Black Mark Series Book 1: Black Mark's Resistance

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Black Mark Series Book 1: Black Mark's Resistance Page 4

by Ebony Olson

  “I wouldn’t expect anything else from one of Mr. Rafal’s employees.” I smiled.

  Steffen smiled back and gestured for me to follow him. The luxury was evident immediately with the double height ceilings, and touchscreen pads throughout which control the entertainment, lighting and heating system. At the fork he stopped and pointed to the right.

  “Kitchen is first door on the left. The double doors straight ahead are the master’s suite. You will only enter there upon his request.”

  The way he phrased that made me think my job description would need rewriting if that ever happened.

  Moving to the left we entered a large reception area open through to the fifth floor and the ceiling. There was a large sitting area immediately ahead, a large dining table to the rear of the room, a mini grand piano huddled in the far corner and a large fireplace set within a wall to split the room and hide a smaller sitting area. The colors were stone, creams, black and timber.

  Steffen walked through the room to the opposite side. There was a door in the wall leading into a foyer, above which rose a flight of stairs. “Through there are the library and the office. Your room is this way.” Steffen walked to the base of the stairs and climbed with impressive agility.

  I followed him up the iron banister wrought of twisted metal vines. From the top of the stairs I could look over the entire reception area. On the far side I saw an identical flight of stairs above the door to the foyer and kitchen. At the top of those stairs was a landing with a lounge.

  On this side there was a door and a closet. Steffen opened the door and led me into my room. Immediately upon entry was the door to the cream marble en-suite, consisting of a large bath tub, shower and a gorgeous mirrored vanity.

  The bedroom had polished timber floors, a four-door wardrobe along one wall, a large white framed bed with a white satin and black fake fur quilt cover, two bedside tables and a chest at the end of the bed. Beyond the bed were double doors leading onto the wrap-around terrace. My cello stood in the corner on its stand, the music stand already set up next to it. To say the apartment was beautiful would be an understatement.

  “You are the only person situated on this side of the apartment. It should be quite peaceful for you.”

  “It’s lovely.” I grinned, barely able to believe how stunningly beautiful it was. I walked to the terrace doors and looked out. The view was over the rooftops toward Hyde Park. It was breathtaking.

  “I have taken the liberty to unpack your belongings and put them away for you.” Steffen tapped the wardrobe door.

  I turned, slightly horrified at the thought of him unpacking my underwear. Not to mention, other more personal items. I must have blushed.

  Steffen laughed. “As I explained downstairs, miss, I am hard to shock. I have put your diary and your toy in your bedside table on the far side from the door.”

  I bit my lip and felt myself blush harder. This seemed to encourage Steffen.

  “Really, miss, in this day and age, I believe a vibrator is a standard female possession.” He opened the wardrobe door and pulled out my Eeyore pillow pet, holding it up. “This, in a grown woman’s belongings is quite unique.” He restrained a smirk as he threw it on the bed.

  “Your toiletries are packed away in the bathroom. Dinner is at seven in the kitchen. The master is at a charity dinner tonight, so it will just be Zander and yourself. You can call me at any time on the intercom if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, Steffen. I’ll be down for dinner.”

  I waited till I had the room to myself and acquainted myself with where everything was, rearranging things to my liking. I still had an hour until dinner. I picked up my cello, sitting myself on the bed, and started playing Dvořák Cello Concerto in B minor op.104. It had been months since I’d played this piece, but I felt it was right for tonight.


  I spun and fell. The silk grabbed around my ankles and stopped me falling to Earth, allowing me to fly for a moment. I hung there for a moment then grabbed a handful of the silk, untangled my ankles and started my slow controlled descent to Earth.

  “That was great, Mora. You have great confidence up there. Just make sure you have the silk tight on your ankles before you drop,” my instructor critiqued as I reached the bottom. “I’ll see you Wednesday?”

  “Provided work doesn’t keep me away.” I waved good night, jogging to collect my bag from the corner.

  “Not what I expected when Warren told me you were at the gym.” Zander pushed off the wall next to my bag as I approached.

  “It’s a harder work out than any gym could give me,” I replied toweling off, then pulled my pants and top on over my leotard. “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s late. Dare doesn’t want you on public transport this late. He sent me to pick you up.”


  “Short for Darius.”

  “If you say so. Is he home already?” I put my watch back on. It was only ten, still early really.

  “An hour now. He’s not one for staying out partying all night. He makes sure his work goes off without a hitch and then comes home to the sanctity of his library.” Zander waited till I buckled up my jacket and swung my bag over my shoulder before he opened the door and followed me out to the car park. “He got in and found out you weren’t home and sent me out to find you. He was worried.”

  “I’m a big girl.” I smiled, touched by their concern.

  “That just makes you a target for a bigger predator,” Zander replied flatly. “From now on, I’ll be here to pick you up after training. Let me know the times tomorrow and I’ll get you here and back.”

  “That’s an hour and a half out of your night, two if you add travel time. That’s not fair on you.”

  Zander held up a book as we reached his range rover. “I’m a reader. Doesn’t matter much if it’s here or in the sitting room.”

