Family Christmas Miracle: A Dragons' House Story (Dragons' House 5.5)

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Family Christmas Miracle: A Dragons' House Story (Dragons' House 5.5) Page 5

by H. M. Wolfe

  Suddenly, a wave of uneasiness overtook him, and the closer he got to his house, the stronger the feeling that something was horribly wrong became. Ramsay's suspicions were confirmed by the presence of a car in the driveway, right in front of the house. His heart stopped for a moment when he recognized the vehicle as belonging to Duncan.

  The man didn't lose another moment, and, parking his car as quick as he could, he stepped out, heading to the house. On the way, he cast a quick glance in the direction of his son's vehicle and saw the trunk was open and full of bags and suitcases. Among other things, Ramsay saw Tarann's painting supplies, his suspicion that something was very wrong was confirmed.

  ''Please, keep in mind that I was a devoted, faithful wife all these years. I never cheated on you, not even once.'' Miranda greeted him, wringing her hands. ''Please, don't listen to that boy, someone has filled his head with lies and turned him against me.''

  ''Listen, darling'' Ramsay cut her short in a slightly irritated voice. ''I don't have time right now for your lamentations. Duncan's home, so I want to talk to him. In private.'' he continued, dismissing her with a gesture of his hand.

  ''Hi, dad.'' his firstborn headed to him, coming from his office. ''I'm glad you could make it here early. And she can join us for our little discussion. In fact, I insist on her presence. Tarann will join us a little bit later.'' the young man said in a firm, determined voice.

  ''Someone, please tell me what is going on here.'' Ramsay walked into the office, plopping down in a chair. ''First things first. I'm happy to see you, son, even if your visit is a little surprising, to say the least.''

  ''I've received an offer from the New York DA's office, and I accepted. As you know, the big bad boss, Ian Saint-Clair, has been my idol ever since I was in high school. And it's an enormous privilege to work for and with him. I already made all the necessary arrangements, and I'm taking Tarann with me.''

  ''Slow down a bit, young man. I'm too old for this. I'm delighted that you have the chance to work for your role model, but what about school? Will you give up the chance of graduating Harvard, after working so hard for it? And what's with all this nonsense about taking Tarann with you? I don't remember you asking for my permission to...''

  ''Look, dad, there's the easy way and the hard way. You either let me take my brother from this house, out of this poisonous atmosphere, or we can wait until he turns eighteen...that is if he survives, of course. Dad, please, my brother is dying a little every day. Let me bring him back to life. He gave up his art, friends, life...she and her spoiled brats have reduced Tarann to nothing.''

  ”Darling, listen to me!'' Miranda reacted promptly, ''That boy has serious issues. He has become incredibly violent. A few months ago, he even attacked poor Trent out of the blue, hitting and bruising him all over. I have a whole list of his friends who can confirm that you can call them.''

  Ramsay remained silent, terrified at his firstborn's revelation: Tarann had given up his art. He had ceased to express himself, and that meant only one thing: the boy had become hopeless. He was hiding his true self and was a mere shadow of the happy, outgoing, outspoken boy he once was. The signs were there all the time, but he was too busy being a good father to Trent and Amelia to notice.

  To do this, Ramsay took from the time he should have spent in the company of Duncan, Tarann, and Tess, but he thought his selfless children wouldn't mind. And they didn't, because, unlike the miscreants, all of them were selfless, loving souls, even the older boy, who saw those two just like they were: spoiled, irresponsible, uneducated, stupid even. He showed tolerance to all these flaws, but no more, not when they were repaying him by pushing Tarann over the edge.

  ''Duncan, would you please bring your sister here? She has been desperately trying to talk to me over the past couple of months, but I thought it was about her eternal dispute with Amelia, so I dismissed her. I was a shitty father, I know, and I'm sorry.''

  ''Hey, Tessie, you can come down.'' the young man gently spoke into his phone. ''No, you can let him sleep some more, we are not leaving yet.''

  ''Hi, dad.'' the girl appeared in the office a few minutes later, waving shyly in Ramsay's direction. However, she quickly turned to her older brother, seeking refuge in his protective embrace.

