Holy Socks And Dirtier Demons

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Holy Socks And Dirtier Demons Page 14

by J. A. Kazimer

  quick-change step to the right. Smash. Smack. Bang. Double time.

  “Nooooo…” a demon screamed as my boot crushed his tiny body.

  “Oh yes. That will teach you to fuck with someone a hundred and

  seventy-three times your size.” I did a quick mental count. “Lesson learned.”

  I stomped down harder until I reduced him to a fly-splattered puddle.

  Bodhi tracked down the rest of the runaway demons, most of the

  time swallowing them whole. Lilith was right. He was one hungry cat.

  When the last of the demons were smited, I scrapped off my boots

  over the trash can and glanced around Lilith’s demon-sprayed apartment.

  Please let the market be busy, I prayed reaching for a broom and

  dustpan. The place was a mess. What wasn’t broken was covered in demon

  splatter. From floor to ceiling, the room looked as if it had been hit by a

  hurricane, and not the good alcohol-fueled kind.

  Keys rattled in the door.


  Lilith opened the door, her eyes growing wide as she took in her

  newly redecorated living space. Demon Feng Shui.

  Bodhi circled Lilith’s long legs before letting out a cry, hacking once,

  and spewing demons guts over her shoes. New Prada black leather boots, I

  should add.

  “Why me?” she whispered to Heaven.

  The angel answered, “It is not your place to question Him. I could

  smite you for that.”

  She growled, “Get out, all of you. I’ve had a bad enough day, and

  now I have to spend the next four hours mopping up...” She pointed to the

  splattered floor. “What the hell is that stuff?”

  “Tiny demons. I’ll clean it up.” I showed her the broom in my hands.

  “You go lie down. Take a nap.”

  “Nap?” Her right eye twitched.

  I glanced at her bed, its sheets covered in crushed demon. “On

  second thought, we should go.” I picked up the cat, grabbed the angel’s foot,

  and disappeared through the door.

  Her screams followed us down the hall.


  Thirty One

  I sucked down two beers while Hades laughed. He laughed so hard

  he fell off his barstool and bounced like a yo-yo. Yet laughter continued to

  pour from his fleshy lips.

  “It’s not that funny.” I rolled my eyes, feeling bad about leaving

  Lilith, but I was damn sure if I’d stuck around, she would’ve killed me.

  “The greatest succubus in the Universe reduced to a cleaning lady. It

  ain’t unfunny.” Hades grabbed his sides to catch his breath. “Worse, she

  saved your miserable hide from Samuel and you repay her by wrecking her

  place.” He shook his snake infested head. “You are never gonna get laid


  Yeah, the thought had crossed my mind too. “What do you know

  about her and Samuel?”

  “He wanted her to sacrifice you, but she refused.” Hades sobered, his

  eyes growing hot.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing good. Lilith is dammed, so Samuel couldn’t kill her

  outright, but what he done to her today…” Hades frowned. “Even the bravest

  of Gods wouldn’t have survived it.”

  Sickness pooled in my stomach. Whatever happened I’d make

  Samuel pay for that, and repay Lilith. Another thought occurred to me. It

  hadn’t been Lilith at the gardens today, but someone had wanted me to

  believe it was. My question was who? What did they gain by separating us? I

  had no idea. Nothing made sense right now. Scrambled brain aside.

  “What are you going to do with the cat?” Hades eyed the beast.


  “What?” He raised his hands innocently.

  “You cannot eat her cat.” I tucked Bodhi further into my sweatshirt

  and slipped off the barstool. My head spun, more from its earlier abuse than

  alcohol. “I have to apologize to Lilith.”

  Hades nodded. “Maybe bring her some flowers. Women like


  “Good idea.” I gazed at the angel, who played a game of Mage with


  the Goddess Aphrodite. “Angel? Watch the cat for me. I’m going back to


  “If you insist.”

  “I do.” I shoved Bodhi at him. “And if Hades eats him, I’m going to

  tell Lilith you did it.” Tossing a few bucks on the bar, I waved at Hades and

  headed from the Underworld into hell.

  ~ * ~

  “Lilith?” I tapped on her apartment door. No answer. I knocked

  harder, a smattering of fear rippling through me. Had something happened to


  The doorknob twisted easily in my hand. Unlocked, shit. I pushed

  through the door, ready and willing to slay dragons with the bouquet of black

  roses in my hand.

  “Any one here?” I scanned the pristine room. Not a smashed green

  demon glob in sight. For Lilith, cleanliness must have been next to evilness.

  Her white sheeted bed was made, bookcase restocked, and cat food neatly set

  on the counter.

  The bathroom door opened a crack, and I spun toward the sound

  catching a glimpse of Lilith’s naked back in the steam-fogged mirror. Angry

  red scars lined her skin. Recent, newly healed scars. Scars inflicted while

  protecting me. Scars like the one on the back of her neck. This wasn’t the

  first time she suffered at Samuel’s hands. I swallowed hard, a greasy feeling

  churning in my gut.

