Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play

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Bounce Down: 1st Quarter: Start of Play Page 14

by Lorraine Loveit

  Well said, Diane. That should stop and make him pause about what he was doing. He wouldn’t like it if someone was interfering in his private life.

  “Look....” Diane cut him off, before he could say another word.

  “Look nothing. Can I be of help to you Suzie?”

  I smiled at her offer to help. “As a matter of fact, you can. Did you drive in?”

  “Are you serious? It’s a Sundowner!”

  “Well, would you be able to drive my car to Brendon’s?”

  “Ah sorry mate I can’t, for the same reason I didn’t bring my car.”

  “The Sundowner.”

  “Precisely. I’ve already had too much alcohol and I’m just getting started.”

  At Peter’s snicker we both turned to him. “Why don’t you take her, since you’re such a good friend?” Diane’s suggestion seemed like the perfect solution.

  “Yes, why don’t you? You wanted to meet him, here’s your chance.”

  “I don’t have the car and before you ask, Rick has the keys and his job is to get me and the others home tonight. And yes, he could give you a lift as well, but you won’t be getting there by six.”

  “Damn it!”

  I sat on the nearest chair, leaning forward with my head in my hands. I heard him explaining the situation to Diane. “Her problem is she needs to be at his place by six and, for some reason, is reluctant for him to pick her up.”

  After a pause he continued, this time to address me. “You’re running out of time, its twenty to six, what are you gonna do?”

  I sat back and released a long breath. “I guess I’m going to call him.”

  At his smug grin I added, “But I’m going to ring and then meet him downstairs,” emphasising downstairs for his benefit, quashing his well-laid plan.

  “No,” they both chimed in unison.

  I stared up at Diane with surprise; I clearly knew his motives, but not Diane’s.

  I gave her a questioning look. “Why don’t you invite him up for a drink, to loosen him up a little?”

  “Loosen him up?”

  “From the way you’re acting, I get the impression he likes getting his own way. This is why you’re not ringing him, am I right? You’re worried about how he’ll react to the change in plans.”

  She ignored my warning stare. “Normally you would jump at the chance to show off your latest guy.”

  Great, his grin was now even wider at Diane’s spot-on assessment of Brendon and her correct guess at why I was stalling.

  “Can you both give me some privacy while I phone him?”

  As neither of them moved, I stood and walked further into the cafeteria, turning my back on them as I made the call.

  Needless to say, Brendon was indeed not happy. However, he did concur with Peter that I shouldn’t drive and agreed to pick me up.

  It took some convincing and perhaps the overriding factor was I was under the influence of alcohol, but Peter and Diane persuaded me to wait upstairs and get Security to call the bar, to let me know when Brendon arrived.

  Since I now was not driving and had some time to kill, I grabbed another drink and did what I did best, mingled. When talking with Mandy and a couple of guys from her squad, someone tapped me on the shoulder.

  I turned and saw Jason’s somber expression. He bent towards me and spoke in a quiet voice. “Can we talk?”

  “Yes, I think we need to.”

  After excusing myself, I followed him to a table near the far wall. There was one vacant stool, which he offered to me. It was better that he was standing with me sitting due to our height difference, as our faces were now closer; making it easier to have a conversation.

  “I hope you got paid to spy on me or was it a love job?”

  He tried to hold my hand, but I snatched it away. “You could have asked me about it, instead of listening to Pete’s version of my life. What gives either of you the right to judge me?”

  Although I was angry with him, I did contemplate questioning if he had seen any other vehicles at Brendon’s. While I was working up the courage to ask, his next words surprised me.

  “He’s worried about you and frankly, so am I.”

  “Why can’t you both keep out of it?”

  “I know why you’re with this guy.”

  I shook my head at this statement. “No, you don’t.”

  He gave me a wink. “Remember, I know you better than you know yourself.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’m telling you to watch yourself. I don’t want him hurting you.”

  “You mean you don’t want him to be like you.” I turned around and moved to get down off the stool, but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

  “I know I’ve got no right to judge who you see. I’m just concerned at the control he has over you. You always run to him every weekend and he never takes you out. I was, and am proud to be seen with you.”

  This was an opening I couldn’t pass up. “Have you done drive-bys during the week?”

  “No, and I promise to stop checking up on you.”

  At my stony look, he changed tacts. “Besides, I thought we were still friends. Hell, when was the last time we spoke, let alone saw each other? We used to catch up on a regular basis.”

  True, we had kept in touch despite not dating any longer whether it be for lunch, a movie or a drink after work. Granted, we had not caught up since I’d met Brendon, but surely it was acceptable given I was in a new relationship? In thinking about why Jason and I had broken up, I could see how things must have appeared from his perspective.

  “I’m sorry sweetie, can you forgive me?” As he spoke, he leaned over further with his hands on the table, either side of my body. His expression was so sincere I almost forgave him then and there.

  I smiled and looked up into his soft blue-grey eyes. “If I resume our get togethers, will you promise not to continue interrogating me about this?”

  He laughed and picked up his beer, then clinked our glasses together, as he toasted. “It’s a deal.”

