Family Christmas Miracle: A Dragons' House Story (Dragons' House 5.5)

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Family Christmas Miracle: A Dragons' House Story (Dragons' House 5.5) Page 9

by H. M. Wolfe

  ''Oh, I see...well, I guess old habits die hard because, for years, I had trouble sleeping and woke up really early. Now, the situation preventing me from sleeping is gone, Ardan took care of that, but I still get up at the crack of dawn.''

  ''I like Ardan very much. He's very protective of the little ones and cares deeply about Alasdair, who cracks me up. That guy is hilarious.'' Tarann smiled.

  ''Yes, and a hell of a good brain surgeon already.'' Thaddeus proudly said, giving the boy a mug filled with hot, freshly brewed, aromatic tea. ''One day, that boy is going to be the greatest doctor of his generation. Not to mention how affectionate, strong, brave, and selfless he is.''

  ''Are we talking about the same person?'' Tarann flashed a cute grin. ''Because the one I met yesterday had a big, yelling mouth, and was constantly bragging about how charming he is, and that's why he gets away with everything...Ardan must be very in love with him.'' the kid sighed.

  ''Yes, those two are a force of nature together. They are unstoppable, just like Daniel and Tarquin, Eugene and Elliott, or Dominic and the current leader of Bratva, Igor Braginsky.''

  ''Wait a minute!'' Tarann said, a little alarmed. ''Did you just say Bratva? As in the Russian Mafia? And isn't Braginsky that kid Kellin's last name?''

  ''Oh, calm down, little one. There.' nothing to be afraid of.'' Thaddeus put his mug down and started to massage his nephew's tense shoulders. ''Often, things are not what they seem at first sight. People who appear nice and charming can hide a lot of hate in their souls, while those labeled as dangerous carry flowers in their hearts.''

  Tarann didn't reply, remembering the cruelty of his stepmother. She was a woman of impeccable manners, who, for her friends, was the embodiment of maternal expression, and had treated him with that cruelty. She'd taken everything from him, encouraging her offspring to apply the same treatment to one she'd seen as an embarrassment ever since he'd come out.

  However, the signs were there even before that moment. But everyone ignored them, including Tarann. He'd innocently believed Miranda was right when she was snapping hate out of the blue, and that his punishments were well-deserved. Although he'd left that house and the people living there, for almost ten days now, the kid hadn't felt genuinely free or happy. At least until the day before.

  ''Uncle Thaddeus?'' he started, casting a shy look in the man's direction, ''is everyone in this family like that?''

  ''Like what? I admit we are a weird bunch at times, but once you get used to us...'' the man tried to joke, taking another long sip from his mug.

  ''So loving and accepting people?'' Tarann barely whispered, lowering his gaze. ''Unnatural freaks, like me.''

  ''Oh, so you are gay?'' Thaddeus nodded in understanding. ''That explains a lot,'' he grinned like a Cheshire cat. ''Well, let's see: I have two sons, one gay, one bisexual. Sebastian's sons are both gay. Willa has one gay son. Quinlan is gay. Dominic, too, and it seems that Gaheris, his son, is also attracted to boys. And not to mention your bisexual uncle you are talking to.''

  ''Wow! That is...'' Tarann couldn't find his words. ''That is wonderful! I've never heard of such an amazingly diverse and supportive family like this one. You can't even imagine, Uncle, how much that means to me!''

  ''I know, son,'' Thaddeus whispered, tentatively touching the boy's cheek. ''Sometimes, our parents make choices that seem in our best interest, thinking that they are protecting us, or are offering us a better life. However, those choices turn out to be wrong, but not because of those who make them.''

  ''Look at you two busy bees.'' Willa stepped into the kitchen, wrapped in a thick, fluffy robe, ''and here I thought no one else was up. Is there still some tea left for this thirsty girl?'' she asked, kissing Thaddeus on the cheek. ''G'morning, brother.''

  ''G'morning, sis.'' the man weakly smiled, pouring tea into another mug and handing it to Willa. ''Here's your tea, enjoy.''

