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Lewd Kingdoms: Shadow's Edge: A High Fantasy Digital Adventure

Page 6

by Eden Redd

  Edric shrugged the ogre away and sat forward, eyes moving from the wood elf to the lancer and then settling on the bard.

  “I’ve spent a lot of time playing games like Minecraft and Sims but they all felt pretty hollow at times. I was interested in Lewd Saga but I didn’t join in until the Lewd Kingdoms update went into effect. It was the push I needed to be part of the game. The update notes really spoke to me, giving players the freedom to carve out their own kingdoms. I bought the Mind’s Eye Gear system and joined. I’m glad it’s not too easy to build what you want. I like the challenge.”

  Edric let a small smile slip, “Plus, I get to meet such incredible players.”

  Faye returned Edric’s small smile, “Buttering us up, hmmm?”

  The summoner leaned back, Leeta holding him close again. “I won’t lie, I could use the help. I hope when you see Elora, you may want to stay a little longer.”

  Claudia’s eyes took an introspective look, “What will you do once you build your city? Being so close to the Middle Kingdoms, it won’t be easy.”

  Edric kept his smile as he took the wine bottle from Leeta’s lap and took a swig. Wiping the edge of his mouth with his forearm, he passed it back to the beautiful ogre.

  “It may sound corny….but I want to make a difference. Lukken sits on a cliff’s edge and….I want to be there when the players win it back.”

  The lancer nodded, “I think we all want that.”

  “And what if they destroy what you’ve built?” Faye asked simply.

  Edric eyed her, “Then I will rebuild and keep rebuilding until we win, but I think our luxury commodity may keep us around long enough to get where we need to be.”

  Rayna let her fingers glide across lute strings, sending a vibration down everyone’s spines. “That has to be the most idiotic thing I ever heard. You sound like every newbie player who enters the game. Everyone thinks they will be the hero until they reach a point where it is impossible.”

  All eyes turned to the bard.

  Rayna continued, “Caspian fed us the same bullshit. We fought against the trolls for over a year and never made a dent. Building a city by the enemy will only cause them to attack. You can’t even reach your own city without our help. You should sell off what you have and journey west to greener pastures while everyone else kills each other.”

  Faye shook her head, “Rayna….”

  Edric’s eyes sagged, “It’s okay Faye. She’s right. I know it’s an impossible task but it’s one I’ve decided to take on. I only want you to see what I have planned and hope you stay but I understand if you don’t want too. Caspian fed me the same rhetoric when I joined but I knew deep down, joining the guild was a means to an end. I needed the protection until I was strong enough to return it.

  “I think the guild disbanding was a blessing in disguise. We are now free to make our own destinies. I’m not going to fill your heads with dreamy promises but I hope you give me a chance to prove myself.”

  Rayna looked up with one eye, “And when you get what you want, what happens to everyone who helped you?”

  Edric’s eyes took on a serious gleam, “Then we share in making something great together.”

  Rayna rolled her eyes. Faye tilted her head forward, eyes closed and a smirk on her lips. Claudia’s eyes sparkled for a moment before she looked away. Edric kept his serious gaze. He knew deep down, his heart spoke true. In the two months he played the game, most players seemed absorbed in fucking and fighting. He didn’t think anything negatively about it but the distraction would only hold players back from doing something truly grand. The player felt it in his bones; he could build the city he always wanted and try to make a difference. Reality was a stagnant pool bent on keeping him under thumb but here, real dreams could be achieved.

  “Whatever,” Rayna hissed. “I’ll take first watch. This city better be worth all this trouble or I’m collecting the slap I owe you.”

  Edric grinned.

  Claudia was first to stand and stretch her arms. “See you all in the morning.”

  The lancer made her way to her tent and crawled inside. Faye stood up and gave Edric and Rayna a silent nod before retiring to her tent. Edric looked to Rayna as she sat against a tree. The bard in black leather looked down to her lute, fingers sliding along strings but no sound escaping.

  “I’m tired,” Leeta yawned before curling her arm around Edric’s waist and standing up.

