Power Surge: MMF Bisexual Romance

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Power Surge: MMF Bisexual Romance Page 3

by Bianca Vix

  Both of them were starting to get really vocal, her moaning and him groaning. At the moment that Rob stopped moving, staying buried deep inside her, I could tell he was right on the edge. She called out his name and they came together. It was easy enough for me to join in too, since I’d been barely able to keep from coming for a long time now.

  Rob stayed inside of her for a couple moments and I was able to get my own breathing under control. They lay there together and I closed my eyes.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about that night and how deeply I became attracted to my friend. I never planned to do anything about it. Nothing changed between Rob and I. I never told him I was awake that night.

  Or how I felt about it.

  Rob was all about women. One after the other, like racking up a high score was his goal in life. I couldn’t really have cared less. We’ve never clashed over wanting the same one.

  At least not until Melissa started working for us, and he couldn’t stop talking about how much he was into her. I wanted to strangle him every time he brought her up. She’s not his usual type. Or mine. There’s just something about her that neither one of us can seem to resist. She’s gorgeous, but it’s not just about her looks. It’s who she is. Smart, funny, great to work with.

  Since my last relationship ended a few months ago, I haven’t dated anyone new. There simply isn’t enough time. Melissa is at least a nice distraction to think about, even if I can’t act on my hidden desires. Rob making his interest in her more than clear is about to drive me crazy.

  That, and lusting after both of them.

  It’s the last thing I need, especially right now.

  My phone sounds, cutting through the silence and jolting me back to reality. Striding back to my desk, I catch a glimpse of Rob through the glass walls of my office as I pick it up.

  “James Reese here.”

  I grab a pen to jot down some numbers even as my gaze is still on Rob. He’s at Melissa’s desk now, talking animatedly to her. She gives him a smile that looks like she might be captivated by what he’s saying.

  Squinting, I try to figure out if there’s any real interest for Rob in it, but they’re too far away to tell.

  Not possible. She couldn’t be into Rob.

  Could she?

  Chapter 4


  My last-minute decision to take a trip down to Belize was supposed to be all about having a relaxing vacation. It wasn’t supposed to turn into something that could have devastating consequences for NovaTeam’s future.

  I toy with my phone. It’s not a call I want to make. What I told James was true. Stella and I aren’t together, not anymore. She wanted to get away from everything and I needed a break before our final push to secure the football association. Because after we get them, there won’t be any slowing down for a very long time.

  I meant what I said when I told James that I’d keep away from married women. Those photos being taken had nothing to do with either one of us. Stella and I were on holiday for fun. The trip was most definitely not something that was supposed to end up as a PR nightmare for our company.

  Stella especially wanted to keep a low profile for herself. So did I. Plus, no matter where her marriage is at, we were actually there as friends. Our affair ended a while ago. Neither one of us wants to pick up where we left off. That part’s over for good. We just wanted to blow off some steam. Take a holiday from our crazy lives for awhile. Like anyone would want to do.

  Working non-stop is fine for James. He’s a machine when it comes to work, especially when he gets a new idea in his head. He can work all night and not even notice the time flying by.

  Of course, he’s that intense about everything he does. I’ve all but given up on going to the gym with him after work. We used to go for fun, to have a chance to hang out outside of the office and get away from constantly being so deeply involved in the day-to-day grind of running the business. But lately he’s gotten way too hardcore about work. These days he likes to spend a lot more time in the office than I can handle.

  It’s exhausting, always having to be on all the time. I have to be able to take a break from time to time, to recharge when I need to. And what better way to do that than to spend some time at the beach with a beautiful woman?

  Sex is also how I relax. It’s not the only way, of course. But given the option, it’s my first choice.

  And I’m always given the option.

  It bothers me, that James thinks I’m not taking our upcoming event seriously. There’s no way I want to do anything to damage the trust that we have in each other. I need him to believe that I take the business seriously. Because I do.

  James is pacing around his office. I’m sure he’s having a hard time holding back from checking up on me. I can’t really blame him for that. Not too much.

  Time to bite the bullet. I tap at Stella’s number, set the phone to speaker and rub at my eyes. She answers right away.

  “Rob. I’m staring at a picture of us right now. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about by now.” Her voice is warm, friendly. Teasing. “Guess it got out that you and I went away together.”

  “Yeah, about that. There’s a situation developing over it, and I’m going to have to let PR break the news that you’re separated.”

  “You promised me you’d keep my upcoming divorce to yourself.” Her tone changes instantly. She’s pissed. I expected her to be.

  “It’s the last thing I want to do, believe me. But with everyone thinking that you’re still married, and us getting caught like that…it puts our football association contract at risk.”

  Stella gives a sharp sigh. “Fine.”

  “You know I wouldn’t do this if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. We can’t let anything have an impact on our deal, or take the chance that those photos could screw it up in any way.”

  “I know.” She’s a smart woman. She knows what’s at stake. Because she’s the one who got me in the door in the first place, hooked me up with all her connections to get James and I to the point we’re at now. On the verge of being totally set up for all time.

