Lewd Kingdoms: Shadow's Edge: A High Fantasy Digital Adventure

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Lewd Kingdoms: Shadow's Edge: A High Fantasy Digital Adventure Page 20

by Eden Redd

  Edric tried to hide his smile and failed.

  Ralis looked up, relief washing over him. “Thank you Lady Discord. It will not happen again.”

  The troll diplomat stood up and fished into the hanging sleeve of his robe. The players watched as he pulled out a rolled up scroll and handed it to Edric. The player opened it, eyes moving left to right as he read.

  “It is the scroll of Wyverns. It will show you how to build a Wyvern Tower and craft a wyvern beacon crystal, a gift to help ease tensions between us.”

  Edric read the scroll, taking in the recipe and the tower design. It truly was a scroll to teach how to summon and keep wyverns. With something like this, they could fly across Lukken and add it as a defense to the city.

  Ralis bowed his head again, “I know its morning so I will leave you to your morning rituals. We can meet later to finalize our agreement.”

  The troll turned on his heels and began walking away. Thalia stayed, lifting her head and letting the lanterns in the corridor show the sorrow in her red eyes.

  “I too must apologize. I was caught in the excitement to please, I fear I overstepped. I should not have poisoned you without permission. Most relish the Blood Song poison but it was rude of me to force it on you. I wish to serve your illustrious kingdom and I pray you have not forsaken me.”

  Edric looked to Faye and Rayna. The wood elf shrugged. The bard winked and smiled. Edric turned his attention to the lamia, a small smile blooming.

  “Meet us in the city core chamber and we will decide.”

  Thalia looked to him with concern. Bowing her head, she turned and slithered down the hall. When she was about twenty feet away, she looked back like a whipped puppy. Edric kept his smile but did nothing else. The lamia turned back and slithered along until she was out of sight.

  “She likes you,” Rayna laughed.

  Edric kept his smile. “Yea, I can’t complain too much,” Edric looked to Faye, “She did bring us together.”

  Faye’s cheeks burned as she looked away.

  “Does this mean she will be our first courtesan?” Rayna said as she lifted her arms up and stretched.

  Edric nodded, “We should allow it. I don’t see us out hunting for any more courtesans in the near future, not with everything going on. Once we all agree, she will be completely loyal to us and can help run the city if we have to leave on quests.”

  Faye folded her arms, “I’m not so sure. The trolls have access to high level magic. They have broken the rules of nature and the universe before.”

  “If she betrays us, we can exile her. She will have no choice but to obey.”

  “Or we can kill her,” Rayna said with an evil grin.

  “Umm…if it comes to that,” Edric shook his head.

  The summoner took a few steps forward and turned around to his friends, “Let’s get it out of the way. Then we can sit down with Ralis and finalize the agreement. Once it’s done, we can throw a celebration for the people of Elora so we can ease tensions.”

  “And the shadow,” Faye asked.

  “We can investigate the shadow after we settle things with the trolls and the city,” Edric said as he put the scroll in his satchel. “You both go ahead to the core chamber. I’ll get Claudia and meet you there. We can swear in Thalia.”

  Rayna yawned. “Fine but I’m picking our next courtesan, someone with beefy shoulders and a thick personality.”

  Faye rolled her eyes and began walking. The bard smiled at Edric and followed the wood elf. The summoner watched the two players walk off and let out a deep exhale. Body still sore, he could hardly believe the limits he pushed last night. Now that is was just him and Leeta, shoulders sagged and the ogre moved close, yellow eyes filled with concern.

  “It’s okay,” Edric stated. “I may need a few days to heal my body.”

  The ogre nodded. “If the lamia bites you again, please come to me.”

  Edric looked up and he could see the hint of jealousy in her eyes. He knew she was a little territorial but this was the first time she showed a need to be included.

  “Leeta…last night was weird…..” Edric began.

  Leeta stamped her foot, “Just come to me.”

  The summoner stared at the ogre for a long moment before nodding. “I will come to you.”

  A small smile crept into her smooth cheeks before she turned away, almost shyly. Edric watched as she began to walk, almost into a skip. The summoner followed, seeing his love life becoming more tangled than ever before.

