Entwined (Intergalactic Loyalties)

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Entwined (Intergalactic Loyalties) Page 7

by Smith, Jessica Coulter

  “Get an erection?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.


  “Then it sounds to me like you more than care for her. It sounds to me like you love her.”

  “It’s something to think about.”

  The COMM came on and Dar’s voice sounded in the room. “We’re going to get Bane. Did you want to go with us?”

  “Get him?” Cael asked in surprise. “He’s being released?”

  “It seems that because of Ariana’s bravery and sacrifice, he’s being given his freedom. The Arch Prime said that anyone who inspired that kind of love couldn’t be bad enough to put to death or imprison.”

  “Thank the gods,” Cael sighed.

  “There’s just one problem. We’re worried that Bane may try to take his life. Losing Ariana has affected his mind. It’s taken away his reason for living.”

  “About that… I wasn’t exactly honest earlier. Ariana wasn’t dead.”

  Dar cursed. “How could you let Bane think his beloved was gone?”

  “I was protecting her from the Prime Minister. She’s here, in my home, recovering from the laser blast. She should be healed in another day.”

  “I’m bringing Bane straight to your house. He needs to see her.”

  “We’ll expect you within the hour.”

  The COMM clicked off, and Cael gave Ariana a broad smile. “It seems you’re going to be reunited with Bane sooner than we thought.”

  “But for how long?”

  “I don’t think you’re going to be punished, Ariana. I think you and Bane are going to have a long, happy life together. You may not be able to complete the bonding ceremony, but that doesn’t mean he loves you any less. I’ve never seen a man so enamored of a female before.”

  “As long as we get to be together, I don’t care about the ceremony. It would be nice to stand beside him as his equal, but I don’t need that in order to be happy. All I need is Bane.”

  Cael nodded. “And you shall have him.”

  Chapter Seven

  Bane looked up at the suns and knew he should be thankful for his freedom, but all he could think about was Ariana and how empty his life was now. His brothers had insisted that he go to Cael’s house before going home. He didn’t know why and he didn’t much care. He thought about blowing them off and slinking away to his home anyway. But home was too far to go on foot so he was at their mercy.

  The ride to Cael’s was quiet. As they pulled into the driveway, he saw Cael standing at the door. He’d wondered why his brother hadn’t come with the others to pick him up from the prison. It wasn’t like him to stay home when something so important was happening, a happy occasion for his family.

  Bane had already decided there would be no more happy occasions in his life. How could there be when his beloved was gone? He wanted to rage at the world, but he knew it would do no good. She was gone, and nothing he did would bring her back.

  Wearily, he climbed out of the Solaris, and followed Dar and Arko to the front door. Cael was grinning from ear to ear and Bane tried to muster a smile, but he couldn’t do it. He just wanted to get this visit out of the way so he could go home and go to bed. He knew Ariana’s scent would still be on the sheets, and he needed that comfort right now.

  Cael clapped him on the back as he entered his brother’s house. “It’s good to see you, brother,” Cael said, his eyes alight with humor and good will.

  “It’s good to see you, too. Why didn’t you come with the others?”

  A glance at his other brothers showed that everyone was grinning. What was going on? He gave Cael a puzzled look.

  “I had to stay behind to keep an eye on your surprise,” Cael told him, his grin widening even more.

  “I hope you didn’t get me a pet.”

  He smirked. “I don’t think this particular surprise would like to be called a pet. Why don’t you go up to the spare bedroom and see for yourself?”

  Bane shook his head but started up the staircase. When he reached the landing, he looked back down at his brothers. They all stared up at him with smiles on their faces. Whatever this surprise was, he’d better act appreciative he decided. He didn’t want to hurt their feelings. It was obvious they’d gone to a lot of trouble.

  Uncertain as to what lay behind the closed bedroom door, he made his way down the hall silently. He opened the door as quietly as possible and stood frozen in shock. Bane was certain his eyes were deceiving him, that his beloved wasn’t really lying on the bed before him. He blinked, but the vision didn’t go away.

