The Sidekick Celebrity: A Sweet Celebrity Romance (Crystal Springs Celebrities Book 2)

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The Sidekick Celebrity: A Sweet Celebrity Romance (Crystal Springs Celebrities Book 2) Page 3

by Olivia Burke

  I want that. The thought startled her, but as soon as it’d crossed her mind, it was all she could think about. She craved the sweet companionship, the feelings that Rosie and Jack had for each other, for someone to look at her the way they looked at each other. They were so fiercely loyal to one another, a true team. Jill swallowed hard, focusing her attention back on her family.

  The ceremony was beautiful. The nearly-newlyweds beamed at each other the entire time, gazing at one another as if unable to see anyone else around them. When he could finally kiss his bride, Jack swept Rosie up in his arms so that her feet lifted the ground, making everyone chuckle and cheer.

  They had only eyes for each other as they walked away as husband and wife; the procession continued as maid of honor Courtney moved to take best man Colt’s arm and walk out of the ceremony area. Jill ignored the way her stomach did a little flip of jealousy, making way to take her groomsman’s arm. Scarlett marched off with Sam, while Jill had been paired with Robbie, Rosie’s sweet kid brother. The gangly teenager smiled widely at her as she took his arm.

  “Bet you wish you’d been paired with Scarlett, huh?” she teased as they exited.

  “That’s way too much pressure,” he said, making her snort with laughter.

  Oddly enough, she thought she knew exactly what he meant by that, because she’d have felt the same way. Group photos were over soon enough, and the bridal party split up to relax and enjoy the reception while the newlyweds finished their photos together.

  Jill grabbed a seat at the assigned table, gratefully sipping her water. Scarlett slid into the chair next to her, giving her an affectionate one-armed hug.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get to talk to you sooner, Jillybean.” Scarlett had used the affectionate nickname for years.

  “Scarlett, it’s so good to see you again,” Jill said, relieved they finally had a chance to catch up. She glanced around before looking at her friend. “Where’s Ben?”

  “Oh, actually, he couldn’t make it,” Scarlett said. “It’s um, one of the reasons we broke up.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Jill said, feeling like she’d stuck her foot in her mouth. Yep, we definitely need to catch up.

  Scarlett gave her a reassuring pat on the arm. “It’s okay - how would you know, we only decided it a couple days ago. He’s a wonderful person, but things have been tough since he moved to New York. We agreed it was better to end things than make it so complicated.”

  “Well, I’m still sorry to hear it,” Jill said. “I know from past experience that long-distance relationships are tough.”

  “Thank you.” Scarlett tossed her hair over her shoulders, looking around the crowded room. “In any case, maybe you’ll be lucky enough to meet someone.”

  “At my brother’s wedding?” Jill scoffed. “Doubtful.”

  “You never know.” Scarlett’s lips curled as she brought her glass up for a ladylike sip. “Seems Crystal Springs is a nice place to fall in love. According to Jack, anyway.”

  The words had barely left her mouth as Jill’s eyes fell on Colton James.

  She’d caught him standing with a producer friend, and the easygoing smile on his face sent a little zing through her. Of what, she wasn’t quite sure, or at least, maybe she didn’t want to know. She couldn’t find her brother’s best friend attractive. At least not in a way that would lead to anything. That went against all sorts of rules.

  And besides, that’s a crazy pipe dream. The reprimand was a knee-jerk reaction, but she had to listen to her logical side. Never mind they were from two different worlds, she’d spent too much time and hard work to become a nurse. No man, especially not Colt and his Hollywood lifestyle, could stand in the way of whatever came next for her. Whatever it might be.

  “Tell me about you – Jack says you’re an RN now, congratulations and bless you,” Scarlett said, distracting Jill from her thoughts, including any ones about Colt.

  Jill forced a smile and filled her in, though there wasn’t much to tell. “I work for a little physician’s office back home. Not exactly a lot going on except during flu season.”

  “What you do is important, no matter where you do it,” Scarlett said, making Jill feel a little better.

