The Inhumanoids

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The Inhumanoids Page 16

by Barton M Nunnelly

  They parked at a closed gas station and got out to have a better look. Now they could see that it wasn’t a parachute at all, but a round, cylindrical object about three feet in diameter and eight or nine feet long, moving at an angle of about fifteen degrees below vertical.” There was a man inside it. “It looked like a flying platform with somebody standing up inside it. It passed over at about three hundred or four hundred feet and it didn’t make a sound.” Morse got back into the vehicle and was able to clock the ‘flying birdcage’ at about fifty miles an hour. the object continued northward for a distance then “...the light on it went out, just as if somebody had turned a switch.”

  More recently, two young girls saw another phantom flyer gliding over a pond in Kent, England on May 6, 1981. This peculiar aerial humanoid appeared to be wearing a black pointed hat, black cape and a strange belt with glowing lights on his waist.

  Ten years later, in 1991, a luminescent flying humanoid was seen in the skies of Loch Raven, Maryland and reported on in the Baltimore Sun. It reportedly transformed into a glowing ball of light as it flew above the witness’ head.

  Later that same year, in December, another strange flying humanoid was seen by a university student in Parma, Italy. This one was covered in green hair and had green glowing eyes as well. It moved its head ‘like a robot’ as it flew, as if performing aerial surveillance of the ground below.

  Our friends the aerialists next made their appearance in January 1998 in Maipu, Chile, where several flying inhumanoid figures were seen descending from the sky without parachutes, and appeared to be enveloped in a mist or cloud. Another phantom flyer was seen by a farmer named Gheorghe Cucaila as it stood in a nearby field on April 17th, 1998 in Romania. After a few minutes the inhumanoid figure reportedly flew off into the sky.

  On Friday, January 16, 2004, at 3:15 a.m. police officer Leonardo Samaniego, while on duty in Monterrey, Mexico, was driving along when he noticed a peculiar figure ‘hovering’ in a nearby tree. The figure floated down but stopped a short distance above the ground; not touching it! When the officer approached, he saw that, incredibly, it was a woman. She was wearing what appeared to be a black costume of some sort, complete with a black cape. And she didn’t like the patrol car’s headlights at all. Samaniego said:

  “ was a woman...all dressed in black that fell from the tree but she didn’t touch the ground, just remained floating several feet from the ground. I saw her very well and then she landed softly...and stood there looking at me. She was trying to cover her face from the lights of the car. I think they were bothering her. I could see two big, black eyes on her, completely black without eyelids, and her skin was dark brown. She was all dressed in black with cloak and cape like a witch and she seemed very upset by the lights.”

  Suddenly the mysterious ‘woman’ leapt onto the hood of the car and began clawing at the windshield, trying to get at the badly frightened officer. He threw the car in reverse and stomped on the gas and frantically called for help on his radio; but the ‘witch’ clung to the hood, flinging herself at the windshield. The officer later said:

  “As soon as I realized it was a kind of woman being, or a witch, very strange standing there trying to cover her face, she threw herself against my car very fast, falling on the car and hitting the windshield. She was flying very fast and it took only a second to hit the windshield glass. I was so shocked by this action that I put the car in reverse and pushed the accelerator trying to get away while requesting backup assistance by radio.”

  It was at this moment, with the witch on the car-hood and glaring at him through the windshield, that Samaniego got the best look at the nightmarish entity. “It was a woman.” he reiterated, “with big, black eyes. Everything was black. No eyelids. Her skin was dark brown and her expression was horrible. She was furiously trying to get at me with her claws while I was running away in reverse calling desperately for backup assistance to any units around. When I finally hit the end of the street I was so shocked that I covered my eyes and then I fainted.”

  When Mexican police arrived on the scene only a couple minutes later they found Samaniego still unconscious, but unharmed. There was no sign of his attacker. Samaniego spent the rest of the day in the local hospital where psychological and blood tests all came back normal.

