Power Surge: MMF Bisexual Romance

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Power Surge: MMF Bisexual Romance Page 11

by Bianca Vix

  Now that I think harder about it, I’ve heard of the Millennium Club. It’s super exclusive and invitation-only. You have to have a minimum six figure annual income to even be considered for membership. I always thought that private member clubs were all about old men getting together to smoke cigars by a fireplace. I had no idea a club would ever have anything like this.

  “Really?” I still can’t stop looking around me. “How’s that possible?”

  “We pulled some strings. Booked it for just us for tonight.” James gives a vague wave of his hand. “What do you think?”

  “It’s unreal. So, so beautiful.”

  I think breathtaking might be the word I’m looking for. Tangles of color frame the edge of the path we’re on, mixed among the greenery. I can’t see it, but it sounds like there’s a waterfall somewhere off in the distance.

  And there’s Rob, walking over to us. He gives me a hug and a kiss.

  “You look lovely, Melissa. Come on over here.” He gestures over to a small tiled clearing among the plants. And there sits a single table, set up beautifully. Elegant crystal glasses and pretty china plates, all ready for a dinner for three.

  James pulls out a chair for me and Rob starts to pour the wine. The exact moment that James is seated, a waiter appears out of nowhere to serve us food he’s brought along on a wheeled cart.

  After he disappears, I look back and forth between James and Rob. “This is so amazing. But what’s the occasion for something so elaborate and incredibly beautiful?”

  The two men exchange glances. “We wanted to take you out for dinner. Somewhere nice,” James begins.

  Rob takes over for him. “But we have to keep us a secret. So this is what we came up with. Do you like it?”

  “Like it? It’s truly gorgeous.” Still, my hearts sinks a little. I absolutely don’t want to seem ungrateful. It is incredible here. And effort they’ve made…a warm glow descends on me. But I can’t help it. It’s just a little bit marred by what Rob just said.

  There’s an Us.


  But we have to keep it secret.

  I know we do. Still, I hate to hear him say it. The idea of having a secret relationship makes me cringe a little. Of course I get why it has to be this way. But the thing is, my last ex wanted to keep us a secret too. Because he thought I wasn’t in the same league as him.

  And now these very wealthy men want the same thing. It’s for different reasons, I hastily remind myself. It’s best for me as well. I shouldn’t be getting involved with either one of my bosses. Let alone with both of them at the same time. Besides, James and Rob are nothing like my ex was.

  Are they? The question is annoying, but I can’t keep it from popping into my head.

  “You understand, don’t you?” James asks me.

  I swallow. “Yes. Of course. If it got out about us, that would be a PR nightmare.”

  It’s true. I didn’t really think it through, what the three of us being involved would mean outside of the bedroom. I know better than anyone that NovaTeam has to be as clean as possible. I never expected that I’d end up having to watch my step.

  “We don’t need any more of those.” Rob tops up my wine, giving me a warm smile.

  It doesn’t matter. Once this client is ours, everyone can relax.

  “We all have to stay out of the spotlight. Especially when there’s three of us involved.” James squeezes my hand.

  “Involved? Is that what we are?” I know it’s not what he meant. But now more than ever I want to know exactly what we’re doing.

  James looks surprised. “Of course. Isn’t that what you want, too?”

  “Yes. I do. There’s no-one I’d rather be with than both of you.”

  “Great. That’s what we want too, both of us. Of course, we’ll have to keep it underground.” James gives Rob a pointed look, but Rob just laughs at him.

  “We’re aware. Now let’s eat, the food’s getting cold.”

  James is so relaxed and happy-looking. Even Rob is different, a lot less wound up than usual. It’s definitely a date and it’s one of the best ones I’ve ever been on.

  No. Not one of the best.

  The best ever.

  Everything’s beyond wonderful, from the food to the wine to the men I’m with. My handsome bosses. I even manage to carry on a decent conversation with them, even though I feel like this is a dream that I’m going to wake up from far too soon.