  I was about to have a drink when the glass was roughly removed from my hand. This same hand, which I now realised was Brendon’s, grasped mine and pulling me off the stool, drew me through the crowd.

  “Suzanna, we’re leaving!”

  Chapter 16

  We were at the door before I had a chance to think. He only called me Suzanna when he was mad and if I needed further proof of his ire, his face certainly showed how angry he was. But was it anger or, heaven forbid, jealousy? Surely not?

  “Why did you send someone down to collect me? You said you would meet me outside?”

  “I’m sorry.” In my defence, I tried to explain. “I was supposed to get a call from Security, telling me you were here. Who brought you up?” Although I already had a good idea who it was.

  He confirmed my suspicions. “A Detective Peter Hampson, apparently he’s a close friend of yours.”

  I glanced past his shoulder and saw Peter standing with Jason, watching our heated exchange. Luckily, they were too far away to hear the conversation. So he had double-crossed me, again. He had obviously taken the call from Security and had not only gone downstairs, but also went against my wishes to bring him up to the bar. And god knows what words had passed between them. Judging by Brendon’s mood, it was not good.

  He was watching me closely. “And what about the guy you were kissing, is he a close friend as well?”

  “We were talking, not kissing.” His expression didn’t change; obviously he didn’t believe me.

  “He was leaning close because it’s hard to hear above the noise in there. Jeez, you’re acting like a jealous boyfriend.”

  He seemed to take umbrage at this, as he tipped my chin up. “I’m not jealous, I just don’t like seeing you drunk and making a fool of yourself.”

  “Excuse me, but I’m not drunk. I’ve just had too much to drive and I was having a conversation with a friend.”

  He raked his fin
gers through his hair in frustration. “Do you know why he brought me upstairs?”

  “Probably so everyone could see you.”

  “No, it was so I could see you.”

  I was puzzled by his comment. “I don’t understand.”

  He held my gaze. “He said he wanted me to see the real you, enjoying yourself, having fun.”


  It was at this point, perfect timing on his part, that Peter approached us and put a hand on Brendon’s shoulder.

  “Hey you two, don’t rush off yet. Why don’t you stay and have a drink?”

  Brendon managed look down at him, despite being only slightly taller than Peter. “I think Suzanna’s had too many already.”

  Pete raised his eyebrows, possibly at Brendon’s use of my full name, or more likely because he was making the decision for both of us.

  After a bit of coaxing and a few choice words, he managed to make Brendon appear selfish and unsociable, to the point where he relented and agreed to one drink. I was amazed at Peter’s powers of persuasion, yet another useful detective skill.

  Upon finding a recently vacated lounge, Brendon sat at one end and pulled me down next to him, as Peter asked what we wanted to drink.

  “I’ll have a beer,” came Brendon’s response.

  “And I’ll have a....”

  “Soda water.” I didn’t appreciate Brendon deciding for me.

  “But I don’t like soda water.”

  I turned to glance up at him and seeing his firm don’t-argue look, I meekly conceded. “I’ll have a water then.”

  “Are you sure, you know the drinks are free?”

  “Yes,” we both answered in unison.

  He was wearing a stupid grin as he headed off to the bar. Seeing his smirk made me want to hit him again. As soon as we were alone, Brendon grilled me about my decision to drink alcohol when I was supposed to drive to his place.

  “How many drinks have you had? Didn’t you think about the consequences?”

  “I’ve only had three drinks. I’m sorry, I lost track of how many I was given.” There was no need to tell him about the extra one or the port.

  “Given? As in you didn’t get your own drinks? Who gave them to you?” I hung my head at his probing question.

  “No doubt a close friend of yours.”

  By the time Peter got back, we had company. My girlfriends had arrived on the pretext of meeting my man. In reality, they seemed to be vying for his attention as they leaned across from the lounge opposite us. He outwardly appeared relaxed and happy to engage with the ladies, but I could feel he was tense, by how tightly he was holding my hand.

  Given his wishes to restrict the knowledge of our relationship to my family and close friends, I questioned his decision to stay. It definitely seemed out of character for him to agree to something he didn’t want to; to basically give up control of a situation.

  The tension in the air had heated up since Peter had re-joined the group, seating himself on my other side. I could feel the animosity between the two of them, even though outwardly everything appeared fine. I gave Peter a pleading look he hopefully interpreted as, be nice!

  Thankfully, he heeded my silent plea and the conversation didn’t get too complicated. Mel asked where I had been hiding him and I did inwardly flinch, as I saw Peter’s knowing look.

  After the one drink, true to his word, Brendon stood up and made our apologies to the girls. He then reluctantly shook Peter’s extended hand.

  He could not help himself and had to give Brendon a parting comment. “Make sure you look after our girl.”

  Brendon’s protective reply stunned me and by the look of it, Peter as well. “One thing’s for certain, I won’t be plying her with alcohol.”

  I suppose it was wishful thinking we make it out the door without further incident, but it was not to be. Ahead I saw Jason was all but blocking our path.

  As well as having similar builds, the two men’s height were on a par. They seemed to be getting each other’s measure as they stood there eye to eye; one piercing blue, the other steely blue-grey.

