Power Surge: MMF Bisexual Romance

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Power Surge: MMF Bisexual Romance Page 1

by Bianca Vix

  Table of Contents


  Power Surge

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  More MMF Romance!

  Preview: Take a Shot

  Keep in Touch



  Power Surge

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  More MMF Romance!

  Preview: Take a Shot

  Chapter 1

  Keep in Touch


  Power Surge

  by Bianca Vix

  Copyright © 2017 by Bianca Vix

  Published by Chocolate Erotic Press

  Book and cover design by Fine Line Design

  All rights reserved.

  Power Surge is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people (living or dead), events or locations is entirely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

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  Also by Bianca Vix:

  Take a Shot

  Big League

  Love for Three

  A Summer Dream

  After Hours

  Power Surge

  MMF bisexual romance.


  Rob is the last thing I need in my life. Same with James. But I can’t help what I want.

  This isn’t how my career is supposed to be starting out. I can’t get distracted. Not even by two of the hottest men I’ve ever seen IRL. One’s a man whore. One’s married to his work. Oh, and they’re both my bosses. There’s no chance anything good can happen with either one of them.


  Failure is not an option for me. Not in business.

  Relationships might just be a different story. But who cares? I’ve made a hell of a lot of money and I’m about to get set up for life. Rob is the most frustrating man I’ve ever known. It didn’t used to be like this. We’ve been friends forever, and business partners since before we became successful. Lately he bugs the hell out of me, ever since we set our sights on the same woman. Melissa works for us so she’s way off-limits to me. Just like Rob is.


  My life is just the way I want it. All about sex and money.

  James thinks I only care about whoring around, but that’s not true. Our company is very important to me too. Just because I can have anything—or anyone—that I want, doesn’t mean I don’t work hard. Besides, there’s a couple people I want that I can’t have. Having them could blow everything up. And I can’t risk that.

  Nobody gets everything they want.

  Chapter 1


  “What the fuck, Quentin?”

  It’s not how I usually answer the phone, but it’s four in the morning. And it’s Monday.

  “Why are you calling me now?” I can get back to sleep if I end this call in the next thirty seconds. Otherwise, I’ll be staring at the ceiling until my alarm goes off. I’m hoping that my boss’s assistant is going to tell me this is just a drunk-dial.

  “Yeah, I just got home myself. And I was about to go to bed when I got a call from James.”

  I bolt upright. That wakes me up fast. Quentin doesn’t have to tell me what that means. James would never call him without a good reason, and that means there’s an epic disaster happening. “Tell me.”

  James’s angry calls to Quentin have been coming more often lately. And the problems end up falling right into my lap. When I took on the public relations position with NovaTeam, I had no idea that a big part of the job would involve putting out huge fires. I’m supposed to be focusing on the reputation of the brand. Not on cleaning up after the escapades of one of the two owners every time his business partner gets pissed that he’s gone too far with something.

  Or someone.

  Not that I’d mind getting some personal attention from either James or Rob myself. I’ve never had a crush on a boss before, let alone two of them at the same time. This time, it’s a different ballgame. Both men are off-the-scale hot. Strong-willed and very sexy. They started the company together and they’re still great friends. At least, when they aren’t arguing over the direction that NovaTeam is supposed to be going in. Or what Rob’s done to piss James off lately. But as much as I’d like to, there’s no way I’m going to get involved with either one of my bosses. Even for one hot night.

  I shake my head. I can’t think about that now.

  “What’s Rob done this time?”

  “It’s been leaked already.” I can almost hear Quentin pacing back and forth over the phone. “The pictures are everywhere.”

  “What’re you talking about, Quentin?” I need him to focus too. I pull my night shirt tighter around me so I can at least pretend I’m wearing clothes. It’s a struggle to force my brain all the way into work mode. I just know I’m going to need a triple espresso to be able to face this one. Probably more than one.

  “Photos of Rob on holiday. At the beach. With Stella Wellington.”

  Shit. That’s the last thing I need to hear. “Any chance they bumped into each other there? Along with her husband?” We talked about this before, and Rob agreed. No more married women for him.

  At the very least, not out in public.

  Quentin barks out a short laugh. “Yeah, no. There’s no doubt that he and Mrs. Wellington are there together. She’s topless in the pictures. And Rob isn’t very covered up himself.” Quentin lowers his voice. “You should see him.”

  “I’ve seen enough of him.” That’s not exactly true. You can never see enough of Robert Jefferson. No suit in the world can hide his broad chest. And on the rare occasion he’s come in on the weekends in jeans and a t-shirt…damn. I don’t know how he finds the time to work out, but his arms and ass make it clear that he does.

