Sold to the Alien

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Sold to the Alien Page 8

by Ravyn Wilde

  Using teeth and tongue to torment the flesh in front of his mouth, he played with her until she went wild.

  Increasing her momentum, she planted her hands on either side of his head. Leaning down, so he could suckle from her breasts, she rode him like a madwoman.

  “Oh, god. Harder.!” Lauren huskily demanded.

  Using one hand to hold her breast to his mouth, Dax bit her nipple and suckled. His other hand slipped between their bodies, thrumming her clit, slick with their shared secretions.

  Lauren screamed and went completely motionless when she came.

  He wasn’t finished.

  He wrapped his arms around her and rolled to exchange positions.

  With his cock still buried, he guided her knees up to her chest and held them in place with one forearm. His free hand wrapped around the base of his cock to throttle his impending orgasm. Pulling out, he looked down to see the sight of his shaft disappearing between her sensitive folds.

  He loved seeing her this way, her hair a dark wave over the white sheets of his bed. With her head thrashing from side to side in a sensual agony, her eyes stared in sightless abandon and her long fingers clenched the bedcovers to find something to hold on to. The sun’s rays played over the shadowy dark playground of her body.

  The thought that he might wake this way every day for the rest of his life made it impossible to stop the rush of climax. His balls drew up and he felt the tingling start in his lower back. Arching, he threw back his head and growled in wordless, mind-blowing ecstasy.

  Chapter Ten

  LAUREN RUBBED HER WRISTS. Daxter’s weird tattoos had moved down his arms last night and slipped onto her body. Making her lose her mind with pleasure. Dax and the black bands had driven her crazy.

  She shuddered and scrubbed at the dark ink again. When she woke this morning, she noticed two of the bands had stayed with her and wrapped themselves around her wrists. Nothing she did made them fade or move. They didn’t hurt, they just shouldn’t be there. Reminding her of the night before.

  Shit. And this morning. He fed her breakfast in bed from his hand and then ate pieces of fruit from her body.

  Lauren knew it wasn’t the marks that bothered her. It was the sex. The really good, extremely mind-blowing alien sex that she wanted to do again. But she couldn’t.

  She needed to leave. She had to find Kaitlyn and the others.

  A loud roar outside pulled her to the window. She looked down at the center courtyard where Dax was fighting another alien. She blinked, thinking she could see everything in such detail, it was amazing. Her man looked incredible. The sun shining off his body, highlighting those tattoos.

  She grinned. Thinking of her earlier fears. After last night, she could say man without flinching. Daxter’s manly parts were big—but they looked like a human male’s anatomy. And she’d worried about the differences. Her alien seemed pretty normal.

  She sighed and pressed her forehead to the glass as she watched the fight below. She would consider him above normal in looks and sweetness, and in stamina. The giggle died in her throat when she saw Dax’s tattoo markings shift into wings on his back.

  That wasn’t normal.

  She frowned and pushed back, gasping hysterically when in the blink of an eye, the man she’d given her body to last night wasn’t a man—he was a dragon.

  Holy hell! She couldn’t take that home to earth! And winced at her thoughts. Realizing that had been the dream all along. She was building fantasies of home and the ranch, and Daxter.

  There was another loud roar and Lauren quickly stepped back to the window. Just in time to see Dax’s dragon rip apart the man he’d been fighting.

  And eat him.

  Oh, God! No!

  She turned around in a panic. She had to leave. Now! This was freaky insane. She needed Kaitlyn and Makayla. Well, Kayla wasn’t here, and she had no idea what happened to Kaitlyn. She needed to find out now.

  She gathered the few things she had. Besides her friends, most of those things were gifts from Dax. She didn’t consider leaving the weapons or the clothes behind.

  Once she had everyone together, they slipped out the back.

  LAUREN, SISSY, RANDI and Rachael, along with Nancy, Ceely, Ash, and Tawnya stopped when they could no longer see the palace carved into the mountainside. They were moving back into what looked like the desert.

  “You guys didn’t have to come with me,” Lauren stated.

