kitchen to snag a couple of hand towels, then back to mop up the mess. This he was an expert at.

  Destiny’s eyes twinkled. "Why are you smiling, Dr. Jackson? Your fish is swimming in a lake of ice water."

  Sudden shyness washed over him. "Just thinking – we have a lot in common. Didn't you know I've been called the Klutz King of Carson City."

  "Sounds awfully unlikely."

  "Ask Fran, she'll tell you."


  He nodded. "Truth."

  "She already did."

  "And you were still willing to risk your life by spending the weekend in the Klutz King's company?"

  She laughed, a throaty sound that raced through him like a pinball on fire. His heart rate zoomed and he forgot the fish. Other needs signaled him now.

  Destiny's eyes darkened as if reacting to the same siren call. "Cole."

The way she said his name sent pleasure pulsing through him. He wanted to hear his name on her lips as he took her, filled her, wanted to hear it again and again and again.

  Under his hands, the spaghetti straps slid easily from her petal-smooth shoulders. He bent and kissed the hollow of her neck, eliciting a small moan from her. He found her lips and captured them. She tasted like sweet wine, heady, fruity, cool, then hot. The scent of her hair, like wildflowers, filled his nostrils.

  Her hands left a trail of fire as they slid across his back. He'd dreamed of this and now it was so much more. The primal feminine scent of her skin intoxicated him.

  She nibbled his earlobe. Electricity shot down his spine as though his ear was connected to some very unexpected parts of his lower body.

  Blood roared in his ears, drowning out everything but the need to taste her, pleasure her. "Destiny..." He groaned her name, lost to reality, volcanos exploding throughout his entire being. It took every ounce of willpower he had to pull back. Kneeling, he slipped his hands under her and lifted her with him. Her lips protested the wait. Covering them with his own, he could barely see to navigate. The room was an obstacle course. He could see little past her raven hair.

  His foot connected with a chair and he tore his lips from hers. "Ow! Holy Darn!"

  "What happened?"

  "Just my big toe getting in the way," he managed between clenched teeth, finally making it up the stairs to the bedroom.

  She chuckled. "I can walk, Cole."

  But he didn't want to put her down--ever.

  Like a man traversing the last few feet of a tightrope, he lunged across the room. His other foot slammed against the nightstand.

  Yelping a curse, he dropped Destiny on the bed, his smashed toes screaming for attention. "Destiny, I..." Silhouetted against the light of the setting sun, a golden halo enveloped her skin. "Lord, but you're beautiful," he rasped, afraid to move, afraid if he did, he would awaken from this dream.

  She reached up and brushed her lips against his.

  “Oh Lord, woman.” He slid his fingers through the silken mass of her hair. "You keep that up and this is all going to be over in a very few minutes."


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