  “Bane,” she called softly. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  His throat ached as tears gathered in his eyes. As if in a dream, he glided across the room and eased down onto the bed. His gaze took in every inch of her, noting the pink, raised scarring on her back. Reverently, he reached out and touched her, his fingers moving smoothly against the puckered flesh. Even with the unsightly wound, her skin still felt like silk and she was every bit as lovely as ever.

  “I thought you were dead.”

  “I wanted to tell you, but Cael wouldn’t let me. He said if the Prime Minister knew I was alive that my life would be in danger.”

  Bane nodded. “He’s right. I’ll have to find a way to hide you, to keep you safe.”

  “No, Bane. I’m going to meet with the Arch Prime. If I explain what happened, surely he’ll see reason.”

  “No, Ariana, I forbid it. I won’t lose you, not again.”

  “Please, Bane. Don’t you see? It’s the only way we can be together.”

  “Ari, I don’t think I would survive losing you again. When I thought you’d died, when I saw you lying there, I wanted to die, too. I didn’t care that I was in prison. I wanted them to execute me, anything to take away the pain of living without you. I can’t go through that again.”

  Tears gathered in Ari’s eyes and slid down her cheeks. “Oh, Bane. I don’t want to live without you either. But where are we going to live, where could we possibly go?”

  An idea formed, one that was crazy and possibly wouldn’t work, but what did he have to lose? “Stay here and rest, Ari. I have a plan that I need to discuss with my brothers. Everything is going to be just fine.”

  Ari gave him a doubtful look, but she nodded.

  Leaning down to kiss her gently, he caressed her cheek and rose from the side of the bed. Briskly, he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, and hurried downstairs. He wanted to catch his brothers before anyone left. It only took him a moment to find them. They’d sequestered themselves in Cael’s office.

  Dar looked surprised to see him. “I figured you would be by Ariana’s side for the rest of the day.”

  “There’s something important we need to discuss. I can’t protect Ari, not here. As long as she’s on Keshpa, she’s at risk and that’s unacceptable.”

  Arko frowned. “What do you mean by ‘not here’? Where exactly do you plan to take her?”

  “I need help contacting the Tarnans.”

  Cael’s eyebrows rose. “The space pirates who kidnapped Ariana?”

  Bane nodded. “Their planet is lacking in women, correct?”

  “Well, yes,” Dar said hesitantly. “What exactly does that have to do with you and Ariana?”

  “I’m going to bargain with them. In exchange for assistance in obtaining more Earth women for them, they offer me and Ariana a place to live on their world. She’ll be safe there, and I could continue inventing things. Surely they would see it as a win-win situation?”

  Arko frowned, his brow furrowed, lips thinned. “Let me get this straight. You want to bargain with the pirates who stole your woman and could have killed you, thinking they’ll offer you safe passage to their world and let you live there in peace and harmony?”

  “Well.” Bane didn’t feel quite so confident at the moment. “When you say it like that, it does sound a little farfetched.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this, to leave Keshpa?” Cael asked.

>   “I’m positive. I’ll do anything for Ari.” Bane smiled. “She’s my everything.”

  Arko tapped his lips. “You know, we still have that coin. There’s no reason we can’t triangulate their location and get them on the Vid-COMM. There’s just one thing.”

  “What?” Bane asked.

  “If you’re going so am I. There’s no way I’m letting my little brother take off to a new world without any family.”

  Bane’s eyes widened, his jaw dropped. “But… what about Joya? Your slaves? I doubt the pirates will let you take everyone with you.”

  Arko set his jaw. “Joya is… well, she’s outlived her usefulness. It’s no secret we don’t have a love match, and now that Tyre has confirmed she can’t have children, I see no reason to stay married to her. As for my slaves,” he shrugged. “Maybe we can use them in trade with the Tarnans. It will, what’s that Earth phrase? Sweeten the pot?”

  “If you’re going with us, you need to terminate your marriage to Joya first. It would only be fair to her,” Bane said.