  Tawnya rolled her dark, almond eyes. “I saw the way that alien looked at you. Trust me. We did not want to be there when he discovered you left him!” She flipped her straight black hair behind her head and pulled it up with one of the hair ties Kaitlyn made.

  Lauren looked around and noticed they all wore them. In their hair or on their wrist. It was one of the first weapons they had. No one had needed to use them yet, but it was comforting to know they were there. She took off the one she had in her hair and used it to cover one of the tattoos on her wrist.

  She looked back at Tawnya. There were so many things she didn’t want to address with the statement of how Dax looked at her. She was glad to see the woman wasn’t waiting for a response. So, she let it go.

  Sissy patted her back in a sign of friendship, and she blinked away the tears.

  “Any idea how to find the ship—and maybe Kaitlyn?” Lauren asked.

  Randi and Rachael laughed. “We’ve got you covered. We’ve got more than ideas. We asked around and figured out where the ship landed and acquired what passes for GPS in this world.”

  So, they followed the twins—and Lauren let her mind drift while Randi tried to explain GPS to the aliens. Sissy got it, Ceely didn’t.

  She realized when it came to Dax, her mind was just as confused as the child alien. Nothing made sense in this world. For Ceely—it was technology. For Lauren—it was love and lust and wanting to go home.

  They walked for what seemed like hours. Stopping a couple of times to drink water and eat a nutrition bar. Which made her think of the dinner she had with Dax last night. It was the one and only time she’d had real food since she was taken. She looked at the nutrition bar in her hand and tried to count days. She thought it had been close to two weeks since she was taken from her home. And yet it was a lifetime ago.

  They started walking again. No one spoke to her, but Sissy stayed close. Occasionally steering Lauren around an object or pointing her in another direction. The girls left her to her thoughts. She was allowed to wallow in the confusing reality that the man who might have been the love of her life—ate people.

  Dax scared her. He turned into a dragon. It didn’t matter that he was gentle and sweet, and funny. And so very hot. He turned into a dragon.

  She couldn’t take a dragon to Texas! And she wanted to go home. She definitely couldn’t take him home. Her hand went to her stomach as a thought wormed its way into her head. He said he had birth control but if she ever got pregnant, the baby might turn into a dragon. Holy shit. She didn’t want to think about it. She wanted her family.

  But she couldn’t stop thinking about Dax. About last night. Part of her wished he was here, the other part wanted to find her cousin, get on the damn spaceship, and go home.

  She definitely would like to go back in time and not look out the window. She didn’t want to see him eating the other man.

  Lauren drove herself crazy. The loop running endlessly in her mind, with scenes from last night followed by the one of Dax’s dragon tossing part of a body in the air and catching it in his mouth.

  She stared at the ground, putting one foot in front of the other. Until she almost walked on top of the trail sign. She stopped moving. Looking at the ground in disbelief.

  Her head rose and she searched around her, frantically looking for more. Until she burst into sobs and dropped to the ground.

  EVERYONE SAT AROUND her, frowning. Rachael leaned forward. “Take a deep breath. Drink a sip of water, honey. We can’t understand what you said. Focus and calm down. Then explain that a
gain. What do you mean there is a sign? Like from God? Are you having visions?”

  That last cut through Lauren’s hysteric sobs. She laughed. God, it felt good to laugh like that. “Not sign like in vision. A sign like in trail sign.” She gestured toward the ground at the few rocks and small twigs. “Makayla is on Megoth. She is looking for me.”

  Everyone peered at the ground. Tawnya sighed. “I don’t see anything. Are you alright, Lauren? Do we need to get you out of the heat?”

  Lauren giggled. She looked up from the ground, aware of her surroundings again. “Are we safe here for a few minutes? Aren’t we close to the spaceship?”

  Randi grinned. “Yeah, it should be over that little rise. We are in a bit of an indentation here. We have the trees for shade and the rocks for cover. I don’t see any of the tunnel entrances on the alien GPS, so I think we should be good.”

  Sissy stood at her back, her eyes sweeping the surrounding area. “I stand guard.”

