Billionaire Games Boxed Set (The Marriage Bargain, The Marriage Caper, The Marriage Fix)

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Billionaire Games Boxed Set (The Marriage Bargain, The Marriage Caper, The Marriage Fix) Page 25

by Edwards, Sandra

  “Okay, so let me get to work. When are you coming home?”

  “We’ll be in tomorrow morning. You can chat with Tasha about the details then.” Andre sat down in the nearest chair. “And don’t forget…not a word.”

  “We are, if nothing else, discreet.”

  Satisfied that he had everything under control Andre ended the call, deposited his cell phone back into his blazer’s inner pocket and went back inside.

  Where was that food? Surprisingly, he was hungry.


  TASHA HAD A LOVE-HATE RELATIONSHIP WITH HER MOTHER. Nola Gordon had been a frightful stage mother. She had Tasha working in commercials before she could even crawl, much less walk. And once Tasha did start auditioning for speaking parts, if she didn’t get it her mother never missed the opportunity to remind her it was because she wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, or talented enough.

  As Tasha dialed the telephone number, she prayed her father would answer instead of her mother.

  “Gordons.” Her mother’s voice flowed through the earpiece.

  “Hi, Mom.” Tasha tried to cover her disappointment in a cheerful greeting. She thought about asking how things were going, but that’d open the door for a long rant about how someone, probably Marge Dickerson, was trying to take over the planning of some event on the social scene. Tasha didn’t have the time or the inclination to listen to that today. Instead of inviting trouble, she got straight to the point. “Andre and I are in town. Can you and Daddy come over?”

  “A little notice would’ve been nice.” Even over the airwaves, Nola Gordon’s tone gave Tasha a good admonishing.

  “Sorry, Mom. We didn’t know we were coming until this morning.”

  “Well, it would be nice to see Andre.”

  Andre? How about your only daughter? Tasha kept quiet. Anything she had to say at this point, she’d only end up regretting.

  When she didn’t respond after several seconds, her mother finally said, “Your father’s playing golf. I’ll call him and pick him up on the way over. Where are you? The Shoreline?”

  “Yes.” Tasha nodded, even though her mother couldn’t see her. “Come as soon as you can. Okay?” Of course, she knew that as-soon-as-she-could would turn into an hour, maybe more.

  On the bright side, that gave Tasha an hour to prepare for a meeting that could go either way. She hoped her mother would be thrilled about her marrying Andre. After all, he came with a lot of status that her mother would undoubtedly use to her advantage.

  Then again, Nola might be livid. Especially if she thought Tasha was throwing away a budding career that she, Nola, had worked so hard to build.

  After lunch arrived, Andre had Simon set it up on the terrace via the door leading out through the suite’s main room.

  Inside, Andre eased the door open to the room where Tasha was resting and found her watching television. “Couldn’t sleep?” He went to the unoccupied side of the bed and sat down.

  “I called my parents.”

  “You told them over the phone?”

  Tasha shook her head. “They’ll be here within the hour.”

  “Ah, good. Just in time for the ceremony.” He leaned across the bed and brushed his lips over Tasha’s cheek. “Brunch is here. Simon is setting it up on the terrace. Care to try a bite or two?”

  “Sounds like a good idea.” Tasha tossed the coverlet aside and sat up. “Fresh air might do me some good.”

  “Are you feeling ill? Should I ring for a doctor?”

  “No, I’m fine. We have an appointment with the doctor in France soon, don’t we?”

  “Yes. A few days after the wedding over there.” He laid his hand on her upper arm and gave her a gentle caress. “You sure you’re feeling all right?”

  Tasha turned to face him. “I’m feeling perfectly well…just a little tired.”

  “Good.” He touched her lips with a gentle kiss. “I was hoping to go to sleep beside my wife tonight.”

  “Oh, you needn’t worry about that.” Tasha chuckled and reached for his hand. “Let’s go eat.” She stood and moved toward the door, still holding his hand. “I have a feeling we’ll need the energy later.”

  Out on the terrace a banquet of food awaited them. Tasha picked up a few pieces of fruit, mostly watermelon, peaches, kiwi and strawberries, and nibbled on them between sips of the soup. Andre was glad to see her eating.