  “Very well. We’ll get everything worked out with the Tarnans, and then I’ll see to Joya. I can file the papers on our way out the door. That way they can’t suspect we’re up to something in time to stop us.”

  Dar cleared his throat. “I’ll donate a slave to the cause, if it’ll help. And I’m going with you, too.”

  “Well, there’s no way I’m letting all three of my brothers just leave me here,” Cael said. “So count me in.”

  Bane frowned at Dar and Arko. “You do realize your slaves are people, right? How can you just trade them like you would a laser blaster or a piece of furniture?”

  Dar lifted a brow. “And you think it’s any different from promising to help the Tarnans capture Earth’s women?”

  Bane had to concede that his brother did have a point. But how else was he going to convince the Tarnans to take him and Ariana to their home planet? He’d do whatever it took, even if it meant sacrificing other people. He never thought he’d be that type of guy, but when it came to Ari he’d do anything.

  Of course, he could look at it another way. The women would go from being slaves to being adored. There wasn’t anything a Tarnan wouldn’t do for their woman. So, he could really consider it doing the women a favor as well as the Tarnans.

  “So you’re all going with us and your slaves?” Bane asked, wanting to be sure he heard them correctly.

  His brothers nodded, grins on their faces.

  “It’ll be a new adventure,” Cael said. “Just think of the things we can learn working with their scientists and the advances we can probably bring to their everyday lives.”

  “All right. Let’s do it. I want to be off Keshpa as soon as possible.”

  Dar folded his arms over his massive chest. “I have contacts in Transport. They’re loyal and won’t give away our plans. I’ll speak with them immediately to find out where the Tarnans are currently located. We should be able to speak with them in a few hours, if not sooner.”

  “Everyone should start packing,” Arko said. “I’ll find a way to smuggle our slaves to Cael’s house. We’ll use this as our operation center since Ariana can’t leave.”

  Bane gave them all a grateful look. “I’m going to spend more time with Ariana, but let me know if you need me for anything.”

  “I’ll swing by your house and pick up some clothes and essentials for you and Ariana,” Cael offered. “If anyone asks, I’ll tell them you’re going to stay with me a few days, that it’s too painful for you to be home without Ariana. I’m sure they’ll understand. As far as everyone knows, she’s dead.”

  “Thank you, Cael.”

  “What are brothers for? Now, go be with your beloved. Reassure her that everything will be all right and tell her how much you love her.”

  With a smile, Bane walked out of the room and went back upstairs. While leaving his home planet should be terrifying, all he could think of was getting a chance to be with Ariana for the rest of his life. And since Tarnans didn’t own any slaves, it meant he could bond with her if he wished. Things were definitely looking up. So what if he had to leave behind all that he knew? As far as he was concerned, this was a blessing in disguise.

  Chapter Eight

  Ariana slipped her dress over her head, wincing as the material rubbed against her back. Bane looked like he wanted to take her pain himself, and she loved him all the more for it. She still couldn’t believe that he and his brothers had come up with a plan to get them off Keshpa, and in such a short amount of time had managed to implement it. The Tarnans would arrive any moment. Ariana was both excited and a little nervous. She knew the Tarnans would never harm her, but would they really let her live in peace with Bane? They’d seemed so intent on claiming her when she’d been on board the Lynten 12.

  Bane had explained that they were going to give some of the slave women into the Tarnans’ care. While she didn’t agree with the idea of just giving the women away like they were possessions, she knew the Tarnans would take good care of them. The men were rather intense, but she could tell they would go to hell and back for a woman they cared about. And if women were as scarce on their world as they’d claimed, then the slave women would have their pick of a warrior to call their very own. Perhaps this was a good move for everyone involved.

  The Tarnans had been very clear though. They wouldn’t allow the Keshpans to keep their slave women as slaves. If they wanted the women in their lives, they would have to claim them as their mates. Arko had grumbled something fierce about it and she’d thought maybe it would be a deal breaker for the largest brother, but in the end he’d agreed. Dar had merely frowned and shook his head, but he’d agreed as well. It was Cael’s silence that had her worried.

