When Night Falls (Regeneration Series Book 1)

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When Night Falls (Regeneration Series Book 1) Page 6

by Airicka Phoenix

  “Like what?” a man in the crowd called when Isabella stopped speaking.

  Isabelle splayed her long fingers, each tip painted a violent red. “Like bacterial and foreign allergens that we were not exposed to on earth. Our scouts have located several strands of microorganisms that could prove fatal if we don’t prepare for it properly, which is why our scouts have brought up samples that we have analyzed and extracted to suit our needs. We ask that each of you book an appointment with Dr. Ora in the next week or so for your required boosters.”

  Scarlett exchanged glances with Hunter, his expression as bemused as she felt. But neither said a word as a voice rang from the crowd.

  “Boosters for what?”

  There was a tight glint of impatience on Isabella’s delicate features now that she kept carefully masked behind an indulgent smile when she spoke.

  “To help us adapt to the new environment when we land,” she said calmly. “It’s an old, barbaric method the people of earth used to practice where they would inject themselves with a small dose of the disease in order to build an immune system against it. Of course, it is outdated and no longer used, but our ship isn’t equipped for the proper procedures as we would have been had we been home so we must utilize whatever method we have at our disposal.”

  “So these boosters will help us adapt?” a woman in the front row asked.

  “That is what we hope, yes,” Isabella said with a nod.

  “What if we react badly?” another woman demanded. “Shouldn’t you first test it on a few, then—?”

  “We cannot prolong this,” Isabelle intervened. “We are not as close to the sun as we once had been. Our solar energy has already begun to decrease, which will affect our crops, our lighting and eventually our controls. We could redirect the ship, but that would take even more time and more power. The faster we complete this step, the faster we can land.” She paused for a moment, seemingly collecting herself before speaking again. “The boosters are perfectly safe, I assure you. It’s no more than a vitamin supplement to build our immune system. We would never deliberately put any of you in harm’s way without the proper diagnosis. And, yes, of course it has been tested. The scouts we sent below were injected just this morning with very positive results.” Her smile broadened. “We would never make this announcement if we weren’t absolutely certain of its safety.”

  This seemed to calm the uncertainty hanging through the room. People relaxed in their seats, warming up to the idea of being injected by mystery juice. Scarlett had yet to be convinced of its necessity. There were still too many questions, far too many for her to grasp a single one, but the number of them held back her desires to celebrate.

  “In the meantime,” Isabella went on, satisfied now that everyone was accepting her dictatorship. “We will be sending another search party below to map the area and localize the best locations for us to begin colonizing.”

  “Will we be the only life forms there?” a man asked.

  Isabella folded her spidery fingers at her midsection. “Our probes and scouts have yet to locate any other sentient beings. We are going by the assumption that we will be the only ones. Nevertheless, we have precautions in place to protect us should we require it.” Her face broke into an understanding smile. “You’re excited and perhaps even a little frightened, but everything we do is to ensure your safe arrival. I assure you.”

  Scarlett felt anything but assured as she followed the crowd out of the theater ten minutes later.

  “I’m going to go see if I can get my name on that list for the boosters,” Grams said, giving Scarlett’s elbow a light squeeze. “Then I have to reopen the shop, but I’ll see you for supper, hmm?”

  Scarlett nodded, then stopped herself. “Do you really want to right now?” she asked. “I mean, shouldn’t you wait until a few people have tried and—”

  “Don’t be silly, dear. You heard the captain. Everything is fine. She wouldn’t suggest something she wasn’t sure of.”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Don’t be such a worry monkey, Red,” Hunter said, giving her a playful shove. “This is a good thing.”

  Maybe it was, but if it was, Scarlett couldn’t shake the unease snapping inside her.

  “I just think we should wait,” she attempted again. “Just a day or so.”

