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Dragonfall Page 7

by Erik Schubach

  I looked at everyone and said, “Those things are raw evil. I can feel the dark and twisted power coming from them.” Dawna slowly lowered her weapon and holstered it, the other agent followed suit.

  James and I were already pulling on latex gloves when Mei returned and did the same. Jackie looked at us then almost as if it were an afterthought, started putting some on as well. I tilted my head at her. Just like yesterday, I couldn't feel her. She was a black hole as far as my dragon senses went.

  Mei timidly grabbed the tomes and brought them to her work space and opened them with two fingers, with a look of disgust on her face. I took a deep breath through my mouth and grabbed my iPad and centered myself with Jackie at my side. Then started sketching out the last couple runes I could make out. James was back at his station, pouring over the translations.

  This was my element, this is how I could help Quinn solve the case and find the murderer, research and uncovering facts. It is what I was born to do. I smiled a bit, I got it from me Da, his thirst for answers and information was never quenched.

  I described for the young intern exactly what I was seeing and what I was doing, and how my sketches were automatically fed to James for the digital overlay on a scan of the scroll. I'm sure that James and Mei had already done that, the betty was nodding in understanding as we went.

  James hit a few buttons on his computer and the scroll with my hand drawn text and runes were displayed on the big screen on the back wall. She took a step toward the screen and her eyes were scanning it like she was simply reading it. Oh... our translations were presented below each word or rune, I was just bein' silly.

  The girl looked at me oddly. “So this is the myth... the fairy tale that you are working on?”

  I furrowed my brow. “Myths and legends often are based on some truth. I'm a dragon... that illustrates that fact. But these... fairy tales helped to shape and influence ancient cultures. They help us understand our roots and where we came from. And in this case, it could help us find a murderer.”

  She nodded. “I didn't mean to imply there wasn't importance to what you do... what we do. I just mean, it sounds a little far fetched that the Dark One is somehow involved. I mean, she died centuries ago. And thinking she stole the air dragon's power...” she stopped suddenly.

  James' head raised and he looked at her then the big screen. He stood and walked two long legged strides to it and scrutinized a portion of the scroll. He looked back and pointed at the entry, “You're a genius Jackie. That was the part we didn't understand. Queen Alexandra lost the battle against Morgan in the mountains because she somehow took the ability for Alexandra to command the air elements. This symbol didn't make sense till now. It is in all the ancient texts as Dismas, one of the thieves that were crucified with Christ. Here it just indicates what he was, a 'thief,' transversely, Morgan 'stole' something.”

  Jackie quickly replied hurriedly and I detected a hard English accent that I hadn't heard from her before because she spoke so fast, “It only made sense in the context of that sentence.”

  James looked back at it then nodded. “Hmmm, well done. I didn't see it.” She smiled back at him as he went back to his station, then she moved from me and to Mei to observe her working.

  By lunch, we had finished with our translation the best we could. It was indeed the druid's account of the Dark One systematically killing off every air elemental dragon. By consuming their hearts, she was able to extend her life as we learned. But she did some sort of binding that enslaved the air magic to her will. She had virtual full control over it, and only Queen Alexandra defied that control and a battle of epic proportions that leveled a mountaintop ensued.

  The druids believe that Morgan killed Alexandra as she was the only one to return from the mountains. The witch was beaten and bloodied and barely alive, but she did live. After that, the Druids could no longer summon air magic. Morgan had twisted it for use in her death and flesh magics and it made her exponentially more powerful.

  Lords above, is that why when I reach out to the air element, I can feel its agony and the feeling of betrayal? Because Morgan had somehow bound it? The dragons were unable to prevent it so it refuses to help me when I call upon it?

  I looked over to Mei and asked, “Is there anything in the tomes about dragon hearts or how Morgan can bind the elements? It seems she may be trying to do the same to me water dragons and steal the power of the water element for her own.”

