It was late, almost eleven and I was half-watching some re-run on TV, when I heard the Crocs’ ring tone on my phone. I picked it up and read the five word text from Brendon. ‘Friday at 6 my place B’
That was it – a five word text from him? He didn’t even text his full name, just B. Perhaps he was not big on texting, yet he seemed fine with emails.
I knew I shouldn’t be disappointed, but I was. After all, he did say he would contact me but I had believed it would be a phone call, not a text. However, as he had so clearly pointed out, I was not his girlfriend so why should I expect a romantic message?
I arrived at work the next day and had put my bag under the desk, but before I could turn the computer on, Mandy phoned me.
“You’re not going to believe this.”
“I’m sure I’m not, what’s up?”
“There’s something on the internet about lover boy.”
“Shh, these phones have ears remember?”
“Oh soz, well come downstairs and I’ll show you.”
In the elevator, I mulled over her comment. Sure, there were things on the internet about him, what was the big deal? It was my first question as I arrived at her desk.
All she said was, “Look at the picture.”
I did. There was a news article about an incident the previous night at a popular city nightclub, involving two of his team mates. There were a few pictures and one of them clearly showed him with his arm around a beautiful girl. I was not prepared for how jealous I felt. It hit me, hard!
I tried to keep my emotions in check and made light of it. “It may be his sister.”
“Yeah, right.” Her reply clearly showed she didn’t believe that for a moment and neither did I.
I returned to my office, still reeling from this latest development. I was soon confronted by Peter with a printout of the damning photo, which he shoved under my nose. He was quick to tell me his initial source was a news headline on the radio. Naturally, he had then searched online for juicer details.
I didn’t make any comment, causing him to lean down to whisper in my ear, “I thought you said it wasn’t a threesome?”
Luckily Steve chose that moment to interrupt. He gave Peter a sideways glance. “Suzie, are you able to type a report as I dictate it?”
Quite often the bosses sat with me and dictated as I typed. Usually it was urgent reports and requests to be authorised by a higher authority, who would generally want the document on their desk ‘by yesterday’.
“Of course, pull up a chair,” I said and gave Peter a dismissive nod.
About a minute after Steve left me, Peter phoned me. He must have been watching and seen him return to his office.
“So, what are you going to do about it?”
“Pete, I’m busy at the moment.”
“Are you going to ignore it or confront him?”
“Don’t talk about this on the phone, I don’t trust them.”
“You really are paranoid, aren’t you?”
“Bye Pete.” I ended the conversation and hung up.
I later sent Mandy an email, asking if she wanted to hit the shops with me during our lunch break. Being the shopaholic she was, she readily agreed and within half an hour later, we exited the building.
“So, what are we shopping for?” she asked as we walked into the city centre.
“Lingerie.” I uttered the word quietly.
“Ooh la lah, Suzie Price you are sooo naughty. How long have you known the guy, a week?”
“No, two.”
“Ha! Fine, are you looking for anything in particular?”
I smiled, as I pictured what I wanted. “Something hot and it has to be red.”
I think she knew what I was up to, fighting fire with fire. While I may not be able to match the other woman in looks, I could at least impress him with some sexy underwear.
Luckily Mandy never brought her up in the conversation, so I was able to enjoy searching several speciality shops until finally finding the perfect outfit.
Chapter 10
At 6.30 p m I pushed the button announcing my arrival – precisely 30 minutes late. I had intended it to be an hour, but I couldn’t wait any longer.
I knew I was being childish, but I wanted him to be on the receiving end for a change – waiting, wondering if I was going to show. Maybe he had assumed I had seen the picture and was not coming at all.
Instead of the security gate opening, I heard his voice come through a speaker. “You’re late!”
Surely he couldn’t be serious? Yet his voice sounded stern. So what was he doing, banning me entry because I was half an hour late?
“Push the button to answer me.”
Shit, he wanted an answer? I pressed down the button and spoke out, clear and confident, “The traffic was bad.”
Take that! Everyone knew it was a lame excuse for being late, but you couldn’t dispute it, because it may be the truth.
Silence greeted me. After about a minute, the gate slid open.
On parking the car, I was surprised to see the front door closed, with no sign of Brendon.
Confused, I walked to the door and, on seeing another security/speaker panel, pressed the call button.
“It’s Suzie.”
His cool tone could clearly be heard. “What do you want?”
My mind instantly recalled the last time he asked me that; I was bent over his knee, being spanked for my bad language. How did I answer his question and how long did he intend leaving me standing outside? I elected to play along. After all, I did start this by arriving late.
“I want to apologise for being late. I’m sorry.”
The door opened instantly, confirming he had been standing behind it. I smiled hesitantly and moved to step over the threshold, but he raised his hand, halting me.
He looked serious, angry even. “If I allow you into my house, you know that my rules apply?”
I nodded, “Yes.”
“And you will abide by them?”
