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Dragonfall Page 14

by Erik Schubach

  A medic ran forward and calmed the woman and led her away. Hector looked pained. “I do not like doing more damage to innocent people, but it is all I can think of. I pray that doctors can do plastic surgery to remove the burns.”

  I nodded in understanding, but it was better than death or being left mindless. I still had no clue if I could stand against Morgan. Quin whispered, “Do it.” To him, keeping the decision out of my hands. He motioned the other druids forward and Quinn yelled, “We're going to need medics! A lot of them!”

  I stood and started walking along the Chronos Dome with Quinn in tow. I ran my hand along the surface of it. It felt different than before, less powerful. I tasted the magic then I understood. The one I faced in Denver tasted of layered magic. Of electricity and water. But the lightning was Merlin's stolen magic. He had taken her ability to control it for a time. This was simply water magic twisted to do what it was not mean to.

  I growled in anger since the scales tipped in her favor, I wouldn't be able to counter it. I would have to use earth magic to get through it again. I struck it with my fist in frustration and froze when it cracked. I stared at the fissure then I reached out with my mind, I could feel the tortured water element in it. I pushed my will out and caressed the surface of the dome and the dome faded away. I could feel the water elements gratitude for soothing its pain.

  I blinked... but... that meant I was either at parity with Morgan and the water elements or the scales tipped toward me. She had ten and I had nine... didn't I?

  I was instantly in dragon form and Quinn was mounting me. I leapt into the air and flapped a few times to get up high to view the total desolation, the lack of life in the shape of the dome. With something black and evil swirling, twisting and writhing in the middle of it. It was putrid, it was all I could do to stop from losing it. It stank of la Fay's twisted magic. But the energy rolling off of it was immense. More power than I had felt from Merlin. My primal fear was rising again, I could feel the terror in me building as the mass of flesh and death started taking shape. There was no way I could defeat this thing, I knew what it was.

  Quinn was stroking my neck trying to calm me. I threw my head up and roared into the heavens, this was something different, my call warbled and undulated in a way it had never done before. I poured all my fear, all my resolve, all my soul into it and the mountain shook.

  I spotted Morgan on a rock outcropping above the writhing mass of rotted flesh. I landed close to the evil construct as it took its final shape, Quinn slid off my back to the ground.

  The black dragon reared up and spread it's wings of rotting flesh and roared a challenge to me. Every instinct in me told me to run. To run as far and fast as I possibly could. To hide away from this monstrosity that was easily twice my size.

  But the little spark in my soul, the wee piece of my heart wouldn't let me legs carry me away. That part of me that wouldn't let this evil hurt another innocent. Wouldn't let it hurt the people I loved. That infinitesimal part of me was stronger than everything else that made me who I was, made me rear up on my hind legs and spread my wings wide and bellow out my own challenge in response, sending my flames up into the sky, burning away the clouds.

  Me lord, I'm going to die here...

  Chapter 17 – Me Boys

  Quinn backed away from me with her eyes trained on la Fay as my head swung back and forth, looking between Morgan and the dragon construct. Raw, dark and evil energy rolled off of it in waves. Flesh dripped off of its wings, it stank of death. Morgan started laughing at me like she had not the full shilling.

  I could feel her. She was only half as strong as before. Then it struck me. I had taken her control of the air elements away. This was her last ditch effort, her trump card. Quinn was right, she IS afraid of me. This construct was all she had left in her.

  I looked at the beast as it stalked me. Fat lot of good the realization does me. There is no way I can take this monstrosity on, ya know. I glanced at the rotting corpse that was Morgan, how I hated that woman. She put it in the form of a dragon as a final insult to me and my kind.

  I glanced back toward Denver... something was coming. I concentrated for a moment then I smiled inwardly. Maybe I stood a sliver of a chance now. I head Caragh whisper in my ear, “They come.”

  I snapped my head back when Morgan spoke, “Just give up now Queen. Lay down and allow me to take your heart now and I will spare your adopted city.”

  I growled out, my dragon voice booming, “You will not harm anyone else. You will meet your end on this mountain. The human race is under the protection of the Drakon.”

