And then Alex had gotten married, and Mandy fell in love with Tim Bergstrom, the guy who managed the Burger Barn. Funny, Jenny had forgotten about all that until now. She couldn’t recall much of what she’d thought of Alex, except that he scored major points by being tall and a college boy and having his own car—all impressive credentials to high school sophomore girls.
“Hey, you, let me in on the joke.”
She looked at Steven and realized she was grinning. “I was just thinking about a friend who had a crush on Alex when we were in high school.”
“He went to high school with you?”
“No, he’s ten years older. My friend and I were in high school, and he was already setting up his vet practice.”
“Okay, good. The guy’s established, at least. What else should I know about him?”
Jenny laughed. “Oh, so now he meets with your approval?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. Why haven’t I heard his name before today?”
That sobered her. Steven had been the closest friend she’d had for the past three years. Why couldn’t she tell him the truth, that it wasn’t a real marriage? Why should she care if he knew? It wasn’t as if he’d run to the insurance company and cry fraud.
No, her reluctance stemmed from something much more personal. Even more personal than protecting her privacy.
She wanted to pretend they had a real marriage, to let the world think this was happily ever after. She wanted Alex to start seeing her as a wife, not as a stray he’d rescued.
When she’d joined her therapy group and was having a difficult time being optimistic, someone advised her to “fake it till you make it.” She hadn’t gotten it at first. She thought the person was a lunatic with rose-colored glasses. But as time and healing progressed, she understood the concept and hung on to it for all she was worth.
That’s how she was going to treat Alex from now on, she decided—as if she were his real wife. If Alex didn’t like it, he’d have to tell her.
“Why do I get the feeling that you haven’t listened to a word I’ve said?”
She grinned. “How astute of you.”
“What? Marriage has made you sarcastic?”
“And sassy and happy.”
Steven smiled. “You do look happy, and I guess that’s all I should care about. It just seems so damn sudden.”
“Not really. You’ve been going back and forth to Europe so much lately that we haven’t talked for more than ten minutes at a time.”
“Tell me about it. Brian is getting on my case. He wants me to take two months off after this next show. My agent would kill me.”
Jenny squeezed his hand. “Brian is right. You’ve been pushing hard. Life’s too short to spend it at work.”
“Poor kid, you’ve learned the hard way.” Steven shook his head. “I still think you should sue the bastards for firing you when you were sick.”
“I couldn’t perform my job. They needed someone who could.” She lifted a silencing hand when he looked ready to argue. “I can’t afford the negative energy, okay?”
He gave her a grudging nod. “So tell me, what did the quacks finally find out?”
“It was a tumor at the base of my spine.”
“Benign, right?”
She nodded.
He sighed, then shook his head. “Damn. First they thought it was MS and then ALS, and it turns out to be a tumor. And you wonder why I call them quacks.”
Jenny sighed. “It was more complicated because of where the tumor was positioned. But I really don’t want to get into it.”
“No problem. You know me and medical one ear and out the other. Anyway, I’d rather hear about Alex.” He grinned, and she groaned. “But first I think I’ll make some tea. Want some?”
“Sure.” Maybe she’d luck out and he’d think of something else to tell her about his trip. She didn’t want to discuss Alex because she’d very likely say something she shouldn’t.
Steven had just gotten to the kitchen when his cell phone rang. He turned and stared blankly at her.
“Aren’t you going to answer it?”
“It’s not mine.” He patted his pocket. “I don’t even have it with me. It sounds like it’s coming from your room.”
“Alex must have left the phone.” She started to jump up and winced when her foolishness dealt her a sharp pain.
“Stay right there. I’ve got it.” Steven disappeared into her room and she heard him answer the call as he walked back. “Just a minute.” He held out the phone. “It’s your hubby.”
She couldn’t help the grin that broke out on her face and the way her heart leaped as she took the phone. “Hi, honey.”
Alex paused. “Hi. I’m here at the clinic. What’s Steven doing there? He better not be moving in on you while I’m gone.”
“Of course not.” Hadn’t he figured out Steven was gay by now? She had to admit that the thought he might be a little jealous pleased her.
Alex chuckled. “I’m teasing. I’m glad you have the company. Everything okay?”
“Fine. How’s the dog doing?”
“Not good.” His voice sounded grim. “I may have to take him to a facility in Boston. I won’t know until later tonight.”
“Oh, Alex, I’m sorry. The owner must be a wreck.”
“Yeah, but we’ll do all we can and pray for the best.”
“Whatever happens, don’t worry about me. I’m absolutely fine. I promise.”
“I’ll always worry about you, Jen,” he said softly. “I’ve gotta go. Sleep well.”
“You, too.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow morning.”
She had the sudden urge to tell Alex she loved him. Wouldn’t Steven expect her to say something like that to her husband? Heck, it had nothing to do with Steven listening. She did love Alex, and she wanted him to know.
