Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3)

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Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3) Page 5

by Christina Escue

  “It is,” Dylan said as he looked out the window. “They must have been close.”

  “I’ll go let them in,” Karma said and walked to the front door.

  “Remember, you have to invite them in before they can cross the threshold,” Harrison said and nodded for her to open the door.

  “Hey,” Baxter greeted Karma with a smile.

  “Hey,” Karma responded.

  “What’s going on?” Jensen asked as they stopped at the front door.

  “We will explain inside, but I need to ask you something first,” Karma said and looked around them before stepping aside. “Come in so we can talk.”

  Once they were inside, Karma shut and locked the door before stepping around the four vampire to join her family, who were creating a wall between the VEB agents, and the Huntresses.

  “What’s going on?” Baxter asked, looking at the faces of four vampire he would trust with his life.

  “When I called and relayed our location to you yesterday, who did you tell?” Karma asked him.

  “The ones driving the SUVs,” he answered. “The four of us, and Watson.”

  “I don’t know Watson,” Nevaeh said. “Who is he?”

  “She,” Jensen answered. “She’s been with us since the beginning, and is a superb agent.”

  “I think I know her,” Karma said as she pulled the three female agents she’d met into her mind. “About my height, really dark skin. Slim build, and a very sarcastic personality?”

  “Sounds like her,” Baxter said and chuckled. “Now, want to tell us what’s going on?”

  “Someone within the VEB is leaking information,” Harrison told him bluntly. “And we are unsure who we can trust at the moment.”

  “What kind of information?” Johnson asked, looking at the three agents with him.

  “Our location, for starters,” Nevaeh told them. “When we stopped just after Karma talked to Baxter, we were attacked, and if not for Dylan, Lexie would be dead.”

  “Then we rented motel rooms, so we could get some rest, and those were broken into,” Harrison added. “Thankfully, we were able to handle the dozen vampire sent.”

  “Wait, someone sent a dozen vampire after you? Were they crazy?” Jensen asked, looking at the four of them. “Even without the Huntresses, the four of you could handle a dozen vampire without breaking a sweat.”

  “That’s true, but not everyone knows their abilities, and very few know Nevaeh has been turned. Even fewer know about Karma,” Baxter reminded him. “Not all within the VEB even know.”

  “Okay, how do we find out who is leaking information?” Martin asked, looking from Karma to Baxter and back again.

  “Before we decide that, I have to ask,” Karma started and looked apologetically at the four standing in front of her. “Did you tell anyone outside of the VEB where we were or where we were going?”

  “No,” Jensen answered without hesitation.

  “No,” Baxter also answered. “And I don’t blame you for asking us. You have to protect your family.”

  “No,” Martin answered, and Karma could tell her question had hurt him a little.

  “No,” Johnson answered, and Karma’s head snapped toward him. He wasn’t lying, but she heard something in his voice that caught her attention.

  “Johnson, did you tell anyone within the VEB where we were or where we were going?” Karma asked.

  “Agent Henderson asked me where we were going, and I answered him,” Johnson answered.

  “Henderson?” Karma asked, not recognizing the name.

  “Cassius Henderson. He’s an agent in training,” Baxter answered. “He joined about a month ago.”

  “A Fuller addition?” Karma asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes,” Johnson answered and shook his head. “Son of a bitch. I didn’t even think about that.”

  “Most of us wouldn’t have,” Jensen told them all. “I wouldn’t have questioned another agent asking where we were going.”

  “None of us would have,” Baxter admitted. “But I’m thinking we should from now on.”

  “Where is Henderson now?” Nevaeh asked.

  “Back at the hotel we’re staying at,” Baxter answered. “I told all the agents to stay there.”

  “And where is your hotel?” Karma asked.

  “About two miles East of here,” Johnson answered.

  “That explains why it only took you five minutes to get here,” Delanie commented from where she was standing just behind Karma.

  “One more question,” Karma said, looking at the agents again. “Did any of you tell anyone, agent or otherwise, where you were going when you left the hotel?”

  “No,” they all answered.

  “I didn’t even tell them where we were going until we were almost here,” Baxter added. “You said you didn’t want the VEB knowing where you were, so I ordered everyone to report to their rooms, grabbed these three, and left.”

  “And no one followed you?” Delanie asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “No,” Johnson answered. “I watched for both human and vampire tails.”

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “I’m sorry I had to question you four,” Karma said as she stepped aside and let the large vampire fully into the house. “But I cannot take risks right now. We are the only ones Jackson has, and I will not fail him.”

  “About that,” Martin said and looked around the room. “How are we going to find him?”

  “We have his location narrowed down to the docks in Orlando,” Dylan answered.

  “How?” Johnson asked.

  “Vampire interrogation, Delanie style,” Nevaeh answered and smiled at her young Huntress. “First rule to remember, don’t piss off a Huntress.”

  “That’s the second rule,” Baxter said and grinned. “First rule is, never fuck with the family. Because y’all are a family, and in just the few months I’ve worked with y’all, I’ve found that if you fuck with one, you’ve fucked with all.”

  “Are we a government agency or an organized crime family?” Gina asked with a chuckle.