  “Thanks, Sissy,” Lauren said. She looked back down at the ground at the sign that was so clear to her. “My parents and Kaitlyn’s parents were killed in a car accident when I was sixteen.”

  Ashton put her hand on Lauren’s arm and squeezed. “Who raised you?”

  “Kaitlyn’s older sister, Makayla. She is... different. She had been in the military for several years. With our parents gone, she was released and became our guardian. She was a soldier, very well trained and knows how to take care of herself. Even before our parents died, she got me interested in Karate and taught me how to use several weapons.” She stopped and grinned. “But that doesn’t explain the trail sign.”

  Tawnya spoke up, “Did that come from her military experience?”

  She smiled. “No. My father and uncle were both survivalists. Which meant we could survive without going to the store or having someone else bring us food. That we had plans in case things went wrong and back up plans in case something happened to the first plan. I know how to read the land and live off it. Or I did in Texas. I need to learn more about this planet and what lives and grows here. Some things are food, some things can kill you. Since I learned how to walk, I’ve been taught how to shoot a gun, how to make shelter, and find water. I know how to read and leave trail signs. It was a way to communicate with my family if I was out riding or hiking. It can be used to find each other, or leave something for the other person, or when you are lost. There are tons of signs that have a specific meaning. It’s a language, only you are communicating with the rocks and twigs.”

  She pointed to the ground in front of her. “Trail signs are made on the ground, close to the left-hand side of the trail. See here, three stones piled one on another mean danger or help needed. But Kayla doesn’t want help for herself, she wants help for either me or Kaitlyn. She is basically telling us that she is here. And to find each other and stay the hell together so she only has to look in one place.”

  She looked up and grinned. “She signaled that she was following me, and she pointed to the right side of the path. And that Kaitlyn said she was in the opposite direction.” Lauren pointed to some mountains. “There are three others with Kaitlyn.”

  She looked around at the women surrounding her. “Hopefully Nat, Tallie, and Donna.”

  They all nodded solemnly.

  Lauren frowned. “She also indicates someone is looking for Kaitlyn. We need to go. But as we walk, look for more signs.” She traced the circle on the ground and pointed to the small x at the top made with sticks embedded in the ground. “That is the sign for Kaitlyn. My sign is an x at the bottom. Makayla’s is an x on the right-hand side.” She looked around at them all. “The small circle in the middle means to go home. Since we are on an alien planet, home means each other. Find each other and she will find us.”

  They walked slowly toward the ship, stopping often and studying the area before moving closer. “I don’t see anyone,” Lauren said.

  Rachael nodded. “Me neither. I figure this little thing works like a heat camera. She pointed it at Randi and Sissy who were crouched behind a rock a few feet away.

  Lauren saw two definite red blotches on the monitor. “Where did you get that?”

  She snorted. “Same place I got the GPS, the storerooms at the mountain palace.”

  Lauren shook her head.

  Rachael pointed the device back toward the ship and moved in a circle, checking all the way around them and back to the ship. “Nothing. So, we can check the ground by the ship for your signs and then head to the mountain in the distance where we think Kaitlyn is?”

  She nodded. “Let’s go, Sissy and Tawnya, you look around us—not at the ground. We can move through here pretty quick, just form a line a few feet apart. The sign wouldn’t be far away.”

  Ashton found the next sign. “Here. Lauren, I think here.” She pointed at the ground.

  Lauren couldn’t believe her eyes. “Oh, my God! It’s a cache!”

  Ash turned with a frown on her face, her green eyes confused.

  “I need a shovel or something I can dig with and I’ll show you.” She looked around for a stick.

  Randi handed her a foldup shovel. It looked like one you’d take hiking. “Why am I not surprised,” Lauren huffed.

  Randi snorted. “Don’t thank me. I think your Makayla left it behind the rock so you could dig up your cache.”

  It didn’t take long for Lauren to dig up the large metal box. Nancy and Rachael helped her pull it up out of the hole and set it on the ground.

  Nancy groused. “I hope there is chocolate in there. Something to make this worth it.”

