ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Page 21

by Nancy Lieder

  will continue during the early part of the shift to explode and ooze. One must, thus, analyze the past of local volcanoes

  or caulderas, to gauge their actions during the shift.

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  ZetaTalk: Yellowstone

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  ZetaTalk: Yellowstone

  written Dec 5, 2003, during Lou Gentile show.

  We have indicated in the past that Yellowstone would not be exempt from erupting during the pole shift, and this still

  stands. But the eruption will not be what many fear. It has evidence of being a super volcano at a time when the world

  was in complete global turmoil, not due to a pole shifts but due to impacts and being careened out of its orbit and

  closer to the Sun. The injury to the crust so deep it almost reached the core. So clearly that was an exceptional

  situation, not this situation. What should be born in mind is that this is a subduction area, with layers of the North

  American Plate pushing all the way to the Continental Divide. Even though Yellowstone lies in an area which is a hot

  spot, there’s enough crust flakes overlapping that it is not just a direct siphon of lava to go kaboom in an explosion.

  But it will cause ash for some 100 miles in all direction, bad enough that life may be snuffed in those areas. So we

  would recommend anyone wanting to survive the shift itself, not to be close to Yellowstone but to allow a 100 miles

  buffer, more miles would be better.

  Below recorded during May 30, 2004 F2F Live Radio broadcast

  We have stated that Yellowstone will become an active volcano during the pole shift, but will not meet the fear of

  many that it will become the super volcano that it was in the past. It is more to ooze than blow and will give plenty of

  warning well before it starts to ooze which we do not expect to be until the Earth is grinding to a halt during rotation

  stoppage. Right now the West Coast volcanoes, including Yellowstone, are increasingly worrisome but this is being

  held back from the public because the government does not want to explain how Global Warming is causing all this.

  Its all tied together. The cover-up is so tightly interwoven that everything that would point to the existence of Planet X

  and the cover-up is held back. But when it gets to the point where it is worrisome there will be no denying it, because

  local people will begin talking about it. Treat it like any other volcano with respect to when you should move away and

  the worry about being down wind and out of the way of the lava flows. In this case you must worry about before the

  pole shift and after. Before the pole shift, the Westerlies are blowing from West to East, but at the pole shift you will

  have a 90d switch and your North becomes West. So you don’t want to be anywhere in that swath in either case.

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  ZetaTalk: Survive the Quakes

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  ZetaTalk: Survive the Quakes

  Note: written on Dec 15, 1997.

  Depending upon where one is positioned, the force of the plate movements during the pole shift may be grinding,

  sliding, or forcing the plate under or over another. If grinding occurs, then the earthquake will be felt as jiggling. If

  sliding occurs, the earthquake will be felt as having the floor jerked out from under one. If forcing under occurs, then

  the earthquake will be felt as a sudden jolt, then jiggling followed by an inundation by water if the sea level is being

  reduced. If forcing over occurs, then the earthquake will be felt by a sudden jolt that may throw one up into the air,

  just as mountains may be wrenched upward with such force that sheer rock is ripped apart during mountain building,

  producing cliffs.

  Individuals standing may be dashed during such times, and are safest if grounded in some way such that their

  movement is limited. If grinding or sliding is to occur, lying on the ground will minimize being thrown. If the plate is

  being forced up, then lying under a firm cover will prevent any more than a bruise as one it thrown against the ceiling.

  If survivors are practical about their housing during these first few weeks of Aftertime living, there will in truth be no

  disruption of living, other than having to sit down now and then for a moment or two. Leave the crockery in the boxes,

  for the present! Do not build any housing you expect to be living in afterwards on a fault line, most certainly not on a

  fault line that will be experiencing mountain building. Built more toward the center of a plate.

  A dome or other structure designed by its shape or materials to withstanding jolting will not only survive, it will

  protect the inhabitants. Any jolt the structure experiences will be passed on to the inhabitants, who should expect to be

  tossed about the room and plan accordingly. Have no objects that can be thrown lose in the room, but tie them all

  down. Lie down on the floor, buttressed by padded objects such as mattresses against walls or sofas, so that any flung

  body has only a short way to go before being stopped. The worst case situation one should prepare for is an impact

  after being dashed equivalent to a drop of 500 feet. This presumes no protections around the object or person to

  prevent impact injury, and that the object or person is not prevented from being thrown.