  He made himself a sandwich from the tray of cold cuts and ate it in silence while mentally going over the afternoon’s events to make sure he’d left nothing to chance.

  It was bad enough that he was responsible for Julian and Lecie’s inheritances, but now, now he was holding his unborn child’s future inheritance in his hands. He couldn’t spoil that. A U.S. wedding taking place today was imperative—his, Tasha’s, and their baby’s future depended on it.

  “You’re very quiet,” she said. “What’s on your mind?”

  He looked at her and smiled. His smile always seemed to calm her. He hoped that was the case now. “I just want this day to be perfect for you.” This wasn’t a road they needed to go down. Andre didn’t need Tasha worrying that he might be marrying her for all the wrong reasons. There would never be a better time than now.

  Andre took the little blue jewelry box from his pocket, opened it up and set it in front of her. He gazed into her eyes and smiled. “I hope you like it.”

  She looked down at the jewelry box and her mouth fell open. “Oh, Andre…”

  “I chose blue diamonds,” he said, almost stuttering and quickly admonished himself for acting like a dunce. He cleared his throat and continued in a tone filled with confidence. “These in particular because they match the color of your eyes.” She was crying now. Andre wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. He hoped it was good. “We can get you a different set,” he offered. “If you don’t like these.”

  “It’s better than okay…” She tried to laugh, but it was mixed with her tears. “They’re absolutely beautiful. I wouldn’t dream of trading my rings in for anything else.”

  Good. Andre took the box and tugged the rings from the crevice. She extended her left hand toward him and he slipped the engagement ring—a round-cut blue diamond haloed by white diamonds—on to her finger, saving the eternity band of matching blue diamonds for the ceremony.

  Andre had picked out the set days ago, before he’d left Europe, but Tasha didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know that he’d come to the States with the intent of asking her to marry him. All she needed to know was that they were hers.


  MOST DAYS, CLAUDETTE ENJOYED HER MID-MORNING TEA on the balcony off her second-floor bedroom that overlooked the rose garden. In the spring the scent was lovely.

  Of course, in September, there wasn’t much to smell, but she had other things to stimulate her happiness now—like Andre’s phone call.

  She couldn’t be more pleased that Andre and Tasha’s marriage would not be one of mere convenience, and she knew Maurice would feel the same once he heard the news.

  The door opened behind her, but she didn’t need to look over her shoulder to know it was Maurice. Not only was it standard procedure for him to join her out here, but his cologne with its slight citrus scent gave away his presence.

  “Good morning, my darling.” Maurice bent to kiss Claudette’s cheek. She smiled and glanced up at her husband just as he moved to the other side of the small table and claimed the empty chair.

  The de Laurent men were all devastatingly handsome, Maurice was no exception. Sure, his face was a bit worn and his hair had long since grayed at the temples. But he still drew the women’s eye. Claudette was not blind to that fact. If he’d ever been unfaithful to her, he was discreet about it. For that Claudette was thankful.

  Maurice took the cloth napkin, shook it out and laid it across his lap. “You seem to be in high spirits this morning.”

  Claudette took the coffeepot, opened it and smelled the steaming brew to make sure Mau
rice hadn’t coerced the servants to sneak a little Bailey’s in the coffee on his behalf. He’d done it before. This time she caught nothing but the reek of strong coffee and moved the pot back toward Maurice’s cup. After filling his cup, she added a little cream and one cube of sugar. Finishing up, she smiled and said, “There’s plenty to be pleased with this morning.”

  “Oh…?” He picked up his spoon and dipped it into his coffee.

  Claudette imagined the prospects of good news that must be flowing through his mind. Camille is pregnant? Lecie has agreed to sell the house she inherited in California? Andre has managed to persuade Tasha….

  Claudette laughed softly to herself. The list of Maurice’s wishes could go on and on. She decided to end the suspense. “Andre telephoned last night.”

  Maurice’s face brightened. “Tasha agreed to the marriage?”

  “Better than that.”

  “What could be better…?”

  “Their marriage is real. It’s not simply one for convenience’s sake.”

  “That is good news. What do you suppose brought this on?”

