Dragon Prince

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Dragon Prince Page 18

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Good. You smell really good.” He reached out and touched the side of her arm. “I’m pretty sure it’s just because of what happened with Blaze.”

  “How is it that nearly burning to death makes me smell better? And, what does smelling better have to do with birth control?”

  “I told you dragons are emotional. I freaked out because you could have been injured.”

  “And that changes the way I smell?” She smiled, looking up in contemplation.

  “Yes. I’ve wanted back inside you almost from the day you arrived on dragon soil. You almost got hurt, first in the fire and then because of me.”

  “No …” She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “You protected me.”

  “I nearly dropped you. Your knees, the blood … I freaked out a little. It made me want you even more. I needed to touch you and hold you and—”

  “I’m fine.” She reached out and grabbed his hand. “I didn’t realize that you cared so much.” She tried to sound flippant and failed.

  “Well, I guess I do. I didn’t realize it either. I thought my feelings were strictly sexual.”

  She turned onto her stomach looking away so he couldn’t read what she was feeling. He couldn’t help but look at the line of her back and her lush ass.

  She cleared her throat, making him realize that she had turned back and caught him staring. “Sorry, you have one hell of an ass.”

  She laughed. “That’s what George says, he says I’m all tits and ass and that—”

  He didn’t hear the rest of what she was saying. “Who is George to you?” he all but snarled.

  Meghan’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open for a few seconds. “Excuse me. What the hell was that?”

  He was losing it! It couldn’t be helped. “I don’t know.” What the fuck was happening to him? Tide got up off the bed and walked to the other side of the room. Then he walked back. “I’m jealous. I’m seriously fucking jealous.” He could hardly believe it himself.

  “What?” She frowned, her eyes hazy. Meghan sat up, using her hands to cup her breasts. “You can’t be jealous. What happened to not liking me? We’re not even friends.”

  Tide got back onto the bed. Her pupils dilated, her breathing picked up a notch or two.

  “That’s the thing, I am jealous. Just tell me who he is to you. You aren’t fucking him … were you fucking him before?”

  “Oh my god! You can’t be serious.”

  “I am serious. Deadly serious. You’re right, we’re not friends. I don’t want to be friends with you Meghan, I want more, I want it all.”

  “All?” She sounded panicked. “You don’t know what you’re saying. We don’t even know one another. It’s been a couple of weeks, we’ve had sex twice. Wanting it all at this stage of the game is impossible.”

  He cupped her jaw. “I’m a dragon.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?” She seemed angry.

  “Because you don’t seem to realize what it means.” He let go of her.

  “I’ve seen you shift. I know what it means, dammit.” There was a growl to her voice.

  “No, you don’t. I can’t believe this is happening but it is.” He brushed a kiss to her lips.

  “What’s happening?” she said, against his mouth.

  “This. Admit that you want me. That you think of me touching you, fucking you? You want me now, don’t you?”

  Berries and cream. Fuck but she was delectable. “Yes, but that has nothing to do with us being together.”

  “It does. I swear we’re compatible and it’s more than just sex.”

  “You can’t say that. We don’t know each other well enough yet.”

  “Oh, but I can and I am.” He lifted her onto his lap. “Straddle me.”

  “Why?” she asked but still did as he said.

  “I want you again. I also want you to admit that there is something between us. More than just sex.”

  She looked him in the eyes for what felt like a long time. Then her gaze softened. “Yes,” she finally huffed. “I’ll admit it. There’s more there.”

  “Good,” he growled. “I’m having you again.”

  “I would like that.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “By the way, he’s my colleague and my best friend.”

  “Who is … you mean George?”

  “Yes.” She moaned when he circled her clit with the tip of his finger. He loved that she was still wet. Loved how tight and swollen her little nub was. Ready for him.

  What the hell were they doing?

  What was he saying?

  Did he want a relationship with her? It felt like he had gone from being in lust with her to … something more … and all because of what had happened earlier. Was that even possible?