  I don’t even notice the waiter arriving back until he’s setting dessert in front of us.

  “Try this.” James fills a spoon with what looks like ice cream. It’s dark enough that I can’t tell what flavour it might be.

  I part my lips and he slides the spoon over my tongue. How is he making this sexy? The icy sweetness slips down my throat. Goosebumps prick at my skin even though it’s warm in here.

  “It’s mango sorbet,” he says in answer to my questioning look. I’ve never had anything like it before. Now it’s my new, very favorite dessert.

  “Do you like it?” I nod at Rob’s question, not trusting my voice not to crack if I try to speak. He’s nearly finished his already. James brushes my hand as he hands me the spoon.

  “If you want anything else, there’s lots to choose from.” James starts to eat his.

  “Or we can have something at your place.” Rob smirks at James. “I mean, order something in. I know you won’t have anything there.”

  “You still hungry?” James asks him.

  “Not for food.” The look Rob gives me makes me squirm in my seat. Up until now, I didn’t want to leave the club any time soon.

  “Fair enough. Whenever Melissa’s ready, we can get going.”

  I clear my throat. “I’m ready.”

  So, so ready.

  Chapter 20


  I’ve been involved in a couple of serious relationships before. At least I thought they were serious at the time.

  But none of them can compare to what I have now.

  Not in any way.

  Because whatever the three of us are doing, and wherever it might go, it’s like nothing I’ve ever had before.

  It’s gone so far beyond anything I’ve ever imagined. So much more, in every way.

  I just can’t let it distract me from work. The ultimate prize is waiting there too. I can’t let it slip away. Not for anything.

  I’m going over some plans in my mind when the bedroom door opens. Melissa’s sweet smile lights up the entire room.

  “Good morning.” She’s coming over to the bed, already tugging the big t-shirt she’s wearing over her head. Is it mine or Rob’s? I can’t tell before she tosses it aside and her naked body is revealed. She’d look good in anything she put on, but I absolutely prefer her just the way she is now.

  “Morning.” I can’t take my eyes off her as she jumps in beside me. Before I can even turn to pull her close, she’s on top of me, her sexy legs straddling my hips.

  Now this is a view I could get used to.

  “Rob’s making coffee.”

  I snort. “That’s a scary thought. I don’t think he’s ever made coffee in his life. At least, not any kind of coffee that’s fit for humans to drink.”

  “I offered to go out and get some for us, but he wouldn’t hear of it.”

  “Good. You don’t need to do that. You need to be doing this.”

  Pulling Melissa down before she can reply, I catch her mouth in a kiss and run my hands down her back. Her warm skin is so soft and smooth.

  Her hips shift and she rubs against the rigid bar of my cock. Instantly, a rolling fog of lust clouds my thoughts.

  Melissa laughs, reading my mind. She leans over, reaching for the night stand. I make a move to grab her hand after she’s found what she wanted, but she dodges my grasp.

  I swallow hard as she repositions herself, her slender fingers rolling a condom onto my eager cock.

  “Is that better?” Her eyes gleam as she covers my body with hers again, her mouth
so close to mine.

  Hellfire. “Yes.” My mouth is as dry as a summer day as Melissa moves away again. Her hand goes to my cock, angling the iron-hard length up.

  I don’t take my eyes off her for a second as she eases her body down, her burning wet heat engulfing every inch of my shaft. With a wicked smile, she contracts her muscles and a groan tears out of me.

  My hands go to her hips, encouraging her on. The pleasure is overwhelming.

  We move together slowly, drawing everything out. Melissa’s no more in a hurry than I am. If I’m going to stay in bed for this long, the reason had better be good.

  And it is.

  It gets even better when I glance up to see Rob leaning in the doorway, his eyes glued to us.

  A short bark of laughter bursts from my chest. He’s got a mug of coffee in his hand and he’s drinking from it. Just as if he’s at a meeting in the boardroom instead of watching us have sex.

  Melissa glances back to see what going on, and she grins. “Don’t you want to join us?”