  “I’m actually taking some time off thanks to the wedding,” Jill said.

  Scarlett lit up. “Oh?”

  Jill filled Scarlett in on her little staycation plan, surprised to feel a tinge of excitement at the idea. Now that she’d gotten the approval from her boss, it was real, and she couldn’t wait to relax and get to know Crystal Springs better. It would be Jack’s second home, after all - or was it third? - and with all Rosie swore it had to offer, Jill was now looking forward to the break.

  “That sounds fantastic,” Scarlett said, giving her an approving nod. “You’ve earned the right to relax a little.”

  “I’m pretty excited about it now that it’s happening,” Jill admitted.

  “So, any plans for your brother before they head out for the honeymoon?” Scarlett asked, eyes alight with interest.

  She was well aware of the stories of Jack and Jill growing up together, playing innocent pranks on one another. She’d even participated in a couple, teaming up with Jill whenever Jack’s family visited L.A. Another reason Jill adored her - Scarlett was hardly a celebrity in her eyes, not when she’d been more like a sister to her all these years.

  Jill chuckled. “I promised him I’d let him enjoy his wedding weekend without fear of finding his boxers in the freezer or any other kind of fun.”

  “That’s too bad.” Scarlett clucked her tongue in disappointment, but upon seeing Colt by the bar, grinned. “How about the next best superhero?”

  Jill laughed. “I might’ve already pranked him by accident.”

  She shared her story of being a mystery woman, which made Scarlett giggle. “Now that’s the Jill I know and love, forget the workaholic for a while. Speaking of, are you dating anyone back home?”

  Jill rolled her eyes. “You’re asking that to be polite, right?”

  The beauty shrugged. “Hey, Clark Kent is from Kansas and he’s always been a looker.”

  “Then next time you see him, you send him my way,” Jill said. “No one back home for me. A few dates, but the well’s a bit dry there. Nearly everyone met back in high school and got married right after, so not much hope for those of us who come back in their late twenties.”

  Scarlett grimaced, quickly shaking it off with an upbeat smile. “Well, you should find a man tonight.”


  Scarlett laughed at the look on Jill’s face. “You don’t have to take him home or anything. Even a fantastic kiss will do the trick to shake things up.”

  “Why on earth would I do that?”

  Scarlett shrugged. “Why not? I mean I wouldn’t tell, if you do decide to take me up on it and then tell me all about it later. I’d do it myself, but I’m not quite ready for a rebound, so I might as well live vicariously through you.”

  “Scar,” Jill admonished, unable to hide a giggle.

  “What?” Scarlett tossed her hair over her shoulder, giving her wide, innocent eyes. “Whoever the lucky guy is, you’re two grown adults here for a friend’s wedding weekend and nothing more. No expectations, no feelings … what’s the harm in getting kissed? A-B-B, Jillybean!”

  They shared a little smile at one of their favorite sayings. ABB - or “Always Be Bold” - was a term they’d coined together a decade ago. It’d sort of become their motto, to jump headfirst into things without fear. For Scarlett, it was movie roles and men; for Jill, it’d been sports and academics, then nursing.

  Jill’s expression softened. She hadn’t thought about ABB in a long time, never mind acted on it. She couldn’t quite explain it; after taking up Rosie’s offer to stay in Crystal Springs, she felt the need to continue the streak of shaking things up. A little zing of anticipation shot through her as she considered Scarlett’s advice.

  I can be whoever I want in Crystal Springs. J
ill didn’t live here, after all; she was on vacation, and a single woman’s vacation could most definitely use a little flirting. Besides, I am feeling this dress.

  “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” Scarlett said, eyes lighting up. She quickly scanned the room. “Who should it be?”

  “I already know,” Jill said, realizing a second too late she couldn’t reveal the name to Scarlett. She thought fast. “Uh, a catering guy I met right after I got inside. He’s really cute.”

  Scarlett clinked their water glasses together. “Okay, then, girlfriend, go celebrate your life a little.”

  When she put it that way, Jill found it hard not to comply. Now she only had to convince the one man at this party she wanted to kiss.