  Tide was a dragon shifter. That made him more intense and oh so good with his hands. She moaned and squeezed her eyes shut as his thumb slipped over her clit, moving ever so slowly. Too darned slowly for her liking.

  “He’s gay by the way.” She was panting but didn’t care.

  “Are you still talking about George?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Well stop. I’m going to fuck you now and I don’t want you even thinking of another male. Do you hear me?”

  “You’re still jealous.” Her words were strained but it couldn’t be helped. Oh, that finger.

  Tide palmed his cock with one hand and lifted her onto it with the other. His face became strained as his tip breached her. Meghan swallowed hard, loving how he felt inside of her. A little afraid of just how good ‒ and she wasn’t just talking about their physical connection. Meghan eased herself onto him, inching down and lifting up and inching down some more. Slowly, slowly. They both groaned as she hit his hilt. So full. So stretched. It stung a little but it was a good kind of pain.

  He gripped her ass. One cheek in each palm. His jaw tight. His eyes bright. His skin taut.

  She could only imagine how she must look. Hair wild. Eyes wide. Panting heavily even though neither of them was moving … yet.

  Tide licked his lips and then leaned in and kissed her. Slowly and softly. He did that circling thing with his hips and his cock hit places inside her that had her crying out. He swallowed up the noises, his thumb back against her clit ‒ rub, rubbing. Barely touching her. He circled those hips and then gave a little nudge, circled and nudged.


  Oh wow!

  She was breathing through her nose, the sound obscenely loud. “More,” she moaned, planting her feet on the bed and gripping his shoulders.

  Tide pulled back, he sent a feral half-smile her way. It just about had her coming there and then. “No problem, Doctor Roberts.”

  He gripped her hips and lifted her just a smidgen, essentially carrying her weight. It was so hot. “Hold on,” he growled.

  Good lord almighty up above. Tide growled, gritting his teeth as his hips surged upwards. His abs crunched with each thrust. Tide was ripped. So darned gorgeous. He lowered her a little as he thrust, and lifted as he relaxed. His biceps bulged with each lift. She might just come from looking at him in action. His lids were half shut. His jaw tight. Those little grunt noises he was making were ultra sexy as well.

  Her own mouth hung open in a gape. She made the most obscene noises with each thrust. She was about to come. Meghan grabbed her boobs to try to stop them from bouncing so hard. Might give herself a black eye and at just the wrong moment.

  “So fucking tight,” Tide snarled, sounding more like an animal than a human. She loved it.

  His name hovered on her lips as her muscles began to tighten. His name was right there as heat pooled in her belly. As her skin seemed to shrink.

  “Oh, oh ….”

  “So goddamn beautiful,” another hard rasp.

  That did it. The way he looked at her. The way his hands tightened on her hips. The way his thrusts turned desperate. The way his mouth pulled into a grimace because he was holding off.

  She grabbed his arms as she went of
f like a rocket on concentrated jet fuel. Meghan yelled his name. As if that wasn’t good enough, she moaned it as well.

  Tide roared as he jerked into her. She could feel him come inside her in hot bursts. He grit his teeth, which looked sharper. His eyes glowed. Tide slowed his movements. His gaze firmly on her neck. “Shit!” He was still grunting with every circular thrust. Slow and easy. Still good. She was startled to find that she was shaking a little. Meghan collapsed onto his chest, she sounded like she’d just run a marathon. Tide wrapped his arms around her. “I almost bit you.”

  She smiled against him. “Like a kinky nibble or a …”

  She felt Tide shake his head. "Like, I almost sank my teeth into you." She pulled away. His gaze had moved back to her neck, that look of hunger was back as well.

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Don’t be alarmed. Biting is mating behavior.” He paused. “This is serious.”

  “That’s crazy talk.” She tried to get off of him on account that he was still inside her. Still hard. This was not a conversation to have … like this.

  “I know and if it helps any, I’m feeling just as freaked out about this.”

  “We’re not even supposed to be having sex, are we? Unless I missed something.” She frowned.