  She shook her head. “I haven’t a clue. I’m just glad he woke up before she moved on.”

  “Whatever it was, I couldn’t be more pleased.”

  “Oh, yes…” Claudette tipped her forefinger into the air. “Andre said that she doesn’t know about the will’s stipulations and he wants to keep it that way. He doesn’t want her thinking he’s marrying her for the inheritance.”

  “Good point.” Maurice nodded. “I can see why he’d be against her knowing that. But no matter, the marriage is real. The children will all inherit. All is well.”

  “Yes, and I have a million things to do before they arrive.” She stood and dropped her napkin onto the remnants of a pastry on her near-empty plate. “Andre said they want the wedding to take place at the end of next week.”

  “Good. The quicker, the better.” Maurice looked up. “Are they marrying in the States?”

  Claudette nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good. The sooner they’re legally wed…somewhere…the better.”

  Claudette sashayed around the table and gave Maurice a light kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you later, darling.”

  Maurice watched Claudette disappear inside the house, patting the small flask in his jacket pocket. Once he was sure she was out of sight, he pulled it from his pocket, unscrewed the cap and spiked his coffee with a liberal shot. With a chuckle, he replaced the cap and slipped the flask back into his pocket.

  He raised his cup to an imaginary salute and smiled. The Bailey’s not only improved the coffee’s taste, but it allowed him to pose a clandestine toast to his victory.

  “Yes,” Maurice said, just above a whisper. Andre will marry, he will inherit, right along with Julian and Lecie. Maurice glanced upward. “See, Edouard. I told you it would work out…just as I planned.”


  THE DOORBELL RANG. Tasha rose, straightening her skirt.

  Andre scooted to the edge of the couch and laid a gentle hand on her arm. “Mon trésor, I pay Simon a great deal of money to answer the door.”

  Tasha glanced down at Andre. “I’m sure it’s my parents. I think I should be the first person they see.”

  “Very well.” Andre caved with a smile and a slight nod. He watched Tasha head for the door and anxiety began to consume him.

  Of course, her parents liked him, but would they be so magnanimous once they found out what he’d done to their daughter? He was marrying her, though. That had to count for something. Then again, he was taking her to France, thousands of miles away, not to mention across a very large ocean. Andre didn’t see Tasha’s parents being happy about that. The good news was that he could offer to bring them over anytime they wanted to visit.

  Andre stood when Jim and Nola Gordon stepped inside the suite. Extending his hand, he moved toward them and shook the man’s hand. “Jim, it’s nice to see you again.”

  “Always a pleasure, Andre.” Jim looked down at his own attire. “You’ll have to excuse the way I’m dressed. I was out meeting with a few colleagues.” Jim took a swing with an imaginary golf club, then he and Andre both chuckled.

  Jim and Nola claimed one of the two couches in the suite’s main room, while Andre snuggled close to Tasha on the sofa opposite them.

  “How long will you two be in Tahoe?” Nola asked.

  “We’re leaving early this evening,” Andre replied.

  “A short trip then.” Jim Gordon pretzeled his arms over his chest. “It’s too bad you have to leave so soon. I’m sure Nola could’ve whipped up something marvelous for dinner.”

  “Next time.” Andre felt Tasha stiffen and cuddled her closer to him. “Would you like to tell them, mon trésor?” he whispered the words against her ear. “Or shall I?”

  “I will,” she said with far less confidence than she typically had. She sucked in a breath and blew it out between her closed lips. “Mom. Dad. Andre and I are getting married.”

  “Married?” Jim repeated in a crumbling voice. His gaze drifted from Tasha to Andre and back to Tasha again. “I had no idea you two were that serious.”

  “Well I think it’s wonderful!” Nola beamed with pride. “I couldn’t be more pleased.”

  Huh? That was the last thing Tasha expected to hear from her mother—the consummate stage mother.

  “Will you be getting married here in the States, or France?” Nola took over the conversation, effectively cutting off Tasha’s father.

  “Both, actually,” Tasha said. Her father went stone-faced and cleared his throat. No matter what she said from here on out, she doubted her father would be happy. But it mattered little. She and Andre were getting married. She was pregnant. Once she revealed that, then and only then would her father jump reluctantly on board. “Mom. Dad. We’re getting married this afternoon.”