  I hopped in the front seat next to Zander. He started the engine and looked at me. “If you’re going out at night, you let us know. Dare takes care of his staff, but you’re the first female we’ve ever had live with us. Get ready to be big brothered to death.”

  Chapter Four

  “So,” Jasper started, his finger drawing lazily over my back. “Two weeks in. Are you happy with the new job?”

  “So far, so good.” I yawned laying my head on the pillow.

  “No more verbal diarrhea in front of the illustrious Darius Rafal?” I could hear Jasper’s smile. They were in the same industry, in a way, I’m sure they’d crossed paths before.

  “No. I’ve barely seen him to tell the truth. I mainly deal with Warren and he’s great.”

  Jasper licked up my spine. “And the new accommodations?” His breath blowing over the wet trail sent shivers up my spine.

  I smiled recognizing the signals that he was ready to go again. “Still luxurious and beautiful.”

  “You should sneak me in for a visit.”

  I rolled over pushing Jasper onto his back. “I signed a contract of non-disclosure. One of those terms was that I can’t bring my lovers into his house.”

  I kissed his full lips, the taste of me still on his tongue. I squirmed my way down his body taking his growing cock in hand. Jasper lay back, placing his hands behind his head, so he could look down his body and watch while I sucked him.

  I flicked the tip of him with my tongue and smiled as his eyelids fluttered. Happiness surged through me as I swallowed him down, engulfing him. My stomach flipping and flopping as I sucked eagerly, enjoying the expressions on his face, the smooth feel of him in my mouth, the salty taste of his precum on my tongue. I was hungry, ravenous, desperate to feel him spurt himself into my mouth.

  A phone started ringing. I glanced over to see my work phone dancing across the bedside table. I groaned and pulled away, diving across the bed for the phone.

  Jasper looked shocked. “Hell no, I was just on edge.”

  I slid my thumb acr
oss the screen to answer. “You’re the one who asked about work,” I grumbled as I put the phone to my ear. “What’s up?”

  I hadn’t looked at the caller ID, I just assumed it was Warren or Zander, so was a bit surprised by the Scottish accent. “Miss Ellis.”

  A loud slap echoed through the room and I jumped. “Jesus!”

  “No, Darius.”

  “Not you.” I turned my head and glared at Jasper as he landed another hard smack on my rear. I clenched my teeth to hold my tongue but groaned despite myself. “Shit, Jasper,” I breathed. Another smack. “Fuck, I’m on the phone with my boss!”

  “I can fix that.” Jasper grabbed the phone out of my hand and spoke to it without lifting it to his ear. “She is here with me, it is a Saturday, you’ve already cut into her weekend last night, she will call you back in the morning.”

  He threw the phone aside. I stared at him wide-eyed. “Are you trying to get me fired?”

  Jasper smacked me again and I moaned long and hard. “You are too good to fire over a weekend fuck frenzy.” He flipped me over spread my legs and slapped my clit hard.

  I dug my nails into the bed sheets, back arching as that sting reverberated through me and my clit throbbed with want.

  “I’m seriously wanting that frenzied fucking now.” Jasper dragged his fingers through my throbbing folds. “Look how wet you are after a little spanking.” He dropped his face and dragged his stubbled chin over me. “Look at those muscles clench with the need to feel me inside you.”

  Jasper grabbed a condom, rolled it on and slid into me. I gripped his arms where he held himself above me. He started thrusting hard and fast. “God, I love your sweet tight cunt,” he roared.

  I felt my body lifting off the bed, both my back arching, but also that feeling of weightlessness that comes over your body as you near orgasm. I dug my nails in as I closed in on my climax. Jasper pulled back, changed angle and pressed just his head inside of me, right up against my good spot.

  He started muttering all the dirty things he’d already done to me tonight. His hand reached between us to strum my clit, playing me perfectly to have me singing his praises. I felt him swell against my g spot and my body responded.

  Jasper grabbed my chin, forcing my eyes to his. They were bright green, he was right on edge himself and just needed that little push over. “Can I?” He requested gently.

  I nodded.

  “Not good enough, Mora. You know the rules. You need to say it.”

  “Yes,” I gasped.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Bleed me,” I whimpered, his hand tight at my chin.

  Jasper opened the drawer on his bedside table and opened his kit. Moving to bring himself back into the right position he rocked his hips, climbing me to my end while he ripped open an alcohol swab and wiped across the base of my breast. I opened my eyes to watch as he opened the sterile scalpel blade. He hesitated, closing his eyes, and I knew just the thought was enough to nearly bring him.

  He pulsed against my g spot, took a breath and made a clean precise cut. Not deep, that was our deal. It had to be superficial and in a place no one could see it if I was in swimwear. I cried out at the pain and not in the good way. Jasper grunted and threw the blade aside, losing himself.

  My eyes were still wide from the pain, but the feel of my hot blood against my skin, combined with the feel of Jasper’s ejaculation against my g spot was too good for my body and psyche to ignore. I opened my mouth and came voicelessly, Jasper rocking his hips till my body relaxed beneath him.

