Too Wylde

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by Wynne, Marcus

  What Readers Like You Say About The WYLDE Saga

  Great book. Like every other book he has written, Marcus Wynne knows his stuff. Everyone says so, and for those in the know…it shows. In retrospect this book felt like a "neo noir" detective story, which was really enjoyable...the narrative maintains a linear run, while a jump in perspective provides the viewpoint or distilled thoughts of other disembodied characters in a way I’ve only seen a few times before. This added an effectively frenetic feel to the story, which actually served to enhance the mood and tone of the writing...These aren’t your “sanctioned” operatives, clean cut, by-the-book former agents, cops or operators. Nope, these are the “on the fringe” folks. This novel plays by its own rules. Down and dirty, high speed, low drag hustlin’ is where it’s at…and this book has it in spades.

  BG Lefevre

  [His novels]...are packed with accurate, real-world tactical insights unlike what you'll find in the pages of any grocery store shelf novel...I can say that Wynne's grasp of edged weapons combatives and their real world application is unparalleled. While many have drawn parallels to the writing of David Morell and others, there really is no comparison: Wynne is a much better writer and his grasp of human nature, the CIA spook world, and reality based combatives is top-notch.

  Rod Freeman

  I think this is Wynne's best work. The setting is a palpable thing, and the characterization is fantastic. Wynne paints the picture of a world very different from his previous works.

  Linda Cormier

  Marcus Wynne's new book Johnny Wylde is the beginning of a new series with a new cast of characters and ruffians....imagine a pulp fiction novel combined with the feel of a film noir but with the action of a Jason Bourne movie. Marcus' skill is evident not just in his descriptions of gunplay and violence but with an introspectiveness that brings his characters to life and draws the reader in. From the stripper who quotes Buddha and Miyamoto Musashi with ease, to the lady cop with her Glock .45 and the sunny SoCal assassin who likes her sharp knives, you will be left wanting more. If you've read Marcus' previous works, you will enjoy Johnny Wylde. If this is your first time with Marcus, grab a cup of your favorite poison, get comfortable and hang on for the ride because you're not going to get any work done.


  ...The characters feel like they could step out of the pages / screen and be sipping their beers and coffee beside you; Johnny Wylde develops as a complex multi-faceted person with his unique demons and dreams. The introspection before and after action and indeed the action itself is grippingly real and can only be described by one who has "seen the elephant" themselves. Looking forward to the sequel!

  Old China Hand

  ...If you like Clancy and Flynn, Wynne will stun you...Wynne's life is his source and he IS the expert....Marcus has lived the life, and he takes you to places you've never been and not likely to go. He not only weaves superbly intricate stories, but immerses you in the sounds, smells, feel, and situational awareness of the world he leads you to and the characters within. Details elegantly revealed that only one who has been there could know...if you need to be somewhere the next morning, sharp and ready to not read this author just before bedtime. You will find yourself greeting the dawn and making extra coffee. Rather, exercise brutal discipline and limit yourself to a chapter or two and savor the experience a bit longer. Pour a couple fingers of your favorite, settle in to your best chair near the fire, and hang on!

  Dave Rasmussen

  I have read all of Marcus Wynne's books and am anxiously awaiting the next. As with all his books this was a "can't put it down" read. I usually wait for an uninterrupted weekend and read start to finish....All of the Super Hero stuff is actually believable. Tactics are sound as is weapon manipulation. Marcus, get off your ass and release another book. Please take it easy on the Marines in your next one. "Semper Fi"

  Sea Soldier

  Realizing that this novel was somewhat of a departure from the author's previous works I was somewhat skeptical then pleasantly surprised and pleased to find that he was able to maintain the same level of excellence that his readers expect. I only hope there's a sequel!!

  Ellen Costigan

  Johnny Wylde is a bit different from Marcus's other books, but every bit as outstanding. This book has a very dark and edgy feel to it. Being a connoisseur of reality in the details, I found it to be most excellent. Marcus vividly describes the characters and scenes to the point you can visualize them in your mind while reading it. This is a very good thing, because you really only want to go to some of these places in a book. Arms dealers, gangs, mercenaries, strippers, killer femme fatales, Russian mobsters, covert operatives, dingy bars, back alley deals, humor and romance all thrown into this one. If you have ever wondered how the "other" side lives, read the book and take a walk on the Wylde side.