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  ZetaTalk: Rapid Shift

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  ZetaTalk: Rapid Shift

  Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Man is used to measuring motion on the surface of his globe by his travels into space, via airplane, and the like. Air

  planes can take off slowly, increase in speed in upper atmospheres where the friction is reduced, and reach speeds not

  thought possible in earlier centuries. Space shuttles can rocket into space at high speeds, insulated by heat resistant

  panels, and survive exit and entry. What should be remembered when considering the speed of the shift is that the

  atmosphere is moving with the Earth, almost entirely. Just as the water in the oceans and seas moves with the crust

  during the shift, lingering back to create flood tides and spending some time sloshing to find its level afterwards, in a

  similar fashion the air moves. Hurricane force winds experienced by man are what the density of the atmosphere can

  support. Greater winds will not occur because the air simply will resist being pushed in this manner. Calculate that the

  atmosphere, almost entirely, moves with the Earth as it shifts, except for the 100 mph reluctance we have cited, being

  the hurricane force winds.

  Beyond this, what motion would man experience? None, except the jolting of the stoppage when the plates start

  crashing into each other. Why would this be, when mankind finds itself facing several G forces upon exiting the

  atmosphere in a space shuttle? In this instance, man is pushing against falling gravity particles, increasing the

  exposure rate immensely. In a horizontal motion, there is almost no increase in exposure, as the increasing in particles

  in the face is reduced by the falling particles avoided in the back. The sensation when riding in a roller coaster ride, or

  in a rapidly accelerating car, is not caused by gravity particles. What is moving? The roller coaster, which pushes

  against the human riding in it, or the car, which likewise pushes against the human. When all move as one
, there is no

  sensation of pressure. Thus, there is no logical reason to expect any adverse effect from a 90 degree shift, within an

  hour, per se.

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  ZetaTalk: Rampaging Water

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  ZetaTalk: Rampaging Water

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1999.

  There is no safe place in the air or on the water that will not be affected by the pole shift, and water can shock you

  with its turmoil. The ocean, like the atmosphere, is not isolated. It swims, and is affected by pushing and bumping air,

  and pushing and bumping water that creates swirling. Just imagine the Earth’s air and water currents with a great deal

  more turmoil - cold water rushing in, the sloshing that occurs when the Earth is turning under the water so that great

  tides occur, and then a reversal, a pulling back, as water finds its level. Humans are used to thinking of slow moving

  rivers and tides that ease in and ease out. Imagine if the press behind the water is strong and the waters move rapidly

  and crash, bore up into the hillsides because they have no place else to go, swarm over the countryside beyond the hills

  that might bridge along a coastline and come roaring back out to sea so that people find water coming from behind

  them, coming from inland and from the ocean alike. Water can be very unpredictable, although it can be analyzed if

  one sits and thinks about it a bit. A boat is not a safe place during the coming pole shift, unless one is prepared to be in

  the middle of an ocean, or washed well inland, or floating upside down, or drawn down into a vortex such that they are

  underwater for an extended period of time.

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  ZetaTalk: Shallow Trench

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  ZetaTalk: Shallow Trench

  Note: written during the Mar 1, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have stressed that during the hour of the shift, humans who wish to survive ensure:

  1. they are not along the coastline or near large bodies of water or in a ravine likely to become a wash or alongside

  a river likely to flood its banks.

  2. they are not in a building that will crush them, and this includes almost all buildings as Richter 9 is not

  experienced normally and no buildings can be assumed to be immune from horizontal and vertical thrusts of this


  3. they are out of the hurricane force winds, which will be equivalent to what the Earth experiences now in

  hurricane force winds, so that they are not knocked about by flying objects.

  4. they are not out in the open as firestorms, however remote a possibility and rare, would not fall upon them and

  burn them, should they occur.

  So where does that leave the human, if he cannot hide in his basement, crouch in a ravine near him? We are asking

  humans to not use their existing structures, not come out of the wind into ravines, yet protect themselves from wind

  and firestorms. The best solution was one given to our Emissary, Nancy, years ago, which she detailed as a trench

  solution. Not underground, buried, but only a shallow trench. Cover this by a metal sheet, well anchored, or board

  covered by sod so they will not burn. This provides cover from the wind, from firestorms, and a long trench of this

  nature will not have all the oxygen sucked out in case of even a firestorm overhead. How does this protect against

  quake damage? One cannot be dashed, as the most one laying in a shallow trench can be thrown is a few inches to the

  side. Thus, except for what may fall upon this covered trench, no worry.