  “I owe you one, Stella.”

  “You certainly do.”

  She ends the call, and I lean back in my chair. Stella and I will be okay.

  I can talk pretty much anyone into or out of anything at all. It’s something that comes naturally to me, but it’s also a skill I’ve developed even more over time. It comes in very handy in the business I’m in. Not to mention, in my own personal life as well.

  I glance over in the direction of James’s office. There’s an air of tension radiating off him lately, and it’s sure obvious now as he speaks intently to someone on the phone. He’s been getting pissed at me so often these days. I’d chalk it up to him getting stressed about the upcoming client event, but something tells me it’s more than just that.

  James likes a challenge, and this is our biggest one yet. He’s not normally one to get upset about the little things, and even though it’s a big deal, my little photo session pales in comparison to everything else that’s connected with signing our new client. I’m far from happy that these photos are out there myself. But I didn’t think James would react quite as strongly as he did.

  Quentin told me all about how James sounded the alarm when he found out. The insanely early morning phone calls, and how he’d woken Melissa up. And after James had lost it with my assistant, everything had fallen on Melissa’s shoulders.

  Melissa. Christ, she’s beautiful. From the moment she was hired, it’s been one hell of a personal challenge not to take her into my bed. I’ve never been this attracted to any other woman before. Especially not an employee. New York has an endless supply of gorgeous women, and I can have my pick of them. Not being tempted by attractive employees has never been a problem for me, not one time since James and I started NovaTeam together.

  But she is about to drive me crazy. Everything about her just makes me want her more. From her sweet smile to her unintentional
ly sexy corporate outfits. It’s getting harder and harder to resist.

  I want to taste her. All of her. Those subtle scents she wears every day get right into my head. She only puts on the smallest amount of perfume, so I have to be standing really close to her just to pick up on what she’s wearing. Every day it’s something new. It’s getting harder to think up reasons to talk to her as often as I do, but I can’t stop wanting to be close to her.

  PR is not my area. Being discreet is an essential part of that job. Nothing can tear a well-functioning business machine apart faster than even a rumor of a relationship with a boss and an employee.

  Melissa herself isn’t helping. It’s not easy to ignore the looks she gives me when she’s thinks I won’t notice. I’m used to that kind of look from women. Been getting it my whole life. But with her, it’s different. I want her so much more than any other woman.

  Maybe it’s just because I can’t have her.

  But I don’t think so.

  And as much as I want her, I won’t do anything to jeopardize acquiring the football association. We’re on the verge of great things happening. Everyone needs to be rolling at the top of their game.

  A twinge of guilt keeps tickling at the corners of my mind. The last thing I want is to be the reason for the extra work for her. It wasn’t supposed to happen. It isn’t right. The last thing any of us needs now is extra work. Everyone in the entire company is giving their all for the upcoming event. I probably shouldn’t have fucked off on vacation, even though it was a quick one.

  Melissa is one of the keys to getting our new client and I don’t want to add to everything else she’s already responsible for. Or to throw her off her own game in any way. She’s turned out to be a big asset to the company. We need her on our team.

  I venture out of my office. My head’s not in the game yet, and there’s something I need to do before I throw myself into full-on work mode. I stride over to her desk.

  “Melissa. I wanted to apologize about the extra work I’m causing for you. I wish it hadn’t happened.”

  She gives me a distracted smile. “It’s no problem at all. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Still, I’d like to make it up to you. James and I are going to a football game on Saturday afternoon. I’d like you to come along.”

  Melissa blinks, her deep brown eyes catching mine. Her mind was really on what she was doing, and it takes her a second to take in what I’ve just asked.

  I don’t mind. I have no problem looking at her while she comes up with an answer. I try to figure out what her scent is today. I can’t quite get it this time. More fruit than flowers, but vaguely exotic at the same time.


  “Yes. One of the football association reps sent some tickets over. We can watch the game, and talk to them afterwards.”

  Her expression drops very slightly when I bring up the work angle. I’d so much rather be inviting her to go anywhere else with me.

  Like my place.

  But this will have to do. “There’s some work to be done there, yes. But the afternoon will be mostly about having fun.”

  Her full lips curve into a smile. “I’d like that.”

  “Great. It’s a date.” I turn away. It’s not a date. I know I shouldn’t even joke like that, but whatever. I catch a glimpse of James as I head back to my office, glaring at me as he watches me leave Melissa’s desk. Whatever’s bugging him, he’s got to loosen up about it. I’ll have to make sure the beer’s flowing at the game. He’s sorely in need of a good time.

  Chapter 5


  I thought there’d be more people from the office in the stands already when we arrive. But the seats on either side of the ones Rob’s leading us to are filled with people I don’t recognize.

  It’s just the three of us.

  Rob and James.

  And me.

  Since James is walking behind me and Rob’s in front as we squeeze our way in, I’m forced to take the seat between them. I’m surrounded by two hot men.

  It sounds like a dream. I can’t catch my breath. I have to pretend I’m not into either one of them.

