The Consequences Series Box Set

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The Consequences Series Box Set Page 103

by Aleatha Romig

  Claire turned to look at his face. The faint glow of the moon saved them from total blackness and shadowed his features. He continued, “I can run businesses, I can make deals, and I can multi-task better than most.” His volume increased. “Nothing frightens me. I can take on an entire board of directors and know that tomorrow they’ll all be jobless. I have eliminated adversaries and obstacles.” He turned toward his ex-wife. “This is totally new territory.”

  Her facade melted. “I know, and it scares me too.”

  “Do I?”

  His question surprised her. Claire considered her answer before she spoke. Finally, she said, “I’m afraid of what you’re capable of doing. You made a point of showing me your control over my friends’ futures.” She reached for his hand. “But of you personally? Not anymore, there was a time, but I’ve changed and you’ve changed. No, I’m not.”

  “I don’t want you and this baby living in California.”

  “I know, but Tony, I can’t go back to the past.”

  “To here?”

  “No, I love here. I won’t go back to your supreme control over my every move. I can’t, and I won’t allow that kind of life for our child.”

  “Our child,” he repeated as he gently touched her midsection.

  Claire nodded. “I went to the doctor on Wednesday. She did an ultrasound. I saw the image of our baby and his heart beating. The sound of his heart reminded me of my lake, here. From that moment on, everything felt right.”

  “You keep saying him?”

  She mused, “I have no idea of the baby’s gender. Him sounds better than it, don’t you think?”

  Tony appeared to be contemplating her words. Finally, he said, “You know you’re very good at pretending. I knew it before, but tonight, you were perfect at every turn. I felt your anger, yet you appeared perfect. How do I really know how you feel?”

  “How do I know how you feel? Or that you won’t do something to me like you did before, with the attempted murder thing?”

  Tony lowered his lips to the top of her head. “I guess we need to trust one another.”

  “Can we do that?” Claire asked.

  “I don’t know,” he answered as he took her hand and helped her back to the car.

  On the ride home, Tony asked questions and Claire answered. No one else knows about the pregnancy. She wanted to see him and decide what she’d do, which from the moment she saw the ultrasound, Claire knew that not having this baby wasn’t an option. She told him about the sickness, what she’d thought was food poisoning, and the bacon. He asked when she knew. It was Sunday, less than a week ago, when she did a home pregnancy test, and on Wednesday she saw the doctor, and on Thursday she flew here.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Claire said good night to Tony.

  Before releasing her hand, Tony said, “I would like to join you, just to talk.”

  “Not tonight. I’ve got a lot to think about.”

  He didn’t argue.

  When she reached her suite, she closed the door and collapsed on the soft sofa. The vibration in her purse caught her attention—three missed calls from Harry. If it were one, then she could wait until morning, but three needed attention. There were no voicemails, but she did have a text message, simply saying:


  Harry answered on the first ring. “Claire?”

  “Yes, what’s the matter?”

  “Amber’s condo was broken into tonight.”

  Claire’s heart stopped. “Is she all right?”

  “Yes, she was out with Keaton.”

  “How did it happen? I thought security had been tightened?”

  “It has, and now it’s been stepped up another notch.”

  “Did they catch the person?” she asked.

  “No, whoever it was got away. Security noticed the breach. Do you think Mr. Rawlings is responsible for this too?”

  Claire sat straighter and indignantly she replied, “No.” Her mind whirled; he wouldn’t do that, would he? “Besides, he’s here.” She hastily added, “In Iowa, not here in this room.”

  “Well, the thing is… whomever it was tore your room apart. Drawers dumped, closet torn apart. We won’t know until you come home and do inventory, but so far, we’ve determined the only thing missing is your laptop. Or do you have it?”

  As the blood left her face, she felt violated. “No, I have my tablet, but my laptop should be on the desk.” Her once strong voice now quivered, “Did they only disturbed my room?”


  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable.

  —Dr. Joyce Brothers

  Reality began to focus as Claire’s blissful dreams gave way to the intermittent beeping of her iPhone. She tried to push the sound of her unanswered text messages away and stay in her warm, safe cocoon. Undaunted, the beeping continued. Blindly, Claire reached next to her on the large ornately carved four poster bed for her iPhone. It was where she’d left it after falling asleep talking to Amber until very late, Iowa time. Claire concentrated on the time: 7:35 AM.

  She assessed her body. How did she feel about waking this early? After a few moments, she determined neither her body nor her baby were protesting. Claire focused, reading the text messages. The first from Amber:


  The next from Tony:


  Claire wondered if that was an invitation or a mandate. Either way, her presence was requested in less than a half an hour.

  Making her way to the bathroom and washing her face, Claire decided, if Tony wants to see me this early, then this is what he gets. She wrapped herself in the pink robe and made her way to the patio. The morning summer sun rose in the southeast, beginning its ascent considerably earlier than Claire. Therefore, by the time she arrived to the patio, it was making its way over the trees and illuminating the brick terrace with its morning brilliance. As soon as Tony saw Claire through the French doors, he moved his coffee cup away and stood.