  ''Bless you. What are your plans for today, sweetheart?'' she turned to Tarann, who'd emptied his mug, and was washing it.

  ''I was thinking about asking Uncle Thaddeus to show me a spot with a good view so that I can paint a bit.'' Tarann blushed violently while saying the words. ''Colin said you grew up here, so you are familiar with the property.''

  ''Oh, so we have another artist in the family!'' Willa exclaimed in an enthusiastic voice. ''Isn't it great? Now Colin will have someone to talk to about art since we live pretty close to you, in New York City.''

  ''It's too cold for you little artists, to paint outside, but I know the perfect spot in the sunroom, I could take you there when and if you want,'' Thaddeus spoke in his gentle voice.

  Tarann nodded, the affection radiating from his aunt and uncle wrapped around him like a comfortable blanket. He hadn't felt like that in a very long time, probably since his mother passed away, the kid thought with melancholy. For a while, Ramsay tried to be a substitute for her, but it was a tough job, especially since Tess was so little.

  Of course, they'd had a nanny, who was way funnier than Miranda, even in her best moments. But then his sister grew up, and the woman was no longer needed. With Duncan focused on his studies, His father always busy, and Mattie pushed away by their stepmother, who'd claimed she didn't need her help or advice; Tarann had grown lonelier by the day. Even before being subjected to the bullying over his sexuality.

  But that was then, the kid shrugged. He inhaled the sweet aroma of spices, raisins, lemons, and oranges in that spacious kitchen, with its deep sinks and shiny utensils hanging from racks on the walls. Just then, Raven, followed by that Lothier guy, Ardan, and Alasdair, stepped into the kitchen, grabbing the breakfast sandwiches Willa had prepared while Tarann was in his deep state of reflection.

  ''Good morning, kiddo.'' Ardan lightly touched the boy's shoulder, smiling, ''How did you sleep last night? Did Kellin snore in your ear?''

  ''No. The truth is, I was so tired I didn't hear anything. Does he snore? Because that's incredibly cute.'' Tarann blushed.

  ''There's no need to blush.'' Ardan ruffled the rusty-red locks adorning Roderick's grandson's head. ''I also consider snoring extremely cute. All those little noises the one next to you emits...I am at peace when I hear the Spitfire snoring. It calms me down...''

  ''I am the most charming person on the face of the Earth,'' Alasdair proclaimed with a toothy smile, ''and I have a boyfriend who adores me and lets me get away with everything. Among other things, I snore quite loudly at times, but he still doesn't mind, because that man is the best in the Universe.''

  ''You are fortunate to have someone so special in your life.'' Tarann sighed. ''Don't let him go or drive him away as I did with mine.''

  ''Come on, lad. Let's take you to that perfect painting spot.'' Thaddeus gestured to the door. ''Go, get your sketch pad and pencils. I'll wait for you in the corridor.''

  ''Here I am!'' the kid came back ten minutes later, wearing a thick, fluffy, turtleneck sweater.

  ''Just a minute, young man.'' Zoe's fragile voice stopped him. "You seem very nice, and I was wondering if you would like to help us in the kitchen for a while. Nothing too complicated just cut the dough into the special shapes and put them in the oven. The temperature is all set, and...''

  ''Christmas cookies? Are you asking me to help you with the Christmas cookies?'' Tarann was radiating happiness, and it could be noticed in his body posture, facial expression, and voice. ''You can count on me, Grandma Zoe!''

  ''Thank you, sweetheart.'' the matriarch said, her eyes shining. ''It's a relatively new tradition, we only started it this year on Thanksgiving, but we intend to keep it. All the children helped with the cakes and cookies, loving every second of it. And, since the number of guests will be double on Christmas, there are a lot of cookies to make and bake.''

  Taking off the sweater, Tarann went back into the kitchen, where two portions of dough already waited to be cut into shapes. Fortunately, the helpers had started to appear one by one, filling the place, much to the ladies' delight and reli
ef. While Kellin, Gaheris, Brianna, Royal, Gavin, Lorcan, and the newly arrived Marcus, Hayden, Avery, and Caleb were in charge of shaping the cookies, the blondies, Kieran, Colin, Tess, Natalina, and Carrie-Louise were decorating them.

