Marked by Power (The Marked Series Book 1)

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Marked by Power (The Marked Series Book 1) Page 8

by Cece Rose

  I’ve been ignoring my brother’s calls in case he tells them, and they panic. One look at all their worried faces, and I know I was right not to tell them.

  “I know it’s a lot of marks, but come on, it’s not that bad,” I answer, and they all look at me like I’m stupid. I might be. I glance at the door as Kelly slides out of it and mouths ‘later’. She’s just abandoning me to my fate. I glare at her, which just makes her laugh as she leaves.

  “Do you know how many marked I treat in the hospital that lose control of their powers and just about survive?” Dad P asks.

  “Yes, Dad,” I answer, and he continues on.

  “Too many, and every goddamn day there is more. Our kind can’t handle that amount of power without losing control, and I’m worried. I don’t want to treat you for losing control or lose you altogether. So, you need to study and keep your emotions in check.” I don’t know about my emotions, but my hormones need controlling around all the sexy guys here. Not that I’m going to enlighten any of my dads to that particular fact.

  “Yes, Mike is right, you need to focus,” Dad P says, nodding just before my mum comes into view of the camera.

  “Oh, Kennie, what trouble have you gotten yourself into now? I got a frantic call from your brother telling us about your marks. Everyone is talking about you and how we could finally find out what the twelfth power is,” she says as she sits on Dad P’s lap.

  “I don’t know what it is. Mr. Daniels is doing classes with me, so I can learn,” I say, deciding to use the word ‘classes’ and not ‘detention’. I don’t need them freaking about that, too.

  “I want you to be careful, there has been—” my mum starts.

  “That’s enough, love,” Dad M cuts her off.

  “There’s been what?” I ask, and they all look at each other.

  “She should know, it’s too much of a coincidence that this all started getting worse when she got her twelve powers,” she says, and they all sigh. Her word is law with them. They rarely tell her no.

  “The rebels have been getting stronger recently; more attacks, and more marked have been going missing,” Dad M explains, running a hand through his curly hair.

  “They killed one of the high council members and took something; we aren’t sure what. I’m sure you will hear about it tomorrow around school, but I treated him. They killed twenty marked before they got to him. I don’t know how they got so powerful or what they wanted, but I don’t like it,” Dad P says with a serious look. I know why he is worried. The high council members are the most powerful of our kind. All of them ten marks or eleven, and to beat one, you have to have some serious power. They were the ones with extreme power, but they also have the control to handle it, making them a force to be reckoned with.

  “What could they possibly want?” I reply after a moment of silence.

  “I don’t know, Kennie, but train and stay safe. Watch your back, okay?” she answers with a serious look, and I nod. “And, call your brother,” she adds, before she and the others say goodbye.

  I turn the iPad off and reach for my phone on the side, every part of my body feeling like I’ve been run over from my torture earlier. I dial Ryan’s number, and he answers on the third ring.

  “Well, well, look who finally decided to call me back,” the deep, sarcastic voice of my brother comes through the line.

  “Don’t be a little shit. I know you told our mum and dads about my marks,” I say, and he laughs.

  “Kennie, how did you expect to hide that?” he asks, and I hear the sounds of a chair creaking in the background.

  “I don’t know, but you know how they worry,” I say.

  “Shit, alright I’m sorry. How’s the academy?” he asks, not sounding the least bit sorry.

  “Full of drama, I can see why you didn’t like it here. I just had detention, and I feel like death,” I say.

  “Who with?” he asks.

  “Mr. Daniels,” I say.

  “Holy shit, that man is a god. Everyone knows about him and his family. His parents died protecting his sister, apparently,” he says.

  “Do you know much more?” I ask, wanting to know about him.

  “No, but I feel sorry for his sister. I mean, I heard she joined the rebels because they want humans to know about us and so we don’t have to hide. When the council found out, they tried to kill her, like they do all rebels, and her parents defended her,” he says.

  “Yeah, but the rebels don’t just want the humans to find out. They want war, Ryan.” I say, not liking how he is making them out to sound good. They aren’t.