  When his case was featured the next day on an evening news broadcast more people came forward with alleged sightings of the same, or similar ‘witch.’ Three police officers all claimed to have seen the exact same entity three days previously in Santa Catarina. They had vowed never to reveal their sighting for fear of negative repercussions; until they saw Samaniego on the news.

  Another witness, this time a woman from Colonia la Playa, claimed that both herself and her brother saw the witch flying through the sky during the day. She said the creature looked ‘very weird,’ and claimed that her brother was so shocked at the horrible sight that he became ill and was in that condition for almost a week afterwards. Incredible, you say? Not at all. The most active phase of UFI history, it would seem, had already been happening in that country for four years, beginning with the new millennium; a truly startling series of bizarre sightings which would result in capturing images of flying humanoid entities on film for the first time in history.

  In March of 2000 a man named Salvador Guerrero sighted a strange aerial object while sky-watching from the roof of his home in Colonia Agricola Oriental. Thinking the object might be a high-flying UFO, he turned on his camera and began filming. When he looked through the viewfinder and pressed the zoom button he could hardly believe what he saw. It was a dark object, he said, which looked almost like ‘static’ in the sky at first, spinning slowly. It appeared to be a human with arms and legs outstretched and perfectly visible; floating freely in the air at a high altitude. The mysterious airborne humanoid remained stationary in the sky for several moments, then began to move and eventually disappeared behind a building.

  Later that year, In December, Guerrero succeeded in videotaping another UFI, this one diminutive, from the same area.

  A man named Amado Marquez; another sky watcher, claimed that he’d videotaped a dark colored ‘little man’ in Cuernavaca, Morelos back in February as it flew through the sky in an upright position with its legs spread open.

  Later on, in July, Gerardo Valenzuela, also from Cuernavaca, shot a video of a tall, dark humanoid entity as it descended from the sky until it disappeared behind a hill. According to a local newspaper report, another ‘little man’ was seen by two commercial airline pilots on September 30th of that year just before landing in Mexico City. The figure was reportedly flying at the same altitude as the plane and wearing a small backpack of some sort. One pilot added that he could see the little man’s arms and legs perfectly well.

  Several days before the 2004 attack on the Monterrey policeman a neighbor in the area captured the image of a strange flying humanoid on videotape and gave it to a local TV station where it was aired, causing quite a stir. Another UFI was filmed flying over Mexico City earlier in the year on January 31 and again on February 14 when three witnessed filmed an extremely weird aerial event which came to be known as ‘The Entity Reunion in the Sky’ incident.

  The three sky watchers began filming after they noticed a big, dark object in the sky with a kind of ‘vibrating’ structure perched above it, joined together. Then a smaller dark object flew into view and was ‘absorbed’ into the first. As it drew nearer they were astonished to see that the uppermost object appeared to be some type of winged creature, and the object below it a dark, humanoid figure wearing a long cloak. After about a minute, the objects split apart, and the cloaked figure took off flying to the witnesses right until it disappeared behind a mountain. After a short while the two remaining objects joined back together and flew off over the horizon.

  Incredibly, yet another bizarre flying humanoid was caught on film in Mexico City on June 17th 2005, by a man named Horacio Roquet who, along with his sister, saw a tall, dark humanoid figu
re floating above a nearby building in Unidad Habitacional Lomas de Platero and looking at them in a threatening manner. The object filmed was man-like, and had a device of some sort attached to its waist which emitted a red glowing light.

  Another incident occurred in July of 2006, again in Monterrey, with the apparent return of the flying ‘witch.’ The accompanying film clearly showing a gray colored inhumanoid figure wearing a long, pointed hat as it flew purposefully along a mountain side.

  The latest incident occurred on February 28th, 2008 in the Moctezuma district near Mexico City. At around 6:50 a.m. that morning, a boy named Erik saw a strange figure in the sky as he left for school. He went back inside and woke his uncle, 36-year-old law school graduate, Daniel Rosales, who viewed the object through binoculars for nearly three minutes before handing the binoculars to Erik and grabbing his video-camera.