  Mei shook her head. “Nothing yet. These are full of rituals and spells that require unthinkable acts. It is slow going.”

  I nodded then turned when the elevator dinged down the hall. I could feel her before Quinn stepped out and made her way down the corridor to us. She pointed at her imaginary watch. I looked over at my colleagues sheepishly. “Seems Agent Trask is wantin' to be tearing me away from our research. You'd think she'd be wantin' me to continue.”

  Quinn said over the speakers, “I can hear you you know you unruly Irishwoman.”

  I winked at my co-workers and said over my shoulder toward her, “Of course, that's why I be sayin' it.” Then I gave an exaggerated sigh. “Well, it seems I have a lunch date with a beautiful woman. I guess we can continue our work after lunch.”

  I got some silly grins and I turned with a grin of my own for my Quinn as I made my way out of the clean room, peeling off my gear. I gave her a quick peck on the lips as I exited the room.

  Chapter 8 – Revelation

  Quinn and my detail led me out to a waiting SUV. I often wondered if the agency ever used ordinary vehicles, or were they all dark SUVs? I admired her toned and shapely form as I got into the passenger seat. As I walked past she whispered, “Your eyes.” I dimmed my senses and the others went to their vehicle as Quinn joined me and started the car.

  As she pulled out of the lot, she shot me an expectant look. I just grinned at her and turned to look out the window. I almost snorted when she blurted out, “My god you're infuriating. Tell me what happened this morning.”

  I turned back to her with a huge grin. “Now who has the temper Agent Trask? I'm just sittin' here mindin' my own business then you make like an angry bull.”

  The corner of her mouth twitched, I could feel her fighting between anger and amusement. She sighed and spoke calmly, “Ok woman, you have had your fun. Now, could you please tell me what really happened this morning?”

  I nodded once in triumph. “Much better. See? All you had to be doin' was say please.” I shot her what I hoped was an innocent look, blinking my eyes.

  This time she couldn't stop a small smile from appearing on her face. I said, “Well, me Ma says I should be makin' an honest woman out of ya instead of sleepin' with ya out of wedlock.” I cocked an eyebrow at her.

  She let out an exasperated breath and said, “Not that. You know damn well that I mean after the accident!” Then she paused and added. “She said that?” She looked down and had a shy look on her face as she asked.

  I smiled at the fact she didn't seem adverse to the notion and replied, “She did...” Then I continued on. “Well, it seems that the accident wasn't as accidental as it seemed. I...” I paused thinking how best to say it. “I met Merlin this morning.”

  I paused and let that sink in, she pursed her lips then asked, “THE Merlin?”

  I nodded. “Apparently so.” Then I went on to tell her all about the surreal meeting I had with the wizard. I finished up as we pulled up to O'Doherty's Irish Pub, one of our favorite places to eat. She had originally brought me here as a joke about a year ago but hand to heaven, the food is out of this world. I'm pretty sure Quinn loves their shepherd's pie more than she does me. But I don't mind since I've been havin' my own affair with their corned beef and cabbage.

  My chivalrous protector got out and quickly moved around the front of the vehicle to open my door and give me a hand down. Treats me like a porcelain doll this one, ya know. I sort of like it if I'm to be honest with myself.

  As we walked to the pub's doors, with Quinn s
lightly in front of me, one hand hanging down by her holster, in her typical protective manner, she said softly, “So it IS Morgan la Fay we are dealing with?”

  I said just as softly as my detail fell in step behind us, “Apparently so. And me team has pretty much matched everything to her modus operandi.”

  She smiled down at me. “Look at you, using the lingo like a true peacekeeper.”

  I felt the burn of a blush and blurted out, “That's enough of that, you, All the pieces fit. Add to that Merlin usin' the term 'resurrection.'”

  She squinted an eye and said, “That woman we are trying to identify on the surveillance videos...”

  I exhaled. “Most likely.”

