Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3)

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Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3) Page 10

by Christina Escue

  Once they were back on the road, Karma let what could have happened play through her mind, and she sighed. If she’d died tonight, Dylan would have too, and no one would have known why.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Karma?” Dylan said when he entered the dark bedroom. He knew she wasn’t there before he turned on the light. Cursing softly, he went to the open window and looked out before heading back downstairs.

  “Karma is gone,” he said when he walked into the kitchen.

  “Delanie is too,” Nikki told them. “She was here a little over an hour ago.”

  “Why did no one notice she wasn’t here until now?” Nevaeh asked.

  “She said she was going to bed,” Gina responded. “Said she wanted to be rested for tomorrow.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Dylan said softly. “They went to find Jackson.”

  “How do you know that?” Caia asked.

  “Because he knows Karma,” Baxter answered. “The SUV and both vans are still here.”

  “If she was alone, she’d have gone on foot,” Dylan told them. “With someone else, I have no idea.”

  “Bikes,” Nevaeh said and frowned. “Three houses down, there were two motorcycles for sale in the front yard.”

  “Would she have stolen them?” Maggie asked.

  “No,” Dylan responded. “But she would have bought them. Nevaeh, go see of the bikes are still there?”

  “I heard a couple of motorcycles leave about an hour ago,” Jensen told them. “I didn’t think anything of it though because I knew none of the bikes were here.”

  “Fuck,” Dylan said again. “I have to go find them.”

  “No need,” Baxter told him. “Listen.”

  Dylan closed his mouth and listened as the sound of two motorcycles came up the road. When he heard them stop in front of the house, he darted to the front door.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” He yelled when his eyes landed on Karma.

  “Recon,” she said and held up her hands before he could say anything else. “Before you lecture me, I know it was dangerous, and reckless, and unacceptable. I also know they have someone or something they don’t want anyone to know about in that place.”

  “Reckless? Dangerous? Unacceptable?” Dylan asked, his voice growing with each word. “How about stupid and childish and irresponsible? Or maybe inconsiderate? Did you even stop to think about anyone but yourself when you left here not letting anyone know you were going? Did you stop to think about what could have happened to you, to us, had something happened? No! You wanted to show everyone how tough you are, how sneaky you are.”

  “That isn’t fair,” Karma told him in a much quieter voice than he was using.

  “Fair? You want to tell me what’s fair?” He asked, shaking his head at her. “You left without telling anyone. You risked, not only your life, but Delanie’s, mine, and Jackson’s as well, and you want to tell me what’s not fair?”

  “Dylan,” she said softly.

  “Don’t,” he said and held up his hands when she took a step forward. “Just fucking don’t.”

  “Let’s go inside and talk,” she said, and he shook his head.

  “I have nothing to say to you,” he told her then looked around at the others before turning back to her. “You went too far this time.”

  “I know that,” she admitted, and he glared at her.

  “That’s something, at least,” he said before he turned away from her. “But it isn’t enough. Not this time.”

  With that, he took off running, leaving her standing there, gaping at the spot he vacated.


  “Dylan?” Karma called out as she entered the marshy area she’d followed his scent to.

  “Right here,” he responded from her left.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, taking a step toward him.

  “Are you?” He asked, halting her before she could reach him.

  “Yes,” she responded, not moving closer to him. She knew she’d hurt him by taking a risk like she had.

  “Are you sorry you went, or that you got caught?” He asked, knowing her far too well.

  “I’m not sorry I went,” she told him. “But I am sorry I went without you beside me.”

  “You know I would have gone with you,” he told her.

  “Yes,” she answered even though it wasn’t a question.

  “Why didn’t you ask me then?”

  “Because I didn’t take time to think about it, and I was slightly pissed off at Martin,” she answered, being completely honest.

  “He was right, you know.”

  “Yes, but so was I,” she retorted. “Had I not pulled you and Johnson from that room when I did, you’d have both been dead.”

  “And you would have too,” he said and took a deep breath.

  “And if I would have been killed tonight, you’d have died, too,” she said and looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Karma, even without the blood link, if something happened to you my life would be over.”

  “As would mine if something were to happen to you,” she told him as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I love you, Dylan. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone else. And I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “I was so scared when I went up to our bedroom and you weren’t there,” he told her. “I knew you’d gone to find Jackson and the only thing I could think of was that you were still alive because I was.”

  “I can’t promise to never do anything dangerous again, but I can promise to never do it without you beside me,” she told him, and he looked at her for a second before walking to her and pulling her into his arms.

  “I could never ask you not to do anything dangerous again,” he told her, brushing his lips across her cheeks. “Danger is part of our lives, but as long as I’m facing it with you, we will both be okay.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said again before brushing her lips across his.

  “And I’m sorry,” he told her. “I shouldn’t have run from you, from us. I should have stayed and talked this out.”

  “You were mad,” she said and shrugged in his arms.

  “No, I was hurt,” he told her. “I was so unbelievably hurt that you would take a chance like you did. I couldn’t deal with the pain, so I lashed out and hurt you back. For that, I am sorry.”

