The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Series Book 1)

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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Series Book 1) Page 13

by Becca Alexandra

  Caleb had bought the orchard and was leaving in the morning for the city. She had already made him a basket of bread and cheese to take with him. James had taken the news better than she thought. He shook Caleb’s hand and wished him the best of luck. Then insisted that the student had surpassed the teacher and he no longer needed lessons. Caleb reacted by offering not to hold back and for them to battle it out tonight.

  Belle couldn’t help but giggle as she watched sweat drip down into Caleb’s groomed beard. He looked aggravated more than anything. He was really trying to beat James. Yet with every move, James dodged and came back at him with force. So far, James was winning, by a lot. As the night grew colder, Caleb held his hands up in surrender. ‘You’re not too bad,’ he said breathlessly.

  James smirked. ‘Like I said … Student surpassed the teacher.’

  Caleb smiled, genuinely, and extended his hand. ‘You were a great student. I’m going to miss you.’

  ‘You too,’ James admitted. He wasn’t great at showing emotion. He shook Caleb’s hand firmly and put his sword away.

  They walked quietly back to the cabin and heard a howl. ‘Probably Red’s wolf,’ James said as they walked. He’d grown fond of Red. She was funny and strong. But she didn’t want to hang out much. Instead, she sat alone in her cabin a lot, save for the occasional visit.

  They reached the shack. Lori was examining her face in the mirror. ‘I look gross.’

  James shrugged. ‘Can’t argue that.’

  Belle turned and shot him a firm look. ‘That’s rude. Apologise.’

  ‘Sorry,’ James said insincerely and walked off to his room. Caleb wiped his forehead and headed for the bathroom.

  Lori turned. ‘Your father asked me to give you this.’ She handed Belle a note.


  Gone to Colomorgh to see your sisters. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I will be staying at the Dead Man’s Inn if you need me.

  Griselda was caught stealing from Charles. I know as an old friend, he will let her go, but it’s better if I go and see them in person. Griselda has been acting up, and I’m worried about her. She needs me at the moment, so I’m going to stay there for as long as it takes.

  Love you.


  Belle swallowed hard. The lump in her throat stayed regardless of what she did. Thomas had left, Caleb was leaving, and soon, she felt as if she’d have no one to talk to. She felt completely alone and, for the first time, vulnerable. She turned to Lori and sighed. ‘I agree to your offer,’ Belle said after weighing her other options. ‘You’ve given me no reason not to trust you, and I must protect James. You’d make a better friend than enemy.’

  Lori smiled broadly. ‘You’re a smart girl, Belle. First things first, I must marry the king.’

  Belle’s eyed widened. ‘King of where? And why?’

  Lori smiled seductively. ‘The King of Northmanni. He is looking for a wife. He is a very powerful man for a mortal. Northmanni is one of the biggest in all the lands. He will help us achieve our goals, but I need to find a way to get more beauty for myself,’ Lori informed Belle.

  ‘Beauty is only skin deep,’ Belle pointed out. ‘You don’t need to obtain more beauty.’ She pulled her dark pink velvet cloak tighter. Her hair was tied up into a loose ponytail. Her dress was a dusty pink; it cinched in at her waist and flared out at the bottom. All of it was courtesy of Lori, who insisted that Belle needed new clothes. Now, Lori insisted they needed new looks, including James. He was up for the challenge, no questions asked, which shocked Belle.

  ‘Again … I need beauty,’ Lori said, interrupting Belle’s train of thought. ‘There is only one in this kingdom who is beautiful enough that I would not need to take anyone’s beauty for years.’

  ‘You can’t steal someone’s beauty?’ Belle asked sternly.

  ‘You want to protect your son? Then you must trust in me,’ Lori said before disappearing into her room. ‘We start tomorrow,’ she shouted before shutting the door.

  Henry yawned and stretched out his legs by the fire. James walked down from his room and sat next to Henry.

  Belle bit her cheek. She knew the apples were cursed, but to take someone’s beauty and youth? It was … different. Belle looked at her son and sighed. ‘James.’ He turned and looked at her blankly. She took a deep breath and continued. ‘You know how I told you earlier that Lori thinks you have powers?’ He nodded. ‘Well,’ she continued. ‘I have agreed to help Lori hunt Edward. She’s going to help you control your powers.’