  The resulting twelve-minute-long videotape shows a humanlike figure floating languidly in the sky, descending and rising without the aid of any discernible apparatus. The witnesses described it as “a flying humanoid” resembling an astronaut. They also claimed that it was facing them and seemed to be ‘surveying its surroundings.’ At one point in the video Rosales’ dogs, two retrievers, can be heard reacting with agitation and fear to the aerial anomaly.

  But Mexico isn’t alone. UFIs have also made their film debut in America. Like the cases from south of the border, these flying humanoids were also seen and filmed in broad daylight in Phoenix, Arizona on August 4th, 2004, Santa Monica, California on November 27, 2004 and again in Phoenix on September 23, 2005.

  The Winged Wonders

  Some forteans believe that this phenomenon began, and pretty much ended, in West Virginia during the mid-1960’s when the ‘Mothman’ scare gripped the small town of Point Pleasant and surrounding areas. But, in truth, it is also an age old, on-going enigma which doesn’t seem to be slowing down and, if anything, is actually gaining momentum as the years roll by. These winged inhumanoids of today are but the vestigial remnants of some of the ‘old gods’ which were worshiped by people several millennia before the advent of Christianity.

  Thousands of years ago the ancient inhabitants of what is now Iran carved pictures of winged inhumanoid deities on walls and adorned their artifacts with similar images. These birdmen were named the Annunaki (pictured at right), and were a highly-advanced race of winged ‘supermen’ wearing beards and tall helmets. The entities were worshiped as gods by the Persians, and other Middle Eastern and Asian cultures and were well known throughout other parts of the world.

  Even earlier, the Sumerians bowed before images of the Utukku, reptilian, winged inhumanoid entities. The ancient Mayans recognized Zotz, a winged inhumanoid demon with the head of a dog. The Hindu religion has the Garuda, said to have the body and legs of a man and the wings, beak and talons of a vulture. He has a white face, scarlet wings and a golden-hued body. Sometimes he carries the Hindu god Vishnu, said to be a four-armed, blue-skinned inhumanoid, on his back. Statues of this Garuda creature, worked in bronze or stone, are still worshiped in the temples of India.

  To the Greeks the Sphinx, unlike the Egyptian variety, were ferocious winged lions with the head and breasts of a woman and the capacity for human speech. It has been written that one such creature depopulated the Theban countryside by asking a riddle of its victims and devouring all those who could not give the correct answer.

  Egyptians recognized these otherworldly birdmen as the Sefert. Japanese legend tells of the Karura, a fire-breathing biform depicted as half-man, half-eagle covered in golden feathers. The flapping of the creature’s wings, it is said, sounds like thunder.

  In Gambia, they are known as the Guiafairo and are said to have extremely sharp, deadly claws. Welsh folklore tells of the Gwrach-y-rhibyn, a hag-like monster with a hooked beak and great leathery wings, also called the ‘Slobberwitch,’ and Mexican legends speak of the Hombre pajaro, a spectral, winged female inhumanoid similar to Kishar, the winged goddess of the ancient Babylonians (below).

  And then, of course, there were the evil Harpies of the ancient Greeks, said to have a woman’s head with long, loose hair, the bodies of vultures with sharp, curved claws, and filthy underparts. Just as their cousins would prove to be thousands of years later, the Harpies of Greek legend were considered invulnerable and emitted a loathsome odor. They engorged themselves on all that that saw, it was said, screeching fearfully the whole time and fouling everything with their excrement. Their name is derived from the Greek word harpazein, which means to snatch or carry away. Contemporary counterparts of these female avid anomalies are said to “glow.”

  Over the course of the next seven thousand years or so, the “divine” aspect of these beings steadily declined, and today they are considered by many, when they are considered at all, which is rare, to be ‘harbingers of doom,’ or heralds of impending disaster. Perhaps some great disaster does loom on mankind’s horizon, precipitating the appearance of such aerial anomalies; though hopefully not. Hundreds more sightings of this nature, after all, seemingly had little or no meaning or purpose other than to frighten the poor witnesses out of their minds. Everything is speculative of course. There are no ‘experts’ when it comes to unexplained phenomena, only experiencers and guessers.