  SOT 364

  This book is difficult to put down. With a relentless pace, and multiple layering of storylines that engage and mesmerize, Wynne has masterfully created a world you want to dive into and follow into its darkest places. I love when even the 'bad' guys are so complex and dedicated you almost cheer them on, and the 'good' guys have their dark sides that make then human enough to relate. This book asks just as many questions as it answers, and appeals to anyone both on a quest to survive physically, or to know more about the human spirit. Jung said that 'to be enlightened, is not to imagine figures of light... but to make the darkness conscious'. Wynne animates this darkness and lets it come out and play in full regalia, armed to the teeth, with a sex drive to match, that is nothing but pure candy for the non-squeamish reader. Johnny Wylde does make Pulp Fiction, look like a G-rated Disney flick by comparison. Enjoy. :)


  There are only a handful of authors whose books I buy just as soon as they are released. Marcus Wynne is one of those. He has not disappointed yet, and he keeps getting better. It is obvious that Wynne has seen the elephant. He speaks well of the warrior. His characters are so well done, you find yourself wishing you had friends like these. I did have one complaint though, the book ended too soon.

  Jeffrey S. Hennessy

  I have read most of Marcus Wynne's books, and Johnny Wylde is the best. The characters Lizzy and Nina Capushek are two of the best that he has created.

  I can't wait to follow them in his next book. I recommend this book.

  Boss Reader

  As an action fan I read everything Marcus Wynne writes. You don't just read the action in Johnny Wylde you feel it. This book has grit, texture, and mood, not to mention guns, sex, and violence. Best action book I've read since "With a Vengeance" not coincidentally enough another Marcus Wynne book.

  Lance Evers

  In Johnny Wylde, Marcus Wynne takes the reader on a gripping trip through a world that few people get to see. From the very first his characters jump off the page with their humanity and their complex interactions, sense of humor and both their strengths and weaknesses. The plot weaves its way through a complex series of twists and turns that hint at great things past and greater things to come. As a fan of both the thriller genre in general and Marcus Wynne in particular I found myself captivated by this book as every page seemed to pull harder at the imagination and further flesh out the complex characters that already seemed so real that I could touch them or go have a beer or ten with.


  Anyone who has been on a military operation knows that a plan is just a list of things that never happens and every round fired is a random event. The highspeedlowdragjamesbondpussymagnet operators call it the "Run and Gun" because that is as accurate a description as you can get in shorthand. Wynne gets it, and it shows... you kick in the door, shoot and run, fast. The characters in his books get it too, the "doorkickasswhip" is all about speed an
d violence of action. If you want fair fights, and near misses, this stuff ain't for you friend, Marcus serves it up straight, the way Old School Men drink, not watered down. Be prepared to take your time in a hurry, cause it is impossible to put down a Wynne novel once you start.

  Bill Witkowski

  "...Marcus puts you into his novels like no other can. The reader will receive a rare glimpse into the minds of both good and evil...The fight scenes in this book are the most realistic and graphic that I have read...Marcus Wynne is a been there, done that warrior from the old school... I cannot recommend this book highly enough."


  "For readers of military/LE fiction this book will be a welcome addition to their libraries. Marcus Wynne's description of CQB/CQC is a chew your lips off adrenaline rush. The weapons, technique and mindset descriptions put Brad Thor and Vince Flynn to shame. Mr. Wynne's obvious familiarity with violence lends his writing a level of authenticity unmatched by others and will satisfy the adrenaline junkie in you. Warning, the fight scenes are not for the faint of heart."


  "I made the mistake of sitting down to read "just the first few pages" before going to bed, and ended up having to force myself to put it down only after the sun started creeping its way through my blinds, if I was going to get even a modicum of sleep. Unlike other authors of this genre Marcus has clearly 'been there, done that and got the t-shirt'.."

  Nicholas Hughes

  "Marcus Wynne fans will be delighted that he's back, literally with a vengeance, delivering the type of authentic detail that makes his books favorites with those actually in the business of violence... Marcus Wynne knows the world of the gun and the knife..."

  Dennis Martin

  "Marcus' real-world expertise shines in this book. The weapons, the tactics, even the emotional and mental state of a modern day warrior are portrayed in such a realistic manner that you feel like you are immersed in the action... this book can be dark and violent at times but not gratuitous...once in a while a rare gem comes along that serves to remind us of the dark times we live in."

  Blowback 1971

  "Marcus's previous books were excellent. This is even better. It's a high paced thriller that actually provides genuine thrills. I don't think there is a finer author in this genre. You need to read this book."

  Chris S.

  "Wynne's a warrior who's survived to tell a few stories. His stories are compellingly real, the tools, techniques, and situations described often painfully so. Not just from a physical standpoint - the emotional technologies employed, and the mental constructs one experiences in trauma or war and afterwards - are all here in full regalia in a viscerally true manner. Adrenaline junkies, be aware that this fix is addicting."

  Christine N.




  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2011 by Marcus Wynne

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  To my son, H ~ thanks for being the best Honey Badger in the whole universe!

  Special Thanks

  Diana Rathborne


  This novel is a continuation of the saga that began in JOHNNY WYLDE. It's not really a sequel. It's a lengthy piece of what will be a story arc over five books -- this is Part Two. So while this *can* stand alone, if you haven't read JOHNNY WYLDE, you may want to. Or go back to it after you've read this. Thanks for reading!

