Ancient Blood: A Novel of the Hegemony (The Order Saga Book 1)

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Ancient Blood: A Novel of the Hegemony (The Order Saga Book 1) Page 30

by Brian McKinley

But it was so hard to resist!

  “Come on, boy,” he whispered. “Stand up for yourself, stand up for her. Don’t be a pussy-whipped little weakling all your life. You know you want to kill me and I can feel it in you, struggling to break through this cowardice you’ve cloaked yourself in. How many times have you thought about how satisfying it would be to give me what I deserve?” I felt him inside me, grasping at those very desires and thoughts. I felt them drawn toward the surface, toward him. “Do it … let it all out…”

  I was looking at his smug, effeminate face, his long hair and his pre-Revolutionary clothes. He was like the incarnation of the sexy modern vampire, dark hero of romantic fantasies the world over. Lestat, St. Germain, Jean-Claude from Anita Blake, Frank Langella’s Dracula, Gary Oldman’s Dracula, even the Dracula who showed up on Buffy, that oh-so-sexy dark lover, always perfect and suave and well-dressed with a cock that pleased as no mortal man’s could and a tongue that wouldn’t quit. Goddess, how I hated him!

  Goddess, how I wanted to be him!

  And then, out of nowhere, it occurred to me that Valmont’s face resembled the actor who played Dracula on Buffy. Just one of those random, stupid thoughts that pop up in my head when I’m tired or under stress but it started a chain-reaction. Valmont’s rap really wasn’t all that different from the one old Drac had been laying on the Buffster—give in to the Dark Side. That made me think of the Emperor and Vader in Return of the Jedi giving Luke the “give in to your hate” line.

  It can’t be that simple, I thought. But stuff he’d said and done, said otherwise:

  Trying to seduce me into feeding on the child.

  “Because they are beautiful … and I can only abide so much of that in the world.”

  Trying to seduce me into fucking his Dhampir.

  “My poison flower is clever and deceitful, greedy and hateful. She is all things that are perfection to my eye.”

  Trying to rape the sadness and pity out of Julia.

  “Was I wrong in using subtlety and human nature? Nuclear war just always seemed so … inelegant.”

  I burst out laughing.

  Valmont jumped back like I’d given him an electric shock, his expression furious. “So, now you think this is funny?”

  I just nodded, laughing too hard to talk. His sword flashed in the moonlight, slicing my arm as it whistled through the air. “Ow!” I cried between laughs.

  I held up my hand for him to give me a minute as I tried to stop long enough to catch a breath. Seeing no better option, Valmont laid his sword on his shoulder and paced back and forth. The peevish look on his face just made me laugh harder.

  I had to sit down on the edge of the pedestal base. My legs just wouldn’t hold me up anymore. “I finally … I finally got it!” I gasped between chuckles.

  “Got what?”

  “You! I figured out what’s wrong with you!”

  “I’m pleased you find the idea so amusing.” He didn’t sound pleased at all.

  Taking deep breaths, I managed to stop laughing but the grin wouldn’t leave my face. “You want me to give in to the Dark Side!” I giggled again. “You’re one of those corruption and evil guys, like some lame-ass Satanist from the Hellfire Club or a Christopher Lee movie!”

  For just a moment, he went blank with shock before putting the mask back in place. “That’s ludicrous. Besides, what would a child like you even know of such things?”

  Gotcha. “Because I read, you asshole! Chelsea Quinn Yarbo had guys like you in her first St. Germain novel! Hell, even Anne Rice has them! To think that behind all your slick bullshit is just a pathetic little Catholic trying to score points with the devil because he thinks he’s damned. Dude, that is so cheesy! Sad too but mostly cheesy.”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about!”

  “Then why are you getting so worked up about it?”

  “I am not getting ‘worked up!’”