  “Good morning, I wasn’t sure you would wake for my text.”

  “Good morning.” She smiled. “I did.” She sat at the seat complete with a place setting—obviously for her. Immediately, Cindy was by her side.

  “Ms. Claire, would you like some coffee or some tea?”

  “Tea, please. Thank you, Cindy.”

  Cindy scurried away toward the kitchen, leaving Tony and Claire alone in the warming fresh country air.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” he asked, with concern evident in his tone.

  “I’m feeling well, which is surprising, thinking how early this is in California.”

  Tony smirked. “I think you’re getting used to being in Iowa. It probably isn’t a great idea to keep changing time zones; maybe you should stay here.”

  Claire smiled half-heartedly. “I don’t think that would resolve any of my current issues.”

  “Oh, but you’re mistaken. It would be ever so helpful.” Tony reached for the bowl of fresh fruit. “Would you like some fruit?”

  After Claire spooned some fresh melon and grapes into her bowl, she asked, “Why did you summon me here so early?”

  He reached for her hand. “Claire, why do you think everything has double meaning?”

  She swallowed a mouthful of juicy fruit and replied, “Because, I know you.”

  Tony laughed. “Better than most.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “I wanted to discuss the day. I plan to work from home this morning and was hoping we could spend time together before the wedding.”

  “I told Sue that I might be available to meet her and Sean this morning in Iowa City. I think I’d like that.”

  Tony sat back and contemplated. Finally, he said, “
Eric can drive you.”

  She tried her best to keep her defenses at bay. “I was thinking; perhaps you have a car, which isn’t worth half a million, that you’d let me borrow for a quick drive into town?”

  Claire watched Tony’s mental and physical wheels turn. She knew she’d sent his controlling impulses into overdrive. The muscles in his neck intermittently protruded as his jaw clenched and unclenched. She drank some orange juice and enjoyed the show.

  After a few moments, he asked with a smirk, “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  Claire grinned. “Immensely, thanks for asking.”

  Clouds darkened his expression. “The last time you drove away—”

  “This time I’m talking to you about it.” She interrupted. “I want to meet Sue for coffee. I’ll return; then you and I will go to the wedding, together.”

  “I thought coffee made you ill?”

  Claire smirked. “Coffee is an expression for getting together. I can guarantee I will not be having coffee.”

  “Getting together? About what?”

  Claire sat straighter. “This is what I don’t want.”

  “Concern, Claire. That’s what I have. After all, someone broke into your condominium last night. Don’t you think you should be concerned?”

  Cindy brought eggs and toast to Claire and sat them in front of her. After Claire thanked her, she left. Her attention returned to Tony. “How do you know about that?”

  “So, you aren’t surprised?”

  “No. I spoke to others about it last night, and I suppose I’m not surprised you know.”


  “Yes, Tony. Friends. Harry called. I spoke to him and then to Amber. They’re both well, thank you for asking.”

  “Why aren’t you more upset?”

  “I was initially, but now, I think you’re responsible.”

  His spine straightened. “Claire, why would I have someone break into your condo?”

  “I don’t know, but whoever it was took my laptop. The only secret information on there is about you.” Claire continued to eat.

  Tony sat his cup of coffee on the table. “Me?”

  “Yes, I’ve been trying to reconstruct the information from the box I received. I’ve spent a lot of time looking up information about your grandfather and father. It’s on my laptop.” Claire watched as his jaws once again clenched and unclenched.

  “I have nothing to do with this break in,” Tony said. “I do, however, think you should consider staying here. It is significantly safer.”

  “Well, Tony, I’m being honest with you. That laptop contains information regarding Nathaniel and Samuel Rawls. If you aren’t the person responsible for its disappearance, then perhaps you’d like to learn who has it.”

  “I’ll do my best. This is getting out of hand.”

  “Well, back to my original question, do you have a car I can take into town for coffee with Sue? I need to call her.”

  Tony leaned forward. “Claire, are you asking? I’m having difficulty with your wording.”

  “Are we in the presence of others?” She looked to her right and saw the empty pool deck. She looked to her left and saw the southeast wing of the mansion; she knew the woods and gardens were behind her. “No, I’m not asking permission to go into town, only permission to use one of your cars. I would hate to be accused of stealing.”

  With her get-together complete, Claire maneuvered the BMW toward Tony’s estate and contemplated the long winding drive. She tried, unsuccessfully, to diminish the beauty of it. She’d driven off his estate twice; this was her first solo drive back onto it. Looking at the dashboard clock, it was nearly 11:00 AM, and the wedding wasn’t until 5:30 PM.

  Coffee with Sue was nice. Sue obviously felt guilty for not supporting Claire in her troubles. In many ways, Claire felt bad lying to Sue now about her and Tony’s reconciliation. Or was she? Claire’s emotions were so jumbled. Sometimes, she didn’t know what was real and what was pretend. To Claire, the best part of their meeting was seeing Sean again. While the ladies chatted, he busied himself with toys. Claire smiled, remembering how Sue picked the bright colored rattles off the floor at least fifty times.

