Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3)

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Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3) Page 17

by Christina Escue

  “Then let’s go,” Baxter said and motioned for the agents behind them to move out. “Quickly and silently.”

  As they approached the building, a screech came from inside.

  Karma and Dylan broke away from the group, running at full speed, and entered the warehouse through a side door with Harrison, Nevaeh, Jackson, and Delanie right on their heels.

  “What the fuck?” A male voice yelled, dropping the brunette he was holding.

  “Henderson,” Karma sneered when her eyes latched onto the vampire who’d killed Martin.

  “Fuck,” he said and darted toward the open door behind him, only to stop short when Baxter and Jensen blocked it.

  “Going somewhere, coward?” Jensen said and grinned at him. “I was hoping we’d find you.”

  “Crompton made me,” he said, and Karma chuckled.

  “Liar,” she said and moved closer to him.

  “Just kill me now,” he said as his head darted in every direction.

  “No,” she responded. “Cassius Henderson, you are under arrest for the murder of VEB Training Agent Jayden Martin, for treason against the United States of America, and for violating several sections of the Vampire Code.”

  “They’re going to kill me anyway,” he said, his voice rising an octave. “Why don’t you just save us all time?”

  “Because,” Karma said, and her grin grew. “Killing you now would be too easy. And why deny the citizens of this great country the opportunity to see what happens to those vampire who violate the laws.”

  “If you don’t kill me, Crompton will find me,” he threatened.

  “I hope so,” Jackson interjected.

  “Jackson,” Henderson said when he finally looked at the vampire standing behind Karma. “How did you get away from Crompton?”

  “I kept telling everyone that Karma and Dylan would find me,” Jackson answered. “None of you believed me.”

  “He’ll find you,” Henderson told him. “He’ll find you and he’ll force you to work for him again.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Jackson told him and looked at Delanie. “I have something stronger keeping me from ever returning to Crompton.”

  “And that is?” Henderson asked as he backed up a little.

  “Love,” Jackson answered honestly. “Now, you’re under arrest.”

  “The hell I am,” he said and tried to dart around Karma.

  When Delanie swung her arm out, she connected with his chest, and he screamed.

  “I believe he said you’re under arrest,” she said as he dropped to his knees and they saw the handle of one of Karma’s silver daggers sticking out of his chest.

  “Quick thinking,” Baxter commented as he pulled Henderson to his feet and grinned at Delanie.

  “Thank you,” she responded, returning his grin.

  “Let’s get the trash out, then we can free these people,” Karma said and looked around the warehouse. “Crompton isn’t going to be very happy about losing more people.”

  “Good,” Jackson said and grinned. “Let’s get this done, then maybe we can make him even unhappier.”

  “I like your way of thinking, little brother,” Dylan said and clapped Jackson on the shoulder. “Glad to have you back.”

  “Glad to be back,” Jackson responded. “Let’s get this done.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “Sir, I have news,” a large male said when he entered the warehouse they’d just emptied.

  “Tell me,” Crompton said, looking out the window as the last truck made its way down the alley between the two warehouses.

  “We lost the Franklin Street holding area,” the vampire said and took a step back.


  “We lost Franklin Street,” the vampire repeated. “It was the VEB, Sir, and they had Jackson with them.”

  “Impossible,” Crompton responded. “I could find him if he were still alive.”

  “I saw him myself,” the vampire answered. “He was with the VEB.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” Crompton asked through narrowed eyes.

  “There was someone with him I thought I recognized,” he answered. “Someone I haven’t seen in nearly three years.”

  “And who might that be?”

  “Her name is Jacqueline, and she was my girlfriend once upon a time,” Mitch answered with a smile. “Until I murdered her family that is.”

  “Girlfriend?” Crompton asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes,” he responded. “If you recall, I was only nineteen when I was changed.”

  “I remember,” Crompton answered and chuckled. “I remember changing your brother, then a few days later changing you. I had a pair of Fullers until that idiot brother of yours got himself caught.”

  “I will not make that same mistake,” Mitch assured him.

  “See that you don’t,” Crompton said and looked at the young vampire standing in front of him. “Now go. Follow them and find out where they’re staying. I have a few surprises planned for Karma and I don’t want anyone interfering with my plans.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Mitch responded and left the warehouse without another word.