“I love you,” she whispered, just as she heard the call disconnect.
* * *
ALEX REPLACED THE receiver and stared at the phone. He’d seen her less than five hours ago. How could he miss her this much already? It was ridiculous. Of course they’d spent nearly every waking hour together for the past two weeks, and the week before that he’d spent visiting her for hours in the hospital.
Yet how well did he really know her? Hearing her discuss cities in Europe with Steven had unnerved Alex. It was almost as if she’d had a secret life her father didn’t know about, except she didn’t seem at all hesitant to talk about her travels in front of Alex.
He’d have to ask her about it once he got back to New York. The explanation was probably simple, the travel work-related. But not knowing would eat at him.
“I’ve got Zeus stabilized.” Tuck walked into Alex’s office, pulling off his gloves. “We should know something by the end of the night. If we need to transport him to Boston, everything is ready on that end.”
Alex nodded. “His age concerns me, otherwise I’d do the surgery here.”
Tuck gave him a sympathetic smile. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, buddy. But for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing the right thing.”
“I hope so.” He stared at the dog’s chart. Zeus had to be okay. Jenny had to make a full recovery. He turned from Tuck, his face suddenly warm, his chest tight. Hadn’t he learned anything after Sara? People didn’t always get better. People died. Loving them wasn’t enough.
Jenny tried to ignore Plato and concentrate on doing her leg lifts. It was bad enough the simple exercise seemed grueling at times and often hurt. She sure didn’t need Plato’s two cents.
“Push harder, Jenny.”
“Darn it. Would you please keep your big beak shut for two min
“Darn it, Jenny.”
She growled in frustration at the stubborn bird, and he squawked back. That did it. One of them had to go. And since she needed the open space of the living room to do her daily exercises, it was Plato who’d get booted out.
“Don’t stop, Jenny.”
“You stop it. Right now. Or I’m going to make soup out of you, got it?”
A deep chuckle came from behind.
“Hello, Alex, hello!”
Jenny hung on to the back of the chair for support and turned. “You’re home early.”
“I’m beat.” He smiled and rubbed his eyes. “We have only one overnight boarder that my assistant, Heather, is tending to. How are the exercises going?”
“The exercises are fine. It’s my blood pressure that’s sky-high.”
“Plato’s annoying you.”
“He’s taken over your job of bullying me.”
“I don’t bully you.”
She gave him a dry look and, mimicking him, said, “‘Jenny, have you done your exercises today? I bet you can do another set. Push harder—’”
“Push harder, Jenny.” Plato had his beak up to the wire of the cage, watching the action.
“See what I mean?” She groaned and gave the bird a dirty look. “How would you like me to drape your cage for the next week?”
Alex laughed. “You realize you’re arguing with a bird.”
“And losing. How pathetic is that?”
“Pretty bad.” He rubbed the back of his neck then stretched it to the side. “You want me to move him?”
Jenny looked at Plato, who was staring at her. The idea of not having him squawk at her all day suddenly seemed unappealing. Even when she passed the living room on her way to the kitchen, he hollered out her name and made her laugh. He really wasn’t bad company. “No, it’s all right. Leave him there.”
Alex grinned and headed toward the sofa. “Okay.”
“What?” She sniffed. “Don’t get the wrong impression that he’s starting to grow on me.”
“Of course not.”
“I just don’t want to disrupt his routine. After all, it is his home.”
“It’s your home, too, Jen.” Alex’s amusement faded. “You do feel comfortable here, don’t you?”
“Yes, you’ve been wonderful.”
For whatever reason, he didn’t seem pleased at that declaration.
“Before you sit down,” she said quickly, “would you mind helping me over to the sofa? Plato’s been working me hard, and I need to conserve my energy.”
At the sound of his name, Plato said, “Hello, Jenny, hello.”
She sighed. “Okay, I think the next bird you bring home should be a canary or something. They don’t know how to talk, right?”
He slipped an arm around her waist, and his expression lightened. “No more birds unless you approve of them first. How’s that?”
“I was only kidding.” Even if she weren’t, how would she be able to deny him anything when he was this close, his warm breath tickling her ear?
She didn’t really need help getting to the sofa. Occasionally she’d ask him just to feel his arm around her, to bring him within kissing distance, but then she’d chicken out.
They’d been home from New York for over a week, and the distance Alex kept between them made her a little crazy. She understood that he’d neglected the clinic for the three weeks he’d spent with her in New York and had a lot to catch up on. She felt bad about that and knew she was being selfish, but she missed his attention.
And she couldn’t help wondering how much time he really needed to spend at work. Or was he trying to stay away from her? Maybe there had been too much togetherness in New York. Maybe he’d learned some things about her he didn’t like.
“You seem to be favoring your left leg.” He guided her to the sofa and waited until she lowered herself onto it. “Is that normal?”