  Lauren grinned. “Makayla left it.” She slowly opened the lid. “There is a gun and ammunition, water, homemade jerky and granola bars, Jeans and a sweatshirt, my old hiking shoes, a plastic bag full of small containers of soaps and toothpaste, and coffee.”

  There were sighs and exclamations all around.

  Lauren immediately shimmed into her jeans and sat on the ground, putting on a pair of socks and hiking boots, and her gun

  Randi noted, “That Fred guy with Daxter said if we had a shoe, he could get someone to make us all copies of it.”

  Lauren looked up and nodded. “I’ll be careful with them. We all need shoes. And in this terrain, these won’t last for long.”

  Nancy was looking through everything. “There really is coffee. Lots of it. And two mess kits. Your cousin thought of everything. Oh hell. There are even a few rolls of toilet paper and a bottle of vodka. Damn, I want Makayla for a sister!”

  Smiling to herself, Lauren passed out a piece of jerky and a granola bar to each of them. The moans of delight were gratifying. Then she noticed something else. “Kaitlyn had a cache too. Hers is already gone, and she’s marked the trail to her hideout.”

  Sissy grunted. “Good. Let’s go. It will be dark soon and I don’t like the spaceship.”

  IT WAS GETTING DARK, but Kaitlyn had marked the trail. They moved quickly until there was a sign on the path that indicated they arrived. Lauren looked around and didn’t see a thing.

  Putting her fingers to her lips and blew two short blasts, and within seconds she was answered.

  Kaitlyn came bursting out of the side of the mountain.

  It looked like a solid wall, and in reality, it was a slab of stone blocking one of the entrances. It couldn’t be detected unless you were standing in a specific position. It made the perfect hiding spot.

  They spent a lot of time catching up, ate the meat Kaitlyn caught in a trap. And talked about what happened to Lauren. Sissy and Donna took guard duty and the rest went off to nap. The cousins had shied away from talking about Makayla, but both of them were wearing jeans and their old hiking boots.

  They sat outside the cave with a cup of coffee and looked down into the shallow valley toward the spaceship.

  “She’s out there looking for us,” Lauren said quietly.

  “Yeah. So are several others. I really hope she gets here first.” Kaitlyn reached out and took Lauren’s hand. �
�The Siloth were hunting me. Constantly. We killed them, saw them, hid from them. Then all of a sudden it stopped.”

  Lauren blinked. “What do you mean it stopped. They didn’t leave. The ship is still there. The holes haven’t been fixed. Maybe they bought another ship?”

  Kaitlyn shook her head. “I don’t think that’s it. Someone else is out there. I’ve caught glimpses of him. A massive beast of a man on a creature that looks like an ox or maybe a big water buffalo. He leaves me presents.”

  Lauren blinked. “What? What kind of presents.”

  Sighing, Kaitlyn shrugged. “Dead Siloths. Then that stopped when I hollered at him to just throw them in a ditch somewhere and bring me something to eat.”

  She couldn’t help it. She started laughing. “Oh, my God. Did he bring you something to eat?”

  “Some fruit and a hunk of what was like venison. He also brought some flowers. I think it was supposed to be medicine or a drink or something. I don’t know. I didn’t know what to do with them, so I stuffed the bouquet in a crack in the cave.” She raised her shoulders defensively. “They smelled nice.”

  “Holy, hell. I wonder if he killed them all. I haven’t seen any since they took me to that place. Not even around the ship. Not unless they were inside. But it didn’t look like anyone had been there for a while.”

  “So, Randi said you were sold to a really hot alien and then you made him buy all of them and a whole bunch of other people.”

  Lauren spit out the sip of coffee she had in her mouth. “I am going to kill Randi.”

  Giggling, Kaitlyn asked, “What gives? I got the impression that you were the man’s biggest fan, and then bolted.”

  Lauren looked out at the night sky and sighed. It was beautiful and she didn’t know what she could say to make her cousin understand. “The first sight I had of Dax he was killing the heavyset Siloth guard that had followed me all the way to Tandor. The guard was trying, once again, to beat me to death.”


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