  ''OK, honey. Tell me what's happened. If it's true that Tarann hit Trent and why it happened.'' Ramsay offered her a wide, encouraging smile. ''And please, don't hold back. I will excuse the use of foul language. This time, it is completely justified.''

  'So,'' Tess started, taking a deep breath, ''that swine came accompanied by a dozen assholes like him, all drunk, and they went into Tarann's studio, picked on him and started to call him ugly names, but my brother ignored them. Then, the swines trashed the place and that scumbag Trent started to tear up all his paintings and laughed hysterically when my brother cried and begged him to stop.''

  ''I suppose that your son's friends can confirm this, too, Miranda?'' Ramsay said in an ice-cold voice. ''Never mind, go on, Tess, and please, don't leave anything out.''

  The fourteen-year-old nodded. Then, after swallowing hard a few times in a row, she continued. ''I came in at the point and shouted at them to stop, and they started to call me names and threaten me. That's when Tarann snapped and started to hit the shit-face. Plus, just before that, he found the painting my brother did last year, that one with you and mom and us when we were little and destroyed it.''

  ''A week or so after that, Mister Whittaker, Tarann's art teacher, called and asked me to convince you to reconsider pulling him from his art classes. I knew that it was Miranda's doing, and I wanted to intervene on the spot, but my brother called me and begged me not to. He didn't want your marriage ruined because of him.'' Duncan flatly spoke.

  ''But then Tarann passed out during Math class, and I called Duncan because I've tried to talk to you, but...I'm sorry, dad.'' the girl lowered her gaze. ''I also called Mattie, and she came here, but that woman said you didn't want to see her anymore. I don't know why Mattie hasn't called you? She said she would.''

  A terrible suspicion made Ramsay's blood freeze, as, with a shaky hand, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. The man checked the inbox for messages and calls from his sister, only to discover that her number was blocked for incoming calls, emails, or messages. Miranda had plenty of opportunities to do that, isolating him from the lifeline between him and the children.

  The plan was simple, diabolically simple. She'd have put it together two years earlier when Tarann came out as gay in front of everyone. Miranda and her spawn were the only ones who'd showed their disapproval, only to be hushed by Roderick, Mattie, and Ramsay himself.

  But the woman had exacted her revenge bit by bit, with cruelty and patience. Hoping that, once all his children became estranged, she would have the man's money and attention only for herself and her brats.

  ''Tess, go upstairs and pack your things. All of them.'' Ramsay's voice was deadly calm. ''I'll do the same. It won't take long. Your brother will carry your bags downstairs and put them in my car. Meanwhile, you wake Tarann up and help him get ready.'' he offered his daughter a warm smile.

  ''You can't do that to me, to us!'' Miranda intervened, her voice demanding, once she was exposed. ''Think about...''

  ''Watch me!'' Ramsay replied in the same cold voice. ''I'll leave you the house and not a cent more. And don't try to turn our divorce into a cheap drama either, or else I'll have your precious Trent charged with abuse and vandalism. Game over, Miranda.''


  o, where are we going now?'' Tess asked her father as soon as he started the car. ''Not that I don't trust you or anything...''

  ''I understand you, sweetie. You guys have always loved and understood me. It is I who betrayed your trust, but no more...First, we are stopping at your granddad's to say goodbye and stay there for the night. I'll try and contact Mattie, see if she can come, too. I owe her many apologies and explanations.''

  ''And after that? Will you commute back and forth for your
job? Because I could take care of Tarann until he gets back on his feet again, there will be only us, and...''

  ''I've been fired. I was going to tell you all this evening, after dinner, but the Big Guy in the Sky decided otherwise.'' Ramsay offered his daughter a pale smile. ''Anyway, it's better this way, because there's a job waiting for me in New York, I just need to send an email, and it's mine.''

  ''Really?!'' The man couldn't see the girl, but, judging by her excited voice, Tess's dark green eyes must've shone like two emeralds. ''Please, tell me more about these guys!''

