The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Series Book 1)

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The Enchanted Kingdoms (Haunting Fairytales Series Book 1) Page 15

by Becca Alexandra

  ‘And where shall I tell the king you’re going, Majesty?’ the guard replied.

  Edward smirked. ‘Tell him I will be going to Milborn with Stilt.’


  ‘Prince Eric of Milborn,’ a guard announced. A handsome man around twenty-five walked out, sporting a devilish smile. ‘Good to see you, old friend,’ Eric said. His voice was light and fun. Edward remembered back to when he was young. Eric was fifteen the last time he saw him.

  ‘You’re all grown up,’ Edward said, grinning.

  ‘And you’re looking older too. What are you now? Forty?’ Eric joked.

  ‘Thirty-nine,’ Stilt replied, grumpily. ‘Lovely reunion, but we have things to get on with.’

  ‘Who’s the old guy?’ Eric asked. Stilt huffed.

  Edward laughed. ‘A friend; we have business to attend to. I just wanted to stop by and say hello while I was in the kingdom,’

  Eric raised an eyebrow. ‘What do you want from me?’ he asked, knowing Edward all too well.

  ‘Have you married yet?’ asked Edward.

  ‘I haven’t found anyone who I love yet,’ admitted Eric. He leant in closer to Edward and whispered, ‘They’re all so prudish and boring around here.’

  ‘Know what you mean,’ Edward admitted. ‘Well, I have someone I’d like you to meet.’

  ‘Who?’ asked Eric.

  ‘A little mermaid,’ Edward replied, grinning.

  Eric scoffed. ‘A mermaid? You’re kidding, right?’

  ‘Nope,’ Edward replied.

  Eric walked them into the castle. ‘They are half fish,’ Eric said as he walked next to Edward.

  ‘Just meet her, once. As a favour to an old friend?’ Edward persisted, looking around at the white walls. Everything in the kingdom had a seaside feel to it. The shell ornaments, the pillars, statues of Neptune.

  ‘I’ll meet her, but I will not marry her!’ Eric said and brushed down his white blazer in which gold buttons ran down the centre.

  ‘Thank you,’ Edward said.

  ‘What about you?’ Eric asked. ‘A lucky girl managed to snatch you up yet?’

  ‘One,’ Edward admitted then looked at the ground solemnly. ‘Unfortunately, she has been taken from me.’

  ‘Sorry to hear it,’ Eric said and slapped Edward on the back. ‘So when will I be meeting this mermaid?’

  ‘Now,’ Stilt said, who was walking behind them. ‘We leave now.’


  Snow pointed at a yawning dwarf. ‘This is Fred, but I call him Sleepy. He is always drifting off during our meetings. It’s from the side effects of the spells that take their beauty from them,’ Snow informed James. ‘And this one is Sneezy; he keeps having allergic reactions to almost everything,’ she said sympathetically. He looked around the dungeon. In the middle of the dimly lit room was a wooden table. It looked out of place with the rest of the room, which consisted of stone seats, a barred window, and chains attached to the wall. He looked at the dwarf who was rubbing his nose. They all looked ugly. James felt pity for them. They were all once men, who simply ate an apple and had their lives ruined. ‘That one’s Doc. He was a doctor before, so it fits.’ She shrugged. ‘And that one is Bashful. Always blushing away.’

  ‘No, I’m not,’ Bashful said as his face filled with colour.

  One dwarf extended his hand to Edward. ‘I’m Gregory; Snow calls me Happy,’ he said a little too enthusiastically.

  ‘Nice to meet you.’ James shook his hand and looked at Snow. ‘How are we going to do this? We are nine people.’

  Snow smiled. ‘Ten if you include Henry.’

  ‘Will he help?’ James asked.

  ‘I’m sure he will,’ she said and shrugged. ‘I can get guards, too. I can pay men to help us. Experienced sword fighters, assassins, and thieves.’

  ‘Let’s fight bad with bad. Make sense?’ Gregory said.

  Snow rolled her eyes. ‘Oh, now you have a moral compass. You’re planning on helping to kill a woman, and you’re judging me on who I get to assist us?’

  ‘Well, if we have to commit murder, then we must do it in the right way,’ Gregory replied.

  ‘Oh, shut up, you blithering idiot. We will use who we have to!’ Grumpy said. ‘I trust you, Snow. You’re the only one helping us. So what do we do?’