  The two made their way around a corner and walked to the eastern bed chambers when alerts filled the player’s vision. Edric stopped to read them.

  You have achieved “First time with a Lamia”! You gain +1 Dex, +1 Sta, +1 Cha and +5 Mana.

  You have achieved “Song of Lust”! You gain +1 Wis, +1 Str, +1 Cha and +2 Charm.

  You have achieved “Centering Chaos”! You gain “+1 Int, +2 Wis, +1 Dex and +5 Mana.

  You have achieved “Dependable”! You gain +1 Wis, +1 Int and +8 to Spell Casting.

  You have acquired “Wyvern Tower Recipe”! Able to create Wyvern Tower, Wyvern Beacon Crystal and +5 to Gem Craft Skill.

  The player looked over the stat and ability increases. He was glad that he turned off instant experience alert updates. They tended to disrupt the mood. Now the alerts would appear after the moments were finished. Drinking it all in, he could see he gained increases from his time with Thalia. The Song of Lust must have been from Rayna. Centering Chaos was his time with Faye and he guessed the Dependable was from taking Rayna to Faye.

  Edric read up on all the ways to increase your character’s strength. It was refreshing to simply play the game and your social actions helped you to grow stronger. He had slight increases when he was farming but clearly you grew faster from intimate encounters.

  The player checked his stats and continued walking.

  Edric Temple


  Hit Points- 70/70

  Mana- 130/130

  Armor- 5


  Intelligence- 20(+3)

  Wisdom- 17(+2)

  Dexterity- 16(+2)

  Stamina- 20(+3)

  Charisma- 21(+3)

  Spell Abilities

  Charm- 28

  Snare- 26

  Channel- (+STR/HP/DEX)

  Lock Stones (1)

  Leeta (Ogre)- HP-220/220


  Summoning Spell- 10 Mana

  Summon Demon Spell- 2o Mana

  Light Spell- 5 Mana

  Primary Skills

  Spell Casting- 33

  Spell Craft- 12

  Gem Craft- 17

  Rune Craft- 12

  Enchantment- 12

  Melee- 14

  Wilderness Lore- 13


  Whip- 5 to 9 damage

  Dark Green Robe- 5 Armor

  The summoner stepped to Claudia’s door. Leeta crossed her arms and leaned against a wall. The stats shifted in Edric’s vision, moving to the corner of his eye and fading away. Lifting a hand, he knocked on the door.

  Silence filled the corridor. Edric knocked again, a little harder.


  “Just a minute,” said a muffled voice from the other side.

  Edric waited until a lock slid out of place and the door opened. Edric pushed at the door and stepped inside. Claudia stood in her light armor, eyes wide and a small smile on her lips. Once the summoner was inside, she closed it shut and wrapped her arms around his neck. Edric hugged her back, feeling her warmth until he looked up to see the lancer’s bed chamber.

  The player was speechless as he looked around. The walls were covered in tapestries of various unicorns. The wide bed had a unicorn stitched into the fabric. On the bed, various stuffed unicorns leaned against long pillows. A shelf of hard oak stood to one wall, two crystal unicorn statues standing with room for others.

  Claudia pulled away and gazed into Edric’s wide eyes. With a
touch of shyness, the lancer pulled away. Edric took a step into the room, looking to every unicorn image taking up every direction.

  “You really like unicorns,” Edric said as his head swiveled about.

  Claudia moved to the edge of the bed and sat down, “I thought I would make my bedroom a little more comfortable. Does it weird you out?”

  Edric’s senses returned to him as he walked to the lancer. “It was surprising but it doesn’t weird me out.”

  The lancer smiled, “I’m glad. It also gives me some inspiration.” Claudia pointed to the shelf with the crystal unicorns, “I need three more of those unicorns and I can get my mount.”

  Edric looked to the shelf again as Claudia continued.

  “Unicorns are rare in Lukken. If I find five figurines, a unicorn mount will come to me. It’s something I’ve wanted since I started playing Lewd Saga.”