  Henry grumbled but didn’t say anything. James turned. His light brown hair had turned a couple of shades darker. His voice had broken, and he was at least a foot taller. He was growing up so fast. ‘I’m up for the challenge. Henry’s been trying to help me bring my powers to the surface.’

  ‘Nothing yet,’ Henry said.

  Belle smiled warmly at Henry. ‘You have a good heart, Henry. How is Snow?’

  ‘I went to see her today. She’s growing up so fast. Sixteen now,’ he said. ‘She’s opinionated, kind, funny, just like her mother was.’

  ‘Someone else James’s age?’ Belle asked.

  ‘Yes,’ Henry replied. ‘Her birthday was last week. I attended the party thrown by the king. He adores her.’

  Belle smiled in response and made them all cocoa.

  ‘You can come and meet her if you want?’ Henry suggested.

  Belle grinned. ‘How sweet. We would love to. When are you thinking?’

  Henry smiled. ‘I’m seeing her tomorrow.’

  Belle grinned and looked over at James. ‘Tomorrow it is.’ She hoped that being around more friends would cheer him up. ‘I’m sure they will get along,’ Belle added.


  Lori watched Snow from a distance. She heard the horse and cart pull off in the distance and smiled. Finally, Caleb had gone. She only wanted Belle and James there, and now, they trusted her. That was why she had taken Caleb and Thomas back. She could see that Belle would never willingly leave them. Slipping a love potion into Caleb’s drink had been all too easy. He had fallen in love with the first person he lusted. It was even easier to use her mirror to spell Griselda into stealing and drinking liquor. Then made sure that a letter made its way to Thomas.

  Lori had been cheated on by Edward a long time ago and had never forgiven him. Making sure he would never get his happy ending, she had made sure to take his one true love from him; Belle, and her son, James—a handsome sixteen-year-old with a talent for sword fighting and even more, he was a sorcerer. He couldn’t control his powers yet, so Lori was helping him. With Belle and James on her side, she could finally get her happy ending by becoming Queen of Northmanni and killing Edward.

  The queen died the previous month, leaving the king free to remarry if he wished, and if Lori had anything to do with it, then he would wish it. However, to be queen, she would need to steal someone’s beauty using her siphoning apples, which she so often did, turning them into dwarves. And who more beautiful in the land than Snow White?

  Lori gazed at her beautiful prey. Snow hid behind a tree, camouflaged by her white cloak. She was throwing snowballs at the guards then ducking before they could see who threw them. It snowed for most of the year in Northmanni. Lori shivered and grasped at the apple in her pocket and took a deep breath. Snow’s midnight black hair ran straight down her back. Her skin was as white as the snow she threw, which made her blood red plump lips even more striking. Her dark eyes shone brightly behind thick black lashes. She wore a black dress underneath her cloak.

  Snow sat on a rock, and Lori seized the moment. Lori pulled down her hood and approached her. ‘Snow,’ she called.

  ‘Lori,’ Snow addressed and scrunched her nose. ‘What do you want?’

  Lori faked shock at Snow’s disgusted tone. ‘What have I done to offend you, child?’

  Snow looked at her with heavy eyes. ‘I know that you grow apples to take people’s beauty for your own. You’re a wicked woman with bad fas
hion sense.’ The last part hurt Lori more than she wanted to admit.

  Lori placed her hand on her chest and felt her heart hammer underneath. ‘My apples do not take people’s beauty. They are magical. People say those stories because they want the apples for their own and don’t want anyone else to have them. In fact, as a gift, I was going to offer you one.’

  ‘Oh.’ Snow looked down, disappointed. ‘I’m sorry.’

  Lori waved her hand dismissively. ‘We all make mistakes.’

  Snow’s eyes sparkled with wonder as she gazed at the apple. ‘Wait, so if I eat that apple ... I will have magical powers?’

  ‘Yes,’ Lori answered and secretly congratulated herself on her acting.

  ‘Oh, my gosh!’ Snow said, delighted. ‘What a truly wonderful gift. Thank you. Can I have it?’ Snow begged, practically jumping with joy.

  ‘Here you are,’ Lori said and handed her the red apple. Snow took it and brought it up to her lips. Lori’s heart thudded with anticipation.