  She seemed to dismiss me as she sighed and said, “So be it.” She flicked a finger and the black dragon of death reared back then charged at me. The ground shaking under its feet. I roared and started my own charge. I needed more time.

  At the instant of collision, I dropped my dragon aspect and rolled in human form, under the feet of the charging beast then allowed my dragon out again. I grabbed its tail in my mammoth jaws and yanked with all my might. It tried to unfurl its wings but was too late as it slammed into the mountainside, causing a huge rock slide and part of the cliff face to collapse.

  I pulled my head back then sent a column of fire roaring toward it. It thrust its neck forward and released a torrent of purplish black magic that felt like it was screaming in pain. Our magics collided and for an instant it seemed like nothing had happened. But then the force of a massive explosion sent me tumbling back across the ridge, I couldn't see the black dragon. Between us was a smoking crater, the rocks glowing hot from the heat and a column of heat, fire, dust and debris shooting up into the sky in a mushroom cloud.

  Quinn!! I looked around but couldn't find her. But I could feel that she was ok. I could feel the emotions of her predatory side. She was on the hunt.

  The wind blew away the dust cloud between us and I saw the beast hadn't even moved. I felt my terror rising again. I fought it back and shot another wave of flame at it, this time his black energy seemed to stop mine without the cataclysmic results, it was as if he was absorbing my flames. I reached out and found my new friend, I asked a favor and a gale force wind joined my flames, multiplying them tenfold. I was pushing the dark magic back now. It twisted its head and deflected my attack into the mountainside. Reducing the cliff to magma in a horrific turmoil of raging energy.

  The black dragon spread its wings and leapt at me, gliding into me and hitting me harder than I would have ever believed possible. My flames cried out in pain in my head, but they were able to protect me from the brunt of it. It started clawing and ripping at my dragon aspect with its sickening claws, trying to get at me inside my cocoon of flames. I flopped and scrabbled backwards trying to create some distance.

  I swung my tail and it smashed against the dragon ineffectually, but it distracted him. I dove off the ridge, then I watched from a ledge in my human form as the huge black dragon took to the air attempting to follow me, dripping rotted flesh behind it.

  When it had soared out over the valley, scanning for me I dove off the ridge and my wings exploded from my back again and I flew back up and toward Morgan. I flew toward the huge crater and saw Morgan, was that fear in her eyes? Good!

  I blinked, Quinn was coming out from some rocks behind la Fay with a granite fist cocked. I grinned to myself. But at the last instant Morgan turned around and threw some leaves at Quinn, who disappeared into the swirling tempest. Morgan spun back to me. “There, now we can be alone while I finish you. Did she really think I'd let her touch me?”

  I reached out, I was scared, if she hurt me Quinn I'd... no... I could feel her, she was fine but furious and... afraid for me.

  I was sloppy, I let events distract me and it felt like a mountain was dropped on me as I was hit from above by the black dragon. We hit the ground with such force that we enlarged the crater. The wind was knocked out of me. I rolled to the side, but the beast was on top of me instantly pinning me down.

  I curled my front claws into fi
sts and struck them together and two huge boulders crushed the dragon between them. It was forced off me and onto the ground, then it struggled to it's feet. I hit it with fire, water, and granite attacks in rapid succession. I hurt it, but I couldn't stop its advance. It was far too powerful.

  It pinned me again and it had it's jaws over the throat of my dragon form's neck. I released my dragon form and rolled away as it struck at me with a claw. I willed the wind to carry me away from another strike and the hurricane strength wind gust got me out of the way just in time. I leapt at the black beast and let my dragon out and I landed on its neck, ripping and shredding with my flaming dragon teeth.

  It batted me aside with its tail. I could taste my own blood and I'm sure I lost some ribs with the impact. Then it was on me again. Pinning me down as black and twisted tree trunks shot up from the ground, impaling my wings. I roared in agony, the sound shaking the ground.