  Jimmy John Wylde

  "Hey Jimmy!" Big Dick yelled from behind the bar. "Phone call for you!"

  I checked my cell phone -- no messages. Who'd call me here? I slid out from behind the Gunfighter's Table, my private seat in Moby Dick's, and went up to the bar to answer the phone.

  "Hello?" I said.

  A long pause.

  "Jimmy John," a familiar voice said. "How you be, Infantry?"

  "Who is this?"

  "How many people call you Johnny, Jimmy John? Jimmy John Alexander Wylde. But only to your friends."

  I felt as though someone had stuck an ice cold knife in my gut and twisted it.

  "Who the fuck is this?"

  Wheezy laughter. "See you soon, Jimmy John. We got that...thing to take care of. Nice to hear you again. You sound different on the phone."


  Thieu, the bartender, looked up from the bar sink. "Jimmy? Who that? You okay?"

  I set the phone down, carefully, in the charger.

  "Jimmy?" Thieu said.

  I said to Big Dick: "I'm going for a walk. Anybody calls again, just take a message, tell 'em I'll be back shortly."

  "What..." Big Dick started.

  I held up a hand and walked outside.

  Dusk. Early summer in Lake City. Clear, no humidity to speak of yet. Busy streets, night life warming up, people going home from the Lakes, dropping their bikes and rollerblades and running gear off and trading up for the mating dance threads.

  Plenty of passerby, chatting, looking in windows. Any of them watching me? Hard to tell if they'd been set up before I came out. I took my phone, hit speed dial.

  Deon answered on the second ring. "Oi, Oke?"

  "Got a problem, bro."

  "Don't we all?" He laughed. "What kind?"

  "Your favorite kind."

  "Well, then. Come heavy?"

  "Yeah. Sweep the street. You'll need some more bodies."

  "I'll bring the live ones and find a place for the dead."

  "There's that."

  "You don't sound well, oke."

  "I just spoke to the dead."

  That brought a long silence.

  "Well, Oke," Deon said. "That's a first for me. I'll be there."

  "Thanks, Deon."

  "Have a drink and this story ready."


  I stared up at the dark growing in the sky and remembered a mountain side in Afghanistan.

  Jimmy John, help me, brah...Jimmy...

  Lance T.

  Lance T perched on an extra-tall spindle leg kitchen stool in front of a full length mirror. Behind him, a tall naked brunette, swollen silicon breasts and skinny legs, carefully scraped a safety razor through the white foam on his back.

  "Careful," he said.

  "Sorry, Lance," the stripper said. "Lemme get another razor."

  She took a fresh disposable from the ten-pack on her make up table, ran it gingerly down his back. "That's better, baby."

  A few strokes and it was done. His back and chest gleamed, hairless, and the muscles stood out after the kettlebell workout he'd run through in the gym he maintained in a back room of The Trojan Horse.

  The Trojan Horse. Finest Gentleman's Club in all of Lake City. Hottest strippers. Best buffet. And scene of the occasional shoot-out.

  Lance's club.

  He loved his job. Having strippers shave his back wasn't even part of it.

  Lucille, the brunette, took a warm wet towel and wiped off a few dabs of shaving cream. "There you go, baby."

  "Thanks, Lucille," he said.

  It was time. He shrugged into a black silk shirt, tucked it into Armani trousers and laced a Hermes leather belt into place. A well shined pair of Ferragamos, oxford, on his feet, over Dior stockings. Lucille spritzed him with whatever the scent of the day was.

  Good to go.

  Lance T went out the door, down a hallway, and felt like he did in his wrestling days. Ready for the crowd. He came out a side door onto the club floor, on the far side away from the runway and the stage. A new girl, Tina Marie, was working the pole. He studied her critically. Sh
e needed work.

  But then, they all did, at first.

  He nodded to Silent Kai, his long time bouncer, forever mute because of a knife in his voice box during an epic brawl that at first killed his business, then brought it back to life like a zombie doing the lindy hop, as all the Lake City wannabes wanted to hang out in the club that had been the scene of a major shoot out between Lake City PD's one and only female man-killer cop, the Russian Mob and the Cambodian gangsters. He ended up making bank, and even kept the bullet holes in the wall, put a frame around them so the wannabes could get their pictures taken next to them.

  There was a long line of pictures; all his girls, the dancers that put dollars in his pocket every day, a few of them slipping him an extra envelope from time to time with a percentage -- not too much, don't want to kill the Golden Goose -- of their earnings on the side, or their belly, or their backs, up to them, he didn't care, as long as he got his cut and they didn't bring heat down on the club. Vice took their pay offs in various ways: pussy, free drinks and food, the occasional tip, some information the girls pulled out of the low-lifes that came through here and the occasional dark side high roller, the use of a room, looking the other way when Internal Affairs or Professional Standards came sniffing around.

  That was bidness here in Lake City. Everybody gets a taste of the good. That's what it takes to keep the good coming.


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