  “You so fucking are! ‘Behold the power of cheese!’ ”

  The rapier whipped through the air again, he marched toward me. “I think it’s time to end this inane argument once and for all…”

  I resisted the impulse to go for my gun. I was not gonna let the Queen of the Damned get his advantage back. “Go ahead but you know as well as I do that killing me won’t stop you from being as cheesy as cheddar. Or should that be Roquefort? No, no, Limburger!”

  He brought the point of the blade to my Adam’s apple, his eyes were blazing. “Shut up, damn you!”

  “Shouldn’t you say ‘bless you?’ ” I dissolved into another fit of giggles, paying no attention to the sword at my throat. “ ‘It ain’t easy being cheesy!’ ”

  He actually trembled as he shoved his sword in its sheath. “Death now would be far too quick for you but you’ll wish I’d killed you, you little—”

  “Mouse?” That and the expression on his face brought me to belly-laughs.

  “Remember this night!”

  “You betcha … Mayor McCheese!” I fell on the ground, my body aching, tears streaming out of my eyes. I heard him backing away, as if it hurt him to even be near me.

  “Your little bitch is now one of my special projects!” he shouted at me, like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. “No matter where she goes or whose protection she’s under, I shall make her life an utter misery! You will stand by, impotent, as I defile every part of her that is dear to you! Helpless as I bring to ruin her every dream and accomplishment! Your ruination shall be in watching hers, for you will know that you could have stopped me here and saved her!”

  He stomped back into the maze, the way I’d come in. I heard him, of course but was too light headed and punchy to take him seriously. After another minute or so of hiccupping, I got up and brushed myself off. I needed those blood packs now.

  And to think the night wasn’t even done yet.

  * * * * *

  Draco had Sebastian’s head mounted on top of the security bunker’s flagpole after his group returned from the maze. A warning to all who would dare threaten The Game.

  The servants and house staff had already been released from their confinement in the cellar by the time I got there, so I went right up. Caroline rushed into the kitchen to embrace me, then demanded to know what I’d been thinking when I ran off like that. I just shrugged; embarrassed to admit it had been something other than her.

  Both Executive Governor DeWinter and his Dhampir grandson were in residence to ensure a smooth transition of power in the Domain. They barely glanced at me when Caroline introduced us; too busy schmoozing with Geoffrey over drinks and cigars in Sebastian’s study.

  Later, at the emergency council session, Sebastian’s absence and the plastic tarp covering the big window were the only evidence that anything had happened at all. Geoffrey and Jade Tiger received special thanks from the Judicis on behalf of the entire Order for “exceptional alertness and heroic efforts on behalf of the Hegemony.” I kept quiet but it damn near cost me my tongue. Then Caroline and I got to stand up and be recognized as full-fledged Initiates of The Order, with all the privileges and responsibilities, blah blah blah. Iago ended the ceremony with no mention of taking either of us as Adjutors but had a surprise in store for everybody when it came time to select the new Hegemon of North America.

  He appointed Caroline!

  She was only a Proviso Hegemon, of course but there was no time limit set on the appointment, only “until this body shall deem otherwise.” To our further surprise, Geoffrey didn’t contest it. Why rush to be crowned Hegemon, Caroline explained later, when the place-holder owes you a favor?

  When we finished hugging, kissing and jumping up and down, Caroline took her place in Sebastian’s chair while the rest of the council shook their heads in collective dismay. Iago’s speech that night I’m told, was a fiery declaration of his intentions to improve The Order’s function by modernizing outdated aspects and reintroducing other ancient aspects which had lately been “neglected.”

  For my part as Proviso Ad
jutor, I felt it was time for an immediate reform or two. I found Ash in the security office with Mr. Pissy (actually, his name is Steve and he’s Ash’s boyfriend, so I should stop calling him that) and after being introduced, asked him who was available to do a little mental whammy action. Turned out DeWinter had brought the Vampyr they called Dr. Mindbender. We rounded him up and put him to work on all the remaining wine cellar victims. Ash set them up in the security bunker and by the end of the night we’d gotten just over forty people cleaned, dressed, memory-wiped and in beds ready for transport over the next few days.