  “There won’t be any spots open then and we’ll be last to leave this ship,” Hunter argued. “Look.” He took her shoulders lightly in his hands and gave her a gentle shake. “I know what’s wrong. You’re feeling guilty and scared, but you can’t let the fact that our families aren’t here keep you from living the rest of your life. It’s time to get off this floating can, Red.”

  “He’s right, Scarlett.” Grams smiled at her patiently. “It was tragic what happened, but we need to keep going.”

  With an affectionate pat on the cheek for Scarlett, Grams started in the direction of the transporters without a backward glance.

  “I’m going with Grams.” Hunter started after her. “Want me to sign you up while I’m there?”

  Scarlett shook her head. “I’ll do it.”

  “Okay, but we’re going to celebrate hard when I get back.”

  Hunter wasn’t the only one ready to party the night into oblivion. The club they walked into was different from the one they normally inhabited. The crowd was wilder, older, and the air seemed to pulse as though the music was a physical force beating against glass. Scarlett studied the scene with a certain amount of hesitance she normally wouldn’t have shown.

  “I don’t know about this place!” she shouted into Hunter’s ear.

  “It’ll be great!” he said back. “We needed a change from the kiddy club.”

  Maybe it was because there was too much change happening around her, but Scarlett wasn’t ready to accept another one. Nevertheless, when Hunter took her hand and guided her into the throng of chaos, she followed.

  “We can’t stay long!” she said as Hunter jumped right into the thundering beat. “I have to work in the morning … and so do you!”

  Hunter dismissed her reminder by grabbing her arm and yanking her into a dizzying spin. Time seemed to vanish after that. The world blurred, faces distorted, and the sound exploded as Scarlett drowned in the shimmering lights. A thick numbness settled over her senses so all she could feel was strange, unnatural sway of her body, and the odd bursts of colors that seemed to shatter from all around her. A delirious sort of giddiness cloaked her, dosing her with a freedom she hadn’t felt in ages, and the more she danced, the freer she felt until she was sure she could fly.

  “Haven’t seen you here before,” someone said into her ear. Firm hands dropped onto her hips, slowing them and drawing them back against a pair of toned thighs. A chest came up against her back. “What’s your name?”

  Loopy, but pumping with adrenaline, Scarlett spun around, still jumping in time to the music and smiled at the handsome man standing behind her.

  “Scarlett!” she said, and laughed when her voice slurred. “Scarlett!” she tried again and laughed harder. She couldn’t stop laughing, even though she had no idea what was so funny.

  The man laughed, too. “Darwin.” He closed the space between them and pulled her into his chest. “You’re probably the hottest girl here.”

  It was there, somewhere at the back of her mind, a voice urged her to push him away. She knew he was making her uncomfortable. His closeness was unwanted. But it was so small, so lost in the muddle of her mind. She couldn’t focus on it. She couldn’t think.

  “Hunter…” Her hands made a feeble shove, trying to get the guy off. “Hunter!”

  Too many faces. Too many jumping and moving bodies. She couldn’t find him. The lights were too bright and the music too loud. Her stomach heaved as everything pounded on her.

  “Need air…!” she gasped, staggering out of the confines restraining her.

  Which way was out? There were too many people. Disorientation slammed into her. Her feet tangled. Someone caught h

  “Easy, love. I’ll take you.”

  The hand was too persistent. She was hauled through the turmoil. Shoulders bumped her, faces leered from all directions. Everything twirled like a kaleidoscope and her supper roiled in her stomach.

  “What’s happening?” she croaked when everything suddenly stopped. The noise, the people, the smells … gone. But her brain continued to pound and the nausea built in her chest.

  Her companion chuckled. “First time in an adult’s club, Scarlett? Guess no one told you the dose of delirium they use in the kiddie sector is doubled once you reach the higher age group, huh? It always hits the newcomers extra hard the first time.”

  Using the wall as leverage, Scarlett pushed herself off. She staggered, but kept on her feet. “Hunter. I have to—”

  “Slow down, sweetheart.” Hurtful hands shoved her, sending her back into the wall. She collided and everything spun. “No need to hurry off.” Something fisted in her hair. Her face was yanked up. “I thought you wanted air.”