  "No, we're not." He looked like he wanted to say something and thought the better of it. "I'll talk to Torrent. I don't think it will be a problem." He pushed some hair behind her ear. "I want to spend more time with you. I want more sex. More of everything to do with you. What do you think? Is that something you would want as well?" He looked at her with such focus. There was a vulnerability in his stare. It was endearing considering he was usually so alpha.

  “You’re actually asking me? I can’t believe it.” She pretended to be shocked.

  He flipped her onto her back. “No, Doctor Roberts,” Tide grinned, there were dimples everywhere, “I’m telling you. There was no question mark at the end of those sentences. At the same time, I’m trying to be nice by pretending to ask you.”

  “Oh, really?” she chuckled.

  “Yes.” He kissed the tip of her nose and then brushed a kiss on her lips. “So, what do you say?” That vulnerable, nervous look was back.

  Her heart did a little flip in her chest. No! It was far too early for that. She was just being a girl. A ‘I've slept with him, so I have to add emotion' girl. "I thought you had been reassigned and that we weren't going to see each other anymore?"

  “That was bullshit. I asked to be reassigned because I wasn’t going to be able to keep my hands off of you any longer. I knew that I was desperately in lust, what I didn’t know at the time, what I was trying hard to deny was that there was more there.”

  Her heart did that little flip thing again. Harder and faster this time. She couldn’t deny it or make an excuse for it. She was falling for him. “Yes, I’d like to see where this goes.”

  “Good.” He pulled out and thrust back into her, biting his bottom lip. Two more thrusts and she was already moaning. What was wrong with her? She couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

  His face went from pinched with lust and hunger to serious. He stopped moving. “I’m not sure my brother will agree.”

  She frowned. “To us dating? Why not? It wasn’t like we planned for this to happen.”

  “I know but,” he pushed out a breath, “this is not how we do things.”

  “It’s normal for men and women to meet, date and … well … to go through the normal steps.”

  “Not for dragon shifters.” Tide shook his head. “We’ll talk about it after I make you come.” He nuzzled her neck, circling his hips.

  “Okay …” she moaned. “Oh, and, Tide?”

  “Yeah?” He groaned as he thrust back into her, pausing while waiting for her to continue.

  “If we’re going to be dating, you should probably call me Meghan.”

  He pretended to think it over. “Meghan? Nah, I think Doctor Roberts has a ring to it, especially while I’m fucking you.”

  She choked out a laugh. “You’re kidding me.”

  “I don’t kid around when it comes to sex. Fucking is serious business.”

  “Oh!” she yelled as his finger found her clit. It was firm and unrelenting. Her eyes widened.

  “We’re not going to date, by the way. Don’t call it that.”

  “I thought you said …?” She panted, trying to get her brain to work. “No dating.” She moaned. “What are we going to do then?”

  “Practice.” He pushed into her and then pulled out. That finger kept strumming.

  She licked her lips, her hips rocking. “What are we practicing?”

  Tide thrust back in, causing her to moan. “We’re practicing at being mated.”

  She wanted to answer. Wanted to say something but he was pushing her legs over his shoulders. His thrusts insistent. That finger never letting up on her clit. She screamed his name as he pushed her over the edge. It had taken less than a minute. Less than a freaking minute. Tide didn’t let up. Didn’t slow.

  “Again,” he growled.

  No! Surely not. “Can’t,” her voice was strained.

  “Oh yes, you know you can, Doctor!” His voice was strained as well. Tide thrust harder, the finger on her clit eased up a whole lot, but at the same time, it didn’t stop its slip and slide. Her clit felt like it was throbbing. “Doctor …” Thrust, grunt. “Roberts…” Thrust, grunt.

  She moaned, strangely turned on by his silly chant.

  Tide picked up the pace, fucking her deep and quick. One thrust per syllable. “Doc… tor … Rob…erts … Doc…tor … fuck … fuck … Doc… shit … Doc…tor … Rob…” Meghan threw her head back, gritting her teeth as she came again … hard. Stars exploded behind her eyelids. She felt this orgasm move through her entire body.