  Rob raises his mug to her. “Oh, I will. Don’t stop.”

  He doesn’t stop staring, even though he doesn’t come any closer. The only thing betraying his interest is the growing bulge in the pair of shorts he’s thrown on. I turn my attention back to Melissa, lifting my hands up to her breasts.

  Just having Rob here watching us makes everything so much hotter. I’m aware of him, even though I’m looking at her.

  Melissa keeps riding me, her slow pace picking up. Finally Rob sets his coffee aside and comes over to us. Both Melissa and I watch as he slides his shorts down his hips, revealing his bare, throbbing cock.

  He moves close to Melissa, his hands joining mine on her breasts. She grabs hold of his cock, stroking him in time with her movements.

  I thrust up into her, meeting her stroke for stroke. She starts rocking faster, her breath getting rougher.

  Rob eases himself from her grasp. “So hot, Melissa. But I think James here has a job to do.”

  My eyebrow lifts as he climbs onto the bed beside me. “Something you want?”

  “Yup.” His expression catches me off guard. I figured he’d be playing games, holding back. Not admitting in any way that he wants to be with me. Even his curt one-word answer is more than I expected from him. It’s as if this thing between us is changing him.

  Maybe that makes sense. We aren’t far into it, but I’m already different myself. Still, I don’t trust for a moment that Rob is ever going to leave his one-and-done ways behind.

  Even in spite of the glimmer of hope that rises up from somewhere deep inside of me. I have to ignore that kind of thinking. This is Rob. If all we’re going to have is the here and now, then that will be enough.

  It’ll have to be.

  I can’t think any more about what the future might hold, because Rob is determined. He’s kneeling beside my head, his erection waving like an insistent flag in my face.

  I lick my lips. He grabs at my hair, but instead of trying to force me to get going, his hand is surprisingly gentle. He’s not moving me around.

  He’s holding my head affectionately.

  To hide my astonishment I stick out my tongue, licking up the length of his hard shaft. I want to keep Rob from seeing whatever my expression might reveal about my feelings. Thanks to him and Melissa, I’m losing the ability to call up a poker face these days.

  Opening my mouth, I take Rob’s cock in deep. He keeps his grip on my hair just the way it is, not tightening it. Even though his face twists with the pleasure of what I’m doing to him.

  Rob showing any kind of affection is unnerving. Especially during sex. And especially with me. Sometime he’s more open with Melissa, but he’s way more awkward around me. When we kiss, it’s like a duel. A battle for dominance. Fast and rough, and up until now that’s the way I liked it too.

  I have no idea what to make of the way he’s acting now. To distract us both, I concentrate on sucking his cock. It’s an experience like none other, sucking a man’s cock. I still can’t believe I didn’t try it out long before now. At least Rob doesn’t mind me wanting to make up for lost time on him.

  That’s for sure.

  Melissa’s riding me good. It’s getting to be impossible to keep all my attention on Rob.

  I buck up, driving faster into her, moving in time with her rapidly increasing speed. Rob’s thrusting into my mouth. Our long, slow momentum is gone, replaced with fiery urgency.

  Pulling off Rob’s cock, I thrust deeply into Melissa. Electric shocks run down my spine and I start to come. Right at the same time as she does.

  I’m aware of Rob even as my orgasm hits me hard. His hand’s around his throbbing erection, jacking rapid-fire. Melissa is still coming when he joins her.

  “Fuck!” Rob erupts all over my chest.

  The only sound in the room is our harsh breathing. Melissa eases herself off me so she can lie down.

  Reluctantly I get up to go and clean off. My heart’s still beating hard when I’m done in the bathroom. Sex with the two of them is so intense, it’s hard to believe.

  I climb in beside Melissa, so she’s squeezed in between me and Rob. She pulls the blankets up over all of us as I wrap my arms around her, lightly caressing her. Stroking her satin skin is surprisingly relaxing.

  Rob moves closer to Melissa, causing her to shift around between us. I close my eyes, far beyond content.

  Chapter 21


  “Ready to go?”