  We were brought to a back booth where Quinn could sit with her back to the wall and observe the entrance. Dawna stayed by the bar near the back hall to the restrooms and the back door while Agent No-Name stayed outside the front door.

  I glanced over at the tall blonde agent with her hair pulled back tightly in a ponytail to keep her peripheral vision free. I mused out loud, “I suppose I'll be needin' to apologize to Agent Grove for ditchin' her like that.”

  Quinn snorted and said in a serious tone. “Yes, I suppose you should.” I almost cringed. Quinn wasn't letting me off the hook either. I know it was stupid of me, but I'm my own woman, they aren't my keepers. Oh... right, they are.

  We spent the rest of the meal discussing our day so far and indulging in the culinary heaven on the plates in front of us. Well, Quinn had her plate, I had my three. I swear I'm gonna go broke from my food bill alone.

  Quinn had already sent protection details out to my twelve remaining water dragons, all of whom rejected protective custody, but Quinn insisted.

  She fished a photo that was printed from one of the videos of the mystery woman. It was grainy and you could only see the back of her head, not a lot to go on. I looked at it then placed it back on her stack of photos and froze. I snatched the top photo and held it toward her and demanded, “What is this?”

  She took the photo and said, “This? It is a picture of the amulet that was stolen from Saint George's archives a few weeks back.”

  I was standing, throwing some money on the table and running toward the door with Quinn quickly flanking me, Dawna was in motion. I blurted, “We need to get back to the museum now! Morgan is there!”

  Quinn was asking as we ran to the car, “What do you mean?”

  I almost yelled, “Me new intern, Jackie. She's wearin' that amulet around her neck!”

  With that revelation, Quinn was on her phone to Dawna as she started the car and kicked on the flashing blue lights hidden in the grill and took off like a bat out of hell on a direct route to the museum. “Grove, dragonfire at the museum. I repeat dragonfire.” Then she was having me describe Jackie and relaying to Dawna.

  We pulled up to the museum and there was a veritable army of FBI agents, Denver Police, SWAT, and armed agents from the international task-force surrounding the building. Patrons were being quickly and silently ushered out of the museum by armed teams and corralled across the street.

  I started to get out when Quinn opened her door. She reached over and laid a hand on my arm. “Where do you think you are going?”

  I almost hissed at her, “On the hunt!”

  She shook her head. “No you aren't. You're sitting in this car until I say it is clear.”

  I shook my head. “No, you need me to get past the security doors!” I tucked my security badge into my shirt.

  She held her hand out for the badge and I shook my head in defiance. She hissed, “Dammit woman! Fine, stay behind me and do everything I tell you without question!” I nodded and we were running toward the employee door with about a dozen agents in tow.

  I think we surprised Sefa when we came running through the door, weapons raised. He jumped off his stool, knocking it over and stood with his back to the wall as agents came streaming through the metal detector, setting the buzzer off. The agent beside me stayed with Sefa with his assault rifle aimed at him.

  Screw the elevator! Quinn was in tune with me over our soul bond and threw the stairway door open. We didn't even think as we both just hopped over the rail and plummeted to the concrete floor two stories down. I called upon my Drakon abilities and my senses expanded as we plummeted. I landed lightly and she landed with a grating thud of granite on concrete in her familiar three-point stance.

  She took a moment to look up to see the agents above streaming down the stairs and she muttered, “Shit.” when she realized we had separated ourselves from them. I think it was my concern for Mei and James that I was projecting that was overriding her need to follow protocol. I cringed at the thought I was letting those feelings bleed through to her and clouding her judgment.

  She caught all of this in an instant and shot me a look of understanding then she opened the sub-basement door and stepped out with her weapon drawn. She assessed the situation instantly and she motioned to the three shocked men in the staging area, pointing at the badge on her hip. They quickly made their way to us and she motioned for them to go through the door as the other agents were finally arriving on our level.

