Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play

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Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 1

by Lorraine Loveit


  “Start of Play”




  4 Quarters of Submission



  Bounce Down

  1st Quarter: Start of Play

  Copyright © 2014 Lorraine Loveit

  Smashwords Edition

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover (edited) photograph © stryjek –

  Copy edited by Dawn Pitts


  This work contains scenes of a sexual nature and is written for adults only (18+)

  Legal Notice: This book is copyright protected. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Disclaimer Notice: This is a work of fiction, in which all characters depicted are 18 years of age or older. Names, characters, places, organisations and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various brands and products referenced in this work of fiction.

  This e-book contains an excerpt from the second book in the “Playing the Game” series, Getting Tackled – 2nd Quarter: Paying the Penalty


  To my family

  and those supportive friends

  who kept me writing.

  Author’s Note

  Being an Australian author, with the majority of my readers in the United States, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that many of the words within this novel may appear misspelled, as UK/Australian spelling of some words (for example, color and colour) vary from the way they are spelt in novels by American authors.

  This work also contains an abundance of Australian colloquialisms and slang words.

  Throughout the four quarters of the “Playing the Game” series, you will also come across various terms in relation to Australian Rules football. Hopefully, the AFL glossary attached will assist you with your “what does that mean?” questions.

  Lorraine Loveit

  Chapter 1

  “Hello... hello?”

  Oh, my god, what was I doing? Should I hang up? No, I had gone this far. I took a big breath and spoke to the guy on the other end of the line. “Ah, yes... I’m calling about your ad.”

  “Hi, I’m Brendon.”

  “I’m… Su… Su… Sophie.”

  “You sound nervous, Sophie. It’s okay, we’re only talking.”

  I took another calming breath. “I know, but I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  I could sense the smile in his deep voice as he answered, “Would you believe neither have I?”

  “Maybe.” After another pause I asked, “Why do you need to place an ad like this?”

  He laughed, a lovely warm laugh. “For the same reason you answered an ad like this.”

  What a stupid question to ask. He must have thought I was some kind of idiot. I attempted to smarten up with my next question, “But how do you know I’m the right person?”

  “I don’t, but you did call me so that’s a step in the right direction.”

  His comment relaxed me a little, but I was still frightened about taking this first step. How would I know if I could trust him?


  “I’m sorry, I was thinking... how will this work? I mean, I don’t know you so how do I know if I will be safe?”

  “No you don't know, not yet at any rate.” He laughed again. “Trust me, you will be perfectly safe."

  “That’s easy for you to say. I’m putting my life in your hands, not the other way around.”

  “Maybe, Sophie, but I will be trusting you with something as well, my identity.”

  What did he mean? Surely my identity was on the line also? Before I could ask, he answered my unspoken question.

  “Sophie, I live my life in the public eye and you could ruin my reputation if word of this got out.”

  Well known? Did I know who he was? I wanted to see him in person before we went any further.

  “Why don’t we meet somewhere public, to see if we like the look of each other?”

  “That’s sound great. And when we do meet, I want you to tell me your real name... Sophie.”

  How could he have possibly known I gave a false name? Perhaps because I stumbled over it when I introduced myself.

  “What is your real name?”

  “I’ve already told you, it’s Brendon.”

  “And your surname?”

  “I’m sorry Sophie, but I can’t tell you that over the phone. I need to protect my identity.”

  Damn! I wanted his surname so I could look him up at work, like I did with all my prospective dates, to see if he had a criminal record. I knew this was a no-no, but as it concerned my safety and I kept the information to myself, I didn’t see the harm. But without his surname, this was really going to be a blind date after all.

  After a few more words were exchanged, I decided to risk meeting this supposedly-famous guy with the deep sexy voice and friendly laugh.

  We arranged to meet on Saturday, in three days’ time at The Esplanade Park in Fremantle. He suggested the meeting place and gave precise details from where to park my car, to the location of the bench where we would meet. I tried to tell myself this was no different than meeting someone in a club –you are still strangers.

  Before heading out I left a note for my flatmate, letting her know I would be home for dinner. She worked at the Police Call Centre on rotating shifts. This worked well, allowing each of us some time alone at our rented townhouse.

  I tried to think of any famous or well-known Brendons. Perth was a small city, despite its population of over two million, so it was quite possible that on meeting him, I would know who he was.

  I had better remember to phone Mandy, I reminded myself. Amanda Stewart was also a public servant who worked at the Criminal Investigation Branch Headquarters (CIB HQ). We were in different squads; she was at Racing and Gaming while I was at Homicide. She was the only person who knew about my blind date.