  The creature just held me while Morgan laughed as though she were delighted as she climbed down into the crater we were fighting in. I thrashed around, but the beast leaned harder on me and I couldn't move. The trees were keeping me from going human again.

  I looked at Morgan as she approached and I asked, “Why?”

  She looked down at me with disdain and malice in her eyes. “Does it really matter? In the end, your fighting and struggling is useless.”

  I started laughing at her and she stopped advancing and cocked her head at my mirth. She hissed, “Have you gone mad?”

  I stopped laughing, my voice was now deathly serious. As I turned my dragon eyes to hers. “Fighting and struggling? No, you daft eejit. I was just buying time.”

  She looked around cautiously. “Time for what?”

  I grinned and motioned my head toward the rim of the crater. “Time for me boys to arrive.”

  Seventy men appeared at the top of the crater, surrounding us. I nodded and all of them exploded into their dragon forms. My last seven water dragons and sixty-three granite dragons. They all lifted their heads and roared out their challenge. I was told later that the ground shook so violently that an earthquake of five point three was measured down in Denver.

  In her distraction, I reached out to the elements. Granite pillars erupted from the ground severing the tree trunks and knocking the black dragon from me as all me boys dropped into the fray. I sneered at the bellowing of the beast as it was hit from every side.

  Even with all me dragons, the animal was extremely powerful and the battle raged for longer than I would have thought possible. But finally me boys had the creature pinned against the far wall of the crater. They all looked at me and I slowly advanced on it. I reared up and formed a fist with a front claw and asked the air elements if they wanted revenge for all the centuries Morgan had enslaved them. I cheered at their response and I punched at the air. The amount of air magic that left me was staggering and it was as a solid column of compressed wind and air that left a five-foot hole in the chest of the beast and tunneled through the crater wall to explode out into the air over the valley below.

  Jaysus... I guess the magic was a wee bit pissed.

  I spun to the other side of the crater just to see Morgan disappearing over the rim while me boys tore what was left of the black dragon to pieces. I roared a challenge and took to the air. She was heading up. She looked back at me and then grabbed a handful of feathers from a pouch. I grinned inwardly. No, you don't you fecking bitch. I was waiting for that and I willed the air magic involved in her spell not to cooperate. She stood in shock when nothing happened when she stepped into the leaves she flung into the air.

  She started flinging spells at me. I landed and started advancing on her. My instincts for the hunt overriding my fear. I stalked toward her as she hit me with a spell after spell. Some burned and some were excruciating, but my flames protected me from the brunt of it as I kept advancing.

  Walls of twist tree trunks started shooting up between is, I just waved my claws in chopping gestures and scythes of wind and a blade of granite struck out, reduced them to splinters.

  Now I saw it. I thought it was fear, but it wasn't. It was something more. What I saw in her rotting eyes was extreme terror. She was terrified of me... Queen Myra of the Eire... Drakon Primitus. Then an odd thing happened. Instead of reveling in it, reveling in my impending victory. I became frightened and ashamed. I had been enjoying her fear, anticipating the kill. I'm not that person am I? I recoiled a little and she got a predatory smirk on her face as she slowly reached into her pouch while I tried to recover my wits.

  Before I could react I froze and my eyes went wide as a huge dragon made of mist and steam rose up from behind Morgan. It had to have been as large as me. Morgan stopped when she saw my eyes and turned around slowly, her hand still in her pouch. Then she let out a gurgling scream as the dragon lashed out and tore the Dark One apart with its mighty jaws. I whispered, “May the devil take your last shilling.”

  The dragon shredded what remained. I almost threw up. Then the mist dissipated and a strong looking dark haired woman stepped forward. She spoke Norwegian or Scandanavian, but I heard her voice in English in my head. “Caragh! I should have known it would be thee to stand against the Dark One.”

  I blinked at her. She was... a woman. A female Drakon... that made her a queen. I wasn't alone. Then I realized who I was looking at. It explained a lot of things, like the water element parity. For I knew that this woman commanded both air and water. I dissolved my dragon aspect and whispered, “Queen Alexandra.” I had freed her.