  The summoner let out a sigh as he was hoisted up like an animal in the ogre’s arm. Rayna looked up and smiled as the summoner struggled slightly. Leeta made her way to the largest tent and pulled aside the flap. Stepping inside, the flap fell into place behind them.

  “Leeta, you have to stop doing that. It’s embarrassing,” Edric said as she put him down.

  Edric bought a larger tent during their adventures because Leeta was not having it sleeping in her stone. She would put up with it from time to time but when she had a little wine in her, she didn’t listen to anything he had to say.

  The ogre was on her knees as she pulled at her black dress. The fabric hugged her hourglass form until she pulled at the straps from her shoulders. Edric wasn’t short standing at close to six feet tall but the ogre’s seven-foot frame still seemed to make him feel small. Large firm breasts spilled out in the lone lantern light. Dark pert nipples bounced as she undid her belt and snaked her hips from the black fabric.

  Edric found himself silent and staring. Leeta’s beauty was stunning as she slipped the fabric down her legs. Thick thighs touched as heavy breasts bounced to her movements. Her skin was a dark tan, her horn an ivory white. Long black hair touched her shoulders and smooth skin covered a toned but sensual body.

  Thoughts floated away as the blood drained from his brain. The player could not deny that he liked strong but sensual women. Monster girls seemed to feed his kink further as Leeta gave him a drunken smile. The player found selecting his kinks intimidating when he first created his character, but knew honesty was the best policy. He had heard stories that despite picking your kinks, even if you lied or were too embarrassed on what you desired, the game had a way of finding out what you really liked. It was a freeing and humbling experience. Edric could not deny the allure of Amazonian women and his manhood stiffened in agreement.

  Hand reaching up, the player pressed his palm to his chest. Robe, small clothes and weapons faded from his body. Standing in his naked glory, Leeta scooted forward on her knees, eyes sliding down his toned form and lingering on his stiff member.

  “You make me happy,” Leeta slurred.

  The ogre’s hands reached up and grabbed the summoner by the arms. Lifting him up, she laid him down on the bed mat. Edric felt like he had little say in the matter as she crawled over his legs and licked the tip of his cock. With a hungry gaze, the ogre dipped her head, lips wrapping around his throbbing head.

  A hint of Spanish guitar touched the area for a second before it died. Edric sucked in a breath as tight lips slid down inches. The player knew Rayna was listening. Since the night was so quiet, he assumed Faye and Claudia were listening as well. A sliver of red touched the summoner’s cheeks as he tried to not think about it. Thoughts swirled to the three beautiful women and his cock pulsed. Leeta moaned her delight, lips touching the base of his member and tongue pressed along his veiny shaft. She suckled his cock, eyes closed and the length of her curved horn touching Edric’s stomach. Edric thanked the game designers for ensuring he was not stabbed as she deep throated him. Soon Leeta began to move, wet inches appearing and disappearing from her tight lips.

  Edric could not contain a groan as the ogre expertly worked his manhood. The heated distraction was not lost to the player. He knew they had a lot to do but Leeta or the game had other ideas. Heavy breasts touching his thighs while Leeta’s head bobbed, caused his manhood to thicken. The player sighed as he could feel the pressure build from within. Her tongue lovingly slathering against his shaft made the tent spin as he held on by a thread.

Leeta could feel her master’s cock thickened in her mouth. Pulling away, she looked up and crawled. Edric was powerless as she was over him. Warm yellow eyes cast their loving gaze while a hand reached down between thick thighs. Edric felt her strong grip on his rock hard cock. Leeta let out a small moan as she pressed the tip to her wet line. Lips spread, engulfing her master’s cock as hips pressed down. Edric sucked in another breath as she slid down him like a tight vice. Pleasure spiraled as his hands reached up and grabbed her oversized breasts, thumbs gliding over nipples.