  When a thoroughly piqued Helmut demanded to know what I thought I was doing with his blood, I informed him that only blood from the packs was to be used for his recipes from now on. He in turn, informed me that he would not work under such restrictions. I then informed him that his resignation was accepted.

  I slept in Caroline’s room that night, though it was at least an hour after dawn before we stopped “celebrating” and collapsed into our daily coma.

  * * * * *

  After the Hegemons left and the Gathering was over, Caroline got the entire island staff together and announced that working conditions would soon improve on the island but that anyone who wanted could quit without fear of retaliation. While we slept, about ninety percent of the staff signed their National Secrets contracts and took their severance pensions rather than stay on. An auspicious beginning to our reign.

  Caroline took Ash’s recommendation and appointed Steve as our new Housekeeper. They’ve had their hands full filling all the new openings but good old Governor DeWinter was “kind” enough to lend us some of his people. Caroline and I moved into Sebastian’s old suite and gave her adjoining room to Ash and Steve. We started talking about having the maze torn down and redecorating the whole house but other things intruded before we could set anything up.

  That was about three weeks ago.

  I don’t see much of Caroline anymore, except just before bed when she’s tired or “doesn’t feel like” making love. A lot of times, she doesn’t even want me to hold her. I know it’s because of Valmont, so I’m trying to be patient and let her deal with it at her own pace. I have to say though, that his words to me that night get less funny every time I think about them. I watch the footage from the Gathering a lot, to help me understand how everything happened.

  I wouldn’t mind it so much if we talked the way we used to but she’s always in meetings. Both DeWinter and Iago stuck around after the Gathering to make plans and “instruct” her in the things she needs to know as Hegemon.

  I’m not invited.

  When I got the chance to bring up my feelings to Caroline, she said she’s constructing another plan which I can’t know about while DeWinter and Iago are in residence. She won’t say what but I’m pretty sure I’ve figured out the basics. She wants to fulfill Sebastian’s objective and end The Game but she wants to do it gradually, using The Order’s own methods to bring about positive change in the world. If Iago is sincere about his policy of reform, then he’s an ally, if not, she’ll find a way to get rid of him.

  The responsibility of power and all that.

  We’re not on the run anymore but sometimes I feel like we’re more hunted than ever. After all, where can we go from here but down?

  She did say I’m free to leave whenever I want.

  That’s why I started writing this. I needed to figure out what I should do, whether it was worth staying or if it was time for me to give up and try life on my own. It’s taken a while but I think it’s been worth it.

  I’ve decided to stay.

  I have no intention of letting Valmont make good on his threats. When not writing, I’ve been reading books on magic and the uses of quantum physics in explaining the “paranormal.” I made a difference that night in the bunker using nothing but my will, a lot of luck and a little faith in something beyond myself. Soon, I hope I’ll be able to get by without the luck.

  Of course I worry that Caroline is going to lose herself in The Game like Sebastian did but that’s why she needs me. I’m going to be her anchor to the normal world, her compass. Ash and Steve will help. We can do it. We can change the world together as a team. Once Caroline’s able to relax a little, I think everything else will improve.


  “Human to Vampyr: The Mechanics of Creation, Pt. 1”

  by Dr. Rudolf Schreck, African Domain.

  (the Journal of Vampyr Studies. First Quarter, 1998)


  Infection by the Vampyric Creation Retrovirus (VCRV) triggers a host of radical genetic changes that transform a human being into a Vampyr (Homo Sapiens Sanguivarus). When the recipient’s blood is drained during the first stage of Creation, the crippled immune system allows the weak VCRV to invade the body through the vector of the replacement Vampyr blood without significant resistance. The first target of the VCRV is that same immune system, where the reprogramming of lymphocytes and stem cells in the bone marrow occurs. The transformed stem cells grow, divide and differentiate into the various kinds of blood cells based on the standard hormonal interaction. In this form, the virus is transmitted to every other cell of the body.