  Rob swings the door to my office open just as I’m finishing up a call. I grab for my coat as I quickly run through a mental checklist.

  “Yeah. Where’s Melissa?”

  “Already at the elevator. Come on, we don’t want to be late.” Rob’s tone is teasing, but he’s right. We have a meeting with the heads of the association at their office. It’s not far, but traffic’s going to be unpredictable.

  We end up making it there in good time. The lobby of their building is filled with people hurrying in and out, nearly all of them glued to their phones. Yet only a couple men join us in the elevator. We’re standing behind them and I’m trying to ignore their conversation when Rob pulls Melissa to him.

  What the hell. He’s kissing her. Full-on making out. I don’t know what the fuck he’s thinking, doing that here. He needs to stop but if I say anything, that’ll get the attention of the men in front of us. They haven’t seen what he’s doing yet, and the last thing we need is for that to change.

  My heart practically stops when Rob grabs at my ass. I step away abruptly, as far out of his reach as I can get in the small space.

  The two men get off a moment later, leaving us alone. I don’t think they noticed anything, thank Christ.

  “What’re you doing?” I hiss the moment the door closes behind them. “And here, of all places.”

  “Relax, James. They work on a different floor. They’re not part of the association and they don’t know who we are.”

  I’m livid at Rob’s casual attitude. “You couldn’t have known that. What the fuck are you thinking, taking a chance like that?”

  “It’s not a big deal.”

  I want to lay into him, but the doors are sliding open at our floor. I take a deep breath as we check in with reception. I’ll tear a strip off Rob later. This meeting is what’s important now.

  And it goes well. I was expecting it would, right up until Rob started groping us in the elevator. He could have blown the entire deal out of the water if those guys had been part of the association. Hell, for all he knew they could have shown up at our meeting.

  We’re out on the sidewalk, waiting for the car to take us back to the office. I’m still furious with Rob, but I try to keep calm.

  “Rob. We’re so close to sealing the deal. You have to be more discreet. All of the time, but especially when we could get caught by someone we need to convince that they should hire us.”

  “Yeah, I know. Sorry. I just couldn’t resist.”

ll, you’re going to have to.” Our car pulls up and I open the door for Melissa. We all end up spending the entire drive on our phones. After we arrive, Melissa and I head up to our building and I realize Rob’s not with us. Glancing back, I stop short.

  For fuck’s sake.

  He’s talking to a woman and it’s clear that he’s flirting with her. Melissa’s seen it too, and she’s obviously not impressed.

  Rob catches up to us at the main doors. “Hey, guys.”

  “Why do you have to do that? Hit on every woman who crosses your path?” Melissa’s eyes are flashing. She’s clearly caught him off guard with her annoyance.

  “I don’t have to. I mean, I did that just now so James could see I’m not going act like I’m with either one of you from now on. What’s the big deal?”

  “What’s the big deal?” I can’t believe he just said that. “You know what the big deal is. Hitting on someone else doesn’t make up for what you did earlier. And on their territory, of all places. We get caught, we lose the association. Why the hell do I have to keep reminding you of that? It’s fucking frustrating.”

  “Because we won’t get caught. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have done what I did in the elevator. But everything’s fine. It’s a non-issue.”

  “You’re not taking this seriously.” A dull ache begins to spread over my chest. He isn’t. He never has. Rob comes from a fairly wealthy family. If this deal tanks, he’ll be fine. He’s never known what it feels like to be struggling for money. No matter how far I’ve come, I can’t ever shake the thought that financial ruin could come at any time.

  Because it can.

  “I’m taking it seriously enough.” Rob gives me a look like he knows what I’m going to say.

  But he doesn’t.

  Not this time.

  I can’t believe it myself. But now it’s crystal clear. The biggest risk to this deal is Rob.

  I walk over to the side of the lobby, so we won’t be overheard. “We can’t do this. I can’t do this. It’s too risky.”

  “Do what?” Melissa’s expression tells me she already knows what I mean.


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