  Lazarus also joined them, and everything started to go smoother and quicker, Dargon having an essential contribution to the excellent work. The bat-sized dragon seemed very well-behaved, except when it came to mistletoe, that was never in sight. The conversation was extremely animated, with Christmas presents one of the main subjects.

  ''Oh, shit!'' Marcus slapped himself over the forehead. ''I forgot to buy a present for Justin! What do I do now?'' he whined.

  ''"You apologize to him, and that's it.'' Hayden shrugged. ''It's not the end of the world. My cousin doesn't give much importance to those things, anyway.''

  ''But I do! Besides, it's our first Christmas together; it was supposed to be special.'' the young Tanner pouted.

  ''Oh, but it will be.'' Avery grinned. ''Precisely because you didn't buy him a present, that's the best way of making this holiday a remarkable one.''

  ''Come on, cousin, don't be such an asshole.'' Royal intervened in a soft voice. ''Don't make the poor guy's situation harder than it already is.''

  ''Hey, Marcus! What about a tattoo?'' Brianna came to the boys' table, wanting to give a helping hand as always when it came to her gay cousins and friends. ''You could choose two identical or matching ones. Get yours done and pay for Justin's.''

  ''Yes, that's a great idea.'' Caleb enthusiastically approved, smiling softly in the girl's direction. ''Ardan got two, as a present from Alasdair, and they are elegant and discreet. One is around his right wrist, saying A Survivor, Not A Victim, and the other one is an oak leaf garland, with Bua na Bas wrote above it. That's our family's motto; it means Victory or Death in Celtic.'' he explained to the slightly confused audience.

  ''Hey, guys, can I give a suggestion, too?'' the whispered voice of Lazarus made the group of teens turn in his direction.

  They smiled, gesturing for him to come closer. Everyone loved the shy, cute kid with a so-called dragon as a pet, one who was always there when it came to giving a helping hand. Although all the kids welcomed him with open arms, expressing their affection in many ways, he preferred to spend most of the time in the Bloom-Ballard triplets' company.

  Lazarus was especially attached to Lochlin, who saw him as an older brother, looking up to him. Every time he needed help, and the hybrid was around, the blond kid ran straight to him. He knew that the older boy always had the answers to anything. However, as wise as he was, Lazarus did his best to show the same level of affection and attention to all three brothers.

  ''Of course, kiddo. Any idea is welcome.'' Gaheris ruffled the hybrid's pitch-black hair. ''So, what do you have in mind?''

  ''Well, I thought that the best present Marcus could give Justin for Christmas is himself. Well, not in that way.'' he violently blushed. ''I mean, not necessarily, although one thing could lead to another and...''

  ''Now, you've made me curious.'' Avery intervened. ''I have a feeling this plan of yours is going to be great.''

  ''Well, what if Marcus wears only a pair of some sexy underwear, a G-string, for instance, and tinsel wrapped around his waist? And he could come out of a nicely wrapped box?''

  ''Wow, what did I tell you? The greatest idea of all time!'' Avery proclaimed, the chorus of murmured approvals coming as a confirmation of his words.

  ''Guys, wait! I can't do that, no way,!" Marcus raised his hands in a gesture of total, utter surrender. ''It's so...inappropriate. Don't even think about it. Besides.'' the young man paused for a bit. ''there's no box here big enough to contain me, even if I agreed, which I'm not...''

  ''You are right about the box. We wouldn't be able to find one that big.'' Brianna said in a disappointed voice. ''But we could build one. There's a lot of heavy-duty cardboard and duct tape around. We could even involve the little ones and keep them busy while we still work in the kitchen. What about that?''

  ''Good idea, sis.'' Royal gave her two thumbs up. ''We can put a lot of holes in the box, so Marcus can breathe properly during the time he's in it. Oh, and we need someone to keep everyone else away from the grand reception hall while Justin unwraps his present.''

  ''That's an easy one.'' Tarann intervened for the first time. ''Ask Ardan to do it, he would help you. Well, at least I think so...'' the boy hesitated, lowering his head.