  “I understand, and I forgive you,” she said before kissing him again.

  “And as long as you never do it again, I forgive you.”

  “I promise,” she said and smiled at him. “Now, ready to head back to the house so I can tell you what happened?”

  “You fought,” he said and shrugged when she looked at him. “You smell like blood.”

  “It was more than that.”


  “I’ll tell you when I tell everyone else,” she said, almost afraid to tell anyone what happened, and how much she enjoyed it. “Oh, and I own two motorcycles now.”

  His laughter eased some of the tension as they walked back to the house hand in hand.

  “We have a problem,” Baxter said as soon as they walked into the house.

  “What’s wrong?” Dylan asked, assessing the area around them.

  “Crompton and some of his men showed up at the hotel the VEB are staying at,” Jensen answered.

  “When?” Karma asked, hoping her little trip hadn’t gotten anyone killed.

  “I got the call just before you walked up,” Baxter answered. “Situation is handled, and a few of Crompton’s men are dead, but that’s not the biggest problem.”

  “Tell us,” Dylan said, fearing the worst.

  “Jackson was with them,” Johnson answered. “And he isn’t human any longer.”

  “And, from what the agents told me, he is under Crompton’s control,” Baxter added, and Dylan sank to the floor.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Fuck,” Dylan said as they walked into the hotel lobby. “Did we lose any agents?”
/>   “One,” Watson responded. “Crompton killed him himself when he tried to get to Jackson.”

  “What was Jackson doing?” Karma asked.

  “Do you see the destruction?” Watson asked, looking at the sections of wall laying on the floor.

  “He did that?” Dylan asked, looking around him.

  “Yeah,” Watson responded and looked at Dylan again. “If it makes it any easier, it seemed like Jackson was fighting against Crompton’s commands. Part of this was done by Jackson slamming into the walls while holding his head.”

  “I’m not sure if that makes it better or worse,” Dylan commented, and Watson sighed.

  “This will make it better,” she said, and Dylan looked at her. “When Crompton ordered Jackson to kill the agent, he fought against it and won. He didn’t hurt anyone.”

  “That means my brother is still in there,” Dylan commented, hopefully. “Now we just have to find him and see if we can get him back.”

  “We will,” Karma said as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

  “You two need to see this,” Baxter said from behind them. “I think Jackson may have left something for you.”

  “Show us,” Karma said as she motioned for Delanie to join them.

  “What’s going on?” Delanie asked when she reached them a moment later.

  “Baxter thinks Jackson left something for us,” Karma answered. “And knowing how you feel about him, I wanted you to see whatever it was, too.”

  “What do you make of this?” Baxter asked and pointed to something written on one of the few walls that hadn’t sustained any damage.

  “That’s Jackson’s birthday,” Delanie said, pointing to the numbers at the top, before Dylan could. “But I don’t know what the rest means,”

  “Second set of numbers is my birthday,” Dylan commented. “And the last looks like an address.”

  “It is,” Karma said and handed her phone to Dylan. “It’s an address not too far from where we found Caia from the looks of it.”

  “Wonder what’s there?” Delanie mused.

  “We will find out in the morning,” Karma said and looked around at the hotel lobby.

  “Why would he write your birthdays?” Baxter asked.

  “So I would know it was from him,” Dylan responded. “It’s a code we worked out when his Dad left. Jackson was bullied at school, but he couldn’t always tell me about it when it was happening, so we worked out a code, and he would leave messages for me in the books in the library, or other common places. They would have his birthday, my birthday, and a message.”

  “Brilliant,” Delanie said with a grin. “Are we going to check the address first or the old show grounds first in the morning?”

  “Both,” Martin answered. “We will divide into teams and check them both at the same time. That way, no one from one place can warn the other.”

  “Good plan,” Karma said and looked around them again. “Let’s get this cleaned up so we can all get some sleep. It’s nearly midnight already and it’s been a long fucking day.”

  “Agreed,” Baxter responded, and they all got to work.


  “You disobeyed me,” Crompton said as he loomed over Jackson.

  “I’m sorry, Master,” Jackson said and looked at the floor.

  “You will have to do better than you did tonight if you want to live.”

  “Yes, Master,” Jackson responded, still looking at the floor. He didn’t want Crompton to see the struggle he was having, but he would not kill anyone for this vampire.

  “To show me that you understand me, you will kill someone tonight. Another vampire I turned who has failed me,” he told Jackson and chuckled a little. “Killing him exactly as I tell you will not only show me you can follow orders, but it will also show you what will happen if you continue to disobey me.”

  “Yes, Master,” Jackson answered with a little smile on his face. He would kill this vampire for the evil, sadistic bastard, and he would take pleasure in it because he knew, whomever this person was, they were not a member of his family.

  “Very good,” Crompton said and grinned. “Blaine.”

  “Yes, Master?” A tall, dark haired vampire asked as he walked into the room.

  “Sit,” Crompton said and pointed to a chair in the middle of the room.