  “Oh no. No way. You haven’t seen him like this.”

  I’m not going to look. But still my mind goes back to places it shouldn’t be going. Damn Quentin. There’s no time for this. I have to figure out a way to get this situation under control before it does too much damage.

  “Right. Good to know.” Dragging myself out of bed, I fire up my laptop.

  “Good luck, Mel. See you in a couple hours.”

  The photos pop up on my screen before I even set my phone down. It’s Rob alright, his dark hair
and sexy smile unmistakable. I can’t help taking a quick moment to stare. It’s easy to see what Quentin meant. All that Rob has on is a swim suit. A very short, surprisingly sexy one. And it’s probably at least a size too small, because the way it bulges pretty much leaves nothing to the imagination about what it’s supposed to be covering up.

  He might as well have been completely naked.

  Or not. Now that I have a real idea of what my boss’s cock looks like, it’s going to be nearly impossible not to think about it when I see him.

  Which is going to be soon enough. He’s supposed to be back in the office today after his holiday. If I’m lucky, I’ll just barely be able to get in before James, who’s royally pissed about this.

  How he found out about it at this time of day, I’ll never know. I can’t find a single one of the images that was uploaded any more than half an hour ago. Rumor has it that James doesn’t sleep. I’m starting to believe it.

  James is so driven and focused, I can’t imagine NovaTeam having the success it has without him. He’s the total opposite of Rob, and I think that’s why they clash so much. Rob’s just that little bit too laid-back, not taking things seriously enough. Even his own business. He and James started NovaTeam together from nothing. They built their company up fast and now it’s on the brink of shooting right into the stratosphere. It’s everything James wants. Rob too, supposedly.

  They’re positioned to become the national go-to company for the design and production of uniforms for football teams. They hit it big at the college level, and that made them both a ton of money. Plus if everything goes according to plan with their upcoming pitch, they’re about to become the supplier at the pro level, all across the country.

  They’ll be set up for life.

  And that’s why I have to act fast. Rob being linked with a high profile married woman like Stella Wellington could be the scandal that blows the entire deal apart. It’s too close to being closed for something like this to happen.

  It shouldn’t have ever happened, but especially not now.

  The sports association made it clear from the very beginning that they will only work with any company if it’s free of controversy. It’s a total deal breaker for them, and it’s a big reason they’re interested in working with NovaTeam. We’ve always maintained a spotless reputation, inside the industry and out. It’s my job to make sure that nothing will happen to make this upcoming deal go off the rails. Especially at this stage of negotiations.

  Now even Rob’s skill at acquiring new clients might not be enough to undo this damage this time. The one thing we’ve all been extremely careful about when it comes to the football association is image. Specifically, morals. So many of the team has been rocked by some serious scandals lately, and they’re all to do with cheating. It’s gotten so out of hand, it’s harming the sport itself. Or that’s what the association believes, and so we do too. They specifically told us that they have to distance themselves from anything controversial, especially inappropriate relationships, and that’s why they’re looking for a complete rebrand. It’s the reason why they chose us, the company that everyone in the industry trusts.

  So far.

  I’ve been working so hard on pushing that angle to the association. It’s all I’ve been doing since I was hired, aside from cleaning up after Rob. Up until now, everything has been falling perfectly into place. Even Rob has been good, ever since the last issue with some minor visiting royalty. James let him have it for that, and whatever he said, it had a lasting effect. For awhile now, I’ve been able to focus on what I really need to do to pull this deal off for NovaTeam.

  And if I do pull it off, there won’t just be financial rewards. I love doing PR. I’m good at it. But it’s a hellishly competitive field. After this deal is done, my reputation will get a huge boost. In my line of work, that means everything for my future and how high I’ll be able to climb. And more than anything else in the world, I want to be a success here in Manhattan.

  “Melissa.” James barks out my name almost before I’ve stepped out of the elevator onto our floor. I start to reply when I see he’s on the phone, already striding to his own office as he makes an abrupt gesture for me to follow him.

  I don’t even take a seat when we get there. I know I’ll be running as soon as we’re done.

  “What are you doing about this?” His blue eyes are fiery. In spite of being the solid rock that the business rests on, the man’s got a passion in him that’s something to see when it comes out. If circumstances were different, he’d be melting the underwear off me. And pretty much every other woman within a hundred-mile radius.