  “These seats are great.” I’m trying to sound like I know what I’m talking about. Is there a bad seat in a stadium? It’s all I can do to try and stay calm.

  Rob shoots me a look like he can see right through me. “Have you ever been to a football game before?”

  “No. This is my first time.”

  Damn it. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I have to hope that he doesn’t get any innuendo from that. I didn’t mean for my answer to come out like that. Somehow everything I say seems to take on a sexual undertone whenever I’m around Rob or James these days. I have to get a handle on that before I get into trouble.

  “So,” Rob’s light brown eyes lock with mine. “You’re a virgin.”

  Too late.

  I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Did he really just say that? It could’ve been believable that my cheeks were going red from the cool air before. Now, there’s no way. My slight flush is turning into a full-on fiery blush.

  And there’s no way to stop it.

  My mind blanks as I try to come up with some kind of response that’s not too inappropriate. I want to say yes, even though it’s not true.

  But I’m game for anything new he wants to teach me.

  James breaks into my dirty thoughts about just what that could be.

  “Would you like anything to eat?” He gestures at the passing vendor. Gratefully, I turn to him.

  “Yes. Popcorn, please.” For some reason, I’m hungry. I shouldn’t be, not this early in the afternoon. But I do tend to eat when I’m nervous.

  “Beer for me,” Rob says. “Since you’re buying. One for Melissa, too.”

  James raises his eyebrow at him, but says nothing, turning instead to the vendor to wave him over and call out the order.

  I start to dig in my purse to get out some money, but James takes hold of my hand to stop me. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got it.”

  I swallow hard as he holds onto my hand just an instant too long. Longer than he should be doing.

  Not that I mind. Between Rob’s light flirting and James’s occasional gestures like that, I’m kind of having fun. If only I could go out with either one them. Although I’d have no idea who I’d choose. James and Rob are so opposite from each other in so many ways. It would be pretty much impossible to pick one over the other.

  Get it together, Melissa. This isn’t a date. It’s a working event, or it will be soon enough.

  James hands me a beer so I can pass it along to Rob, who makes a point of trailing his fingers over my palm in a way that sends shivers down my spine. When James hands me over the popcorn, his touch lingers too.

  This is too much.

  I tilt the container towards James, but he shakes his head. Rob’s got his hand into it the moment I offer him some of my popcorn, scooping it out and licking his lips.

  I settle into my seat, digging into the popcorn as the game begins. It doesn’t take long for me to get into it. I wasn’t sure about spending my Saturday afternoon watching football, but I definitely couldn’t say no to a chance to spending some time with both of my sexy bosses outside of the office.

  And now here I am, sitting between the two of them. I don’t know why James let me file in after Rob. I expected that they’d be sitting side-by-side.

  But I don’t mind, not one bit. This might be the closest I’ll ever come to being between them.

  As much as my imagination want to believe otherwise.

  James is on his phone again. He’s hardly set it down since we’ve been here, typing into it almost non-stop. Whatever he’s up to, I believe it’s work-related. It must be important. He’s usually very polite. Too polite to be doing something like this when the game’s on.

  Rob glances at me. “Your first live game. Do you follow football at all?”

  “No. My brother played it though, so I mostly
understand how it works.”

  “That’s a good thing. How else can you do your job on acquiring this client if you don’t understand the game?”

  “Public relations is a practice that can be applied to anything. I don’t need to know everything about the subject to be able to do my job.”

  Is Rob questioning my qualifications? Suddenly I’m worried that this is some sort of a test of my commitment to my job, or something like that.

  “Sure, that makes sense. I can see that you’re good at what you do. But you know, it makes a difference. Working behind the scenes when you don’t know what’s going upfront is a disadvantage. This is one of the teams that we have the chance of outfitting in the near future if we land the association as a client.”

  He reaches across me to slap at James’s arm. “Hey, get off your phone. Stop ignoring the game, and our guest.” His tone is teasing but there’s something underneath it that says he’s serious.

  James puts his phone into his pocket. “Sorry about that, Melissa. I had a couple of urgent things to resolve. It’s all taken care of now.”

  “It’s okay. I get it. Sometimes work calls happen in odd hours. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Oops.” The same moment that I register the stray piece of popcorn that’s just dropped down onto my thigh, Rob scoops it up and puts it into his mouth. Did he make a point of brushing his fingers over my leg as he did that? Or was it accidental?

  Either way, his touch gets my blood pumping. That was a way too intimate thing for a boss to do. Between Rob and James, I’m getting more and more turned on.

  James’s leg brushes against mine whenever he moves. Somehow every time Rob takes some of my popcorn, our fingers touch. It’s driving the growing sexual tension off the charts.

  At least, it is for me. James is his usual detached self. Rob isn’t acting much different than he does with me at work. I’ve always liked the way he flirts with me, even though I know it can’t go anywhere. He could have any woman he wants, and it’s not going to be me.

  Now that we’re outside of the office, it feels different. But I can’t tell if it means anything at all to him. It’s probably just how he is. I’m enjoying it, even as it’s making me heat up in ways I never thought I would. Here, at a football game on a cool fall afternoon.


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