The Consequences Series Box Set

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The Consequences Series Box Set Page 108

by Aleatha Romig

  Claire pulled her luggage into the foyer. She’d forgotten about her room being a mess. Maybe Tony didn’t have anything to do with it. If that were the case, she was glad she’d been out of town when it happened. Suddenly, she wished Amber were home.

  Turning on lights, she headed toward the kitchen. Even though Harry was calling for dinner, she thought a little snack might help her nerves before she faced her wrecked room and their conversation. She watched as the overhead lights flooded the living room and darkened the outside world beyond the large windows.

  Which occurred first—the sound of his footsteps or sensing his presence? Claire’s heart raced as she spun around. She recognized the man immediately: Patrick Chester, the neighbor from Santa Monica. In an attempt to hide her panic, she feigned indignation, “What are you doing in my house?”

  He walked toward her, his beady eyes narrowing while his smile widened.

  She repeated her question. “What are you doing in my house? Get out!”

  He continued forward. She backed toward the windows and assessed an escape. If she ran through the kitchen, could she get back to the door and out before him?

  “You made me think you’re Anton’s daughter.” Patrick laughed. The menacing sound made the hairs on the back of Claire’s neck prickle. “You’re not his daughter…” His volume rose with each word. “…unless that’s what they call whores who seduce Sugar Daddies!” His.

  The distance between them lessened as her back pressed against the cool glass. “I never told you I was—”

  Without warning, his hand forcefully contacted her left cheek, causing her to stumble sideways. She caught herself against the glass before falling to the floor. He grabbed her hair and pulled her back to her feet. Tears filled her eyes as her scalp screamed in pain.

  “Shut up!” he shouted. His foul breath made her stomach lurch.

  She thought about her baby. “Please, you can have whatever you want. Just don’t hurt me.”

  “I said shut up!” He slapped her again, releasing her hair and allowing her to fall. Her head bounced off the sill and onto the wooden floor. Claire pulled her knees into her chest as she tried to shield herself and her baby. Patrick’s foot connected her ribs, pushing the air from her lungs.

  As she struggled for air, she heard his voice, “You’re coming with me. I’m going to get everything I deserve…” His fist now entwined her hair, pulling her body upward. She scrambled, trying to move, to stop the pain. He dragged her body across the floor. The room grew steadily darker while in the distance she heard Harry’s voice yelling. Pain intensified in her head and her chest. Then hearing a loud noise, everything faded away…

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  I hope you aren’t too ugly. What a collection of scars you have. Be grateful. Our scars have the ability to give us the reality that our past is real.

  —Red Dragon

  Consciousness came slowly; she felt the throbbing in her head and the intense pain in her side. As the feelings intensified, so did her nausea. Claire couldn’t remember where she was… it felt wrong. Wanting to see her surroundings, she tried to open her eyes. Why did she hurt so much? Why wouldn’t her eyes open? Panic intensified her nausea. Instinctively, she knew getting sick would increase her pain; she tried to breathe and distance herself from the agony. Beyond the darkness, she heard sounds. Her mind scrambled; beeps. She heard beeps… what were the beeps?

  As the fog cleared, the beeps steadily became louder, allowing her to register their origin—She was hearing monitors. She also felt a strange sensation in her arm. Claire tried to touch it, but her hand wouldn’t move. Why wasn’t her body responding to her thoughts?

  Voices… she strained to hear the voices. Was it Tony? Oh, she wanted Tony. What about their baby? No, it wasn’t Tony’s voice. It was Harry’s. Her body didn’t move; yet, she felt tears escape from her closed eyes.

  That feeling in her arm—she remembered it. She’d felt it before, but when? The pain in her head made it impossible to concentrate.

  “How long will she be unconscious?” Harry’s concerned tone disengaged Claire from her thoughts, filling her with conflicting feelings.

  “That’s up to her. She’s fighting her injuries the only way the body knows. Her energy is needed to repair the trauma. She’ll wake when she can. In the meantime, we’ll keep her monitored.”

  “You said she was pregnant.”

  Claire’s heart ached. Did Harry say was?