  Leeta’s eyes closed as gravity pulled her hips down, impaling herself on her master. Edric was lost to tight sensations as the ogre’s breasts pushed to his face, nearly smothering him. The strong tempo between them caused nerves to glow in warm and wet delight. Edric watched as the beautiful ogre was lost to their connection. Pink touched her cheeks and her body tensed. Wet sounds rose up as the ogre upped her tempo. Breathy moans filled the tent until Edric gasped. Leeta clamped onto him, his throbbing cock pressing hard against her inner walls. As she slid down, she reached the base and nerves exploded. A deep moan spilled from her open mouth as she rode the wave. Edric watched as she trembled, unable to control herself. Sliding up and down, another orgasm flared, followed by another. The summoner smiled as wetness streamed down from their connection.

  Edric’s urges lingered as the ogre used him. He liked to see her get off and it only added to her beauty. She was a being bent on urges. They spoke to her like an orchestra to an audience. Thoughts spilled back to Faye, Claudia and Rayna. Edric could not deny their strength and beauty. It played on a kink he always wanted to explore but never had the confidence to do so. He wasn’t sure if they would stay with him or move on. He wasn’t sure he could convince them to be partners in his grand plan. It all grew muddled as his urges cried out for release.

  Unable to hold back any longer, the summoner’s cock thickened in Leeta’s tight space. The ogre’s eyes opened as a wicked smile crawled along her lips. Looking down, she upped the tempo, trying to coax his very seed from him. The summoner’s hips took the brunt of her vigorous downward thrusts. The pain mixing with pleasure had proven too much. A grunt rising up through clenched teeth, jets of white seed burst forth. Leeta let out her own delighted moan as she continued to squeeze come from his member, milking him. Edric grabbed the ogre by her small waist and held her to him as another jet of come spurted. The ogre let him hold her, enjoying the warmth between them. When Edric was done, she collapsed onto the mat, breathing heavy.

  The summoner laid there, his half hard cock still buried in the ogre. Leeta moved her hips, not letting him go and coaxing life back into his spent member. Edric’s mind wandered back to the others in camp, a desire touching his soul. Thoughts of convincing them to stay mingled with other private thoughts. The player sighed quietly as his cock began to harden and Leeta moaning her delight.


  Tents folded up and the campfire doused, the party packed away their gear and resumed their journey through the woods. Not much was said as they travelled along. Faye took lead with Claudia behind her. Edric and Leeta walked side by side while Rayna took the rear, lute strapped to her back and a bored expression painted along her features.

  The summoner felt the gentle touch of excitement as they walked along. Going over his mental notes, he thought of the best way to further explain his plans once they reached Elora. The player felt confident Faye and Claudia would give him a chance but wasn’t sure about Rayna. The bard seemed to simply be along for the ride. Edric thought it might be better if he could convince the wood elf and lancer. Rayna seemed a bit unstable and he had no idea if she would want to be a part of his city.

  The player looked away as he mentally corrected himself. If they were going to stay, it wouldn’t just be his city. As much as he wanted to direct every little detail, in reality, he knew what it was like to work with teams. If they didn’t have a buy in, it would all just fall apart. The more he thought about it, the more he was okay with sharing the pride and joy of building a majestic city.

  Edric continued to day dream as he walked along. Leeta yawned and listened to the forest, alive with nature. Faye kept her senses sharp as she led their way through the trees. Claudia pressed the butt of her spear to the ground with every other step, eyes on the forest around them. Rayna stayed forty feet behind, focused on the summoner and his tall ogre.

  Hours passed without incident. Edric pooled his thoughts together when an alert appeared in his vision.

  Reaching the edge of Elora.

  The summoner picked up the pace, leaving Leeta behind. The player passed Claudia’s confused expression and walked alongside Faye. The wood elf turned to the summoner, eyes neutral.

  “We are almost there. Once we pass the forest edge, we should see the keep in the distance,” Edric said with a dash of excitement.

  “Should we expect anything?” Faye asked with an amused smile.

  Edric looked to her, eyes bright. “It won’t be much to look at so please keep an open mind.”

  Faye nodded. A few seconds passed before she parted her lips, “About last night….”

  Edric’s heart skipped a beat but he looked forward as if nothing was wrong.

  “Rayna can be a bit….chaotic if you know what I mean.”