  “Why is that so bad?” he asks. There’s an awkward silence where I don’t know how to respond, and he changes the subject. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.

  “Is Kelly okay? Has she met anyone?” he asks me.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Just wondering, shit, can’t I ask about your friend?” he says. Ryan has never asked about Kelly and ignored her a lot growing up, as much as he ignored me. The only time I saw them talk was last Christmas when Kelly came to dinner with us because her parents were out of town on business. Even then, it wasn’t much more than a simple chat about something random on telly.

  “Kelly is fine,” I say slowly, and he clears his throat.

  “How many marks did she get? I bet she got a lot,” he asks.

  “Two,” I say

  “Fuck, do her dads know?” he asks, reminding me that both her dads are part of London’s council. There are twenty-four council members in each district, and there are five districts around the world. Her parents have an immense amount of power and growing up, they made it clear that they wanted Kelly to follow in their footsteps.

  “No, they don’t, but if they can’t accept it . . . well they can go and fuck themselves,” I say, and he laughs.

  “Tell her, well I don’t know, just that I said hello,” he says, sounding awkward. What the hell?

  “Right . . .,” I say, trailing off.

  “Gotta go, Kennie, later,” Ryan quickly replies, and puts the phone down. I lie on my back on the bed and look up at the ceiling, coming to the conclusion that my brother is even weirder than I’d previously given him credit for being.

  Chapter 14


  “What class have you got now?” I ask Kenzie, outside my elective fighting class. Only East, Logan, and Enzo are in this class that Mr. Daniels teaches. All the others are too shit scared to try to fight us in here.

  “Healing with Kelly. She is so excited,” she replies.

  “You best go,” I say, nodding in the direction of her friend Kelly, who is walking towards us.

  “See you later,” she says, and I grab her arm gently.

  “Don’t I get a hug goodbye?” I say, and her cheeks go slightly red as she nods with a laugh. I pull her into a hug, loving the feel of her body pushed against mine, and kiss her cheek. As I pull my lips away and hear her little gasp, I see Mr. Daniels walking over to us. His eyes narrow on me and Kenzie. What is that about?

  “You are going to be late for class, Miss Crowe,” he says in a clipped tone as I let her go.

  “Going, Mr. Daniels,” she says, and I follow him into our class as Kenzie walks away.

  I laugh as I watch East knock Logan on his ass with a blast of air as I take my coat off. They look like they have been at it a while. East walks over and offers him a hand up as Mr. Daniels starts clapping.

  “Good. Locke, you’re against me next,” he says, and I internally groan. Logan pats my shoulder as he passes, and I walk in front of Mr. Daniels, quickly calling protection and shielding myself. He only smirks before jumping back and shifting mid-air into a large, grey wolf.

  Guess I know what training he wants to do today. A neat trick is to have your protection ward on when you shift and your clothes stay with your human form. Thank the gods some mark figured that out, I don’t want to see his naked ass.

  I do the same, shifting into my own black panther, feeling the cold wa
sh of my mark spreading all over my body. The shift is instant now, I only have to think about it, and I can shift. I remember how at the start, bonding with your chosen creature is difficult. Nearly impossible to control if it’s strong. I ended up running around the forest for a whole day, trying to shift back. A loud growl is the only warning before Mr. Daniels’ wolf slams into my side, biting my shoulder. I shake him off with a paw, scratching his side, and I snap my teeth at his leg, making him loosen his grip. I call my healing mark, as I step back, ignoring the blasting pain radiating through my back. Fucking hell, he is serious today.

  Mr. Daniels shifts back suddenly, calling his water mark as I shift back. I’m too late as a wave of water surrounds me just as I get into my human form, and he uses his power to slam me into the wall. Fucking hell, he used a lot of power to do that.

  “Very good. You almost got a hit in,” he says, his words dripping with sarcasm. I stand up, looking around the room and seeing only East and Logan watching by the door.