  “Mr. Baldwin, Ms. Nichols is pregnant. The baby is strong and healthy. Ms. Nichols is fighting for two right now.”

  Claire wasn’t sure what else they said. The only thing that mattered was that her baby was healthy. She drifted back to the place where her body didn’t hurt.

  The beeping continued even in her dreams. Rolling slightly to her side, the tightness in her arm intensified. Claire suddenly remembered when she’d had that feeling. It was after her accident!

  She concentrated on lifting her lids. Slowly, they obeyed. The florescent beams lit the room as they flowed from under the cabinets. The tubes in the crook of her elbow came into view. She was right; it was the same sensation she had after her accident. As her eyes continued to focus, she saw his golden hair resting near the foot of her bed. Although sleeping in a chair, Harry had his head resting on the bed with his hand over her leg. She remembered him picking her up at the airport; they were going to talk. She went into her condominium, and then… there was fog. Claire closed her eyes: Patrick Chester. She couldn’t remember anything else.

  Claire tried to talk. “Harry?”

  He didn’t move.


  The blonde head bobbled as Harry raised his head and his light blue, tired eyes peered toward Claire’s face. “Oh, Claire, you’re awake.”

  He climbed toward her as he grasped her hand. “I need to let everyone else know.”

  With a raspy voice, Claire asked, “Everyone else?”

  “Amber, Emily, John, and Keaton are out there somewhere.”

  Her heart sank. Where was Tony? Maybe he didn’t know she was hurt. Of course he knew! Where was he?

  “H-Harry.” The words were difficult to form with her mouth too dry. “What happened?”

  He held her hand and brushed her knuckles with his lips. “Claire, I’m so sorry.”

  She was reeling from everything. “Why are you apologizing? Can I please have some water?”

  He reached for the Styrofoam cup sitting nearby. Sipping the water from the offered straw, she relished the coolness as it moisturized her throat. Experience told her not to drink too much. She tried her question again. “What happened?”

  “Let’s talk about that after we tell everyone you’re awake.” Claire nodded. There was no need for urgency, somewhere in her memory, she’d heard her baby was all right.

  Harry hit the nurse button. When the woman in light green scrubs came into the room, she took Claire’s vitals and promised more information after the doctor’s examination. Claire wanted to ask about the baby; however, Harry’s presence caused her to hesitate.

  When Dr. Sizemore entered the room, she asked Harry to leave. He kissed Claire’s forehead and walked into the hall. She heard Amber, Emily, and John’s hushed voices as they questioned Harry beyond the closing door.

  “Dr. Sizemore, I don’t know what happened, but please tell me, is my baby all right?”

  “Yes, Ms. Nichols. I’ve already shared with Mr. Baldwin that your baby’s vitals are strong.”

  “Mr. Baldwin?” Claire asked, puzzled.

  “Yes, he said that the two of you…” The doctor’s face blanched. “I know that I shouldn’t have, but I guess… I assumed. Ms. Nichols, I’m sorry.”

  Claire couldn’t stop the tears. Oh my God! Harry knows I’m pregnant; and he thinks it’s his! Her thoughts came with such velocity her head spun.

  “My head hurts, Doctor.”

  “Ms. Nichols, you hit your head very hard. You don’t show signs of a concussion; howe
ver, the MRI indicated you’ve had one before.”

  Claire nodded. That’s what Dr. Leonard said after her accident. “Yes, I did. That was a while ago. Does that matter now?”

  “Well, yes. Any damage to your brain after a previous injury is significant. You also have bruised ribs. You’re quite lucky they aren’t broken. Again, I saw evidence of past broken ribs. Ms. Nichols, were you in an automobile accident in the past?”

  Claire inhaled; the action caused her side to hurt. “I had an accident in 2010. Will any of that affect my baby?”

  “No, we have pain medicine that won’t hurt your baby. I want you to get some rest. If you do, we can probably release you tomorrow or Thursday.”

  Claire’s mind reeled. “Thursday? What day is it?”

  “It’s Tuesday. You’ve been unconscious for about thirty hours.”