  “You don’t think Cael is going to try and break their rules, do you?” she asked Bane.

  “Why do you ask?” He frowned. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “He has a slave he’s never been intimate with. She was injured when he purchased her, but he’s made sure she’s being taken care of. I don’t see him claiming her as a mate if he can’t bear to have any intimate moments with her, but something tells me he won’t want to just turn her over to the Tarnans, either.”

  Bane rubbed his jaw. “I guess we’ll have to see how it plays out once we’re on board the Lynten 12. I’ll talk to him if it seems he’s going to try and fool the Tarnans.”

  “Thank you, Bane. I would hate to see your brother punished or hurt in any way. He was kind to me, healed me and made sure we were reunited. We owe him so much.”

  Bane kissed her. “We’ll work it out, beloved.”

  The air shimmered and a group of Tarnans appeared in front of them. Ariana recognized them immediately, well, all but two, and smiled in welcome.

  “Ariana, this is Zayne and Lortan. You didn’t get a chance to meet them before,” Bynt said as he made the introductions. “Our captain stayed behind with the ship.”

  “How are we going to do this?” Bane asked. “My brothers and the women are downstairs. There are eight women total.”

  “We can take you two at a time. And since there are five of us, that means we can take ten people the first trip. Only two of us will have to return for the last three people.”

  “Get the women out of here first,” Ariana said.

  Bynt shook his head. “I’m transporting you and Bane. I’ll send the others downstairs to start transporting people.”

  With a jerk of Bynt’s head, the other Tarnan warriors disappeared down the hall. Bynt held his arms out. “You’ll have to take my hands.”

  “What about our things?” Bane asked.

  “If you can hold them in one hand, you can take them with you. Anything else will either have to remain behind, or we’ll try to get it later. But keep in mind, the longer we’re here, the more chance of us being caught.”

  Bane nodded. “We can do without the things we can’t take with us on the first trip. We can always purchase new things on Tarn

  Bynt smiled. “Here we go.”

  Ariana and Bane took Bynt’s hands and closed their eyes as the air around them shimmered. The air warmed and a moment later, they were on board the Lynten 12. A look around the transport chamber showed that the slave women had come on board with them. Fenir and Lortan returned to Keshpa to bring Bane’s brothers aboard.

  Bane ushered Ariana out of the chamber, and everyone moved down the hall. When they gathered in the large room in the middle of the vessel, the women took a seat. Ariana noticed they looked uncertain but a bit hopeful. She didn’t know how long they’d been slaves on Keshpa or if Bane’s family had even been their first owners. The idea of freedom must be a bit like a dream for them.

  “We’re preparing two rooms for the women to share. They’re set up for warriors so there are four beds in each room. Another room, usually used by warriors, has been set aside for the men.” Ghel looked at Ariana. “Except for you and Bane. You’ll have the room you used before. We couldn’t very well separate the two of you.”

  “How long before we reach Tarnan?” one of the women asked.

  “A week. You’ll be comfortable on board until then. If you need anything, ask any of us. We’re here to help.” Lortan smiled. “And if you decide to mate with one of us before we land, even better.”

  Fenir gave him a narrow-eyed look before glancing back at the women. “But we aren’t pressuring you. If you decide to wait until we reach Tarnan to find your mate, you’re welcome to do so. Living arrangements are already being made for you on our home planet. Don’t worry that you’ll be left alone. We have very few women on Tarnan, and they are excited to meet you.”

  “Not half as excited as the warriors,” Bynt said with a smile. “There are no unattached women left on our world. The only children born in the last twenty years have all been male. We aren’t sure why, but it seems women are dying out on our planet. Our scientists have been working on it non-stop. As far as they can figure, it’s something in our genetics. So you see, you’re saving us every bit as much as we’re saving you, if not more so. You’ll be a welcome addition on Tarnan.”


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