  “Almost seemed personal, sir,” I say as he comes over, and I use air to dry my clothes. I remember the look he gave me when I kissed Kenzie’s cheek. That was personal, and I know it as much as he does.

  “This is training,” he responds coldly.

  “Nothing to do with a certain black-haired beauty, then?” I say, calling him out on that bullshit, and he narrows his eyes on me.

  “Do you want detention?” he snaps.

  “Would it be with Kenzie, sir? Because yes, yes I would,” I say with a slow chuckle, and I swear I hear a slight growl from him. Mr. Daniels never loses any control, but when I look at him and see the slight glow of his eyes, I know he is close. Seems the all-powerful teacher has a crush on a student, not that I can blame him.

  “Leave, now,” he threatens, and I smirk.

  “So soon?” I ask him, but he doesn’t answer. “Shame you’re her teacher, isn’t it?” I add goadingly, and he growls louder as I leave. Fuck it, I didn’t want to go to his stupid class today, anyway.

  Chapter 15


  “Come on, Kenz,” Kelly urges, tugging me along. I cast a glance over my shoulder as we turn the corner, watching Mr. Daniels lead Locke into the classroom. From the look in Mr. Daniels eyes, I wouldn’t want to be Locke right now. I wonder what he did to provoke him? Whatever it is, I need to make a note to not do it.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” I mumble, trusting Kelly to lead me in the right direction to class. She’s a lot better at directions than I am, and she actually has her phone with her to use the map-app. That always helps.

  “So, you and Locke looked close,” she probes lightly.

  “Nothing is going on, yet. You’d be the first to know, but I do like him,” I admit.

  “I think he likes you, if that kissing was anything to go by,” she teases.

  “Shut up! Totally doesn’t count. Cheek. I kiss my mother on the cheek, hell, you kiss my mother on the cheek. What are you trying to say, that you’re trying to bang my relatives?” I tease back. She flushes.

  “Of course not. Ugh, come on, Kenz. We’re running late. Have you been on time to any of your classes yet?” she asks.

  “Um, maybe one?” I reply.

  “Were you this bad in human school?” she asks.

  “Worse,” I answer with a grin. I think back on my time at the human, comprehensive school I went to in my home town. Most marked children get private tutors, or attend small marked schools, that teach the basic human subjects, Maths, English, and Science, as well as the history of the marked. My parents opted to send me to a human school, like Dad P went to. They taught me about marked history at home, not like I ever paid much attention. I always enjoyed human school, had human friends, and I loved some of my human classes. I think about some of my classes in particular, and my goals for when I left school. But now, it feels like my goals are never going to work, it feels like everything has changed. The plan is still there, twelve marks or one. Three years at the marked academy, and then I can go back to the plan. I think the mantra over in my head a few times. Maybe if I do that enough I can believe it.

  I’m drawn out of my thoughts as we come to a stop outside of a classroom. Kelly pushes open the door, and I follow in after her. Everyone in the class is sitting at desks already, listening to our teacher. I inwardly groan as all the eyes turn to me and Kelly.

  “Sorry we’re late, sir,” Kelly says, giving him her sweetest look. Like everyone else does when Kelly uses that look, the teacher’s frown fades away, and he smiles back at her.

  “That is fine, Miss Curwood. Please can you and Miss Crowe take a seat?”

  I try to spot where we can sit, but there aren’t any seats together. Kelly slips into a spare seat in the front, next to a guy with pale-blond hair. I glance around for another empty seat. You have got to be kidding me? Ugh. I make my way across the room and drop into the only free seat left, which just so happens to be next to Enzo. Sighing as I shove my bag under the desk, I deliberately face forward, pointedly ignoring him.

  “You look pleased to see me,” he mutters.

  “Because it’s always such a pleasure to see you,” I chirp back sarcastically.

  “You are so frustrating. I can’t believe I’m missing my elective with Mr. Daniels for this,” he says bitterly.

  “I didn’t ask you to,” I snap back.