  Thirty hours, why wasn’t Tony here? As happy as Claire was about her baby being healthy, Tony’s absence caused equal sadness. “Please send Mr. Baldwin back in.”

  “I will, but you have an entire waiting room of people. Would you like me to let them all come see you?”

  “Harry told me they were here.” She failed to sound happy.

  Dr. Sizemore squeezed Claire’s hand. “You have a great support system. I apologize for sharing your secret, but everyone is thrilled.”

  Although the aching in her heart made it difficult, Claire tried to smile. “Thank you, Doctor. Just Mr. Baldwin, please.”

  Dr. Sizemore left Claire’s room. Moments later, Harry peered his light blue eyes around the tall, imitation wood door. “May I come back in?” he asked bashfully.

  Claire nodded through her tears. “Harry, I remember your voice when Chester was hurting me. Please tell me what happened.”

  Harry sat on the edge of Claire’s bed, took her hand inhaled, and exhaled. Chronologically, he recounted the events of Sunday night. “I left you at your door. Oh, Claire, I’m so sorry I didn’t go in with you.”

  She touched his arm. “I remember you weren’t too happy with me. It’s okay.”

  “I went to my place and began looking for the number for Chinese take-out, then my phone started ringing. It was a blocked number. The first time, I’m sorry to say, I ignored it. After the second set of rings, I gave in…”


  “It was your ex-husband, and I wasn’t in a friendly mood. He was talking so fast, I had a hard time following. Basically, he knew someone was in your condo and wanted me to get to you as soon as possible. Honestly, I thought it was some kind of set up. I mean, I was right there, and he’s across the country. How could he know what’s happening in your condo?” Harry paused. “I must agree…” He said with a grin. “…Anthony Rawlings can be very persuasive. Truly, as I used my key and entered, I expected to find you doing inventory in your room.” He shook his head.

  “Thank you, Harry. I think you saved my life. Mr. Chester said something about taking me…”

  “It was his van we saw in your space. Do you remember that?”

  Claire nodded. The action made the room lose focus. She closed her eyes, laid her head back, and tried to keep the world still.

  “He had a note ready and supplies in the van. Claire, he planned on kidnapping you and ransoming you to Mr. Rawlings. He wanted more money.”

  Claire felt the world slip away. She was supposed to be kidnapped!

  “Claire?” Harry’s questioning voice kept her earthbound. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She looked to the soft blue eyes staring down at her.

  Harry continued, “I’m so sorry. You tried to tell me we needed to talk. I was an ass. I keep saying the same thing, but I want you to know that I’m really sorry!”

  “What happened to Patrick Chester?”

  “When I started to open the door, I heard the commotion in the living room. You were on the ground and he was…”

  Claire saw the anguish in Harry’s expression. She turned her hand and squeezed his.

  He continued, “He was pulling you by your hair.” Harry took another breath, in and out. “I screamed at him, and at the same time, building security and Phil, you know—the guy you call your bodyguard? They came rushing in. Chester freaked. He started to reach for something. I think we all assumed it was a gun. The security guard shot first.”

  Claire listened in horror. Putting her hand to her lips, she asked, “Is he dead?”

  Harry nodded. “By that time you were unconscious. This is entirely my fault. I never should have taken you to his house. I never suspected he would see you as a—”

  Harry’s voice trailed away as voices in the hall became loud and angry. Claire heard John’s rising above the fray. “You are not welcome here. I can’t believe you would have the nerve to show your face after all you’ve done.”

  “I want to see her.”

  Claire’s heart leapt. Tony! “Oh, it’s Tony!” She couldn’t hide the happiness from her voice or expression while simultaneously seeing the pain in Harry’s. “Didn’t you say his call is what got you to me in time?”

  Harry nodded.

  “Then don’t you think he should be able to see that I’m all right?”

  “I don’t think, in your condition, you need to be upset by him.”

  Claire closed her eyes, and tears slid down her cheeks. “Please, Harry, before he and John exchange blows.”

  Begrudgingly, Harry rose from the side of her bed and walked toward the voices. When he opened the door, the harsh words came even clearer to Claire, but she heard Harry above the others. “John, stop! Claire wants to see Mr. Rawlings.”