  “Why can’t we be both?” Baxter asked her with a wink. “Most politicians have a hand in organized crime, after all.”

  “We aren’t politicians though,” Gina countered. “I never even graduated high school.”

  “I never graduated high school either,” Baxter said and shrugged. “I joined the army on my eighteenth birthday and never went back to school.”

  “Having a high school diploma does not make someone smarter than someone without one,” Karma told them. “I graduated, but that doesn’t mean shit in this war we are fighting.”

  “Agreed,” Dylan said. “I didn’t graduate either. I quit school and got a job after Mom was killed so I could take care of Jackson.”

  “Speaking of Jackson,” Delanie said and pulled everyone’s attention to her. “I have a map of the dock areas in Orlando, and think I know where we should start.”

  “Excellent,” Nevaeh said and walked to the counter where Delanie was standing. “Show us.”

  For the next thirty minutes they looked over the map, and by the time the four VEB agents left, they had a solid plan in place and at first light, they were going to find Jackson.

  Chapter Ten

  “Jackson,” Caia said into the darkness when she woke up.

  “I’m here,” he responded from the other side of his cell. “Just trying to think some things through.”

  “Sun’s coming up,” she pointed out.

  “Yeah,” he said and looked at the little windows. “Four.”

  “Four what?” Caia asked, frowning.

  “Four sunrises since I woke up here,” he told her and turned from the window. “If they were going to change me, they would have already.”

  “Are you sure about that?” She asked, looking at him.

  “No,” he answered honestly. “Truthfully, I’m not sure about anything except the knowledge that Dylan will find me or die trying.”
r />   “And what if he does?” She asked.

  “Then Karma will die too,” he responded. “And you will be the only family I have left.”

  “From what you’ve told me, the Huntresses and VEB are kinda like family, too,” she said as he walked toward the bars separating them. “Would they keep looking for you if Dylan and Karma died?”

  “Nevaeh and Harrison would,” he answered. “And Delanie.”

  “Delanie?” She asked, locking onto the name he hadn’t mentioned before.

  “She’s a Huntress,” he said as he sat beside her. “She’s twenty-one, has long blonde hair, and the biggest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. And when she laughs, it’s like the best song I’ve ever heard.”

  “You’re in love with her,” Caia stated and Jackson looked at her for a second before nodding.

  “I guess I am,” he agreed. “I never thought about it though. We just meet about a week before I was taken, but we spent nearly every moment of that week together.”

  “Was she there when you were taken?” She asked.

  “Yes,” Jackson answered, then straightened.

  “You’re wondering if she’s still alive, aren’t you?”

  “She’s alive,” he responded. “She has to be alive.”

  “Let’s say she is,” Caia said and looked away from him. “And you are turned. What will happen?”

  “I don’t know,” Jackson answered. “But I do know the Huntresses work with vampire every day, and they only eliminate those who violate the vampire laws.”

  “What if Crompton can control you?” She asked, not wanting to think about the answer to that.

  “Then I’ll willingly take a stake to the heart to end it,” he admitted. “That’s not going to happen though. I will not bend to his will.”

  “Oh, but you will,” a voice said from the shadows.

  “Who are you?” Jackson asked, rising to his feet.

  “Oh, dear boy, you know who I am,” he said as he stepped from the shadows.

  “Crompton,” Jackson said, recognizing him from the picture Karma showed him.

  “Very good,” he responded and smiled at Jackson and Caia. “And now, young Jackson, I shall show you just how much you will bend to my will.”

  As Crompton walked casually toward Jackson’s cell, the outer door opened and another very large vampire walked in.

  “Hunter,” Crompton said and smiled broadly. “Nice of you to join us. Will you take the girl to my home and get her ready please?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Hunter answered. “And after she’s ready, Sir?”

  “Hold her there until I come for her,” he said as he opened Jackson’s cell door. “When I am finished with young Jackson here, I want her to see him as he was always meant to be.”

  “Meant to be?” Jackson asked, wanting as much information as possible from this vampire.

  “Oh, I assumed Jack told you,” Crompton said and shook his head. “You, dear boy, were always supposed to be mine. Plans just got put on hold when your brother turned out to be a Halfling. Then when young Karma walked into your life, things couldn’t have been more perfect. Now, I get to have you both.”

  “You will never have Karma,” Jackson shouted. “She will kill you.”

  “We shall see,” Crompton said as he cornered Jackson. “Hunter, take the girl. She doesn’t need to see this.”

  “NO!” Caia shouted and started punching Hunter’s back when he tossed her over his shoulder. “Leave my brother alone, you monster.”

  “Calm down kid,” Hunter said as he walked from the building. “It will only hurt for a few minutes.”

  “CAIA!” Jackson yelled as they disappeared from view. “What the fuck are you doing with her?”

  “You need not worry about her anymore,” Crompton responded. “You, young Jackson, should only be worried about staying alive.”

  “I don’t care if I die,” he spat out.

  “Oh, you will not die,” Crompton said with an evil sneer. “But this is going to hurt.”

  “Do your worst, you fucking bastard.”

  Without another word, Crompton struck, and Jackson’s world went black.