  Snow’s smile turned to a smirk. ‘You’ll have to try harder than that next time, witch.’ Snow threw the apple underarm, so it landed in the middle of the frost covered grass.

  ‘I am not a witch. I am a queen,’ Lori called after her and stormed furiously back to the shack. ‘I bet Henry told her,’ she muttered under her breath.


  ‘Sweet pea,’ Henry said, addressing Snow. She was sat with her feet propped up on the banqueting table, showing off her black laced boots.

  ‘Henry,’ she squealed as she saw him. She jumped up and hugged him. ‘You’ve brought Belle with you, and, um …?’

  ‘I’m James,’ he said and kissed her hand. She blushed slightly. He had a wide jaw, athletic build, brown eyes, and tousled medium-brown hair, which fell to his ears.

  ‘I’m Snow, Snow White.’ Their gazes locked, and Belle and Henry smiled at each other.

  ‘Happy birthday for last week,’ Belle said kindly. Belle and Snow had met through Henry the previous week, and Snow had instantly taken a liking to her, but she didn’t know that Belle had a son—a handsome son, at that.

  Snow continued watching James. He half-smiled at her. ‘Thank you,’ she said dismissively.

  Belle laughed and went to meet the king with Henry. ‘Be back soon.’ She eyed James. ‘Behave.’

  They both nodded, and James looked down at Snow’s bracelets. ‘Not the usual attire for a princess,’ he said, grinning.

  She fiddled with the black strings covered with coloured beads. ‘I don’t care about others’ expectations anymore,’ she admitted.

  ‘I like that,’ he replied. ‘Would you like to go for a walk? I’ve never seen the palace.’

  Snow smiled widely. ‘Of course. I like to throw snowballs at the guards when they’re not looking.’ She laughed. ‘It’s so fun to see them hold up their spears, looking around. Some dance around when I manage to hit their necks. The snow goes down their back.’

  James laughed. ‘God, it’s good to be around someone my age. I’m stuck in with Mum and Lori most of the time.’

  ‘Lori? That evil cow!’ Snow gritted her teeth as they walked into the garden.

  ‘She’s helping us. My mother fell for a man who was a liar and broke her heart! I’d love to get my hands on him and make him feel the same pain that she felt!’

  Snow scoffed. ‘Lori steals people’s beauty and kills for fun, apparently. It’s not nice to hear about what happened to your mother, but Lori is worse.’

  He shrugged. ‘I don’t know what she’s like, to be honest.’

  ‘What happened to the man who hurt Belle?’

  James put his hands casually in his pockets and shrugged. ‘No idea. Hopefully, he’s dead. I think we may actually hunt him down.’

  Snow hid a grin. ‘Dark.’

  James pulled an apple out of his pocket and a small knife. He cut a bit and offered a piece to Snow.

  She pressed her lips together as she looked down at the piece of apple. Trust Lori to send someone else. She pulled a silver dagger from her boot and pointed it at him. ‘You’re working with Lori, aren’t you? Trust her to send some handsome guy to come and woo me, thinking it would work.’

  He smirked. ‘You think I’m handsome?’

  She growled and pushed the dagger closer to his stomach. ‘Answer me!’

  He looked at the dagger cautiously and took a couple of steps back until he hit a tree. ‘Whoa, calm down. I’m not working with her in the way you think. It has nothing to do with you.’

  She glanced at the apple. ‘That will take my beauty! Did she send you?’ Snow shoved the dagger forward until it was pressing into his stomach, almost breaking the skin through his shirt. Snow leaned in until their noses were touching. ‘Answer me honestly, or I promise I will gut you!’

  ‘You’re a psycho!’ he exclaimed. ‘I bet Henry doesn’t know you carry a dagger around with you. What else do you have on you?’

  ‘That’s none of your business,’ she spat. ‘Now, answer me!’

  He placed his hand on her arm. ‘It’s a normal apple. I’m not stupid.’

  Snow raised her eyebrows. ‘Debatable.’

  He frowned. ‘Ouch. You don’t even know me … yet.’

  ‘Erghh,’ she groaned. ‘If it’s a normal apple, then take a bite.’

  He took a deep breath and brought the apple to his lips then took a bite. Snow waited, but he stayed as handsome as ever. ‘See, Princess? I was just hungry.’

