Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1)

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Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1) Page 4

by Mitchell, Charmain Marie

  A tear made its way down my cheek as I noticed the admiration radiating from his beautiful, arrogant face.

  “But I had no choice, you held the fate of mine and my son’s life in your hand…it is unfair that you should have the power to do that.” Robert wiped the tear from my cheek, and once more, I felt my body’s betrayal in the form of a shudder.

  “Of course it is unfair, life is unfair, Gwen. After all, if you lived a normal life on the farm, you would still have people who hold power over you: the farmer’s wife, the farmer, your husband, the bailiff whom collects the taxes, and the local lord; that is life, Gwen!”

  Of course, he was correct, none of us is truly in charge of our own destiny, and there is always someone higher to order our lives, unless of course you are the king. This thought returned me to the reason why Robert had sought me out and I said, “So who is the important guest?”

  Robert smiled, I could tell by the relaxing of his shoulders that he was relieved that I had, he had decided, come to terms with my guilt.

  “A man who is a very good friend of mine, Gwen,” he said as he rose to his feet, he then continued, “A human who in some ways can be compared with a vampire…you are to meet your lord and king, Gwen.”

  I gasped in shock, and I heard Robert’s responding chuckle as he walked away from me. I could not believe it. A common maiden would in the coming weeks be entertaining the highest lord in the land, our good king Henry the Eighth, and not only that but I would at last be able to talk to normal humans – for the first time in months I was not only happy but excited – life was starting to get a lot better!

  Chapter Eight

  My excitement grew as the king’s visit came closer. I had a choice of gorgeous fabrics to choose from, to be sure that I had suitable gowns, and so that I did not look out of place when our important guest arrived.

  I was it seemed very lucky, in that although I was in my sixth month of pregnancy, I had not gained very much weight and my condition, although noticeable was not pronounced and unsightly. Robert had given me over to Matilda’s expertise for the choosing of the gowns, and I made my way to her quarters when the tailor arrived with the fabrics. I had never seen such fine materials, and watched in awe as Matilda chose the finest green velvet and muslins, threaded with gold and silver.

  Finally, after she had chosen her materials and had talked at length with the tailor about the designs of her own gowns, she beckoned me to her with the words, “Come here, brood mare.” This was, it seemed, her preferred name for me, I did not protest, well there was no point. Matilda was a beautiful monster and could tear me limb from limb if she chose to do so.

  She looked at me critically, her eyes straying from my face to my slightly protruding belly and back, her eyes then rested on my stomach for what seemed an age, and finally her cruel but mesmerizing eyes returned once more to my face. I straight away noticed that a ruthless snarl had twisted her sultry mouth into a thin line, and jealousy and anger shone from the depth of her glittering green eyes.

  “So what colour do you imagine would suit you, dear brood mare?” she said in a sarcastic tone. I walked towards the table that the materials were spread out upon and let the richness fall through my hands in appreciation, I was instantly drawn towards the dark and light blue materials, knowing instinctively that with my dark hair and light blue eyes, these would be the colours that would suit me the most. Turning towards Matilda I said, “I would like the dark and light blue please, Matilda.”

  A callous, sharp laugh escaped from her lips, and she said, “Oh, would you indeed? Well I’m sure that can be arranged, but,” she said turning towards the old but steely-eyed tailor, “She will have no adornments, she and the company we keep must remember that she is in a delicate condition, and of course she should never be allowed to overstep her station in life, which was, I believe, a lowly cow maid!” On ending her statement Matilda once more laughed, which it would seem signaled to the women present that they also must laugh, because each of them tittered in turn.

  I felt my face flush at the obvious insult, and I stammered out, “Thank you”, whilst making my way rapidly to the door. I had thought that I had made it out of her quarters when suddenly I felt myself lifted by my throat off the floor and held up against the cold of the wall. Matilda’s face had changed into that of a monster, I recalled James’s face looking very similar on my very first encounter with him at the farm, but this was different, I knew that Matilda would love to see my demise, in fact she wished for it.

  “Please be kind enough to remember that you shall address me as Lady Vanike…Little milkmaid, you shall regret it if you do not.” Her eyes blazed into my own, but they had changed from glittering green to a rather opaque jade, her fangs dripped with saliva, and the veins in her neck and face stood up and pulsed.

  “Did you hear me, brood mare?” I nodded, and took a deep gasp of air as she loosened her grip and let me fall to the stone floor. She disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, and I heard her telling the women of my fear, and their delighted laughter in response to her tale. Slowly I got to my feet, and quickly made my way to my own room, the incident reaffirmed to me how careful I must be when I was around Matilda, and just how much she hated me. I knew I must always be on my guard, because the first chance she had she would take great delight in killing me.

  Chapter Nine

  The manor bustled with servant’s running back and forth, completing the last minute preparations for the imminent arrival of the royal party.

  I, like almost everyone in the manor, waited in nervous anticipation for our important guests. I sat by my window, watching for the spectacle that was the arrival of the royal party; there were rumors that the procession of courtiers, servants, and squires stretched for at least a mile. Of course, the King and his young Queen Catherine Howard would be at the forefront of the procession; she was, according to the gossips, the most beautiful and gregarious of all of his brides. The king was getting older, and many said that he found it difficult to sit on a horse due to an open ulcer on his leg, which refused to heal, but he was still the King - the most powerful man in England.