  James stepped forward and knelt by the table. ‘There are two men worse than Lori. Edward and Stilt. Edward killed Snow’s mother then left my mother. Stilt ate his own child and is helping Edward. They are our first target. Lori hates them, and they hate her. They are our key to destroying her.’

  Snow smirked. ‘We have all been pawns in their games for far too long. It is time that we start playing them at their own game. We are going to be the ones who give them the push they need. I have spies right now finding out information about Edward, Stilt, and anyone else they have been in contact with. We are going to bring them down.’

  ‘To do that,’ James said, ‘we are going to join Lori. To pretend that we are on her side to bring Edward and Stilt down.’


  ‘Your Highness,’ Lori said to King Charles. She had gotten her beauty back after taking the last man’s beauty, and she looked incredible. Her dress was silk, reaching to the floor, and dark red, matching her lips. Her hair fell like satin around her heart-shaped face, and her eyes were glossy and dark.

  ‘Can I help you? How did you get in here?’ he asked. She lifted her hand, and a pink mist hit his face. ‘You’re so pretty,’ he said after, in a hazed state.

  ‘Thank you, you are so charming,’ she replied and sat next to him. They were sat looking over the pond, which was frozen over.

  ‘I cannot believe I am saying this, but will you marry me, um?’

  ‘Lori,’ she said. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Lori,’ he repeated dreamily. ‘Your beauty is outstanding. We will wed at the end of this month.’

  ‘Wonderful,’ she replied as he leant forward. She gulped and begrudgingly kissed him. As she walked away, ready to spread the good news, she smiled down at her hand which was holding the head of a pink rose; spelled with a powerful love potion. It would have only worked with her beauty at its peak. Well, that was easy.


  James wolfed down his chicken and potatoes as he mulled over their plan. His part was probably the easiest. He looked at the door as Snow walked in. He noticed little things about her that he didn’t before. Like how cute her dimples were when she smiled. How she kept pushing her fringe out of her face, and when she got nervous, she would pick at her fingernails. That she would always have a hole in her tights within half an hour of wearing a new pair. That her boots were always tied sloppily. ‘Hey,’ he said, feeling a little breathless. She grinned and sneakily poured a little whiskey into his goblet. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Having a little fun,’ she stated. ‘Come on, never had whiskey before?’ she asked, giggling.

  ‘No, actually,’ he admitted and drank it. ‘That tastes vile.’

  She laughed. ‘I know, I hate it. Was fun to see you try it, though.’

  ‘I really hate you sometimes,’ he said and huffed.

  ‘Aww, damn! I’m going to cry,’ she said sarcastically and ate some chicken. ‘Anyway,’ she whispered. ‘Update. I know where Stilt and Edward are. Apparently, they are in Dolorom.’ James leant in closer to her and noticed that she smelled subtly of strawberries with a hint of vanilla. He felt himself go lightheaded for a second then shook it off. ‘A woman, Red, she lives nearby. Apparently, Stilt had something to do with her mother’s death, and she wants revenge.’

  ‘I know her, Red. We’re friends,’ James said.

  ‘Oh,’ Snow replied. ‘Good.’

  James looked puzzled. ‘So she’s in?’

  She shook her head. ‘Not yet. I will go and see her. I’ve not actually met her.’

  ‘We will go to see her. I know her,’ he pointed out.

  ‘Okay,’ she breathed. ‘We’ll leave this evening. Now, pass me the wat
er,’ she demanded.

  He handed her the water. ‘Are you okay?’

  Her eyes widened. ‘I’m fine.’

  He brushed his fingers along her hand. ‘If you want to talk to me, I’m here whenever you need me, Snow.’

  She looked down. ‘I’ll be fine.’

  He tousled his hair. ‘Still, I’m with you.’

  She gazed into his eyes; her own sparked with madness. One minute, she was crying, and the next, laughing. Still, she maintained an air of grace—she had to, she was a princess, after all.


  ‘Red,’ James said and hugged her. Her hair was a dark brown but still lighter than Snow’s. She wore studded black boots and black trousers with a bright red top. The most unique thing about her was her eyes. Surrounded with black lashes, slightly tinted red, were bright violet eyes that shone in the moonlight. Beside her was a wolf, staring at Snow and James hungrily.