  Once he was outside, Mitch took off running. He knew who the girl was who was with Jackson and the VEB, and he would do whatever it took to get her back.

  Coming to a stop at the warehouse the VEB was clearing out, he caught sight of his Jacqueline, and he smiled. It looked like she was working with the Huntresses, and he wondered if her family being killed had anything to do with that.

  When she looked up and locked eyes on the place he was hiding in the shadows, her face scrunched, and she took a step in his direction.

  “That’s it, baby,” he whispered. “You know I’m here and you know you still want me.”

  When Jackson laid a hand on her arm, she halted, and Mitch growled. It appeared she didn’t hate all vampire.

  He slipped deeper into the shadows before he turned and ran a few hundred feet away. It didn’t matter who she was working with, or who she was screwing, he would have her back.


  “What’s wrong?” Jackson asked when Delanie stopped talking and locked her eyes on a shadowed spot between two other warehouses.

  “I don’t know,” she responded, and took a step toward the place she was looking.

  “Delanie,” Jackson said and laid his hand on her arm. “What’s over there?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered again. “I thought I saw something move, then had a weird feeling wash over me. I can’t explain it, but something is pulling me to that place.”

  “Then let’s check it out,” Dylan said from behind her. “The four of us.”

  “Yeah,” Delanie nodded.

  “We’ll be right back, Baxter,” Karma told the VEB leader before they took off toward the place Delanie was focused.

  “Someone was here,” Delanie said as soon as they entered the dark alley.

  “A vampire,” Karma added.

  “I know that scent,” Delanie told them as she inhaled again.

  “Me too,” Jackson added, and looked around them. “It’s one of Crompton’s men. I don’t know his name, but I encountered him a couple times since we came here.”

  “We need to get back to the group,” Karma said, and the others nodded.

  “Stay alert everyone,” Dylan said after they rejoined the group clearing out the warehouse. “Crompton knows we’re here, or he will shortly.”

  “What’s going on?” Nevaeh asked after she helped one of the humans into a waiting ambulance.

  “One of Crompton’s men was hiding in that alley watching us,” Karma answered and pointed to the alley they’d just checked out.

  “I’m not sure if he was watching us because of what we’re doing, or because of who we are,” Delanie told them. “When I saw the movement, I felt something, too. Something familiar.”

  “Familiar how?” Holbrook asked, stopping beside her.

  “I don’t k
now exactly,” she answered. “Just felt familiar. Like someone I once knew.”

  “Babe, I know this is a long shot, but since you told me about your ex earlier, I’ve been wondering about him,” Jackson said, and everyone looked at him.

  “Mitch? You think it could have been Mitch watching from the alley?”

  “It’s possible,” he responded. “And that leads me to ask, does anyone know if Agent Fuller had a son?”

  “I don’t think so,” Ramsey answered.

  “He had a brother,” Dylan told them. “He told me about him once, but he never mentioned his name.”

  “Why do you ask?” Eduardo asked.

  “Delanie’s ex, the one who killed her family, the reason she became a Huntress, is a vampire. His name is Mitchel Fuller,” Jackson answered.

  “It wouldn’t be unlike Crompton to change siblings,” Eduardo told them.

  “Do you think Mitch is Fuller’s brother?” Delanie asked, looking around them as the familiar feeling washed over her again.

  “It’s possible,” Ramsey answered. “But we won’t know unless we encounter him.”

  “I have a feeling we will,” Delanie muttered to no one in particular.

  “And I will be right beside you if we do,” Jackson assured her. “I will be right beside you for eternity.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” she responded and looked at him.

  “Let’s get this finished so we can check out the other warehouses tonight,” Baxter said, and they nodded. “I would really like to sleep at some point.”

  “Delanie,” Nevaeh said, pulling the young vampire’s attention to her. “We will all be right beside you when that time comes.”

  “Yes,” Harrison agreed. “Now let’s get this done.”

  Smiling, Delanie nodded at the vampire surrounding her. She may have lost her entire family almost three years ago, but through that tragedy she had gained another family. A family who would stand beside her no matter what.

  “Yes,” she finally said and looked around at the faces of her family. “Let’s get this done.”