  Chapter 22

  “What the fuck!” someone snarled.

  Tide leapt from the bed, adrenaline pumping. Had to be an intruder. Who dared enter his chamber? He gripped the male by the throat, closing off his air and almost crushing his windpipe. Once the threat was immobilized, he glanced back over his shoulder. Meghan gasped. Although she was mostly covered by the sheet, her legs and part of her ass were exposed. Her eyes wide, she clutched the sheet to her chest, thrashing about as she pulled the sheet completely over herself.

  Better, but not great. Bay might not have a working cock but he was still a male, for fuck sakes. He still had eyes. “How dare you,” he snapped. “This is my chamber. I should kill you.” Even as he said it, he wanted to do it. His hand even tightened just a smidgen. There was a nagging voice in his head that stopped him.

  Bay made a choking noise, his face was turning red.

  Tide set his jaw, working hard to get himself back under control. Maim. Kill. Defend what is mine. Mine.

  He sucked in a deep breath and then pushed it out before sucking in another one. Bay was his friend. His friend. He still couldn’t release the male.

  “Tide!” Meghan sounded afraid. “Tide, let him go.”

  She touched the side of his arm and a growl was torn from him. Her touch calmed him enough to allow him to open his hand. Bay crunched over his middle and coughed. He choked and spluttered, his hand clutching at his neck.

  Tide wanted to turn back to his female, so that he could reassure her. Her heart was racing and he could scent fear. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Bay long enough to do so. Protect and defend. Mine.

  “This is a fuck up,” Bay finally managed to choke out, his words a rough, grating rasp.

  “Leave now,” Tide managed to grit out between clenched teeth.

  Bay shook his head. “Before you kill me,” he said, his voice still gravelly, “the female is in heat.”

  “What?” His brain was fuzzy. Heat? Tide sniffed. Smelled good. “Leave!” The word left his chest in a deep rumble.

  “I can’t do that. You need to stop before you get her with child.”

  “That’s impossible,” Meghan said. “I
had an IUD fitted … Oh shit.” His female paused as her eyes moved up in thought. “It’s the copper kind, no hormones.” She was mumbling to herself. “Oh … I understand now. Shit!”

  “I’m fine. I’ll speak with Torrent. You can leave now.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Bay folded his arms.

  He was going to break those fucking arms. Meghan moved in front of him, standing between him and Bay. The sheet was wrapped around her but her shoulders were bare. He looked over her at Bay who wasn’t looking at his female. Lucky for him. “Go!” he roared.

  Bay shook his head. “Look at you. Dammit!” he yelled and then began to choke, cough and splutter all over again. “You might hurt her,” he finally rasped, his eyes watering from the effort it took to speak.

  “I wouldn’t ever hurt—”

  “She’s in heat.”

  His mind cleared some. “No, you’re wrong.” He turned to look at Meghan. He frowned. “You said you were on birth control.” He sniffed. “But … Fuck, you’re in heat … or will be soon. Within the next couple of hours.”

  “I am on birth control. It was never specified I needed to specifically be on a hormonal method.” She widened her eyes. “You can tell all of that by my smell?”

  “Yes, I can.” He understood the question, but the rest of it may as well have been in another language. If she was on birth control, she wouldn’t scent this way. Thing was, Meghan wasn’t the type to lie. “English, doc.”

  “I still ovulate … go in heat.” She sounded flustered. “But, I can’t get pregnant. No one ever said anything about preventing ovulation.”

  "I guess we assumed wrongly that if you were on birth control, you wouldn't go into heat."

  “At least you’ve calmed down,” Bay said. For a second there he had almost forgotten that the male was in the room. He turned back with a snarl.

  Bay put up his hands. “I’m not going to touch your female.”


  “No! I don’t trust this birth control where a female can still go into heat. I don’t trust you with her either.”


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