  ''Of course, that is the perfect solution.'' the kids unanimously agreed. ''He's always helped us and doesn't ask as many questions like the other adults do.''

  Happy that they'd found a solution to their friend's pressing problem, the kids went back to their places, getting another round of cookies ready to be baked. Tarann imitated them, going over next to Kellin. Eyes closed, he inhaled the sweet scent of the teen, sighing contentedly as the warmth radiating from the other's body enveloped him.

  Every time the tips of their fingers accidentally touching each other, a light blush colored the boys' cheeks, and apologetic smiles appeared at the corners of their mouths. The two of them stood so close to each other, they could hear one another's heartbeat, and that offered both of them an incredible sense of peace and safety.

  Once all the impressive amount of dough was turned into deliciously smelling, freshly baked cookies, the kids' mission was ended, and they headed to the dining room for lunch. That consisted mainly of leftovers from last night's dinner. However, nobody complained, because the food was as tasty as the night before.

  After lunch, the little children were taken into the nursery by Sue Ellen, the nanny. She, with the help of some of the older kids, Lazarus included, convinced them to take a nap. Instead of going to his room, like most of the other teens. Instead, Tarann went to the sunroom, like he'd intended that morning, and started to sketch in his pad.

  With every line he added on the sheet of paper, the small smile playing on the boy's well-contoured, pink lips became broader and brighter, lightening his stunning emerald-green eyes. Around him, the atmosphere was dense, filled with mystery, as if something special was about to happen.

  Tarann felt the vibrations, but he was sure that the event was going to be magic, like everything he'd experienced during the last twenty-four hours.


  or the last time, Thaddeus. Are you sure Ezra proposed to Peyton?'' Alastair asked his nephew, boring his dark-green eyes in the younger man's sapphire-blue ones. ''I wouldn't want to give them the impression we're forcing them into marrying each other if that's not what they want.''

  ''For the last time, Uncle. Yes, I'm sure. Neither of them wore any jewelry before their son was born. Then, when I went to the apartment complex to see baby Christopher, I noticed this ring on Peyton's finger. I would have recognized it out of a million others.'' Thaddeus said, eyes shining.

  ''Why is that?'' Roderick curiously asked, eager to find out more about his new family's past and their secrets.

  ''It belonged to my father-in-law, and his father before him. My ex-wife, Selma, passed it to Ezra when the two of them reconciled. And he's given it to his soon-to-be-husband.''

  ''I see now.'' Alastair's younger brother nodded in approval. ''Thad is right if the young man in question wears the ring, it's because Ezra gave it to him willingly and wholeheartedly.''

  ''They,'' Mallory said in a soft voice. ''We all refer to Peyton as they, or them, not he or she. It's the way they identify themselves. When I talked to the wedding officiant about tomorrow's ceremony, I insisted he should use the term spouse instead of husband.''

  ''So, everything's arranged, then?'' Alastair turned to his husband, a gratitude-filled look in his eyes. ''Thank you, my love. I knew I could count on you to take care of that matter. Now, back to the Ardan situation. What did he exactly ask you boys to do?'' he faced Thaddeus and Sebastian.

  ''I have no idea, and neither does my brother.'' the youngest of the two men shrugged. ''He just approached us, asking if we would like to
speak for him. You know Ardan very well by now, Uncle. The guy is very reserved and secretive, but there's not a bad bone in his body. So, it must be about helping him with a surprise for Alasdair or something along those lines.''

  The men fell silent. They were taking a break after all the planning and plotting, as Roderick called their discussions about Ezra and Peyton's wedding and the reception that would follow, held right there, in the mansion's grand reception hall. Alastair and Mallory, with the generous help of Sebastian and his men, had taken care of everything, to Thaddeus's eternal gratitude.

  Of course, they had to involve the women of the clan. Especially, as they were the ones cooking all the food, and the ladies' enthusiasm for the news was far beyond Alastair and Mallory's most optimistic expectations. They'd spent days on end looking through the old recipe collections inherited from their mothers and grandmothers. They were in search of the tastiest traditional Christmas dishes.


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