  I tapped quietly on the doorframe, careful not to startle her. “I

  knocked but you didn’t answ…”

  “Go away.” Tears fell unabated from Lilith’s eyes, her face patchy

  and red. Not an unpretty sight, but one I had never hoped to witness.

  She slammed the door, which narrowly missed my foot. The pain I’d

  seen in her eyes would haunt me for a lifetime. My protective instincts

  surfaced, as did my stupidity. I reached for the door handle.

  She surprised me by opening the door at the same time. It bounced

  off my nose, sending me spiraling to the floor. Stars circled my head, little

  blue ones with silvery edges.

  Lilith stalked across the room in a t-shirt, and I was damn sure, she

  didn’t wear anything underneath. Gone were her tear stained cheeks,

  replaced with a steely, cold look.

  “Why are you here, Jace?”

  I stood, bridging my busted nose with my fingers. “I came to


  “Well?” Her hands flew to her hips.

  “Um, I’m sorry.” I held out the now decapitated black roses. “I wish

  I could make everything all right. Make up for Samuel—”

  “Don’t.” Her face tightened.



  “Don’t be nice.” She flexed her fists. “I hate when you’re nice.”

  “Too bad.” I pulled her into an awkward hug, and patted her back

  like a child. She kicked me in the knee, following it up with a hard left to the


  “Damn it.” Releasing her, I rubbed at my throbbing shoulder.

  “There’s something seriously wrong with you.”

  “Me?” Redness exploded across her face. “You all but accuse me of

  kidnapping J.C. this afternoon, not to mention wrecking my apartment, and I

  have done something wrong?”

  “I fucking s
aid I was sorry.”

  “Do you even want to find J.C. or are you too busy fucking your

  sweet Mary to care?” She shoved me hard enough to rattle my teeth.

  Rage washed over me. “Don’t bring Mary into this, and don’t you

  ever—” I poked her in the breastbone, “—question my loyalty to the kid.

  He’s the only reason I put up with you, and your demonic P.M.S.!”

  “P.M.S.,” it came out like a squeak. Lilith started glowing scarlet

  around the edges of her skin, eyes turning fiery. “You stupid mother—”

  A hum buzzed from across the room. Tyrfing floated in the air. I

  swallowed back some of my rage, and walked toward the sword. The feel of

  the hilt in my hand ignited the bloodlust locked deep inside my heart.




  I lifted the blade, watching Lilith’s eyes reflected in the shiny

  surface. Each step I took closer to her gave me a tiny thrill, like stalking prey.

  A few feet separated us, me with my demon-killing sword, and her with the

  blackened heart of demonic bitch.

  Glancing at the sword with regret, I tossed it into the bathroom and

  slammed the door. “Now, you were saying?”

  Her fist caught me just above my left eye. Lucky for me, my earlier

  brain injury had numbed much of the feeling on my left side. I’d have to get

  the angel to look at it.

  I grabbed her hands and tossed her onto the bed. “I’m not a fucking

  piñata. I don’t hit women, but next time you deck me, I’ll make an


  Her lips curled into a snarl. “Try it and I’ll rip you apart.”

  “Don’t push me. I’ve had it with you, with all of this demon shit.” I

  bent closer until our faces were inches away. Her breath was hot on my face,

  sending a mixture of signals to my fucked up brain. “Why can’t you just act

  human for once in your fucking life? I offered a shoulder to cry on, and you

  twisted it into something evil.”

  She struggled to rise from the pillows, but I refused to back down.

  She’d be submissive for a few seconds, even if it killed me.

  I grabbed her hair and tugged. “Well, fuck you. From now on, you’re


  on your own.” I threw her back down on the bed, and turned for the door. I’d

  find the kid on my own.

  “Fine. Good,” she yelled behind me. “Like you were any help

  anyway. Stupid momma’s boy.”

  Snap. Yep, I actually heard my brain snap, and went from pissed to

  crime of passion mad. The sword, reacting to my violent temper, smashed

  into the closed door. But the sound did nothing to cool my rage.

  I spun to face her, ran the ten feet from her front door to the bed, and

  pounced. Slamming her body against the bed, my fingers wrapped around her

  skinny neck. Her skin felt red hot, her lips twisted with hate.

  My erection took me by surprise. One second I wanted to kill her,

  and the next I wanted to screw her until one of us met our maker. Preferably

  her, but who was I kidding.

  “No.” She ground her pelvis against me. “You’re not man enough.”

  “And you’re not Mary, but I’ll make do.” I pinned her arms

  underneath my hands, and crushed my mouth to hers. For a few seconds she

  fought me, a growl escaping her throat.

  “Fuck,” I spat when her teeth ripped a layer of skin from my lip. I let

  go of one of her hands to wipe at the blood dripping down my chin.

  “Bastard.” She slugged me in the jaw.

  I rolled off her, the taste of my blood calming my rage. Not

  completely, but enough to question whether I had a death wish or I was

  merely stupid. Stupid won out. I blew out a breath. “Lilith, I—.”

  She wrapped her legs around my waist, and yanked at my hair. “Shut

  up, Jace, or so help me, I will break every bone in your body.” She pulled my

  mouth to hers, and like a pirate pillaged my lips at will.