  Then two men took positions on either side of Quinn as we made our way through the staging area and down the corridor to the clean room. There was some flickering there and I could feel the energy of flames and smell the acrid smell of burning flesh. “Mei!” I blurted and tried to get past the agents. My heart was going like a runaway freight train, flames started to surround me, I had to fight to stop the heat from my flames from burning the closest agents.

  Then we got to the clean room and it was empty. There was something burning in the metal waste basket beside the table outside the glass room. That is where the smell of burning flesh was coming from. As the agents fanned out I stepped up to the basket and peered in. Morgan's tomes were in there half consumed by the flames already.

  With a tiny bit of will, I extinguished the flames instantly then extinguished my own as I calmed down. I reached down and retrieved the half burned books and held them up toward Quinn as she lowered her sidearm and saying, “Clear!” All the weapons in the room dropped and Dawna was on her phone calling an all clear.

  I shook my head and said, “There must have been something in these she didn't want us to see.” Then my eyes flew wide. Mei! I pulled out my cell and hit a speed dial. Two rings later a sweet soprano voice answered, “Hi Myra. What's up?”

  I started crying in relief and smiling at the phone. “You're ok? James is ok?”

  She had a 'no duh' tone to her voice as she said, “Of course, we are. We're on our way back from lunch now. Is everything ok?”

  I laughed nervously exhaling and dimming my senses back down to human levels, the purplish red glow of my vision fading to normal, “It is now.”

  After the building was cleared, and the employees were let back in. Mei and James joined us in the sub-basement. We filled them in.

  James asked, “Jackie is Morgan? But why risk coming here? Risk being detected and discovered?”

  Quinn said quietly, “No doubt to find out what we knew. Maybe to size up Myra since she escaped the trap in the forest.” Then she looked over to the damaged books on the table. “The better question is why destroy the books when she could have done that when she stole the amulet?”

  I furrowed my brow. “Unless she used a thrall to steal the amulet and didn't know her tomes were there.”

  Mei asked, “But what was she hiding by trying to destroy them? What didn't she want us to find?”

  Then James got a look on his face. I knew the look. “Care to share with the class James?”

  He shook his head. “It is probably nothing, but just before lunch, we were asking if there was anything in the tomes about dragon hearts or how Morgan can bind the elements. What if there was?”

  I could hear the collective sharp intake of breath from everyone in the room. James, Mei, and I were already in motion. James was grabbing the burned books as Mei badge
d herself and him into the clean room, I badged in behind them. We geared up and cleaned up. I shot an apologetic glance through the glass at Quinn then us three researcher types entered the positive pressure room and did what we do.

  We were like a well oiled machine, Mei and James carefully separated the undamaged pages from one tome and split them up and started pouring over them. I took the other. I didn't even notice the agents slowly trickling out leaving just Quinn and my detail.

  I was peripherally aware of my girl outside of the room on her phone for hours, coordinating the manhunt and transmitting Jackie's picture to all local law enforcement agencies. It was late at night, after the museum had already closed when Mei let out an excited squeak.

  We were all by her side, I saw Quinn peering through the glass at us. On a half burned page, Mei stabbed her finger at the remaining readable text. “A ritual to bind elemental magic to an object using the hearts of the original elementals.”

  I cringed, the Drakon were referred to by the original elementals. We were in full research mode as we tried to piece together sentences that were half burned away. Trying to use the context to get the general idea of their intent.

  At one point James said, “Dragon up.” I smiled and brought up my dragon sight and was able to make out a few more charred words.

  I was nodding when we had everything we could get. Standing back from the big screen the pages were displayed on. The archaic English was plain to read, though it was interspersed with druid runes. I felt a subtle arousal coming from behind me. I glanced back and Quinn was watching us intently, her eyes on me. I grinned at her. “I'll be havin' none of that now woman. I'm workin' here.”

  She chuckled. “I can't help it that your intellect turns me on.”


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