  ‘I’m Snow,’ Snow said and looked down at the wolf nervously.

  ‘Red,’ Red replied and shook Snow’s hand firmly. Snow noticed that Red looked, well, cool. She had the whole “I’m a badass, and I don’t care what people think” look about her, and Snow kind of envied the fact that Red seemed to pull it off better than she did.

  ‘To what do I owe the pleasure of this late-night visit, James,’ she asked, cooing his name. Snow held her breath for a second and gritted her teeth.

  James placed his hand on her arm and smiled the most charming smile. ‘Do I need an excuse to see one of my favourite girls?’

  Snow coughed loudly. ‘Can we get down to business? We have important things to discuss.’

  ‘Of course,’ James said and held back a grin. ‘You know how we were talking about Stilt and Edward? Well, Snow would like for you to join us with our plan. She’s going to explain it all to you now.’

  Red invited James and Snow into her tiny shack, and Snow revealed every detail of their plan with Red until Red was on their side. They would all approach Lori, explaining their ‘motives’ after James had spoken to her first. They were all now making their moves in the game, not knowing who would end up winning.

  ‘Today is the day,’ Snow said, grimly. ‘Today, Lori becomes my stepmother.’

  ‘She’ll be dead soon,’ James stated and shrugged.

  ‘She’d better be.’

  James sat down and sighed. ‘I went to see Red. She’s gone, Snow. Only a wolf is there. Do you think she just up and left because of the danger?’

  Snow shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I can send out spies to try and find out where she is, though.’

  ‘Please do,’ James replied. ‘She doesn’t seem like the type to just run.’

  ‘No,’ Snow admitted. ‘Guess not.’

  ‘She was courageous; she didn’t mind a bit of danger. I’m going to miss her. She made me laugh,’ James said.

  Snow smiled in response then looked down at the floor. ‘I could make you laugh if I wanted too!’ Snow said under her breath.

  ‘What?’ asked James.

  ‘Nothing.’ She hated to admit it, but in a way, she was glad Red had left. James had a soft spot for her. Not that she should care, even though she did.

  James leaned in closer to Snow. ‘Have you briefed the dwarves? We will be meeting at Lori’s tomorrow. Once she is wed, Lori will send the army to invade Dolorom. We have weeks, if that, to prepare ourselves.’

  ‘I have and I know,’ Snow said and smiled sweetly. ‘I’m so sick of every conversation I have of late being about killing or secret meetings. I need to have some fun.’ She picked up some snow, wearing her leather gloves, and made a snowball, throwing it at James’ head. ‘That’s a ten out of ten, there. Right on the nose.’

  James shook his head. ‘Nice effort, Princess. But I’d give that a six out of ten. Maybe a seven for effort.’

  ‘Oh, really?’ Snow said, rolling another snowball. ‘We shall see.’


  ‘You’re what?’ Belle asked, astounded.

  ‘Getting married,’ Lori replied simply.

  Belle looked at Lori through wide eyes. ‘Married? How did you get him to want to marry you so fast?’

  Lori shrugged. ‘I have my ways. Now, we will use what is soon to be my army to attack Stilt and Edward. Where is James?’

  ‘Spending time with Snow. They’re really hitting it off,’ Belle replied, smiling.

  ‘Of course, they are. She’s gorgeous; why wouldn’t he want to be with her?’ Lori said. Belle noticed that envy attached itself to Snow’s name on Lori’s lips.

  Belle smiled and turned to the fireplace. ‘I got the outfit, thank you.’ Lori had gotten Belle an outfit made. Black trousers, heeled pink boots with laces, and a fitted fuchsia pink halter-neck jumper. Belle tied her hair into a high ponytail and let bits fall around her face. ‘The outfit is perfect for fighting in. Easier than a dress.’

  ‘This is for you, too,’ Lori said and handed Belle a box. Inside was a dagger around half a metre long. The handle was gold and blade silver. She handed her a scabbard to strap around her leg to hold it in.

  ‘Thank you,’ was all Belle could manage. It was all seeming too real now.

  ‘James’s powers will show themselves soon, I believe,’ Lori said.

  ‘I’m sure,’ Belle said and left the room.

  Lori walked over to the mirror. ‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all?’

  The mirror warped into a face. ‘Snow White is the fairest in all the land, Your Majesty.’