  “I’ve got it under control.” Somehow I get my mind off what he’d be like on vacation himself, relaxed and lying on a nude beach with me. Since there was no internet connection on the subway ride in, I took the opportunity to write out as many notes as I could to give to him on the strategy I quickly came up with.

  James visibly relaxes as I hand him my notebook. At least a little bit. He likes the visual, lots of notes and plans laid out in front of him so he can take them in fast and run with the ideas. He’s always working on paper. I never carried a pen with me before I got this job. Now I don’t go anywhere without at least two in my bag, plus a huge notebook.

  He scans my pages as I mentally cross my fingers that he can make sense of my handwriting. It’s not the easiest thing in the world to write legibly when you’re standing in a packed subway car as it lurches and jerks its way over miles of rough track.

  Reaching the end, he glances up in my direction.

  I speak up fast. “They’re just quick notes. I’ve got a better, more involved plan worked out too.” James doesn’t respond, but I’ve gotten pretty good at reading his expressions.

  I know that just having words written on the page is making him feel better already. If nothing else, at least I’m helping out by keeping him calm. Because it doesn’t do anyone any good when he gets this upset. Especially him.

  Since I’ve been working here, James and Rob have had a couple of really vicious, heated arguments. Always behind closed doors in James’s office, but everyone knows when it’s happening. The soundproofing is so good that no-one can tell what’s being said, or even what the fights are about. And no-one would dare ask. The entire staff walks on eggshells until they resolve whatever’s gone wrong. Still, I sometimes wonder if they’ve ever had a physical fight. If there was ever a time when they were going to, it’d be a time like this.

  I don’t want this situation to turn out like that and it easily could. Damage control is the key for everything.

  “Have you started implementing any of this?” James taps at my pages.

  “Yes. Most of it’s already underway. I’ll get on the rest just as soon as we’re done here.”

  James’s right eyebrow lifts just slightly and I relax, exhaling as quietly as I possibly can. He approves of what I’ve shown him, or else he’d already be ripping my plans apart.

  “Looks fine. Anything else you can come up with will only help.” James turns his head so he can look out the window. I follow his gaze, just for a second. The view is stunning. This building is one of the rare ones, so high that it has a great sweeping view out over Manhattan.

  I don’t have a window to look out of. It makes the occasional glance I get when I’m in James’s office that much more special.

  Although I recently snuck in on one of the rare mornings that I arrived at work before he did. Lucky for me, he’d neglected to lock up when he left and I risked my job just to get a photo of the view he has.

  I set it to be my wallpaper. An everyday reminder that someday, I can have a corner office with a view just like it. My whole life I’d been dreaming of moving to New York. Now that I’m here, I’m working as hard as I can to not screw up my chances. I need to make my mark. Make sure I can stay here and have the life that I want.

  Rob makes that challenging. There’s always something extra on my plate thanks to him.

  Although not usually something this big and potentially completely destructive.

  James breaks into my thoughts. “I can’t believe Rob pulled something like this. It’s really over-the-top, even for him, what with the big presentation for the association coming up…” His voice trails off as he glances back at me. “We have to protect the football association. This issue is your main priority until it’s resolved, Melissa.”

  “Of course. I can get to it right now.

  “He’s such an idiot.” The vehemence behind the words and the anger reflected in James’s eyes catches me off guard. I know he’s upset, of course he is. I am too. But he’s even more pissed off with his friend than I expected him to be.

  He’s waiting for a response. James is right, but a stab of loyalty to Rob stops me from just flat-out agreeing with him. I’m frantically casting around for some way to let James know I’m on his side, but also Rob’s, when he sighs deeply.

  “Alright, Melissa. Go on.”

  I leave his office, hurrying back to my desk. I don’t have my own office. I’m stuck out in cubicle land for now. Although not forever.

  I hope.

  The entire floor is completely empty. I allow myself a quick couple of seconds to stare at my wallpaper after my computer starts up. That view stands for everything I want. Happiness. Status. Money. A successful life. If I can manage to contain Rob’s current mess, it’ll be a big deal. James is a very fair man, and he won’t forget it.

  I’ve been absorbed in hardcore damage control for a couple hours by the time I look up from my monitor. My aching neck muscles remind me that I haven’t stopped staring at the screen for a moment since I got to my desk.

  I stand and stretch, turning my head gently left and right so my sore muscles don’t complain too much. As I swivel towards the reception area, the elevator doors open to reveal an unexpected figure.

  It’s Rob. He’s gotten here at least a few hours before I thought he’d show his face. He must have flown back early.


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