  Mandy had not been happy when I told her and had tried to talk me out of it. “I don’t understand why you need to do this! You’ve hooked guys easy enough in the past.”

  True, but most of those guys had been police officers and I wanted someone a bit further removed, especially considering the type of relationship I was after. One of my ex-boyfriends had been dominant, but at the time I had been too scared to try anything with him. Of course Mandy wasn’t aware of my secret desires, or the fact that I had now decided to take the plunge.

  There was always an element of risk going on a blind date. It was a risk I was well aware of, given where I worked. Bearing that in mind, I had devised a safety plan.

  By the time I arrived at the designated car park it was 7.50. At this time of the morning there were only a few cars; including a white van and a black sports car. I knew I was being paranoid but I made sure I didn’t park too close to the van, just in case.

  I put my head back against the seat and breathed deeply. I could do this. If I did not like the look of him, I would simply walk.

  I was wearing a deep red strapless evening dress. It was not really suitable for the park, but Brendon had asked me to wear a red dr
ess and it was my only one. Come to think of it, he didn’t ask. I recalled his exact words, “Wear a red dress and high heels so I will know it’s you.”

  When I asked how I would recognize him, he replied, “I’ll be the one wearing a smile.” Well, at least the guy had a sense of humour.

  My heels sunk into the grass with every step I took. Cursing under my breath, I wondered why he suggested, no, stipulated I wear them. The dress was the identifying feature, not the shoes!

  On seeing the vacant bench, I felt relieved. It was out of sight of the car park, where I assumed he would be also parking. Good! I wanted to be able to look him over as he approached, instead of the one being scrutinized.

  Perched on one end of the seat, I checked my watch; it was almost eight o’clock. I crossed my legs trying to appear relaxed, when I was anything but. Even though there was a light breeze coming from the harbour a few hundred yards away, my palms felt clammy and I soon started to perspire.

  I was checking the time again as he emerged from behind me, making me jump with surprise.

  “Hi, I’m Brendon.” He gave me a lopsided grin as he sat next to me.

  I shook my head in disbelief and returned his smile. “Of course you are.”

  He was sinfully handsome, at least 6’4” tall with beautiful blue eyes and short, almost black, hair. He had perfect facial features with the exception of his nose which was slightly off-centre, as though it had been broken at some stage. But I already knew how good looking he was, I recognized him instantly. Still, being this close to him took my breath away.

  He was staring at me, no doubt making his own assessment. I assumed I fell way below the mark of the females he would have usually associated with. In fact, I was literally below the mark, being only 5’3” and if he hadn’t already noticed, he soon would when I stood up. My facial features could only be described as average, with my eyes my one redeeming quality.

  As his eyes locked on mine, he quietly asked, “And your name is…?”

  I hesitated before replying, remembering he had somehow known I had given a false name over the phone, and I now knew he had not lied about his own.

  “It’s Suzie, Suzie Price.”

  “Better. Nice dress. It looks good on you with your dark hair; I like brunettes.”

  I had often wished for blonde hair with a bit of bounce. Instead I thought myself unlucky to be stuck with my dead-straight shoulder-length chocolate brown hair.

  I blushed at his compliment. I did not know how to respond, except to mumble, “Thank you,” and lowered my eyes from his almost hypnotic gaze.

  He gently grasped my chin and raised my head so I was looking directly up at him. “You know me, don’t you?”

  I nodded, while his hand still cupped my chin. The contact had sent a warm feeling spreading through my body; so intense that for the moment, I could not speak.

  He released me and asked, “And?”

  Confused, I stared at him, still unable to utter a word. I let out a slow breath, realising I had been holding it since he touched me.

  Mesmerised, it took another moment or two before I found my voice, “I don’t know what to think. I can’t believe you of all people, would advertise for a....”

  Before I could complete my sentence he placed a finger against my lips. He glanced around at our surroundings. “Why don’t we go somewhere more private? I don’t want us to be overhead.”

  I understood his need for privacy but knew where this was leading. “And of course you have somewhere in mind?”

  “I was thinking of my vehicle.”

  “Not the white van?” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  With a confused look he shook his head. “No, I have a car not a van.”

  “Oh.” How stupid of me to think Brendon MacIver would drive around in a white van. He probably owned a flashy sports car, the black one in the car park no doubt.

  “Suzie, is this okay with you?”

  “What about my car instead?”

  He smiled broadly and winked. “Mine has darker tinting.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “You didn’t see me in the car park, did you?”