  ‘Oh,’ she said yet didn’t move the dagger.

  ‘Well … I’ve never met a woman so … terrifying,’ he admitted. Grinning, he showed off his pearly white teeth. He was taller than her, by half a foot. Yet she had a presence that scared even him.

  She gulped and steadied herself. ‘I don’t care. I know she sent you!’

  ‘She did not,’ he said with exasperation.

  She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. ‘Fine.’

  James smiled. ‘I know we’ve just met, but I think I’m going to like you.’

  ‘What? You don’t know me!’

  ‘I’m attracted to psychopaths?’

  ‘Urghh,’ she complained. She pushed the dagger down the side of her boot and let him go. ‘You’re not as charming as I first thought.’

  ‘I don’t usually disappoint,’ he moaned. ‘Anyway, I was joking. I like that you’re different, even a little psychotic.’ He half smiled. ‘And you look cute when you’re angry,’ he added.

  ‘I am not cute when I am angry,’ she said, grabbing the front of his shirt until she was face to face with him. ‘I could easily cut your heart from your chest without a second thought,’ she spat.

  He looked at her doe-eyed. ‘Adorable.’

  Her face flushed red. ‘I wish I never met you.’

  He grinned. ‘Don’t lie.’

  ‘I’ll hurt you,’ she warned you.

  He laughed. ‘You couldn’t hurt a fly, Princess.’

  ‘Want to bet?’ She pulled her dagger out and listened for a buzz against the quietness of the snowfall. A fly buzzed past her and landed on the wall that stood near to them. She edged her way over and with lightning speed brought the dagger down. James looked at her wide-eyed. On the end of her dagger was a twitching fly.

  ‘Fair enough,’ he said and shrugged.

  She turned and let out a patient breath. That was intense.

  Belle and Henry waved as they walked out of the palace doors. ‘How are you both getting along?’

  She smiled sweetly. ‘We’re getting along great. He’s such wonderful company,’ she lied.

  James side-glanced at her. ‘You really are a psycho,’ he whispered.

  She gave him a sideways glance. ‘You have no idea.’


  They arrived at the lakeside. Stilt smiled reassuringly at Edward. Edward had been here before when he used to visit Prince Eric when they were children. He looked down at the misty water. ‘How will a lake get me powers?’

  Stilt cackled and da
nce in the water until it reached up to his knees. ‘It’s what’s in the lake.’ Without warning, Stilt submerged into the depths. He used his newfound power to cast a spell that rippled through the water. Then he swam back up and looked over at Edward. Stilt was almost glowing.

  Edward looked behind Stilt in astonishment. Stilt looked backward and saw Ursula smiling unnervvingly at them both. ‘What do you want?’ Shells crept around her stomach to her belly button in the same paatern that they did on her face. Her tail splashed the water, spraying them all. She pointed a long, sharp nail toward Edward. ‘That one’s handsome. Perhaps we can make a deal?’

  Edward bowed his head, begrusdingly. ‘I am Edward, Prince of Dolorom.’

  ‘Oh, a prince.’ She giggled and swam closer to the water’s edge. ‘Perhaps we can make a deal then. I’ll grant you what you need if you make a mermaid fall in love with you.’

  ‘You?’ Edward asked.

  ‘No.’ She laughed. ‘That wouldn’t be hard. No, a certain redhead I have plans for.’

  Edward sighed. ‘I wish I could agree—for what I need, I need badly. However, my heart is taken by another.’

  Ursula rolled her eyes. ‘You loyal types,’ she said slimily. ‘Fine, as a prince, you have access to other royals?’ He nodded. ‘Good,’ she said. ‘Then bring me a prince for my mermaid to fall for, but don’t make it obvious.’

  He nodded. ‘Prince Eric of Milborn.’

  ‘Great,’ she said. ‘Now, what do you need?’


  Urusula looked back at Stilt. ‘Ah, so this is the one you stole the powers from?’

  Edward growled. ‘You helped him?’

  She pouted. ‘Aww, if I knew how handsome you were, I wouldn’t have,’ she lied. ‘Well, I can give you powers. However, I would be giving you some of my own power. Make sure you use it well.’ She ripped one the shells from her face and screeched. It left a red patch where her skin used to be.

  She handed it to Edward who examined it suspiciously. ‘What do I do with it?’


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