by J. T. Edson
[21] In the Old West, men of Germanic appearance from Holland, Germany, or Denmark, tended to be called ‘Dutchy’ regardless of their ethnic origins.
[22] Described in: THE MAKING OF A LAWMAN.
[23] Told in: TRIGGER FAST.
[24] Like many of her generation and class Freddie Fog, despite being married to a Texan and classed for legal purposes as an American citizen, often expressed the belief albeit a trifle tongue-in-cheek that the world was divided into two parts, Great—as it was then—Britain and its colonies. Therefore, she claimed anywhere outside the British Isles was a ‘colony’. For our feelings on this point of view; see the dedication for: KILL DUSTY FOG!
[25] During the War Between the States, accompanied by volunteers from various Federal Army regiments, Union spy James J. Andrews attempted to steal a Southern passenger train, but failed due to the efforts of its conductor, William A. Fuller. The incident formed the basis of the plot for the Walt Disney movie, THE GREAT LOCOMOTIVE CHASE, released in 1956.
[26] Information about some of the less than honest career of Jessica Front de Boeuf and her son, Trudeau, can be found in: CUT ONE, THEY ALL BLEED and Part Three, ‘Responsibility to Kinfolks’, OLE DEVIL’S HANDS AND FEET; also, by inference, in: Part Two, ‘We Hang Horse Thieves High’, J.T.’S HUNDREDTH.
[27] ‘Slavic’: of or pertaining to the Slavs—a branch of the Balto-Slavic subfamily of the Indo-European language family, consisting of three groups; ‘East’ Russian, Ukrainian, Ruthenian; ‘West’, Czechoslovakian, Sorbian, Wendish, Polish; ‘South’, Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian.
[29] A subsequent investigation by Deputy United States’ Marshal Solomon Wisdom ‘Solly’ Cole established that, being of ‘liberal’ persuasions, Richard Reiser had been collaborating with the Russians—who were anarchists as Patrick Finnegan had suggested—in trying to disrupt the construction work. Being disinclined to take any more chances than were absolutely necessary, it was decided their efforts would only be on a minor scale until they had crossed the Platte River and were further away from any law enforcement agency which might be called upon to look into their activities. However, sensing Dusty Fog would prove a serious deterrent to their intentions, Reiser had insisted he must be removed and suggested a plan for doing so. It had required the promise of a fair sum of money before a volunteer was procured to carry out the scheme and much persuasion before the others would agree to taking a bottle containing water instead of vodka with them to drink while simulating intoxication as an ‘excuse’ for the attack. Pressed by them for the payment he had promised, despite the ploy having failed, and having so little faith in their reliability and integrity that he believed his part in the affair would be disclosed to the big Texan, when no payment was forthcoming, Reiser had concluded the safest course was flight. Learning he would not be returning and fearing he would betray them, being equally distrustful of him and one another by nature, they had followed his example by taking their departure. Some details of the career as a peace officer of Solomon Wisdom ‘Solly’ Cole can be found in: IS-A-MAN; Part One, ‘To Separate Innocence From Guilt’, MORE J.T.’S LADIES; DECISION FOR DUSTY FOG; CALAMITY SPELLS TROUBLE and Part Six, ‘Mrs. Wild Bill’, J.T.*S LADIES.
[30] Space does not permit us to go into detail about the appearances of the four members of the Railroad Commission. However, their descriptions and information about some of their activities since reaching Mulrooney are given in: DECISION FOR DUSTY FOG and CARDS AND COLTS.
[31] Sir John Uglow Ramage was the youngest grandson of Admiral of the Fleet, the Eleventh Earl of Blazey, details of whose career in the Royal Navy prior to succeeding the title and reaching that high rank are recorded in the RAMAGE series of biographies by Dudley Pope.
[32] Information about the career of Marvin Eldridge ‘Doc’ Leroy can be found in: Part Five, ‘The Hired Butcher’, THE HARD RIDERS; Part Three, ‘The Invisible Winchester’, OLE DEVIL*S HANDS AND FEET; Part Five, ‘A Case of Infectious Plumbeus Veneficium’, THE FLOATING OUTFIT; Part Three, ‘Monday Is A Quiet Day’, THE SMALL TEXAN; Part Two, ‘Jordan’s Try’, THE TOWN TAMERS; RETURN TO BACKSIGHT; Part Six, ‘Keep Good Temper Alive’ J.T.’S HUNDREDTH and the Waco series. Although he had not achieved his ambition to become a qualified doctor at the period of this narrative, how he did so is described in: DOC LEROY, M.D. The Wedge acted as a contract trail crew for groups of ranchers who had too few cattle to consider making up and delivering a herd individually as a viable prospect. They make ‘guest’ appearances in: QUIET TOWN; TRIGGER FAST; Part One, ‘To Separate Innocence From Guilt’, MORE J.T.’S LADIES and GUN WIZARD. They also ‘star’ in their own right in: BUFFALO ARE COMING!
[33] Once again, Michael Meacher received more lenient treatment than he deserved. Taking him to Mulrooney, Dusty Fog told him to get his horse and make sure their paths never crossed again. However, despite having twice escaped a well deserved term of imprisonment in the Kansas State Penitentiary, he declined to turn over a new leaf and, becoming involved in a bank hold up which went wrong, he was killed along with the rest of the gang. As Dusty Fog hoped, the events brought about a reconciliation between Harland Todhunter Senior and his son. Taking over in place of Raymond Sangster, Junior was successful in laying the spur-line until it reached its destination in Canada. He was also involved in the negotiations for the use of the bridge over the Platte River and the right of way across the Beefhead ranch. During these negotiations he and Antonia Front de Boeuf became so attracted to one another, they were married on the day the construction was completed. Furthermore, with the work in such capable control, the small Texan was able to return to Mulrooney and spend a few days with his wife before setting out for the OD Connected ranch. However, prior to leaving the town, he and the other members of Ole Devil’s floating outfit were involved in the events we recorded in: THE GENTLE GIANT.