  ''Well, the main senior partner, Mallory Stark, is younger than me. He's around thirty-two or so, and the other two, Christine Bloom and Richard Benard, are in their late twenties. They all graduated from law school with flying colors and are among the best in the country.''

  ''I'm happy for you, dad,'' Tess said in a sincere voice. ''You always taught us that doing what you love and having good communication with your co-workers are the most rewarding experiences, more important than money.'' the teen explained.

  ''Since when did you become such a wise child?'' Ramsay grinned, then added, in a more serious tone. ''I guess you always were like that. You are so much like your mother...I've made some pretty shitty choices over the past few years. I hope it's not too late to right the wrongs.''

  ''It's never too late. You should relax instead of worrying so much. It won't do Tarann any good. Instead, he will feel guilty for causing you problems. And dad, there's no need to use gender-neutral pronouns when talking to me. I'm still a girl, only I like my hair cut short, and I prefer jeans and shirts instead of dresses, skirts and cropped tops. Boys' clothes are more comfortable.''

  Ramsay silently nodded, thinking about the day when Claire announced she was pregnant. The girl was scared, shaking like a leaf. But the then-boy held and comforted her, whispering reassuring words. In his heart, there wasn't the slightest trace of doubt that he was the father of the child she carried, and he acted accordingly during the whole pregnancy.

  Of course, when it came to feeding, changing, bathing, or putting to bed the little bundles of joy, Ramsay was an expert. But nothing prepared him for a moment like the one he'd just experienced. Seeing how wise his children were filled the man's heart with joy, but the thought also pained him. And sometimes he wished they would have been less mature and more childish and playful. Maybe, just maybe it wasn't too late to make up for all the wasted time.

  ''Look, Mattie's car!'' Tess's lively voice managed to brighten her father's mood, bringing him back from the not-so-happy place he'd been. ''I've missed her a lot these last couple of months.''

  ''You are not the only one, kiddo.'' Ramsay mentally smacked himself over the head for not giving his sister a single call in more than two months.

  ''Mattie is here!?'' Tarann also exclaimed, his tired eyes a little brighter. ''Dad, can I...could I sleepover at her place? Please?''

  ''Of course, you can, son.'' Ramsay smiled, ruffling the boy's slightly waved hair. ''Tess, you can go with them, too, if you want.''

  ''When it rains, it pours.'' Roderick jokingly greeted them. ''It looks almost like my whole family decided to visit me. In fact, considering that your brother also showed up a few days ago, this old man is delighted right now. And, since we are all gathered in one place, I'm going to make an announcement.''

  ''Oh, great, I already feel chills running down my spine,'' Ramsay replied with another joke, warmly hugging his father. ''Living-room or library?'' he asked, looking around.

  ''Dining-room. We'll have dinner first and announcements later because I suspect you also have news for me. Am I wrong?'' Roderick's eyes pierced into his son's soul, making him nod in approval.

  ''Hi, guys!'' Mattie greeted them, busy setting the table for dinner. ''Oh, Tarann, dear, dear, child, how happy I am to see you!'' she hugged the teen, her heartbreaking at how thin he was. ''Dinner's ready. Dad cooked steak, baby potatoes, peas, and broccoli salad.''

  ''Wow, you outdid yourself!'' Ramsay exclaimed, pleasantly surprised. ''This is the kids' favorite menu. And mine, for that matter.'' he gave his father a sad smile. ''This really must be a special occasion.''

  ''As I said, dinner first, cross-examination later.'' Roderick patted his son on the back. ''Now I'm hungry. It's way past my dinner time, and I may be an old man, but I have the hunger of two younger ones.''

  They sat around the table and ate, praising the tasty food and the cook's skills. Ramsay and Mattie remembered the times their parents cooked together, sharing the responsibilities. Although an Earl by birth, Roderick detested the pompous lifestyle of the British aristocracy. He'd never enjoyed the tens of servants, one for each minor chore, and his wife had agreed.

  Of course, they had a nanny for the children. At least until they'd reached five years of age, they'd also had a housekeeper and a cook, but that was all, cause Roderick had also inherited Lady Cecilia's aversion for luxurious parties with tens or even hundreds of guests. Because of this, he hadn't invested in a huge house. He hadn't needed a large home with a lot of rooms that needed maintenance, even if they were used only a couple of times a year.