  His mouth closed over hers, choking her with the tongue he forced between her lips. The sour taste of candy filled her mouth, making her gag and try to twist away. Five blunt fingers curled around her throat, restraining her as she was mashed into the wall by a hard, grinding body. A knee was forced between her thighs and she was vaguely aware of something tearing. It sounded like fabric. Something forced itself beneath her skirt.

  “No!” She struggled against the numbness weighing down her arms.

  “Hold still.” His sweet breath washed over her face. “This won’t take long. You’ll like it.”

  He was right. It didn’t take long. No sooner had he touched her bare hip with his fingertips than her stomach revolted and they were both drenched in hot, sticky sickness.

  With a curse, he shot back. Removed of his support, Scarlett crumpled to the ground, choking on what little was left in her stomach.

  “You bitch!” Darwin snarled, using his hands to swipe at the slimy chunks clinging to his front.

  It would have been satisfying, even amusing, if she could stop the heaving, could stop the violent tremors that wrecked her body. But it was taking all her effort to keep from collapsing completely right there in the hallway.

  “What’s going on here?” The voice belonged to a third party she couldn’t see.

  Scarlett tried to twist her head around, but the simple gesture of raising it sent the walls and floors bleeding together and spinning. She shut her eyes and passed a shaky arm across her mouth.

  “Help…” she croaked, her voice hoarse.

  “Scarlett?” There was a scuffle of feet. Then someone was in front of her, taking her shoulders and pushing her back. Something solid and cold touched her back. “Scarlett!” Hairs were pushed off her face and her cheek was patted. “Scarlett, look at me!”

  Her eyelids parted and she blinked at the swaying figure inches from her face.


  Rolf’s fingers tightened on her shoulders. “Did he hurt you?”

  Her head lolled forward, her chin nearly brushing her chest. She picked at the torn fabric of her dress, now damp with sweat and vomit, with two fingers.

  “He ripped my dress.” She let the soggy material drop along with the hand she could no longer support. “He wouldn’t stop.” She forced herself to meet Rolf’s brown eyes even though it felt impossible. “He was trying to … to—”

  “She’s lying!” Darwin’s hysterical exclamation echoed like a bomb exploding inside her skull. She winced. “She came on to me. She asked for it.”

  The hands holding her vanished.

  “You son of a bitch!”

  She had no idea where Rolf went, because he was suddenly gone, too. Then there was a crack, followed by a thud and more cracks. Disorientated, it took her a moment to turn her head in the direction of the noise. It took even longer for her fuzzy brain to make sense of the image unfolding before her.

  Rolf sat straddling Darwin, fists flying. Maybe it was her drug induced imagination, but they were blurs cutting through the air and slamming into Darwin’s already bloody and bruised face. There were four other people standing over them, grabbing at Rolf, trying to pry him off. They were shouting something unintelligible.

  Scarlett ignored them. Her head hurt, her tongue tasted funny, and she smelled gross; but most importantly she needed to get Hunter and go home. She didn’t want to be there anymore. Now if only she could find her legs. They seemed to be missing, or at least she couldn’t feel them if they were still there. God, she was so tired.

  “Scarlett?” Rolf was there again, his eyes dark and wild against a face speckled with blood. “Stay awake, okay?”

  “Hunter,” she slurred. “Get Hunter, please. He’s there…” She pointed in some random direction, having no idea where the door to the club was. “Please. Don’t leave him.”

  Something shifted across his face, but he kept her gaze. “I’ll get him, but you need to stay awake. Can you do that?”

  Scarlett swallowed, grimaced at the rancid taste. “I threw up.”

  The hardness in his eyes melted into amusement. “Yeah, you did.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He touched her cheek. “Nothing to be sorry about. Just stay awake.” He started to rise.

  With a strength she didn’t know she possessed, she grabbed him. “Don’t leave me.”