  Once Blaine was seated, Crompton nodded to Jackson and Jackson got to his feet.

  “Blaine, this is Jackson,” Crompton introduced the two men. “Jackson is my newest acquisition, and he is going to help rid me of a problem.”

  “What problem, Master?” Blaine asked, looking from Crompton to the blond vampire standing a few feet from him.

  “You,” Crompton answered and looked at him. “You have failed me for the last time.”

  “I… I…” Blaine started, and Crompton shook his head.

  “Silence,” he said and looked over a Jackson. “Secure him.”

  “Yes, Master,” Jackson said and pressed the button beside him.

  When the silver arms of the chair wrapped around Blaine, he started struggling against them.

  “What the fuck is this?” He asked, looking at Crompton. “I’ve done everything I’ve been told to do.”

  “No, you haven’t,” Crompton responded, calmly. “Jackson, pick up the knife from the table beside you and come here.”

  Jackson looked on the table and saw a silver knife with a wooden handle sitting there, and wondered if Crompton had somehow gotten ahold of Karma’s drawings.

  After picking it up, he walked to where Blaine was sitting and stopped just behind the chair.

  “Very good,” Crompton praised him. “Now, cut off his right ear.”

  Despite being revolted, Jackson did as Crompton ordered, and was surprised by the feeling that washed over him at the other vampire’s screams.

  “Beautiful,” Crompton said and looked at Blaine. “Now, do you want to tell me what happened to the shipment I was supposed to get last week?”

  “Customs,” he answered. “We think there’s an employee working for the company you use who is feeding shipping information to the Feds.”

  “Is that so?” Crompton asked. “Do you know which employee it is?”

  “No,” Blaine answered nearly silently.

  “Cut off his right hand,” Crompton ordered.

  “Yes, Master,” Jackson responded and closed his eyes as he did what he was told. He knew this vampire had done some really bad things, and that’s how he was justifying doing what he was doing. Well, that, and surviving.

  The other vampire’s screams filled the room, and Jackson smiled a little despite the queasiness he was feeling.

  “If you can’t figure out who is stopping my shipments, you are of no use to me,” Crompton sneered at Blaine.

  “I know it’s a vampire,” Blaine said after he caught his breath.

  “Do you know how many vampire work for that company?” Crompton asked, staring at Blaine.

  “Ninety-six,” he answered. “And eighty of those work on the ships.”

  “Correct,” Crompton said with a smile. “And fifty of those on the ships work for me.”

  “They do?” Blaine asked before he could stop himself.

  “They do,” Crompton responded. “Cut off his left hand.”

  “No, no, please don’t,” Blaine begged as Jackson walked around the chair and raised the bloody knife.

  When Jackson lowered it quickly, Blaine screeched as his left hand fell to the floor with a thud.

  “Now, since you have no hands, you are completely useless to me, and anyone else in this world,” Crompton told Blaine.

  “I will find work,” Blaine said, looking at his wrists where his hands used to be. The bleeding had stopped, and the skin had already closed over the right one.

  “You’ll be unable to work for anyone,” Crompton told him. “Because you will be dead.”

  “No, please don’t kill me,” he pleaded, looking at Jackson with tears streaming down his

  “Cut off his head and end his pitiful existence,” Crompton told Jackson.

  Jackson nodded before looking at the vampire in the chair and grinning a little.

  “It was nice meeting you, Blaine,” he said before slicing his head from his shoulders.

  When he turned to look at Crompton, the older vampire’s eyes were filled with pride.

  “Very good,” he said and turned toward the door. “Now pack your things. We’ll be leaving this place within the hour. It’s time for you to feed.”

  When Crompton walked from the room, Jackson sank to the floor. Up to this point, Crompton had given him the blood he’d needed to survive, but he knew he’d be expected to feed like the rest, and no matter how much he hated the idea, he knew he had to do whatever he could in order to survive.

  “I just hope the ones I love can forgive me,” he muttered aloud to himself. “And I hope I can forgive myself.”

  Sighing, he rose to his feet and walked from the room. He knew he had to pack, but he hoped the VEB and Huntresses were on their way already. If not, his message to Dylan would be useless.

  “One hour,” Crompton called out from somewhere in the house.

  “Yes, Master,” he responded and entered his room. He planned on using every second of that hour.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Time to wake up,” Dylan said as he nuzzled Karma’s neck.

  “Keep doing that and we won’t be showering before we head out,” she told him sleepily.

  “Join me in the shower then,” he responded and let his fangs graze her neck before sliding out of bed.

  Once he was gone, she snuggled into bed for a second before grinning and jumping up.

  “Almost thought you’d decided to stay in bed,” Dylan commented when she opened the glass door and joined him in the steamy shower.

  “And miss the opportunity to do this?” She asked, then jumped into his arms.

  When her legs wrapped around his waist, he gripped her ass with his hands and slowly lowered her until he filled her completely.

  “God, I needed this,” he breathed out before he pressed her back against the shower wall and started moving.


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