  Jasper dropped his mouth and lapped at my blood. Not over the cut. That would be introducing the chance of infection. He lapped at the rivulets across my skin and moaned. “I love how your blood looks against your pale skin, Mora,” he complimented as he withdrew from me.

  I gasped and rolled to the side. Jasper grabbed a swab from his kit and used it to prevent any runoff from staining his sheets. With practiced hands, he cleaned me up, closed the wound with two steristrips, slathered the Manuka wound gel over the cut to prevent infection, and covered it.

  Jasper completed his medical degree at Oxford University, but after completing his residency, ditched it to open his own night club. As far as he was concerned, he’d done as his parents requested, he was a qualified doctor. That he didn’t work as one and became successful in the nightclub scene was his parents’ issue, not his.

  As far as blood play was concerned, Jasper and I were mild. I wouldn’t have trusted anyone else with my health and well-being like this.

  Once I was fixed, Jasper took the used swabs and scalpel and disposed of them properly before showering. Blood play wasn’t a regular event for us, it’d been months since the last time. While the bleeding was a thing for me, it was more the trust I was placing in him, that did it for Jasper.

  I was just drifting off to sleep when I saw my phone on the floor. With great effort, I forced myself to my feet and retrieved my phone. There was a message from Darius.

  Call me now!

  With a groan, I dialed his number. “I’m really sorry,” I said as soon as the ringing stopped.

  “Warren said you bought home the mock ups for the Guy Fawkes Carnival yesterday.”

  “Yes. I was going over the plan like you asked. It’s on my bedside table with my notes if you need it tonight.”

  “Thank you.” Darius paused, the anger evident in his voice. “I don’t need to say I’m not impressed with your boyfriend.”

  “It won’t happen again.” Next time I just wouldn’t answer the phone.

  “Good. And, Miss Ellis?”

  “Yes, boss.”

  “When you get home tomorrow we are going to sit down and have a talk about what I heard this evening.”

  “Heard?” I didn’t need to look in the mirror to know the blood just drained from my face.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner.” He imposed the curfew and hung up.

  It took me a moment to take the phone away from my ear. I felt boneless with shock and collapsed on the bed.

  “Everything good with the boss?” Jasper crawled onto the bed behind me, putting my phone back on the bedside table for me and turning my face to kiss me.

  I looked at him still shocked. He touched my face gently, worry etching his face. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “You did hang up the phone before you threw it right?”

  Jasper frowned deep in thought. After a moment, he hung his head. “Fuck!”


  I opened the door to the apartment and stopped. I was surprised by how quiet it was. Moving into the reception area, I expected to find Zander reading, but the place seemed deserted. I moved toward the stairs to my room then heard the soft music playing in the library. Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the library. Darius sat there reading a book. Steffen was pouring tea, two cups.

  “Miss Ellis, join me please.” Darius closed his book and set it aside. “Thank you, Steffen.”

  Steffen gave a short nod and left the room, shutting the door on the way out. I slipped my bag from my shoulder, leaving it by the door and moved to sit with him on the couch. I took the offered cup of tea, took one sip and placed it aside. Sencha just wasn’t my cup of tea.

  “How did you end up in England, Mora?” Darius asked. He sat back, arms open and resting on the chair arms. His black polo shirt and gray chinos made him look the most relaxed I’d seen him since the day he offered me the job.

  “I don’t see how that’s...”

  “Humor me,” Darius cut in and gave me a rare smile.

  I took a deep breath. “My mother sent me here for my father to deal with.”

  “Your father is English?”


  “How old were you?”

  “Seventeen. I’d just finished high school, so the timing worked for going to college.”

  “Your father pulled some strings and got you into Cambridge?”

  “No. I d
id that. My mother never went to Cambridge, she wasn’t good enough to get in. I applied just to stick it to her. I came home from my last day of school to find my bags packed, a plane ticket and my already opened mid-year acceptance letter on my bed.”

  “Had you met your father prior to arriving in London?”


  “So you were effectively kicked out of your mother’s house and sent to live with a strange man?”


  Darius sat watching me. “Blood play is rare even in the BDSM world.”

  “The what?” I frowned.

  Darius frowned. “You have heard of BDSM?”

  I shook my head.

  “It is an overlapping acronym. Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, Sadism and Masochism.”

  “Oh, I just knew it as S and M.” I bit my lip. “Look, you weren’t meant to hear that last night. We were a bit caught up in things and Jasper forgot to hang up the phone.”

  Darius raised an eyebrow. “I am well aware I wasn’t meant to hear that, Mora.”

  He called me by my first name. It sounded good. Why did it sound so good rolling from his tongue?

  “Your fidgeting with the hem of your skirt would be a physical indicator of that.” Darius sat forward. “As I was saying, blood play is very rare. In my experience, the women who enjoy it are also self-harmers.”

  I looked away.


  I looked back shocked. “Excuse me?”

  “I told you to take off your clothes.”

  “No.” I stood to leave.

  Darius hung his head a moment, then stood, pulling me to him. He kissed me passionately. For a gut wrenching moment I fell into that kiss, and bizarrely, I felt I was finally somewhere I belonged. Then my brain kicked back into gear. I shoved him away from me.


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