  He bent down and pushed aside a strand of hair off her face. “I’m going to find Hunter. I’ll be right back.”

  Hunter. Yes, they needed to find Hunter.

  She released Rolf and watched as he rose and went over to the group standing a short distance away. She could feel their eyes watching her, but she couldn’t find the sense to be embarrassed or self-conscious.

  There was no concept of time when Rolf returned. He dropped down in front of her and scooped her up into his arms.

  “I’m gross,” she protested as he pressed her into his chest. Her head lolled onto his shoulder. “I’ll make you dirty.”

  “I get you in my arms. Don’t really care about the rest.”

  It was unclear how it happened, but she blinked and they were at her apartment and she was looking into the worried face of her grandmother. Words were exchanged and she was taken into the washroom. Then it was just her grandmother removing the beautiful dress she’d bought Scarlett for her birthday.

  “I’m sorry,” Scarlett said as she was cleaned. “He ripped it. I told him to stop.”

  “It’s all right, sweetie.” Grams dosed her with cold water, jolting Scarlett’s senses back. “You’re safe now.”

  “Rolf hit him,” she said, trying to make her grandmother see that the wrong had been righted and revenge had been taken for her dress. “He hit him hard.”

  Grams smiled. “I noticed that. Boy will have to get his knuckles looked at by Dr. Ora.”

  Scarlett was dressed in flannel bottoms and a T-shirt. Her hair and teeth were brushed and she was left on the toilet as her grandmother went to get Rolf despite Scarlett’s protest that she felt lucid once more. He walked in almost instantly. His blazer was off and she had a suspicion it was because it was covered in her sick.

  She grimaced sheepishly. “I’m sorry.”

  Without missing a beat, he lifted her into his arms. “You said that already.”

  “I can walk.”

  His response was to carry her out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. He lowered her gently onto the mattress.

  “Where’s Hunter?” she asked him as he drew the covers over her.

  She didn’t miss the glance he tossed the other side of her bed before he drew away.

  “Your grandmother’s taking care of him now.”

  “Is he okay?”

  Rolf nodded. “He’ll be fine … unfortunately.”

  Scarlett frowned. “What? Why would you say that?”

  “Because it was his responsibility to look after you!” His unexpected growl made her jump. “It was his job to make sure you w
ere safe.”

  “It wasn’t his fault!” she cried, struggling to sit up. “I—”

  “Not his fault?” Fire snapped behind his eyes. “He took you into that place, then he left you alone. How is that not his fault? He’s lucky I don’t go out there and beat the shit out of him.”

  “Don’t you dare!” she shot back. “He’s done nothing wrong. It was my fault for leaving with the guy. If you’re going to be angry with someone—”

  “You’re right. It was your fault. What were you thinking, Scarlett?”

  “I was dancing … alone!” She added before he could comment on it. “I don’t know where he came from. I tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t let go. I don’t even know how we got into the hallway.”

  “The drugs,” he muttered. “It’s not supposed to happen, but it does. It’s lowers inhibition just enough so people can have fun. Sometimes, they go too far.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it was your fault. It wasn’t.”

  “And Hunter?” she prodded, folding her arms.

  Rolf’s eyes narrowed. “I still want to beat the shit out of him for letting that happen to you. He should have been paying attention, not … doing whatever he was doing and leaving you alone.”

  “We were there to have fun. He would never have gone if he’d known. Hunter’s not a bad guy, Rolf.”

  “Debatable,” he mumbled, turning his head away.

  “He’s not,” she pressed. “I know him better than anyone.”

  He said nothing for a moment. Then he glanced at her, his face shadowed. “You should get some rest.”

  Knowing the end of a topic when she heard one, Scarlett scooted back down on the mattress and drew the covers up around her shoulders.

  “Goodnight,” Rolf said and started for the door.

  “Night, and, Rolf?” She waited until he’d turned back to her. “Thank you.”


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