  “What?” Her father’s objection was clear in his tone.

  Andre took his arm from around Tasha’s shoulder and scooted to the edge of the couch. “Mr. Gordon, Jim…I love Tasha very much. And I promise you that I will always take care of her. My only goal in life will be her happiness.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt.” Her father had plastered on his poker face, but Tasha knew, inside he was steaming. “But I can’t help but wonder if you two should take a little more time to consider this.”

  “We can’t, Daddy.” Tasha dropped her gaze to her lap.

  “And why not?”

  “Because…” Tasha paused and pushed her gaze to Andre. “We’re gonna have a baby.”

  Normally, being stuck in the back room of a hotel suite, alone with her mother would set Tasha on a track that led to the far side of distress. But today, the day she would become Mrs. Andre de Laurent, Tasha found her mother’s presence somehow comforting.

  Nola Gordon wasn’t doing anything particularly useful, other than sitting on the edge of the bed while Tasha touched up her make-up. But seeing her mother’s reflection in the mirror gave her some peace.

  Maybe it was the approval thing. All her life, Tasha had wanted nothing more than her mother’s approval, for her mother to be proud of her.

  “Mom, please say you’re happy for me. That you’re not disappointed…even if you don’t mean it.” Tasha paused, holding the eye shadow brush next to her face, and looking at her mother’s reflection in the mirror.

  “Tasha, of course I’m happy for you.” Nola beamed with a bright-eyed smile. Tasha thought her mother might be about to burst. “You’ve really hit the jackpot with Andre.”

  While she’d hoped her mother would add something like, “Andre is a wonderful man, and very deserving of my little girl.” But Tasha knew that was more likely to have been something her father would have said. Nevertheless, Tasha was happy. And she was determined to not let her mother’s lack of pride in her spoil the day.

  Tasha finished her eye make-up and as she swabbed on some blush, she said, “I just didn’t know if you’d think I was gi
ving up on acting to marry Andre, and be disappointed in me.”

  Nola pushed herself up from the bed and latched on to Tasha with a boisterous hug. “Honey, you’ve landed the biggest role of your life. And I’m banking that everything I’ve taught you will help you turn in an Oscar-worthy performance.”

  Gawd, Mom, this isn’t an act. This is my life. Your grandchild’s life that we’re talking about. Tasha reminded herself that she’d silently vowed not to do or say anything to offset the balance of this day. A day that she was determined to remember as perfect. She sucked in a deep, and hopefully cleansing breath, looked up at her mother and smiled. “I’m glad that we’re in agreement. Marrying Andre is the right thing for me to do.”

  “And more than that—” Nola’s biting tone ripped through Tasha. “See to it that you don’t do anything to muck it up.”

  A quiet breeze drifted past Nola Gordon as she and her husband stood at the entrance of the Shoreline Hotel with their daughter and her new husband. The ceremony had been quick, but legal. Nola couldn’t have been prouder of her new son-in-law.

  A limo pulled up to the curb, stopping in front of the party. It would transport Andre and Tasha to the airport for the lengthy flight to Marseilles, France—Tasha’s new home.

  Tasha hugged Jim first. “Daddy, I’m so glad you and Mom could come today.”

  “We wouldn’t have had it any other way.” He smiled at Tasha.

  As Tasha moved toward Nola, Andre offered his hand to Jim. “I’m eternally grateful that you and Mrs. Gordon could come out today. It means as much to me as it does Tasha.”

  “The pleasure was ours, Andre.” Jim gave him an approving nod. “I trust you’ll take excellent care of my daughter.”

  A nervous chuckle reverberated from Tasha as she reached for her mother. Nola pulled Tasha to her and hugged her tightly.

  “Mother, I’m so glad you and Daddy were with me today.” Tasha embraced her a little tighter than usual, which surprised Nola. Tasha kept her arms entwined loosely around Nola. “Promise me you’ll come to France when the baby’s due.”

  “Tasha…” Nola hugged her again. “Of course I want to be there for the last weeks of your pregnancy and the first weeks of my new grandchild’s life!”


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