  I wasn't sure what to do so I curtsied and kept my eyes low. “I'm sorry for bein' the one to be tellin' ya. But Queen Caragh is dead. I'm of her line, Myra.”

  She stepped up to me in earnest and raised my chin with a finger. “Child, do not look down. Thou art a Queen of the Drakon. I am so happy to meet thee Queen Myra of the Eire. The world is now rid of the scourge of the Dark One.”

  I gave her a sad smile and then looked around as dragons started landing all around us. I whispered to the tall woman beside me who had such a commanding presence, “Queen Alexandra of the lost Wind Clan of Norway, let me introduce me boys.”

  Chapter 18 – Recovery

  After introductions, I said to Alexandra... yes Alexandra, not Queen Alexandra, she's wantin' none of that foolish Queen shite either, took wing with me and me boys and we flew down to the makeshift tactical base at the edge of the 'dead zone' with me.

  It must have been an awe inspirin' site. Two queen dragons leading seventy smaller dragons down the mountain. We all roared our greetings as a field was cleared and we all landed. Alexandra and I staying in dragon form as the rest of my clan took human form.

  To my relief, Quinn came running up to me and threw her arms around my flaming dragon neck then I nuzzled her with my dragon head as she stroked me between my eyes. I could have started purring right then and there. I wanted her lips so I took human form and partook of my prize. Me lord she tastes wonderful!

  Alexandra took human form beside us grinning evilly I heard in my head as she spoke, “Tark's horn! I take it thou art soul bonded to this woman? I admit it is making me a little flushed. The world has indeed changed much.”

  Quinn looked at her. “You aren't speaking English, but I can understand you somehow.”

  Alexandra inclined her head and I made introductions, “Alexandra, please meet the other half of my being, Quinn Trask. Quinn this is the Queen of the lost Wind Clan of Norway.”

  Quinn inclined her head. “I'm very happy to meet you.” Then she turned back to me. “Morgan? That black dragon?”

  I inhaled sharply. “Both dead.”

  She looked at me with nothing but pride and concern then hugged me tightly. To be honest, I didn't want her to ever let go. I was so scared up in the mountain. I tilted my head toward my clan who were being detained by the military now. “I figured out what Caragh meant that I could call me clan to me.” I stepped forward and snapped at the soldiers. “You'll be steppin' away from me boys if
you know what is good for ya!”

  Quinn squeezed my arm then went striding over with fire in her eyes, pointing at a soldier. “You, what the hell do you think you are doing? Get away from our dragons.” I almost giggled as I watched her work.

  I heard a horn incessantly beeping and a little Volkswagon Beetle made its way through the soldiers, mystical beings and recovering ex-thralls. Mei's voice yelling out, “Move it! Out of the way! Official International Arcane Taskforce business! Move it!” Her horn beeping all the way. I had to stop another giggle.

  She stopped beside us and she looked at me with tears brimming her eyes. “Is it over?” I simply nodded and she looked around at all the activity. Then she said, “Let this lot sort this shit out. Let's get you home lady.” Then she whistled shrilly and yelled, “Trask, get yer ass over here!”

  Quinn joined us and we all somehow managed to wedge ourselves into the VW with Alexandra in the passenger seat. Mei beeping her horn and yelling at people as we made our way through the crowd and headed back home.

  Alexandra had a huge smile on her face. “These mechanical conveyances are truly a marvel. Hast thou one Myra?” I nodded with a smile and she grinned. “I may indeed come to like these new times.”

  I introduced Alexandra to Mei and was surprised when Mei said she could understand her too. Alexandra explained it was because my girls were elementals. Before long we were pulling into Mei's garage. The block had at least ten SUVs parked along it now.

  The wee Japanese-American lass got us settled in the living room where James was waiting before she dashed off to the kitchen to prepare a meal.

  We explained all the happenings from the past year to Alexandra, beginning with the Fire Stone. She was saddened that all the clans had been slaughtered but was hopeful that with two queens we would be able to build our numbers again. James was able to contribute because he knew some Norwegian, but he couldn't hear her thoughts.


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