  I knocked her hand away, but didn’t break contact. Instead, I dragged

  her off me, pulling her upright so I could remove her t-shirt.

  She shoved at my chest, knocking me back, and stripped her own

  shirt from her body. Her skin flamed against the room’s whiteness, glowing

  like fire. The sound of heavy breathing and rushing blood filled the room.

  She licked at her swollen, bloodied lips, and smiled. Her finger curled,

  taunting me to come closer.

  I shook my head. Not this time. I planned to win this round, and that

  meant Lilith would submit. I cracked my knuckles and waited.

  She brushed an imaginary piece of lint from her breast, her nipple

  hardening under her fingers.


  “This is a limited time offer.” She stroked a finger across her lips,

  running it down the curve of her neck. “And I expect foreplay.”

  “Good luck with that,” I said, moving towards her. Fuck it.

  Submission, like foreplay, was overrated anyway.

  Twelve thirty-one a.m. My jeans circled my knees, and my boxers

  followed suit. I tugged on her hair and she bit me, but complied with my


  suggested positioning. Something taken straight out of the Demons Guide to

  Karma Sutra. Her back arched, and I lost myself to the feel of her hot skin.

  Twelve thirty-eight a.m. My leg cramped and Lilith twisted

  underneath me. Her evil eyes burning with lust. “You know, Satan can go all


  I shrugged, rolling her on top of me. “So can Mary.” I caught her fist

  before it slammed into my eye. “Now shut up. I’m trying to concentrate.”

  Twelve fifty-two a.m.

  “Don’t stop.” Lilith raked her nails across my chest before exploding

  with her fourth orgasm in fifteen minutes. Bells and whistles, bright glowing

  light, blah, blah, blah.

  One thirty-four a.m.

  Crack. “I think that was my spine.”

  Two sixteen a.m.

  “Yes. Yes. Oh God, yes.”

  Three forty-five a.m.

  “You’re on the pill, right?”

  Four fifteen a.m.

  “I can’t move.” I groaned. Lilith lay curled on my side, her naked

  body pressed against my sweat-soaked skin.

  She lifted her head. “Poor baby.”

  “No, I mean it. I really can’t move.” I tried to lift my arm, but it

  wouldn’t comply. “I think you crushed my spine.”

  “Oh.” She laughed, but like a trained chiropractor, she snapped my

  vertebrate in place. “Better?”

  “Thanks.” I closed my eyes, basking in our post-coital bliss.

  With a yawn, Lilith said, “Get out.”


  “You heard me.” She stabbed her foot into my ribs, and pushed.

  “Nothing’s changed.”

  “You’re kidding me.” I stumbled from her bed, searching the floor

  for my jeans. “Where am I going to sleep?”

  “Like I care.” Lilith pulled a cell phone from her nightstand, and

  tossed it at me. “I’ll call you when I find the kid.”


  “Oh, and don’t forget your,” she glanced down, “little sword.”


  Thirty Two

  I took the D train from Lilith’s apartment, Tyrfing riding shotgun in

  the seat next to me. A group of teenagers pushed throu
gh the empty car, took

  one look at the sword, and headed in the opposite direction.

  Hopping off the subway at Grand Avenue, I wandered the streets

  mumbling to myself until the sun peeked over the skyline.

  Fucking Lilith.

  Forget about her, my brain ordered. Find the kid and leave that evil

  succubus behind. I laughed, knowing it wasn’t that easy. She’d broken more

  than my spine tonight. My defenses had taken a beating, and I’d be damned

  if I didn’t want her more now than ever before. Was it witchcraft, some

  succubae sex magic, or complete and total stupidity?

  I yawned, exhaustion plaguing my every step. As I turned onto

  Avenue D, rain started to fall from the clouds.

  Squeak. Squeak. Squeak.

  Not rain. Hamsters. I looked up, and took a hamster to the skull. Shit.

  I ducked under an awning while the streets filled with small furry rodents.

  Small furry confused rodents. They bumped into each other, chirped and

  squeaked, as more dropped from the sky.

  What the hell?

  The kid. He must be close. I searched the hamster packed street, but

  saw nothing. Maybe I really had snapped, and the past five days were

  nothing but a delusion. It made as much sense as God entrusting his only kid

  to a guy like me. Looking to the heavens, I prayed for a sign.

  “Jace?” Mary appeared in front of me, her face scrunched with


  “Mary? How did you find me?” I pinched my arm to make sure I

  wasn’t dreaming. That, in fact, the once object of my desire, was standing in

  front of me.

  She motioned to my finger. “You’re ringing my apartment.”

  Damn so I was. I released her doorbell. “Sorry.”

  “Are you all right?” She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and

  half dragged me into the building, Tyrfing flopping behind me.


  “It’s raining hamsters.”

  “What? Did you fall and hit your head?” Her hand brushed through

  my hair checking for injuries.

  I searched the now empty street. No hamsters. Shit. “I don’t think

  so.” My eyes lost focus for a few seconds, and I tripped up the stairs, landing

  face first on the smelly carpet.

  “Come on, let’s get you upstairs and into bed.” Mary hefted me up

  and dragged me up the rest of the steps.


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