  I turned towards my finished gowns lying across the dresser, they were the most beautiful items I had ever owned, and once more, just like so many times in the previous days, I walked over and let the luxurious fabric fall through my hands. My imagination was once more working overtime, and over the last few days I had imagined myself as a beautiful fairy princess, waiting for my prince to return from war, but the most disturbing part of this daydream was that my prince’s face had lost the look of Tom and had started to resemble Robert. I was puzzling over this change in my thoughts, when the trumpets signaled a fanfare and rushing over to the window, I saw my first glimpse of the royal flag in the distance.

  The procession made its way slowly towards the manor, the colours, noise, and the sight of so many people making their way behind the greatest man in England was breathtaking, and one I knew I would never forget. It was only as the royal party drew nearer that I noticed that the King looked old, and although he sparkled with jewels and the effect was mesmerizing, it was not difficult to see he was a large man who wasn’t comfortable and who was in pain, which was not only due to the heat of the afternoon sun.

  I had already decided that I wouldn’t make my presence known until the banquet started in the great hall later in the day. I knew that Robert’s intention was to introduce me to the King, with the understanding that I was his mistress. He wanted it known throughout England that I was carrying his child, he would then legitimize my son, and the child would become his heir. Matilda had argued against this, but Robert was adamant, and by doing so, he gave Matilda another reason to hate me, not that she needed another! For this reason, I intended to stay in the background throughout the proceedings, for I didn’t wish to anger her more than necessary.

  I had a while before I needed to get ready and so I decided to rest on my bed and continue with my beautiful but disturbin
g daydreams. It seemed that only seconds had passed when I felt hands shaking me awake.

  “Miss, miss…you must wake up…it is time to get ready!”

  “What time is it?” I asked in a sleepy voice.

  “Well, miss, they are starting to gather in the great hall, you will be late if you do not hurry!”

  The significance of what the young girl said suddenly hit me. It would be very rude to enter the hall whilst the hosts and the King and Queen were eating, and jumping from the bed, I shook myself awake.

  I washed the grime from my body and sprinkled myself liberally with rose water, even dousing my hair, which I brushed rigorously until it shone. I quickly dressed in my lightest blue muslin dress, which I knew became me very well, especially as my cheeks had a slight blush, the result of my haste in getting ready. I pulled just the sides of my hair into a plait away from my face, and secured them with a small gold clip at the back of my head, leaving the rest of my thick dark hair to shine and curl down the length of my back. I seized the hand-held polished metal, which served as a mirror, from my dresser, and scrutinized my looks. I looked, even to my own eyes, beautiful! My skin shone with health and vigour, my eyes, lightened by the pale blue of my gown, shone and sparkled. I knew that I looked radiant, and I even dared to hope that I would rival Matilda. Throwing the mirror down on the dresser, I stepped into my pretty fabric slippers, and hastily made my way down to the great hall.

  Chapter Ten

  Although the great hall was huge, with so many people crammed into the space it seemed small and insignificant. As I made my way down the stairs I surveyed the room, and was pleased to see that Robert and Matilda were still introducing from a long line of people, those that they chose to present to the King and Queen. I noticed that the King barely registered those before him, and either talked to the Queen or surveyed the mountains of food that passed him on the way to the royal table.

  I placed myself at the end of the line, hoping that I would be overlooked and dismissed with those who had failed to be presented to the royal couple. It wasn’t very long before I noticed a young man of around my own age had joined the line, and as I turned he smiled at me most graciously.

  “I hope I get presented today,” he whispered into my ear, “The King is only here for three days before he progresses north, and the next three days will be my only chance of recognition.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, it seemed such a long time since I had had a conversation with a normal human being, and I felt like I had lost the art of idle chatter. Finally, I found my voice and said, “I’m sure you will, sir…if not today then maybe tomorrow, or the next day?”

  “The King is not always well enough for long presentations….well, let us hope…My name is Edward.” He took my hand and kissed the tips of my fingers softly, he then continued, “Edward Darrington, I'm a local squire hereabouts, and a somewhat distant friend of Lord Vanike, and you are?”

  I didn’t have time to answer his question, for suddenly I felt myself propelled forward by Robert’s iron grasp, but I wasn’t the only one, for I noticed that Matilda had grabbed Edward in much the same way.

  “My lord, I present Miss Gwen Leigh…” I fell in a deep curtsy when I heard Robert speak my name, and to my surprise, I found I was trembling with nerves.

  “Pray stand, girl.” The King’s voice was deep and gruff, the type of voice that brooked no argument. I looked full into his face, a face that had once been beautiful, but now was bloated and misshapen, but his eyes danced, and shone with the vigour of the man he had once been, and I smiled in response to that twinkle.

  “A pretty piece this one, Robert, and I see she is with child, pray, who is the father?”

  “I am, my lord…it is well known that Matilda and I will make this child our own when it arrives, sire.”