Oh no, he was going to discipline me for being late. I closed my eyes for a second, contemplating my options. As usual there were two, do what he wants or leave.
I opened them, knowing that I was going to agree. “Yes.”
He took a step to the side and waved his arm, indicating I could enter. Now I knew what it felt like walking into a lion’s den, no, panther was my preferred analogy. However, I could not deny I was also excited, maybe not about the discipline, but the pleasure I was hoping would follow.
I walked a few steps into the room, until I sensed he wasn’t following. I turned to see he had closed the door and was leaning against it with his legs casually crossed, staring at me. It made me nervous not knowing what he was thinking.
We continued to silently assess each other for a few moments, before he made his move. He pushed away from the door and stalked towards me, until I was staring at the buttons on his white shirt.
“Look at me!”
I was surprised he didn’t tip my chin up like he had often done. I stared up at him and swallowed, on seeing his irate expression.
“Were you late on purpose, and don’t even think about lying to me?”
How would he know I was lying? With my blushing handicap, I elected not to risk it.
“Yes.” With my admission, I felt a bit ashamed of my behaviour.
“Right!” He firmly grasped my elbow and steered me across the room.
“Wait, don’t you want to know why?”
“You can tell me why later. We will deal with this first. For now, it’s enough to know you were deliberately late and then you lied about it.”
He continued towards the stairs as he spoke. Fine! I would tell him why and also question where ‘she’ fit into his life.
I was not at all surprised when we entered the gym and then the training room. Once the light was on, still maintaining his grip, he took me to the far right corner of the room. Upon releasing me, I fought the urge to rub the
spot where he had held me.
“I want you to strip and leave your clothes in a neat pile on the floor. Then you are to face the corner, with your hands on your head and your legs spread. You must stay like that until I give you permission to move. Also remember whenever I discipline you, you are not to speak unless I ask you a question and will finish every sentence with Sir, is that clear?”
This time I hesitated slightly, before replying. “Yes, Sir.”
If I was being truthful with myself, I’d have to admit I felt aroused; aroused at his instructions, aroused at the fact I knew I was going to follow them to the letter.
He took a step back and with arms folded stood there, obviously waiting for me to begin.
I reached behind to unzip my short, sleeveless black dress. I hoped he was enjoying the view, especially my new matching skimpy bra and panties, red satin with black trim. I tried not to feel self-conscious as I remembered what he had told me, my body belonged to him.
I bent down to fold my clothes, leaving my shoes neatly beside them. As I rose, I saw the bulge in his black trousers. My eyes reached his and I could clearly see the lust burning within them. I took one last look at his otherwise impassive face and turned to face the corner, as ordered.
He stood there for a minute or two before speaking. “I am going to leave you alone now to think about what you did, and about the meaning of the words submissive and control. We can address the chastise words when I return.”
I heard him walk across the room and shut the door. I was tempted to look around to see if he had gone, but resisted, just in case he was still in the room waiting to see if I disobeyed him. I took a deep breath and released it, as I accepted how all this could have been avoided if not for my stupid pride.
As the minutes ticked by agonizingly slowly, I did as he asked. I considered the meaning of submissive and control and how basically, he wanted me to be submissive while he was in control.
I was here in the training room, naked, facing the wall, with my hands on my head. Did I want this, this relationship, this lifestyle? What was the more I was looking for? To be the girlfriend he didn’t want?
A slight sound, followed by quiet footsteps, was like music to my ears. I was not sure how much longer I could have held my position.
“Turn around.”
Nervously, I turned and saw him look down at my breasts, which were displayed to advantage by my raised arms.
“You can lower your arms now.”
Relieved, I brought them down and clasped my hands in front of me, effectively hiding my nudity.
He shook his head at my actions. “Uh-uh, put them by your side.”
Once I had complied, he nodded slowly. “Have you been thinking about the words?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Do you think you acted submissively tonight, when you were late, when you lied?”
I lowered my eyes as I answered timidly, “No, Sir.”
“Look at me! Do you agree I am in control?” I could not help noticing his determined expression.
“Yes, Sir.”
“And can discipline you for disobedience and dishonesty?”
I paused before answering. Did I want to give him carte blanche to discipline me? Was I ready for whatever he had in mind?
“Yes… Sir.”
“Lie on the bed.”
I could feel myself trembling as I moved onto the bed; trembling with apprehension and yes, excitement. He reached down and lifting my arm by the wrist, secured it to the nearest handcuff. He then methodically handcuffed my other limbs.
He sat on the edge of the mattress and opened one of the bedside cabinet drawers. I gasped when I saw what he held in his hands. “Do you know what these are for?”
“My... my breasts, Sir,” My eyes were glued to the silver nipple clamps, joined by a small chain. In the questionnaire I had said maybe to these but, looking at the tiny clips, I wished I had said no.
I swallowed hard and once again regretted my foolish, spiteful actions. I also wished I was not at such a disadvantage, naked and bound, because I wanted to discuss why and her.