  “Suze, why don’t you introduce your new boyfriend?” As he posed the casual question, his eyes remained locked on Brendon.

  Damn it, he had all but confirmed he was my ex; not good, especially as I referred to him as a friend.

  “Brendon, this is Jason Atwell. Jason, Brendon McIver.”

  Once again, the customary handshake, with both men’s eyes still locked on the other.

  “Do you work together?”

  “No, I work in another section.” Jason glanced down at me. “I won’t keep you. I suppose you’re on your way out somewhere?”

  “Something like that.” After Brendon’s muttered response and a cursory nod in Jason’s direction, he all but hauled me out the room, heading towards the elevators.

  Silence filled the lift. I stood facing the doors, not daring to look at him. A small measure of comfort was the fact he was still holding my hand.

  We were nearly at Brendon’s, before he finally spoke. “So I gather Atwell is your ex, but what about Hampson, where does he fit in?”

  He glanced over at me briefly as he spoke, before returning his eyes to the road.

  I stared at his profile, usually so strong and confident, but I could tell by his expression he was concerned as he awaited my response. A little flutter of joy pulsed through my body at the possibility he could be jealous.

  “He’s just a friend. We worked together at Drug Squad and now we’re both at Homicide. Trust me, that’s all there is to it. He’s married with a three month old son.”

  “Well, why is he so interested in your life then? What exactly did you tell him about us?”

  How could I tell him someone had been watching his house and our comings and goings, or rather the lack of them?

  “I didn’t betray your trust, if that’s what you’re thinking. I told him who you were, nothing more.”

  He delayed his reply as we passed through the security gate and into the garage. I reached for the door handle, but he put a hand on my forearm as I opened the door.

  “Why is he under the impression you don’t enjoy yourself anymore?”

  His eyes were boring into mine, making me nervous and unable to think straight; or maybe it was the alcohol finally taking hold of my senses. My face felt flushed; I needed some air.

  I didn’t know what he wanted me to say, instead I blurted out, “I feel sick.”

  The change in his demeanour was so sudden I almost laughed, but managed to suppress it and all that came out was a hiccup.

  Before I knew it, he was helping me out the car and into the house. Once I was seated on the lounge he crouched before me, saying he would be right back.

  He returned with a glass of water and some pills. I accepted them without complaint, knowing to refuse would probably result in a lecture. He sat next to me as I drank. When I leaned forward to put the glass down, the movement caused my head to spin. Thankfully, I felt his hand steadying me.

  I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I felt his arms go around my body and opened them to see him bending, in the process of lifting me.

  “No, I don’t need you to carry me.”

  He ignored my pleas and did carry me, up the stairs and down the hallway to his bedroom. I could not believe how safe and secure it felt being carried in his arms. Was this what it took for him to show he cared?

  He set me down on the bed and took off my clothes. I smiled up at him as I envisaged the lovemaking to come.

  Correctly interpreting my thoughts, he shook his head. “You’re going to have a shower.”

  Puzzled, I frowned at his words. “But I don’t feel like a shower.”

  “What if I was an added incentive?”

  Not understanding, I looked up at him, “What?”

  He sighed with apparent frustration, then drew me to my feet and removed the remainder of my clothes, as well as his own. He took me to the bathroom and eve
ntually into a scalding hot shower.

  Throughout the short shower, he made no advances towards me and flat out ignored my clumsy attempts at intimacy. Instead, he just held me and gently washed my body.

  After quickly drying me, he stayed by my side as I brushed my teeth. Then, putting his arm around my still naked body, walked me back into the bedroom, where he tucked me into bed like a child.

  I reached up towards him. “Stay with me.”

  “Go to sleep. I will come to bed soon.”

  As I awoke, the first thing I was aware of, was his warm muscular and naked body spooning mine; one arm around me with his hand cupping my breast.

  Unfortunately, the next thing I felt was not so pleasant; my pounding head and a queasy feeling in my stomach. I usually did not have hangovers, but then since meeting Brendon I had considerably cut down on my alcohol consumption, not exactly by choice but by circumstance. My usual weekends out with friends or work mates had been replaced by weekends in with Brendon, usually with little or no alcohol.

  I groaned, before I felt him stir and gently ease me onto my back. I was staring up into those sexy blue eyes, which were still clouded with sleep.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’ve felt better.”

  “That’s because, as well as drinking too much, you didn’t eat anything last night, am I right?”

  I nodded, noting the accusation in his tone.

  “Right!” At his announcement he got out of bed and reached for a glass on his bedside table. “I want you to take these pills, they will help with the nausea. Make sure you drink the whole glass of water, then have a shower and come downstairs for breakfast. I’ve left some clothes for you to wear.”

  As I took the glass, even in my under-the-weather state, I could not help but admire his superb physique. I never got tired of seeing him naked, especially in the daylight. As he turned away, I got a close up glimpse of his firm butt before he pulled on some boxers.

  After following his instructions, I later joined him at the dining table. I had finished my poached eggs on toast and was drinking my tea, when he broached the subject I had been dreading.

  “Let’s talk about last night.”


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