  Colt hadn’t stopped thinking about Jill since seeing her at the rehearsal dinner. He berated himself immediately after each thought, flashes of her smile and long legs. After a thankfully dreamless sleep, he got up early and added a couple extra miles on his run, pushing himself to keep his head straight.

  But when she’d walked down that aisle, wearing that dress and a bright smile, he couldn’t deny the way his heart lurched. He shook his head, hoping to also shake the thoughts away - he couldn’t think about her like that, not on any day, and especially not on Jack’s wedding day.

  After the ceremony, the bridal party had to take more photos, including family ones. Colt watched Jack and Jill together as they joked around and smiled for the camera. The very clear reminder of their relationship set Colt straight; Jack was his best friend, Jill was his little sister, and Colt would never do anything to jeopardize that trust.

  Jack and his groomsmen stood off to the side for a few minutes while the girls got their photos. The boys horsed around, even kidding with Robbie, who appeared so starstruck standing next to the movie stars that it was comical.

  Sam elbowed Jack. “You never said your sister was so cute.”

  “Like I’d tell you guys anything about my sister,” Jack kidded.

  “So how do you feel about–”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Jack interrupted, putting a hand up by Sam’s face. Jack shot Colt a told you so face.

  The two men laughed, but when Jack wasn’t looking, Sam winked at Colt, a sure sign he’d ignore Jack’s warnings. Colt stiffened, and not at the thought of Sam going against Jack’s wishes, but at the idea of Sam hitting on Jill. He swallowed hard, willing himself to forget about it and just enjoy the evening.

  When photos were done, they could all finally relax at the reception. After a deliciously catered dinner, Courtney and Colt gave their maid of honor and best man speeches. Colt’s was short and sweet, but everyone laughed at the right places and the hugs Jack and Rosie gave him were more than enough.

  Now it was time for the real party to start. Everyone grabbed drinks and mingled, hitting the dance floor or taking pictures at the impressive photo booth in the corner. Ties were loosened and a few heels kicked off. Colt got a fresh drink at the bar, scanning the crowd. As if he’d willed it, movement caught the corner of his eye and he turned to see Jill approach him.

  The sultry look she wore as she came toward him made every hair on his arm stand on end with goosebumps. Her determined expression said she was on a mission. When Jill reached him, she held out a hand, raising an eyebrow as if challenging him.

  “Want to dance?”

  Colt hesitated, eyes flicking to Jack, who walked around the room with Rosie to thank guests. Jill sighed as if she’d expected it, almost flippant.

  “Okay, fine. I can ask Sam instead.”

  She ticked her head to where Sam was by the dessert table. He was currently busy getting his ear talked off by Poppy, and would without question take Jill up on the offer.

  Colt spun so quickly to set his drink down that he almost bumped into the guy next to him. Taking Jill’s hand, he followed her out onto the floor, placing his hands as appropriately as he could. Jack and Mr. Bennett are watching, after all.

  She appeared downright smug at having gotten her way. He wasn’t quite sure what had just happened, actually, but against his better judgment, found he didn’t really mind at all. She looked up at him with those blue eyes of hers, and his mind blanked for a split second.

  “You look beautiful,” Colt blurted without thinking. He wanted to kick himself, but Jill’s features softened.

  “Thank you.” She rubbed a thumb across his shoulder, distracting him. “A tux definitely suits you, as if you didn’t know.”

  Colt chuckled. He couldn’t look away from her, at the glow on her face.

  “I mostly wear scrubs, so this dress isn’t exactly going to hit a lot of nights out on the town,” she admitted, eyes twinkling a bit.

  “Maybe you should wear it to the grocery store just for fun,” he suggested, grinning when she tossed her head back in laughter.

  “Maybe I should.” The corner of her eyes crinkled when she looked up at him. “Swell party, huh?”

  “The bride’s got good taste.”

  Jill only smiled, staying close as they danced. He couldn’t help but smell her sweet perfume, which strangely reminded him of wildflowers. His fingers brushed her bare back; her skin, soft and warm beneath his fingertips, made him all too aware of her.