  Edric admired the unicorns as Claudia sat, tracing the floor with her boot.

  “How was last night?”

  Edric turned to the lancer, her eyes dark and gazing on the floor. “It was weird but I think we made it out okay. Ralis wants to complete the agreement as soon as possible. Rayna had some kind of episode and Faye…..”

  “Leeta told me what happened,” Claudia finished. “The feast finished and I went looking for all of you as the servants saw everyone off. I looked into the rumpus room; Ralis and Thalia were passed out. I then went looking for everyone else when I saw Leeta by Faye’s door.”

  Edric’s face turned grim, not sure where the lancer was leading him.

  Claudia looked up, a new gleam in her eyes. “We’re all adults playing a fantasy game but…..the night we spent together was important to me.”

  Edric stepped over and sat beside the lancer. Claudia put her hand on his thigh, eyes heavy.

  “I knew it when I saw you walking to me in my district. I couldn’t explain it but I knew I could trust you. I never told anyone else about…..my ex-boyfriend. I felt stupid for telling you he was a friend. I think I was afraid you might think I’m damaged.”

  “No more than the rest of us,” Edric said with a light tone and a small smile.

  Claudia’s gaze darkened. “I almost stepped into Faye’s room. I could hear you and I wanted to be there too but….I couldn’t bring myself to join. I have had my experiences but they were not comparable to someone like Rayna. I treasured our time and I want to do it again…..I just need time if others will be involved.”

  Edric touched her thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “I never want to rush anything between us. I enjoyed our time and I’ll be honest, I can’t stop thinking about that night.”

  “I’m not like Rayna,” Claudia said softly. “I have my needs but she is different. We…slept together one-time months ago. She pushed me to a dark place and I don’t know when I can go there again. Knowing that you two were together, I’m afraid it might be too much.”

  Edric’s head tilted forward, “Maybe I should explain what exactly happened last night….”

  The summoner gave some of the finer details Leeta may not have been able to answer. The lancer listened, eyes neutral. When Edric was done, Claudia took in a deep breath and let out a long exhale.

  “I know you didn’t have to tell me but I’m glad you did,” Claudia said softly.

  Edric faced the green haired beauty, “Claudia, you don’t have to be concerned. I want us all to build something great together. Now that we have begun, I can’t picture doing it without any of you.”

  Claudia looked into Edric’s eyes, “I can’t picture it without you either.”

  The summoner felt the meaning behind her words. She opened up to him and now their fates were entwined. The player smiled as it warmed his heart. He never once thought the game and players would ever dive so deep. Purpose and meaning filled the dark parts of his psyche with light. They would build something wonderful together and no force on Lukken could stop them.

  “Let’s get to the core chamber. Faye and Rayna will be waiting for us,” Edric smiled and stood up.

  Claudia nodded and stood up. The two left the unicorn bedroom and joined with Leeta. All three made their way through the twists and turns of the keep before they reached Elora’s City Core chamber.

  Faye and Rayna stood by the floating crystal. Thalia was to the side, lower body coiled underneath her. The monk and bard turned to the summoner and lancer with welcoming smiles. The core turned as a smaller crystal maintained orbit around it.

  “Elora,” Edric called out.

  Elora appeared in her white robe, “Yes Edric, how may I assist you?”

  Edric looked to his fellow rulers, “We have to decide if we want Thalia as our first courtesan.”

  Rayna spoke up, “I have no problems as long as she is loyal. Otherwise, she gets a wand blast to the throat.”

  Thalia’s head dipped lower, her gaze on the floor.

  Faye spoke next, “She can stay and prove herself.”

  Edric looked to Claudia.

  “She can stay,” the lancer nodded.

  “I agree with all of you. We will give her a chance. Elora, allow Thalia to be our courtesan.”

  2D screens appeared before the four players with a “Accept” and “Decline” button. Edric pressed the accept button. Faye was next. Rayna and Claudia pressed accept at the same time. The 2D screens faded away and an aura appeared around the lamia.

  Thalia looked up, her red eyes beaming with pride. The aura faded and she bowed her head to her new masters.