  ''Thank you, grandpa, it was delicious,'' Tarann spoke in his usual, quiet voice, licking his plate clean after he helped himself two more times.

  ''You can say that again, bro!'' Tessa enthusiastically approved. ''Now that was a real meal,'' she added.

  ''I'm happy you enjoyed it, kiddies. It makes me feel young again to cook for you like that.''" Roderick sighed in contentment. ''And now, the news: I was invited by someone to spend an indefinite period at his Connecticut mansion, and I decided to accept the invitation. That person's name is Alastair Stark.''

  ''That makes a lot of sense,'' Ramsay said, in a very relaxed voice. ''Sorry for not saying that until now. It's not like I want to keep it hidden, but...Anyway, I've been fired, and I accepted the offer Stark, Bloom&Associates made me. They are New York-based, and the senior partner is one Mallory Stark. He's most likely related to Alastair.''

  ''Dad, for a corporate lawyer as brilliant as you are, the fact that you don't know who Alastair Stark is, comes as a huge surprise.'' Duncan's eyes were wide in shock. ''The guy and his family are the richest of the rich, with a combined net worth of almost a thousand billion!'' he continued. ''And, by the way, Mallory is Alastair's husband, not his son.''

  ''And to think I was feeling guilty about going to New York and leaving you behind!'' Mattie sighed, relieved. ''I also have news, but the whole thing is a little more complicated, so bear with me, please.''

  ''Nobody's going anywhere,'' Roderick said in a gentle voice. ''Besides, we are all curious to hear what you have to say.''

  ''Well, Henry took the offer of Van Sloot Jewelry Designing and quit the job at that shitty firm. I didn't believe in love and that sappy stuff, until now. Now, I've realized I'm falling for the guy. Hard. So I resigned and sent Van Sloot an email, applying for an entry-level position, and they answered me on the spot.''

  ''I hope they considered your application?'' Ramsay said in a stern voice. ''With all due respect for what their name means in the fashion industry. But the guys at Van Sloot would be fools not to take you on.''

  ''Oh, they ignored my application.'' Mattie smirked, ''And made me the head of the design department, saying that they were impressed by my portfolio, and then it hit me.''

  ''What hit you?'' curiosity was dripping from Tess's voice, her eyes shining.

  ''A week ago, I made a lot of sketches. They were the most beautiful pieces I've ever designed, only to discover someone had stolen them while I was on lunch break.''

  Mattie started to tell her family about that unpleasant incident. The nasty remarks Wade made when she reported the situation and his insinuations that she staged the whole thing to secure her job, by putting pressure on management. Then, the manipulative bastard brought the matter to the board's attention himself, accusing her of behaving arrogantly with the junior designers and looking down on them.

; Of course, the morons on the board sided with the idiot, admonishing her in front of virtually everyone. Never mind that her creations brought millions to the company, and the junior designer complained about the way she behaved as a doll-faced brat who jumped there directly from Wade's bed.

  ''In fact, it was Henry who took the sketches, sending them to Van Sloot,'' Mattie concluded her story. ''This was his way of dragging my stubborn ass to New York and start all over again, saving my career and sanity.''

  ''Henry's a good guy,'' Ramsay nodded in approval, ''and I'm pleased you've finally realized that after all the courting he's done to you both as a man and a woman.''

  ''Wait, what?!'' Mattie was genuinely shocked. ''He's never courted me. His heart is taken, and that's why I never said anything about my feelings for him. There's this woman who...never mind.''

  ''Exactly, never mind,'' Roderick said, seeing that the subject made his daughter unhappy. ''What about us leaving at the same time? Maybe, after the holidays. I'll search for an apartment or a house in New York. It's time to move on, to give my life a new turn. Your mother will live forever in my heart and mind. She'll always be wherever I an, and, above all, she'll live in all of you. Locking myself up in this house was a mistake, and I have the feeling that this invitation I've gotten from the mysterious Alastair Stark is a new beginning.''


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