  The slow song ended, followed by something faster, which got more people out on the floor. Jill and Colt exited the dance floor, grabbing their drinks from where they’d left them on a bistro table. Colt glanced around to find Jack again, but the groom was busy sharing cake with his wife, looking as though he hadn’t a care in the world.

  “Listen, I had an idea I wanted to run by you. Come talk with me for a minute?”

  Jill took his free hand before he could protest, guiding him on a small, lit pathway away from the main area. A little tingle went up his arm at her touch, and against his better judgment, his thumb caressed her palm.

  He followed without thinking, too busy admiring the way the back of her dress dipped to show her muscular back, her long waves brushing against her skin. They passed an enormous weeping willow tree, wrapped in white fairy lights, as she pulled him into a little nook that more resembled a secret garden.

  The hedges blocked the party sounds, effectively leaving them to a quiet moment. Jill walked him over to where they couldn’t be seen, staying so close that Colt made himself take a sip of his drink to put something between them.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to kiss me.”

  Colt nearly choked. “What?”

  “Just a kiss,” Jill said, holding up a finger.

  “What kind of man do you take me for?” he teased, unable to help himself. As if on autopilot, his body shifted so the distance between them closed a little more.

  She snorted. “What? We’re consenting adults.”

  “This is alcohol talking, right?”

  “It’s not, actually,” she said, offering up a sip of her clear beverage with lime twist. “I switched to bubbly water a while ago.”

  He admired her nerve enormously in that moment. “Then you’re far bolder than I ever expected.”

  Her mouth twitched, but she didn’t elaborate. “Based on meeting me a decade ago, that’s understandable. That’s sort of why I’m asking, actually.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Jill’s cheeks grew pink as she waved one hand in the air as if to brush off her own words. “Oh, you know, what would teen me think if I had a chance to kiss Colt James and not even try?”

  “Why, did you have my poster on your wall?” he teased.

  “No–I mean yes, I did, but that’s not it,” she said quickly, laughing a little. “I had a terrible crush on you for a few reasons, but specifically because you were always there for my brother, and nice to me.”

  “Oh.” He was unable to think of anything else, nothing clever coming to mind. The sincere, grateful look in her expression pulled at something in his chest.

  A smirk crossed her face before she added, “Yeah, that, and you had amazing abs.”<
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  Colt burst out laughing, the puff of his breath making strands of her hair fly out. “Do you say everything that comes to mind?”

  “Not everything, trust me,” she said, the flick of her eyes to his mouth making his laughter die off.

  He hesitated, the strange ache in his chest wanting him to obey her enticing request. She mistook his pause for rejection, pulling away a hair.

  “Look, if you don’t want to, it doesn’t hurt my feelings–”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to,” Colt admitted, his eyes drawn to her full lips, which quirked at his reply.


  “But you’re Jack’s sister.”

  “I know.” Her confident smile faded a bit, making his stomach clench. “It was just an idea, Colt. I thought … I don’t know, that maybe there was a little something there, between us when we met, before you knew who I was.”

  “Trust me, I was seconds away from asking if you’d brought a date.”

  She raised an eyebrow, the corner of her mouth coming up. “And what would you have done when I said no?”

  “Taken you out for a drink after the rehearsal dinner,” he replied without hesitation.

  “Then what if, for a few minutes, we didn’t know each other?” Jill joked.

  “I wish we could, believe me.”

  “Okay.” Jill shrugged, looking in the other direction as she spoke. “I mean, I guess I could go find my second choice to kiss…”

  The mere idea of her kissing someone else put Colt on edge. It’s because she’s Jack’s sister, he told himself. You don’t want her getting hurt. He ignored the very tiny voice that snickered at his lame reasoning, along with the fiery sear of jealousy that burned in his gut at the thought of her kissing another guy.

  Unable to resist, Colt double-checked the empty area. No movements or sounds indicated they’d been overheard.

  “One kiss?” He forced himself to smirk as he asked, hoping he didn’t appear too eager.


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