  Edric let out a small exhale in relief, “I’m okay with it. It’s a big leap to believe in someone, especially after what happened to the Hyperion Guild. I don’t expect you three to rush into anything but I want to show you what we can do together.”

  Faye’s brown eyes drank in the summoner’s calm expression. “Thank you for understanding. I admire your drive but this is still a big chance you’re taking. The trolls won’t hesitate to destroy anything you try to build.”

  Edric gave the wood elf a playful smirk, “You mean a big chance ‘We’ are taking.”

  Faye was about to say something but the summoner took lead. Walking with long strides, the player pushed past the underbrush. Everyone looked ahead to see Edric pick up the pace. After a long few minutes, the trees and underbrush parted and the world opened up before them.

  The summoner stared out with a wide grin. Faye walked up to one side of Edric and Claudia appeared on the other side. Leeta stepped out, towering behind them as Rayna made her way out and to the side, eyes half closed.

  “Welcome to Elora,” Edric beamed.

  The group looked across the immense grassy land. A small square-ish keep stood in the vast distance. It had five small towers, one at each corner and a single, higher tower stabbing up from the top of the keep. Thin muddy roads led to the keep. Small sets of simple homes clustered in odd patches. A lake shined not too far from the simple town, with some of the people washing their clothes at the water’s edge and a few others splashing in the clear waters. The grassy land seemed to spread out to the edges of a few woods and a lush forest opposite from where the party stood.

  Faye’s heart sunk in her chest as she tried to keep a small smile. Claudia’s eyes drank it in, her face an expressionless mask. Rayna broke into a wide grin. The bard made her way to a nearby tree, leaned on it with one hand and began to laugh.

  Edric’s smile faded slightly as he and the others turned to the laughing bard. Rayna clutched at her stomach, laughing long and hard. Faye gave the bard a hard stare but Rayna simply waved at her to wait until she finished laughing. Edric held his tongue, eyes sagging. He knew there would be a hint of disappointment but not the crazy display of laughter spilling from the bard.

  Rayna took a few deep breaths, mixed with giggles, until she was clam enough to speak again. “It’s beautiful,” Rayna said with a stupid smile.

  “Har har,” Edric said as he turned his attention back to the land before him. “I know it’s not much to look at right now but Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

  “There’s a lot of space. I can see the potential,” Faye smiled.

  “How many people do you have already?” Claudia asked, trying to keep the conversation mo

  Edric folded his arms as he spoke, “There are about 15 families, averaging about 3 people per family so there is about 45 people right now. We will need to build additional homes for when others find their way here. Once we get to the keep, I can explain everything in detail.”

  The summoner began making his way down the small slope from the forest. The grass and dirt was wet. Mud caked the summoner’s boots but he kept his eyes on the tiny town that he wanted to make into a city.

  Faye shot Rayna an annoyed gaze before following the summoner. Claudia and Leeta began making their way down. The bard shrugged as she slid down the small slope and followed the group. The field was flat as they walked and the distance to the keep was deceiving. Faye noticed it felt like it took longer than expected to cover the distance. Claudia looked to the people by the lake, noticing how happy they seemed. People splashed and kissed as if they didn’t have a care in the world. The lancer smiled to herself, a sweet swirl filling her heart.

  As the group walked past the lake, the people in, and by, the water stood up and waved back. Edric waved to them with a wide smile. Once they passed the lake, the group stepped onto a muddy road, turned and walked toward the keep. The small homes were sparse and far apart. Some town’s folk stopped talking and bowed to Edric and his companions. Faye and Claudia waved while Rayna gave a small head nod here and there.

  The muddy street widened slightly and a short time later, the group stood before the thick wooden main doors to the keep. Edric stepped to it and opened one of them. With a glance back, he beckoned the group in. Passing through the threshold, the party looked around at the barely furnished entry hall. A lone tapestry took up one wall and the floor was nothing but bare stone.

  Edric pressed on, leading them down the main hallway to a large chamber. Stepping to a doorway at the other end, the group followed a smaller hallway and stood before another thick door.


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