  Emily’s voice prevailed. “I haven’t even seen her yet. She’s my sister.”

  “Claire wants to see him now.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Baldwin.”

  Although Claire heard restraint in Tony’s words, the deep baritone voice filled her with relief. Tears trickled from her eyes as she turned toward the door frame and saw her two men. She remained silent as Tony offered his hand to Harry, and the two men shook. It was then she noticed Tony’s wrinkled shirt and slacks, his unkempt hair and evidence of a three day beard. Harry looked as equally unkempt. It just wasn’t as unusual to see him in that condition. They both walked into the room. Though she tried, she couldn’t read Tony’s expression. She watched as he took in her appearance and slowly approached her bed. She wasn’t sure how she looked, but suspected by his darkening eyes and protruding neck muscles, it wasn’t good.

  The silence turned deafening as Tony’s presence overtook the small hospital room. Claire turned to see Harry watching Tony suspiciously. She suddenly feared he would try to stop Tony’s progress. Breaking the tension, Claire spoke to Harry. “Please give us a moment alone.” She saw his indecision. “Harry, I promise I’ll be fine.” Her words broke Tony’s trance.

  “Mr. Baldwin, I will only stay as long as Claire allows.”

  Claire exhaled at Tony’s manners. She knew he was speaking as the social Anthony, not from his soul. Nevertheless, his charisma prevailed, and Harry approached Claire. When he bent to kiss her, she pleaded with her eyes. Instead of continuing his descent, he squeezed her hand. The sad realization in his eyes broke her heart. He said, “I’m right on the other side of that door.”

  “Thank you.” She feigned a smile. “For everything.”

  After a prolonged stare at Claire, and again at Tony, Harry exited the room. As he did, Claire heard the protests of her family, but she didn’t care.

  She looked up to the man looming above her: gloom emanating from every pore. His expression should terrify her. It was probably the reason Harry didn’t want to leave, but she wasn’t afraid. Tears of relief flowed as she reached for him and said, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He took her hand. “The last time I saw you like this…”

  “I’m all right.”

  “If that son-of-a-bitch weren’t dead, I’d kill him myself.”

  By the sound of Tony’s voice, Claire didn’t doubt the a
ccuracy. “Tony, we are both okay.”

  His eyes opened wide, and his shoulders relaxed. “I haven’t been able to get any specific information. I just assumed—”

  “The doctor was just here. She said our baby is fine.”

  Moisture filled his eyes as he pulled away and paced near the end of her bed. Finally, he spoke, “Claire, just like your accident, this is my fault too.” She shook her head, but he continued, “I don’t know how Chester found you or knew of our connection. I don’t even know how he knew me. I knew him when I was Anton.” He moved closer and started to reach for her chin, but stopped. “And now, look at what he’s done.”

  Claire squeezed his large hand and lifted it to her face. “Thank you for coming. I feel so much better having you here.”

  As her face inclined to his touch, Tony’s forehead fell to her chest, and he sighed with relief. “I knew my presence wouldn’t be welcome. I’ve been waiting on another floor for word of your waking.”

  That’s why he wasn’t here. Claire thought as her lips turned upward and said, “Yes, I heard your welcoming committee.”

  He looked into her eyes, and his voice hardened as he spoke, “When you’re well enough to travel, you’re coming home where you’ll be safe and where Catherine can take care of you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “That didn’t sound like a question.”

  His eyes narrowed in response. “It shouldn’t. I would hate to mislead you. It wasn’t.”

  Claire exhaled. “Chester is dead. No more danger.”

  He leaned toward her. “Are you seriously going to argue about this, covered in bruises and carrying my baby?”

  He was close. She raised her chin and kissed his pursed lips. “Not right now.” She smiled. “Let me get some rest and get a little stronger. Then I will.” She watched his eyes soften as a smile caused his cheeks to rise.

  “Good.” He kissed her again. “I look forward to it.” He squeezed her hand. “We don’t know if Patrick Chester was working alone. Until we find out and find your laptop, this isn’t negotiable.”


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