  One of the earliest and most radical changes in the cells is the strengthening of the klotho gene (which codes for a protein that circulates in the blood and prevents age-related ailments) and a boost in the production of telomerase. Telomerase is an enzyme which exists in abundance in viral and cancer cells and increases the growth of telomeres.

  Telomeres are the caps at the ends of each paired chromosome which allow genes to properly code for proteins and start the cellular division process. The length of the telomere determines how many times a cell can reproduce. The shorter the telomere, the fewer times it can reproduce and the longer the reproduction cycles. After each cellular division cycle in human beings, the telomeres of the mother cell shorten, resulting in cell death and fewer replacement cells. In the Vampyr, however, there is no shortening of the telomeres following cellular division and no limit on the number of future cycles of cellular reproduction. Thus, the cessation of cellular death and the effects of aging.

  From the Unpublished Manuscript The Order: History, Structure and Purpose

  “Chapter 2: The Domains”

  by Dr. Caroline Ludlow

  The Post-WWII Era

  The end of the Second World War brought with it the current arrangement of six Domains. The political structure of each Domain is different and the variety of organization has never been more diverse than at present.

  Despite its military defeat, the Central European Domain of Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland gained the territory of the Spanish Empire to become the Western European Domain. At the local level, the Legates administer cities and small regions while Provincares administer large provinces, overseeing all government functions and resources within. Above the Provincares are the Praefectors who control the apparatus and resources of nations; they meet in regional councils known as Paters Regio (“regional fathers”), whose members have adjoining territories. Each Paters Regio selects one member of their council to be a member of the Paters Conscriptii (“conscript fathers”), which acts much like the Roman Senate for which it is named in reporting to the Hegemon and implementing her orders.

  Similarly, Hegemon Draco’s Russian Domain expanded to include the so-called “Iron Curtain” states that comprised the former Yugoslavia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Albania and Poland and has become Eastern Europe. Its internal structure is similar to Western Europe but with Boyars in place of Provincares and no equivalent to the Legates. Additionally, there are special Directorates that administer industries such as communications, mining, agriculture and military regardless of the geographical areas. A highly organized internal police structure operates in place of the traditional enforcers of other Domains.

  The structure of the African Domain borrows the structure of Western Europe without the council levels and has not undergone any significa
nt changes since the Praefectors were established during the period of European colonization. The Praefectors of the African Domain are of European ancestry with no Vampyrs from the indigenous population known to exist at all.

  The end of the war brought only cosmetic changes for the British Empire, now called the United Kingdom. It retains the Reeves, Dukes and Governors it has always used but unlike most Domains, no greater structure exists for the coordinating of these Territories. Each appeals directly to the Hegemon for rulings and assistance, which allows them to be used to keep each other in check.

  The North American Domain, patterned after the United Kingdom, shares most of its political structure but with a few differences. The Governors here have been granted the freedom to arrange and administer their territory in the way they see fit, so titles and political apparatuses vary from Territory to Territory. However, the original democracy inherent in the North American Governors Council has waned in the latter half of the twentieth century as the Hegemon has often ignored Council objections to his policies. One unique element to the Domain’s structure is the United States Executive Governor. A compromise from the Federal vs. State power debate that created so many American institutions, the Executive Governor controls the federal government and all sites that fall under U.S. federal jurisdiction; hence, his agents are located in and operate within, all the other American Governors’ territories.

  It is theorized that this may be similar to the operation of the Asian Domain but very little is known about its organization. It is believed that high administrators control industries like agriculture, manufacturing, petroleum, banking and electronics while lower level operatives have a more geographic sphere of influence. Though kept vague to outsiders, the organization is said to be loose but complex and most likely operates along the lines of reciprocal obligation and familial networking common in Asia’s human societies.


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