As he hovered over me, holding them dangling, I tried to stall the inevitable. “Can I tell you why now, Sir?”
He leaned back and slapped one of my breasts, then shook his head slowly. “Did I ask you a question?”
“No, I’m sorry Sir.” Too late, with my breast smarting from the contact, I realised my error in talking out of turn.
“Besides, I don’t really think you’re in a position to discuss your reasons right now.” His expression was stern and resolute and, for the first time, I was afraid.
“I like things to be symmetrical, balanced. There are two infractions, two nipples and two clamps.”
My eyes strayed to the latter, as my body temperature rise. I tried to prepare myself for the anticipated pain. “Do you remember your safe words?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“And you know its okay to say any of them, at any time? I will not be angry, do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” I whispered. Traffic lights, yellow – wait, slow down, red – stop. I didn’t think I would be saying green for keep going.
He reached down and pinched a nipple, pulling it until it enlarged. He opened one of the small alligator clips and clamped it on the extended nipple.
I took little breaths as I tried not to think of the pain. It was more concentrated than anything that had come before.
He immediately repeated the process, pinching and pulling, followed by the clamping.
“Aaah!” Tears welled in my eyes.
“Breath through it, you can do it.”
As I watched him through watery eyes, I questioned how did he know to breathe through it, had he used them on himself?
“I am going to teach you about chastise, one word at a time. Do you remember the words? The first one is punish. Does it hurt?”
I nodded. I didn’t think I could open my mouth without crying out.
“Answer me when I ask a question!”
“Yes, Sir,” I whimpered.
“It’s supposed to hurt, that’s why it’s called punishment. This is how I will discipline you every time you are dishonest, is that clear?”
I nodded again, and this time a tear slipped out. “Yes, Sir.”
“To reinforce the punishment, I am going to leave you alone now, to give you time to reflect.”
Without a further word, or a backward glance, he turned and left, shutting the door behind him.
I closed my eyes as I contemplated my predicament. The pain had reduced considerably; all I could feel was a stinging, tingling sensation and the pressure of the clamps on my enlarged nipples. As a punishment, after the initial clamping, it didn’t seem too harsh. But still, in future I would always try to be honest with Brendon. I only hoped he would grant me the same concession, especially with regard to the girl in the photograph.
He returned about five minutes later. Standing at the side of the bed, he reached over and opened both clamps simultaneously. I inhaled sharply as the blood flowed back into my nipples. Far out! The act of removing them felt far worse than when he had first put them on.
“I want you to remember the pain. Next time you lie to me, I will leave them on for much longer.”
Why didn’t I use a safe word? Maybe it was because I felt I should be punished for my actions, or could it be I was trying to show him I was learning to be submissive?
Before I knew what he was doing, he was stripping off his clothes.
“Is this want you want to see, baby?”
I nodded eagerly, the pain forgotten. I loved it when he called me baby; it almost made up for his punishment lesson.
“Now for the pleasure.” As he reached for a condom, he promised, “It’s going to be fast this time, because I don’t want to wait.”
Judging by his enlarged size, it didn’t look like he could wait. After positioning himself between my legs he quickly entered me, riding me hard. He leaned
over me so his chest was rubbing against mine. I don’t know if he did it on purpose, knowing my nipples were already sore, but somehow the pain mingled with the pleasure, which brought me swiftly to my peak.
His words, “Come with me,” filtered through my blissful haze. He soon followed with his own orgasm and I was surprised that it was all over in a matter of minutes.
This was heaven. I was sitting with my feet curled up in the corner of the downstairs lounge and he was lying with his head in my lap. While I had enjoyed a long luxurious bath alone, he had cooked Spaghetti Bolognese.
Now content, we were discussing AFL, of all things. He was surprised at my understanding of the game. I did admit my favourite team was a Victorian club. Without asking which team, he had laughed it off. “I’ll have to find a way to change your loyalties.”
Eventually, when there was a lull in the conversation he stared up at me, serious again. “Now you can tell me why you were late.”
Chapter 11
Great! Even though earlier I had twice volunteered to explain, I was now reluctant to discuss my foolish actions. I preferred to forget the whole regrettable incident. But, of course, Brendon was not about to let it pass.
I continued with the truth. “I wanted you to wait, like I did last night.”
He sighed and raked his fingers through his hair, as he sat up and faced me. “I went out last night. That’s why I didn’t specify a time to contact you.”
I considered this for a moment. “Why didn’t you just tell me that?”
“Because it wasn’t any of your business.”
It was certainly a slap in the face and put me firmly in my place, exactly what he had intended. I was tempted to bite back with a comment of my own, but let it go and moved on to the beautiful girl he was with.
“And I guess it’s also none of my business who you were with last night?”
“Correct.” He narrowed his eyes as he studied me. “You know about what happened, don’t you?”
Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 9