  If such as trench is not in a heavily wooded area, where many trees might land upon it and prevent escape afterwards,

  this should be the very best method of surviving the shift itself. Of course, this trench should not be in an area where

  water will wash, else those seeking shelter there will be either drown or washed out Chose a hilltop, a flat or slightly

  slopping area, brushy so the soil will not wash away, but not heavily forested so that a tangle of woods will prevent

  emerging from the trench later. The trench need not be long, is best not more than 25 feet, so that those using it can

  crawl out either end and anyone fainting or dying of a heart attack will not prevent the others from emerging. Thus,

  with a few days warning, and a shovel and a bit of nervous energy, even the poorest among the Earth's population can

  survive, and better than the rich!

  Do you imagine that the rich would lie in such a trench? They will be in their houses, in protected underground

  structures, and be trapped or crushed there. They will be, if above ground, behind shielded windows they assume safe,

  and be blown about, tossed like leaves along the ground. They will not heed our advice, as they listen only to

  themselves and their crowd, who have been led astray by the Service-to-Self they gave the Call to, and are allowing

  themselves to an agony of death and entrapment as this is how the Service-to-Self harvest souls. Thus, our advice will

  not be heeded by them, but will benefit those of good heart, whom we prefer to be speaking to in any case.

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  ZetaTalk: Gloom

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  ZetaTalk: Gloom

  Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have stated that the Earth will be under volcanic dust gloom for 25 years. Obviously, this will depend upon region,

  proximity to burping volcanoes, being down or upwind of same, and elevation. Our emissary, Nancy, has developed an

  animated graphic, shortly after ZetaTalk began, which is available from the Pole Shift TOPIC in the Info section. This

  shows the Earth turned to its new geography, with major volcanic regions pouring gray dust into the atmosphere. After

  a few turns of the globe, indicating time passing, this creates a gray cloud cover of sorts over the entire globe.

  However, this is not entirely true, and we will explain the differences.

  Volcanic gloom is always heavier within a thousand miles down wind from the volcano. Thus, if one if outside of the

  downwind corridor, one escapes this heavy fallout. Volcanic gloom is always heavier at lower elevations in such

  places, as the heavier particles fall back to Earth, after being air born by the force of heat rising or explosions, and

  high elevations some 500 miles downwind from a burping volcano might find they have less dust than a lower

  elevation 1,000 miles downwind. The size of the volcano also matters, and whether it is under water of above ground.

  As silly as this statement seems, this is something to consider when planning a survival location. Remember that the

  sea level will rise, our estimate some 675 feet above current levels. If a volcano, such as those in Indonesia or the

  Philippines or Central America, goes under water during this time, the ash will be carried by water, not air. Also, some

  volcanoes ooze, others belch, and the amount of ash differs.

  Thus, some areas will find themselves groping through the dusk for 40 years, as Moses reported where he wandered

  just east of the volcanoes in the Mediterranean, and other locations will find the gloom like overcast days, the sun

  rarely shinning through, but occasional sunlight beaming through like a promise. In those areas, which can be plotted

  by careful analysis of the new geography and factors to be considered, survivors will find vegetation struggling

  through, but crops will still be pathetic to nonexistent. These areas will find after 15 years, that the gloomy days are

  lightening up, and think this a return to normalcy, in their joy.

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  ZetaTalk: Sea Level

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  ZetaTalk: Sea Level

  Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The sea level, rising to 675 feet, will gradually drop due to the following factors.

  1. The core of the Earth, hot from the turmoil of the shift and friction with the crust, will have its excess heat

  absorbed by the oceans and gradually dissipated. This will take 50 year to dissipate, during which time the

  oceans will plateau, then cool. The cooling phase will take 250 years longer, to be complete.

  2. The new poles will freeze rainfall or ocean water into ice, pulling up water. This likewise will take hundreds and

  even thousands of years to reach an equilibrium where iceberg breakage and ice formation stabilize the ice


  Thus, we estimate 300 years for a reduced level, to be followed by thousands of years of pole formation. During this

  time, the Earth will move physically into 4th Density, with a smaller sun as not all of the sun will be moved. This will

  expedite the polar ice formation, such that more land will be found around the equator, more ice over larger areas over

  the poles. Thus, in your lifetime, plan on the 675 foot level, and worry not about your next incarnation’s experiences.

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  ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Loss

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  ZetaTalk: Atmosphere Loss

  Note: written during the August 10, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  For a time after the shift, the clouds will be lower, as the atmosphere will be ripped away. This will if anything create


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