  “Okay, we will divide into four groups, with Karma, Dylan, Harrison, and Nevaeh leading. They know Jackson, and he knows them, so they will be able to locate him easier than we can,” Baxter told the VEB members after they got to the first set of warehouses they were going to search. “Keep your senses attuned to everything around you. These are not amateurs we are dealing with. They are cold blooded killers, and they will not hesitate to eliminate you.”

  “We are dividing into the same groups we used back in Boston,” Jensen added. “We will fan out, like we did then, and search from the inside, out. Once this area is clear, we will meet back here, and move on to the next location. We have three to search today, so let’s get moving.”

  “Agent Jensen,” Harrison greeted him with smirk. “Let’s try not to have anything blow up in our faces this time.”

  “Yes, please,” Nevaeh said from behind Harrison. “That scared the fuck out of me.”

  “We will all be safe, not take unnecessary risks, and not be careless,” Karma said as she joined them. “Now let’s move out so we can find Jackson.”

  “Huntresses divide between the groups and stay alert. You will look like the easiest targets for any vampire who may come out. Do not let them catch you off guard,” Nevaeh said and looked at her Huntresses. “Stay alert.”

  As the Huntresses divided between the four groups, Karma walked to Delanie.

  “I want you with me.”

  “Okay,” Delanie responded. “Why?”

  “Because I want to make sure you stay safe,” Karma responded. “Jackson is going to need you when we find him, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “You don’t think the others would make sure I’m unharmed?” She asked, slightly confused.

  “That’s not what I’m saying,” Karma said and pulled her a little away from everyone else. “I have a feeling Jackson is not going to be the same person he was before he was taken, and I think you’re the only one who will be able to get him through whatever that sadistic son of a bitch is doing to him. If you’re hurt, I don’t know if we will ever get him back.”

  “Do you think Crompton will change him?” Delanie asked, voicing her biggest fear.

  “I do,” Karma admitted. “Dylan is terrified Jackson will be changed, and I am not telling him that I think he may have already been changed.”

  “And if he has been?” Delanie asked.

  “Then we will help him adapt,” Karma assured her.

  “Yeah, okay,” Delanie said and took a deep breath.

  “Let’s join the others and head out,” Karma said before Delanie could say anything else.

  “Yes,” Delanie agreed as they walked back to the group. “Let’s find Jackson.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Did you hear that?” Johnson asked Dylan as they approached what they thought was an abandoned warehouse.

  “Yeah,” Dylan answered, and signaled the agents behind them.

  “Move forward, but silently,” Johnson said just loud enough for the agents to hear.

  When they all nodded, he signaled for them to keep moving toward the warehouse the noise was coming from.

  “What the fuck?” Dylan said when they opened the doors and saw the cages lining the walls.

  “Humans,” Johnson said as he sniffed the air around them.

  “Yeah,” Dylan responded. As he approached the first cage, he caught a glimpse of one woman’s neck and frowned. “Blood slaves.”

  “What?” Nikki asked from behind him.

  “They’re blood slaves,” Dylan told her. “I’m not sure if they’re being held here to be sold, or for another purpose, but they all have bite marks on their necks and wrists.”

  “Fuck,” Johnson said and frowned as he looked around at the hundred or so people in the cages. “We can�
�t leave them here.”

  “No,” Dylan agreed. “Call it in.”

  As Johnson called it in, Dylan walked to one of the cages and kneeled in front of the young woman there.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she said as she slid into the furthest corner of the cage.

  “I won’t,” he told her. “My name is Dylan, and I’m with the Vampire Enforcement Bureau. We’re going to get you, and everyone else, out of here.”

  “Vampire Enforcement Bureau?” She asked, still not relaxing any.

  “Yes,” He answered and motioned for Nikki to join him. “We are a group of vampire who are working to keep other vampire from breaking our new laws.”

  “Who is she?” The woman asked, looking at Nikki.

  “My name is Nikki, and I’m a Vampire Huntress,” Nikki answered. “My sisters and I are working with the VEB to help keep things like what’s happening here from happening again.”

  “You’re human,” the woman said, and her eyes widened.

  “I am,” Nikki answered. “And Dylan here is half human.”

  “The others are on their way,” Johnson reported before walking to the other agents. “Let’s start unlocking these cages.”

  “Wait,” the woman said and looked at Johnson. “The locks have alarms on them. If one is opened without the keycode, the alarm will sound and the ones holding us will be here in just a few seconds.”

  “Let’s wait for the others to get here,” Dylan said and looked at the woman. “What’s your name?”

  “Maggie,” she answered.

  “How long have you been here, Maggie?” Nikki asked.

  “I don’t know,” she responded.

  “When were you taken?” Dylan asked her.

  “January,” she answered. “I was shopping with my Mom, then everything went black. When I woke up, I was here and have been here since.”

  “How old are you?” Dylan asked.

  “Twenty,” she answered. “What month is it now?”

  “April,” Nikki answered. “Today is April third.”

  “Where are you from?” Dylan asked, trying to keep her talking while they waited for the others.

  “Miami,” she answered. “Where are we?”


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