  “You were in your car and you saw me? Why didn’t you get out and make yourself known?”

  He took hold of my hands and appeared apologetic. “I’m sorry, I was just checking you out. Am I forgiven?”

  “And if I hadn’t measured up, would you have left without meeting me?” Even as I said the words, a little thrill went through me knowing I had passed inspection.

  “Of course not!”

  “I see. Would you believe it’s why I arrived early, hoping to see you first and being able to... check you out? It seems I wasn’t early enough.”

  I felt small and vulnerable walking next to him. He was tall, more than a foot taller than me and even in my heels, I only came up to his chest. But more than his height, it was his powerfully- built physique which made me feel insignificant in his presence. I had never seen him close up before except on TV, so seeing him in person larger than life was a bit intimidating.

  “I want someone who is submissive.”

  We were sitting in his shiny black Mazda, an MX-5. He seemed almost too tall for the vehicle. At the word submissive, an involuntary shiver went through me. I took this in, as I repeated, “Submissive?”

  “Yes – I want:

  1. To be in control,

  2. To have someone readily available, and

  3. To chastise someone to comply with my wishes.”

  “Is this like a definition of your ad?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what it is.” He held my gaze for a full minute. I could not seem to look away. Many scenarios came to mind. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all?

  “So... have you talked to any other women about this?”

  “No, only you,” he answered with a slight grin. “Why don’t we take the next step, I’m game if you are?”

  It was crunch time! I was hoping to have more time to make up my mind. He was looking at me expectantly. He appeared relaxed and self-assured as though he was confident of my answer.

  I was definitely curious. I always had been, but the question was whether I chose to satisfy my curiosity with this handsome athlete? He was quite well known in the football world; after all, Aussie Rules was our nation’s winter sport. Better him than a complete stranger.

  Having made the decision in my mind, I felt shy and embarrassed. He was still waiting for me to speak. I knew I could change my mind at any stage and he would accept my decision. I had to trust him.

  “Okay, I’ll try.”

  He smiled briefly; the relief on his face was evident as if he had been expecting my refusal.

  “I want to take you to my place but until you have signed a privacy form, I don’t want you to know where I live.”

  I was puzzled by his contradictory statement. “But how...?”

  He had anticipated my question. “With this.” From his pocket pulled out a black silk scarf.

  “O k a y,” I said slowly as I understood what he wanted to do. “But what about my car?” This was not part of the plan. Mandy’s words echoed in my head. “Don’t get in his car!” I had already broken that rule. I pushed aside my doubts as he spoke.

  He shrugged. “We’ll come back for it later. Now I need you to turn off your mobile phone.”

  This request however, did cause me to panic. My phone was my failsafe.


  “Mobiles have GPS tracking.”


  He looked at me, waiting for me to do as he asked and I took a few moments to consider this. Damn it! I really did want to go with him, even if that meant being out of my comfort zone. I knew who this guy was so it was okay, right? I was certain I would not be agreeing to this if he had just been anybody.

  Eventually, I reached into my bag and turned it off.

  “I will still get to keep my phone, won’t I?”

>   “Of course. Sorry, but for the moment it has to be this way. Can you understand that?”

  “Yes and for the moment, I will go along with your wishes.” God help me if I was wrong about this guy.

  “Excellent.” He leaned towards me holding up the scarf.

  Chapter 2

  “How far...?”

  “Don’t speak.”

  “Why not?”

  “Let yourself think, think about what’s going to happen next.”


  “Shh, be quiet.”

  After having the scarf securely tied, I had to admit I found the whole scenario thrilling. We had been travelling for about five minutes in silence, except for the classical music softly playing. My mind was filled with images; images of us together, images I felt both surprised and excited by.

  “Open your legs.”

  While he was driving? Despite my concerns over the safety issue, I was shocked to feel a twinge of pleasure pulse through me at hearing his deep sexy voice say those words. All my natural instincts went out the window as I eased my knees slightly apart.


  As I complied, it felt like my body was making the decision, not my mind.

  My whole body jerked when his hand moved into the space I had created.

  “Be still.”

  That was easy for him to say. Considering what he was doing with his fingers, it was damn near impossible. They easily pushed aside the swatch of lace covering my sex, which was already aroused due to my erotic thoughts.

  I was sure I blushed with embarrassment as one digit crawled across my damp flesh to delve inside. My first thought was to close my legs, not because a guy hadn’t touched me there before, but because this guy was almost a stranger and I was letting him do this while driving.


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