  “Thank you for giving me this chance,” Thalia said with a brilliant smile.

  “Thank you for joining us,” Edric said with a cheerful edge. “Now let’s finish our agreement with Ralis and prepare for a city wide celebration.”


  Edric was last to sign the agreement. Ralis looked down with a pleased expression. The group toiled for two hours over the rules and finally finished detailing the fifteen terms to the agreement. With it signed, the troll diplomat rolled it up and placed it in a metal tube, screwing it closed and placing it in the hanging sleeve of his immaculate robe.

  “This will be the beginning to a lasting friendship,” Ralis smiled.

  Edric smiled but a dark strand crawled over his heart. He could sense it from his fellow rulers as they sat around the large table. The trolls and dread lords had taken everything from the dragons and nearly everything from the human kingdoms. They had all agreed in private that this was a necessary evil for the survival of the kingdom. Edric could see the pleased expression on Ralis’s face and he knew deep down he could drive a dagger into the troll’s heart. Despite the diplomat’s skills at appearing like he cared, they all knew that when push came to shove, the trolls would steamroller over Elora and take it for themselves. The fragile agreement would buy them enough time to secure their power base in the fledgling kingdom.

  Ralis stood up from the heavy oak table. “When the caravan arrives, I will have scribes make a copy and deliver it to you. Now I must inspect the land beyond the eastern gate and prepare for their arrival.”

  Edric nodded, “We will set up the celebration for this evening, a party to celebrate our mutual alliance.”

  Ralis bowed his head, “I very much look forward to it Master Temple.” Ralis bowed to the three ladies, “I look forward to seeing everyone at the celebration.”

  The diplomat turned and walked to the door. The heavy door shut behind him and when a long moment passed, Edric slumped in his chair. His fellow rulers looked to him as Thalia stood off to the side.

  “We have to keep everything secret from this point on,” the summoner sighed.

  “If we build an army, he’ll know,” Faye stated.

  Rayna smiled. “I have thought about that. I have established a crude network in my district. With some time, I’m sure I can have a real spy network working.”

  “I can start a lancer training school in my district. I’m sure I can have some of the guards begin training once I have it buil
t,” Claudia added.

  Edric eyed the bard and lancer, “That’s a great idea. We have the city guard and the people train as a secret army. I have room in my district to teach magical studies. We will have to find the people interested and ensure they understand the risks.”

  “I will have a small monastery built to train in hand to hand combat and some of the secret arts,” Faye said with a confident smirk.

  Edric looked to each of the beautiful women at the table, “This could work. Now the only thing left is the celebration. I checked the amount and we do not have enough gold to cover it. It will be a sad celebration if we can’t pay for it.”

  Claudia smirked, “Some of the wealthy families that have moved into the Pearl District have offered donations to the kingdom. It seems like they want to earn favors from us. I declined their offers but now it seems we can use it.”

  Edric nodded, “They want to have the ear of the royal family that is us. I can’t say I’m surprised. They may have ideas and favors they want implemented. Do we allow it and see how it falls or do we find another way?”

  The room was quiet until Thalia slithered a little closer.

  “We could accept the gold as loans and pay back with an agreed upon interest.”

  Heads turned to the lamia and small smiles bloomed.

  “That would keep us in their pocket until the debt was paid but that is better than simply owing a favor. I like it,” Edric smiled.

  Rayna leaned back on her chair and placed her boots on the table, “I can donate to the celebration. Some of the businesses have already begun paying me for the privilege of starting their businesses in the Discord district.”

  Faye looked over to the bard, “Are you starting a criminal organization?”

  The bard gave the monk an innocent wide grin, “What do you take me for? I’m just a humble bard and this is all business, nothing more, nothing less.”

  “It’s a start,” Edric smiled as it seemed to all fall into place.

  Faye eyed the summoner, “The people will also give in the spirit of the celebration. I get the impression they really want to make it work here considering most kingdoms along the Journey Road are at war. Some of the people have expressed that our city would be the best location for families separated in the war to arrive here. The woods and forests are too dangerous and the road has many troll patrols.”


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