  “No, because if you did, I’d have told you where to go. I’m here because Mr. Daniels asked me to be. That’s it,” he says sharply, and a little too loudly. A couple of students sitting around us shoot dark looks in our direction. I kick Enzo’s foot under the table.

  “Shut up,” I mutter. He kicks my foot back. Asshole isn’t meant to kick me back! I kick his shin this time, harder and shoot a smug look at him. Like he’s going to—Ouch! The fucker actually kicked me harder.

  “Don’t start what you can’t finish, Crowe,” he snaps.

  “Who said I won’t,” I reply, narrowing my eyes on him.

  “Important conversation you’re having I assume, Miss Crowe, Mr. Langston?” the teacher asks, somehow having snuck right up to our desk. I wonder why Enzo has a different surname to his sister? Did he not take his mum’s name, or did she not?

  “No, sir,” Enzo says quickly. I follow suit and shake my head.

  “Well, I will assume the two of you were listening and know exactly what we are doing today then?” he asks.

  “Yes, sir,” we both answer in unison. A united front in our joint lie at least.

  “Good. Everyone stand up and get into pairs for the activity,” he instructs as he walks back towards his desk. I quickly move from my seat and grab Kelly.

  “What are we doing?” I whisper to her.

  “We’re meant to be reading each other for injury or sickness,” she whispers back.

  “How are we meant to—”

  “Miss Curwood, Crowe, you two girls first,” the teacher calls, cutting me off. Shit. He gestures for the two of us to come to the front of the classroom. The smug look on his rounded face telling me that he knows I have no clue what I’m doing, and has just called me up to humiliate me. I thought healers were meant to be gentle, kind souls. I roll my eyes and saunter up to the front of the class with Kells in tow. It’s cool, I’ll just copy Kelly.

  “Miss Crowe, you will check Miss Curwood first,” he instructs.

  Well, there goes that plan . . . how the heck did Mr. Daniels check me for injuries? Hand on forehead? I never realised how inconvenient my never getting sick would be. The sound of a throat clearing makes me jump.

  “Anytime now, Miss Crowe,” he says, sighing with exasperation.

  I lay a hand across Kelly’s forehead and close my eyes, trying to concentrate. I picture the healing mark. Nothing. Shit. I open my eyes and move my hand from her head, stepping back.

  “She’s all good,” I announce.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asks sceptically.

  “Yep, I’m feeling great, sir,” Kelly answers f
or me.

  “Fine, Curwood, your turn,” he says curtly, shooting me a disbelieving look, but it’s not like he can just call me a liar in front of the whole class. I’d look up how to do it later.

  Kelly places a hand over my forehead and closes her eyes. I feel the light, probing feeling roll through me. Trust Kelly to get it right first time. She drops her hand and her eyes fly open.

  “You’re hurt,” she accuses.

  “It’s nothing much,” I mutter back. Just an aching all over my body that won’t go away since bitchface Stella zapped me. She frowns and puts her hands either side of my head and closes her eyes again.

  “Wait, Miss Curwood, you really should not be doing that,” the teacher begins to say, when suddenly, a glow takes over Kelly, much like when she had the vision. Shit. A hush falls over the room.

  I’m about to move back from her hold on my head, when a feeling of lightness fills me. I feel like every inch of my body is sparking for a moment, and then nothing. I feel fine, the aching is gone. A rush of energy hits me.

  “Shit, Kells. I feel like new,” I mumble, feeling like I could climb a mountain or run a marathon right now. She moves her hand.

  “S-sorry,” she stutters to the teacher. “I just knew I could do it,” she says simply. He stares at her for a moment like she’s this peculiar creature, and he just doesn’t know what to do with her.

  “Take your seats, both of you,” he says. We quickly scarper back into some seats, she slips into what was Enzo’s seat to stay with me. After a tense moment or so, the teacher calls the attention back to the front of the class, and calls up another two students.

  “What the hell was that, Kells?” I ask her, feeling a little concerned.

  “I have no idea, Kenz. Not a fucking clue.”

  Chapter 16


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