The genuine concern in his eyes warmed her. “I think I usually end up favoring my right one and then I wear it out and alternate.”
“What does the physical therapist say about that?”
Jenny shrugged. “Not to do it.”
Alex’s mouth curved in a faint smile, and he shook his head. “I’m glad you’re such a good patient.”
“I am. Don’t you think I’ve progressed well?”
“I think you’re on your feet too much.”
“The doctor says that as long as I’m not in pain, it’s okay.”
“But you’ve often experienced pain or had problems balancing in the past week.”
“Not really.”
He gave her a sympathetic smile coated with condescension. “Yes, you have, like a moment ago when you had to ask me for help.”
She sighed. She would probably be sorry, but... “I wasn’t in pain or off balance. I was trying to get you to touch me.”
Alarm flickered in his face. “I see.”
“No, you don’t.”
“You’re right,” he murmured, looking endearing and uncertain.
She sighed again and laid her head back, her eyes closed. “Never mind.”
She felt him draw closer, and when she opened her eyes, he was right there, his face inches from hers. He touched her lips with his, gently, growing more insistent before he retreated.
“I’ve wanted to do that for the past month,” he whispered.
“So what took you so long?” She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.
He wasn’t so gentle this time. He teased the seam of her lips with his tongue until she opened to him, and his mouth slanted across hers, demanding and purposeful. She couldn’t breathe, didn’t want to breathe—the only thing she wanted was to make the moment last forever.
All too quickly, he pulled away. His face was dazed and troubled. “God, I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“You didn’t.” She clutched the front of his shirt and drew him toward her.
He didn’t resist, but met her eager mouth for another deep, knee-weakening kiss. His large wonderful hands stayed gentle at her waist, and when she ran her palms down his chest to his belt, he moaned softly.
“We have to be careful, Jen.”
“I don’t want to hurt your back.”
She smiled, pleased that’s all he meant, that he wasn’t making an emotional withdrawal. “You won’t. I promise.”
“Neither of us can make that promise.” He edged away. “I can’t be responsible for injuring you.”
“Come on, Alex, we’re only kissing.” She leaned toward him and brushed his lips with hers.
He mumbled something against her mouth then kissed her hard. It didn’t last long. He withdrew, his breathing fast and ragged. “God, Jen, this isn’t good—I’m not thinking clearly.”
“On the contrary, I think that’s very good.” She tugged at his shirt again, and he came to her easily with a shadow of self-disgust on his face. “Alex, please don’t worry. I’m a big girl and I know what I’m doing.”
“Come this way,” he said, and reclined slightly, grasping one of her elbows and urging her to follow. The hard thickness under his fly sent a tingle down her spine. “If you lean toward me there’ll be no pressure on your lower back.”
That he was looking for a way for them to maintain intimacy fueled her excitement, and she did as he asked, pressing against him and feeling his heated length. She moaned softly with pure pleasure.
He stiffened. “Jen, are you okay?”
“More than okay.” She unfastened his top two buttons. “Take off your shirt.”
He hesitated, doubt warring with desire in his eyes, and then finis
hed freeing the buttons until his shirt hung open. She ran her palms up his chest, over the soft hair and budding nipples. He sank back, and she let her weight rest on him, her breasts pressed to his midriff.
Alex slipped one hand between them and lifted the hem of her T-shirt. She drew back slightly so he could pull the shirt up, then helped him yank it over her head. Thank goodness she had on a relatively new red lace bra that showed off some cleavage instead of one of the ratty old sports bras she often wore around the house.
She doubted it mattered to Alex. Not the way he eagerly undid the front clasp and pushed the cups aside. He stared at her breasts, his chest rising and falling in uneven shudders. Gently he cupped one of her breasts and lightly trailed the pad of his thumb over her nipple. It was already hard and ripe and begging for his touch...for his mouth.
“Are you okay, honey?” he asked, tearing his gaze away from her breasts.
She shook her head, and he froze. “I want you to—” A sudden attack of shyness had her tongue-tied. “I want you to use your mouth.”
His lips curved in a sexy smile, then he dipped his head and her nipple disappeared between his lips. He hadn’t shaved since early morning, and the rough feel of his chin on her skin added to the incredible sensation of having Alex suckle her. It took all her willpower not to cry out. And when he turned his attention to her other breast, she clutched at his shoulders and closed her eyes, hoping and praying this wasn’t a dream.
How many nights had she wanted to slip into his room, crawl between the sheets with him and lay her head on his chest? Feel those large strong hands run up and down her body?
She whimpered at the way he used his tongue to flick her nipple and she arched her back to increase the intensity of the sensation.
He lifted his head and kissed her briefly on the lips. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she said, frustrated. She appreciated his concern, but geez. “How about I let you know if anything is wrong?”
He smiled at her impatience and kissed her again. “That’s a deal.”
For Better or For Worse Page 12