  The King’s laughter resounded around the hall.

  “Robert you’re a man after my own heart…I will see to it that the child is legitimized when the time comes, let us hope it’s a boy, uh?”

  “We have no doubt, sire” Robert said softly. The King held his hand out, and I kissed his fingers, I then turned to Queen Catherine, her eyes were shining with mischief, and I could see that Robert’s speech had amused her. I leant forward to kiss her hand, and as I did so, she whispered, “Serves the old cow right!” as I lifted my head, she looked towards Matilda, turned back towards me and winked!

  Finding it difficult to control the giggles that threatened to escape, I curtsied once more and made my way towards one of the great tables. A few moments later Edward was once more by my side, his eyes were shining, and there was no doubt that he was happy that he had been presented to their Majesties.

  “Will you sit with me to eat, Miss Leigh?” he asked, and then continued, “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with the King.”

  I had no wish to discuss the fact that I was now known as Robert’s mistress, so I said, “Yes, that would be lovely, but must we talk of what was said to the King.”

  A huge smile transformed his rather bland looks and he replied, “I would rather we didn’t,” and with that he led me to a table to join the banquet.

  The food was glorious, as was Edward’s company, and I even managed, sometimes, to forget the vampires who frequently glanced in my direction. I vaguely noticed that they each had a large goblet of thick red wine, which of course wasn’t wine at all, and although they all piled their plated with food, none of the grand feast passed their lips, but for this night I didn’t care! I felt for the first time, in a long time, that I was a normal human, and I wasn’t going to let their evil stares ruin my night.

  Chapter Eleven

  How stupid I was. I should have known I should always be on my guard with Matilda and her minions. Two nights I spent with Edward, and in him I found a true friend. I’m sure to others it looked like we were attracted to one another, but it wasn’t like that, we simply found in each other a mutual respect and liking.

  It was in the early hours after the second banquet that I was awoken by rapping on my door. Sleepily I answered the insistent knocking, and was confronted by a young serving girl who often waited on me. “Miss…you must come quickly…there’s been an accident, miss.”

  I covered my nightdress with my velvet cape, and followed her, asking what had happened, I asked her several times, but she failed to answer, but then she rarely did, so I didn’t find her silence odd.

  I followed her to a part of the manor I had never been to before, a wing that I knew to be occupied by some of the least important vampires. I started to feel uncomfortable as we hurried along the cold, damp, corridors. This was the oldest part of the manor and it smelt of death and decay, a place that suited its vampire inhabitants and their lust for death and destruction very well.

  We started up a spiral staircase that I assumed led to the roof, and once again, I asked what had happened, where were we going? The girl ignored my questions and so I continued to follow, fear and apprehension building quickly inside of me.

  Finally, we stumbled out into the air, and it was then that understanding dawned on me in resounding horror. Matilda walked towards me, her hips swaying, a twisted smile on her perfect face, and her eyes shining their evil hypnotic stare. I knew that I had been duped. I noticed James grinning, his satanic smile radiating from behind her, and some of the other vampires that I had seen earlier in the week, laughing and eyeing me in obvious glee at my discomfort.

  “Ah, it’s our dear brood mare!” Matilda shouted, “We have a treat in store for her, do we not, my friends?” The vampires laughed hysterically, Matilda, now also laughing openly, stood to the side and said with a sweep of her arm, “Behold, your entertainment, my lady!”

  Edward was tied to a makeshift type of crucifix, his head lolling from side to side. I heard someone scream, and realised almost instantly that it was from me that the shriek came. Edward’s head snapped up, and his eyes met mine. The soft beautiful eyes of my friend radiated
fear and confusion, but most of all I saw sadness, and realised that he believed that I was party to the horror that had befallen him.

  “Edward, it wasn’t me…I'm your friend…Oh please let him go, he’s done nothing to warrant this, please, PLEASE!”

  Once more, the surrounding vampires screamed in laughter, and then one after the other they sunk their jaws into my friend, sucking his life’s blood from him. I screamed, I prayed, and begged, I even offered to take his place, but to no avail. I fell to my knees and watched in sickening horror the light in my friend’s eyes flicker and die.

  I believe that in that moment I would have gladly sacrificed my life and also the life of my child, for I was certain that I wasn’t able to once again confront the horror of an innocent’s murder. I failed to notice the vampires laughing and dancing with glee, I had rolled onto my side onto the cold stone, and sobbed, for once again, I was lost in hell, and I doubted that this time I would climb the huge wall out of the pit of despair into which I had fallen.

  I do not know how long I clutched at the cold stone in misery, but I was awoken from my stupor, by the sound of screams. Lifting myself up I encountered another massacre, but this time it was a massacre, that I, much to my shame, enjoyed.

  Robert was like a possessed demon. His face was unrecognizable. His eyes were opaque but filled with bulging blood vessels, his body seemed larger, and menace radiated from him in pure evil waves. There was no denying his strength, for the vampires who were moments ago laughing in abandoned joy, screamed and cowered in fear, and even Matilda hissed and shook, with obvious horror etched into her beautiful face.


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