  Claire pulled the car to the front door, not worrying about taking it around to the garage. Eric would do that. As she walked up the steps toward the house, Claire realized how easy it was to slip into that place where others did things for her. Was this part of Tony’s plan? Did he want her to remember the perks of being here?

  She opened the door to the massive sparkling entry. While she decided if she wanted to go upstairs to her suite or down the hall to Tony’s office, Catherine came hurriedly down the hall to greet her. “Claire, you’re back!”

  “Yes, I just went to town.” Claire looked questionably at Catherine. “Did you think I wouldn’t return?”

  “I was only concerned when Mr. Rawlings told me you’d taken one of the cars.”

  “Where is he?” Claire asked.

  “He’s in his office. Would you like me to let him know you’re back?”

  Claire remembered his rules: she was only allowed in his office by invitation or summons. Claire decided this was another opportunity to push the envelope. “No, thank you. I will.” She saw Catherine’s surprised expression as Claire turned toward the corridor and walked to office. Should she knock?

  As she contemplated, she heard his voice from behind the large doors. “…that was two days ago. I wanted an answer yesterday. Your incompetence is…” His speech stalled, hearing the simultaneous knock and opening of his door. Claire watched his expression morph through a series of emotions. Wasn’t there a time when she couldn’t read his thoughts? Seeing him go from anger—at the person on the telephone, to shock at the intrusion, and finally, to amusement by Claire’s forwardness, she wondered how anyone couldn’t read his every thought. With a mischievous smile, he continued speaking. Although his heart was no longer in his tirade, he attempted to conceal that from the poor soul on the other end of the line. “It seems as though another pressing matter has come to my attention. We will postpone this conversation. Mr. George, I expect to hear from you Monday morning. Do not disappoint me.” He disconnected the line. His eyes remained fixed on Claire’s from the moment she opened the door.

  She smiled as he gracefully walked around the large mahogany desk. As he neared her, his powerful movements reminded her of a lion stalking its game. With the light behind his intense dark chocolate eyes and a sultry look she’d seen before, Claire’s insides tingled in anticipation. She recognized her potential role—she was his prey. Why did that make her smile? She’d come to his office to let him know she was back, and suddenly, the temperature of the regal room was rising exponentially.

  She thought about his words on the phone, a closing statement she’d heard a hundred times. “That should be your tag line.”

  “Oh, but you are so right.” He was now only inches away, looking down into her confident expression. His cologne penetrated her nostrils and filled her lungs. “I don’t like being disappointed.”

  “I remember that about you.” She hesitated. If she just leaned forward, they’d be touching. She stood straight, fighting the urge for contact. “Your car has been returned in one piece, scarcely a scratch.”

  The tips of his lips twitched, and his eyebrow cocked. “A scratch?”

  Claire’s grin broadened. “Wasn’t that your concern, that I might scratch it?”

  He took the initiative and leaned forward. Their subtle touch increased the beating of her heart. Almost instantaneously, her tender breasts responded to the sensation of his massive chest. “I don’t recall being concerned with a scratch,” he said. “The whole damn car can be replaced. I believe my concern was with your safe return.” Since Claire hadn’t resisted their contact, Tony made another move, wrapping his arms around the small of her back. With their proximity, her face tipped upward.

  Her mind told her to back away; however, she could barely hear those instructions o
ver the intense pulsation of blood in her ears. Her words slowed with breathy expectation. “I have returned.”

  With one hand still behind her, Tony gently brought her chin skyward. His touch combined with a new husky tone caused Claire’s emerald eyes to flutter. She felt the vibration of his speech against her chest. “You, my dear, are continually teaching me new things?”

  “What, pray-tell, have I taught you?”

  His lips tenderly brushed hers. “I believe I mentioned before that I liked the black panties. The other night, the light blue satin bra strap monopolized my thoughts. Every time I looked at you, I wondered if it was part of a matching set.” Claire nodded, their noses touching with the movement of her head. “And just now, I realized how much more satisfying it is to have you bring yourself home, freely—willingly, than to know you have been driven—perhaps reluctantly.”

  “It seems-s…” Claire giggled. “You can teach an old dog new tricks.” The breath of his laugh bathed her face in warmth. She went on, “And as I recall, you’ve taught me quite a few things too.” Her mind screamed to stop! Did she really want to go here? Yet her mouth seemed to be attached to another part of her anatomy: a part that knew exactly where it wanted to go.

  “I had been thinking about the pool, but I’m up for review, if you’re willing?”

  She smiled at the reference. He was definitely up for review. She could feel him up against her hip. This wasn’t her plan either, but for some reason, it felt right. Maybe she needed to know. Lifting her hands to his dark hair, Claire allowed her fingers to weave their way through his thick black mane as her green eyes opened wide, searching his softening brown irises.

  He pulled her closer, pressing himself against her. She lowered her lids and willingly consented. Parting their lips, their tongues engaged. The passion ignited Claire in ways she’d forgotten. In ways she’d safely compartmentalized away, even with Harry.

  None of it made sense. Claire wanted Tony to pay for his sins. She wanted to bring him down, and-and… she wanted what they had. But more… better. She wanted what seemed to be staring her in the face.


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