  In 1746, in the UK, Lord General Murray reportedly saw a terrifying humanoid creature in the sky just before engaging in the Battle of Culloden. It was said to be black with eyes that burned like fire, and huge, leathery wings. It circled one group of soldiers then shot up, screaming, into the sky. The creature was known as the ‘Skree.’ On September 18, 1877, a man named W. H. Smith (not to be confused with the British founder of the news-agent/bookshop, who died in 1865) told reporters for the New York Sun that he had previously witnessed a “winged human form” as it flew above the streets of Brooklyn, New York.

  Three years later, according to the New York Times, “many reputable persons” from Coney Island also claimed to see the form of a man with bat-like wings and ‘improved frog legs,’ flying at a height of around 1,000 feet toward the New Jersey coast. They got a good look him, evidently, as they were able to make out the “cruel and determined” expression on his face. “They all agree that it was a man engaged in flying toward New Jersey.”

  Over the course of several weeks in November of 1868, more than two dozen residents reported seeing a large, winged ‘man’ circling above local landmarks in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, Montgomery County, including what is known as the Wright-Greene Adena Indian Mounds, a group of three ancient Adena burial mounds, and the historic Johnson House.

  Throughout the years of 1938 and 1939, this precursor to the modern-day ‘Mothman’ seemed to be active at either end of the Bluegrass State. In March 1938, residents claimed to see a winged, human-like figure in the skies above Ashland, Ky., Boyd County. Ashland is only about 60 miles, as the crow flies, from Point Pleasant West Virginia, site of the original Mothman scare.

  In April of that same year sightings were reported from Elizabethtown, Ky., Hardin county, and continued in both locations for the next couple of years, often within a day or so of one another, which would seem to suggest that entities such as Mothman can fly incredibly fast, or there was more than one of the creatures involved here. It might also imply, depending on one’s belief system, that Mothman, like its other unexplained brethren, do not necessarily need to travel any certain distance at any certain speed, but can manifest themselves wherever they wish to be seen next at will.

  Something bird-like and as tall as a man allegedly killed a man in London, England in 1913, inside a locked room. Witnesses to the event watched from outside the Old Chambers Inn as a Mr. Charles Appleby struggled with his bizarre assailant. Appleby was subsequently found dead, covered in scratches and quite alone in the room, which was still locked from the inside. The murderer was never found, but reports of a strange, ‘big bird’ continued after the incident.

  Four young shepherd girls playing along a ridge near Cabeco, Portugal
in the summer of 1915, reportedly observed a headless “angel” that looked like a “...statue made of snow which the rays of the sun had turned somewhat transparent.” Only two years later one of the girls, Lucia Abobora, became a central figure in the famous events at Fatima, when a large, luminous disc allegedly appeared in the sky above a crowd of seventy thousand people gathered in a field awaiting the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A “white man without any head floating in the air” was reportedly seen by a group of young people in the same area in 1946.

  A bizarre “vampire bird” was seen several times during the years of 1915 through 1917 in Portugal. It was described as a white, winged, humanoid figure which many perceived to be a religious symbol. Also from 1915, a group of some 500 Royal Scotsmen saw a similar being on May 22 of that year as they waited at Lambert Station for the train that would carry them off to fight in World War I. The train crashed, killing 227 people.

  Another such creature was seen by two lost hikers in Glencoe in 1993. It had large, leathery wings and glowing red eyes; two oft-reported attributes of these entities; and was sitting atop a large rock in the dense mist. The witnesses fled after the thing screamed at them. Another was seen in Edinburgh, also in the 1990s.

  The “Bat-Monster of West Drayton Church” was reportedly observed in a London cemetery in the Spring of 1922. It was said to have had a six-foot wingspan; not that impressive as ‘Bat-Monsters’ go. It was reportedly chased into the shadows by a policeman where it duly took to the air with a bone-chilling scream.


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