  Lori screamed in frustration and walked into her room, where she pulled on her black top, red trousers, and riding boots, and stormed out of the house. She wore her hair in a braid and it bounced on her back as she jumped on a horse and rode it back to the castle. Lori knew that James’ powers would only come in if he was in danger, or someone he loved was. She realised after he kept trying and nothing happened that he just needed the right motivation.


  Stilt looked down at the hole in the garden he had recently dug and sighed. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he used his powers to lift the coffin into the air and lowered it into the hole. He threw a rose on top of it and filled the hole with dirt. He put the gravestone he had made into the ground and knelt in front of it. ‘I promise you, darling, I will avenge you. I will bring up our daughter, and I will make things right.’ His voice broke at the end, and he stood up. Rage pulsated through him as the memory of Lori holding his wife’s heart floated unwantedly through his mind. ‘I’ll kill her.’

  He felt a hand thump down on his shoulder and squeeze. ‘Beautiful send-off,’ Edward said.

  Stilt didn’t look up. ‘I will not rest until Lori suffers as much as I have!’

  Edward nodded, looking down at the headstone. ‘I know.’

  Stilt sniffed and looked away from the grave. ‘We should leave for Northmanni.’

  Edward felt the shell pulsate in his pocket. ‘Great …’

  ‘What?’ asked Stilt.

  Edward huffed. ‘A message from Ursula.’

  He showed Stilt the shell. On it, in ink, read I need that prince. Now. Throw him into the lake. He will be saved. That’s all you need to know.

  Stilt raised an eyebrow. ‘Will he trust you?’

  ‘I’ve done trade deals with him in the past.’

  Stilt grinned. ‘Well, what are we waiting for?’


  Lori placed the apple into the cauldron. Green smoke hovered above the cauldron. She placed the apple sneakily into the kitchen. It sat on the apples in a basket that would be used to make a crumble pudding for the wedding. Since becoming engaged, Lori had gained access to every part of the castle, to Snow’s annoyance.

  She had taken two more people’s beauty since then. Snow, however, was no longer the object of Lori’s beauty desires. No, she needed Snow to stay looking beautiful. She needed James to fall helplessly in love with her. So when Snow takes a bite of the apple and falls into a death-like slumber, James will be forced
to use his powers to awaken her. His powers will be active, and then she can use him as a weapon.

  She watched Red with great annoyance. James seemed comfortable around her; they laughed, they joked. He approached her about Snow, Red, and some other men, joining the plan as they wanted rid of Stilt and Edward too. But she couldn’t have Red on her side. She would cause a disruption between James and Snow. Snow could always be used as a weapon against James, and Lori needed that. She needed Snow to be her leverage.


  It was midnight. Belle was in her room, reading. The light from the little oil lamp shone out from under her door. Lori vanished from inside her room and reappeared by Red’s shack. She peered through the window and noticed that no one was inside.

  ‘What do you want?’ Red said from behind Lori. She turned, and Red was holding a knife. Her pet wolf by her side.

  ‘Hello, dear.’

  Red snarled. ‘Why are you here?’

  ‘Here,’ Lori said, handing Red a little vial of white potion. ‘I have given the others theirs too. It’s a protection potion. It will keep you from physical harm. I need to make sure you all stay safe throughout our plan.’

  ‘Why didn’t James and Snow come with you?’ she asked, hesitant to take the potion.

  Lori pursed her lips. ‘They are, if you don’t mind me saying, at the castle, cuddled up by the fire.’

  Red smiled. ‘I hoped they would finally get together. I could feel the sparks between them.’

  ‘Yes. So take this,’ Lori said, holding the vial out for Red to take. Hesitantly, she took the vial, popped out the cork, and drank it.

  ‘What no—’ Before she could finish her sentence, Red disappeared into a pile of dust then transformed into a wolf. Lori, with a wave of her hand, took Red’s voice.

  ‘Good luck telling anyone about this,’ Lori said to the wolf who was looking around sheepishly. Lori turned and cast the death curse on the other wolf that lunged at her. Before it reached Lori’s throat, it whimpered and fell to the ground. Red lunged at Lori, who whacked her against a tree. While Red was unconscious, Lori cast an entrapment spell, keeping Red in the shack or the surrounding area by a mile. ‘Time to put my plan into action.’


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