  For the next hour they worked together to get all the humans out of the warehouse, and then destroyed the cages before loading into the vans and SUV’s.

  “Next warehouse?” Harrison asked as he started the van.

  “Yes,” Jackson responded and grinned. It was still early, and he hoped to get a change to encounter Mitch, if that was who was watching them.

  “Okay then,” Harrison commented and headed that direction.

  “We have a problem,” Baxter’s voice came through the radio a couple minutes later.

  “And that is?” Harrison asked, not liking the tone.

  “The hotel the VEB is staying at was bombed a few minutes ago,” he said, and the van went completely silent.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  “Holy shit,” Jackson said as they pulled to a stop at the police barricade.

  “Took the words right out of my mouth,” Dylan muttered. “Let’s see if we can help.”

  As they got out of the van, the human police officers walked over to them.

  “You can’t go in there,” the female said, and Karma looked at her like she’d go crazy.

  “Federal agents,” Karma told her and pulled her VEB badge from her pocket.

  “Vampire,” the male officer sneered and looked at them.

  “Do you have a problem with vampire?” Harrison asked him.

  “We’re pulling human remains from that hotel because of vampire,” he responded. “So yeah, I have a problem with vampire.”

  “You’re pulling victims from that hotel because of criminals,” Karma corrected him. “It’s yet to be determined if vampire caused the explosion.”

  “You really want me to believe humans did this?” He retorted and pointed at the building behind him.

  “Humans have been blowing things up and killing each other for centuries,” Karma pointed out. “Now let us through. We have agents in that hotel.”

  “Fine,” he snapped, and Karma growled.

  “What’s your name and badge number,” Baxter asked the officer.

  “Why?” He asked, sneering again.

  “Because I am Agent Nathan Baxter, leader of the Vampire Enforcement Bureau, and you are two seconds away from being arrested for hindering a federal investigation.”

  “Or three away from being dead,” Jensen added when he caught the expression on Karma’s face.

  “Fine, whatever,” the officer responded and walked away.

  “I’m sorry for his attitude,” the female officer apologized. “His brother was killed by a vampire just after vampire were brought out and the new laws were set in place.”

  “Give me his brother’s name and we will look into it,” Johnson said and pulled her to the side as the others passed.

  “You can’t kill human police officers,” Jensen reminded Karma with a chuckle.

  “I wasn’t going to kill him,” she responded with a grin. “Break a few of his bones maybe, but not kill him.”

  “That wouldn’t have been productive either,” Jensen reminded her and rolled his eyes. “The paperwork would have been a bitch.”

  “Yes, well,” she said and stopped in front of the hotel. “This is worse.”

  “Did we have any agents inside?” Dylan asked, and looked around at Baxter.

  “Two, and both are okay,” he answered. “They’re helping the rescue people search for survivors.”

  “Then let’s join them,” Karma said as she walked to the man who looked like he was in charge.

  “No one enters,” he snapped when she stopped beside him.

  “Karma Black, VEB,” she introduced herself and held up her badge for him to see. “I’m entering with or without you telling me it’s okay.”

  “Thank goodness you’re finally here,” he said and sighed.

  “You were expecting me?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.

  “Not you, but the VEB,” he answered. “We found a group of survivors, but we can’t get to them. Your agents are working on it now, but there is a collapsed room between them and the people who are trapped.”

  “Are they trapped in an area with an outside wall?” Dylan asked.

  “I think so,” he answered and looked at Dylan in confusion. “Why?”

  “It may be easier to make an opening in the outer wall than clear away the debris blocking the door of the room they’re in,” Karma answered for him. “We’ll check the perimeter and see if we can locate them. Jackson, Delanie, come with me and Dylan. Harrison, you and Nevaeh go inside and help the two agents who are trying to reach them from the inside. Everyone else, search for survivors. Start as far up as you can get and work your way down.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” several agents said before they entered the building.

  “Way to take charge,” Baxter said and chuckled.

  “At least they listen to me,” she remarked and shrugged.

  “Yes,” he said and looked at her. “Pretty sure most are terrified you’ll rip their heads off if they don’t.”

  “Anything’s possible,” she responded. “When we get these survivors freed, we’re heading up the fire escape to the roof and will work down from there.”

  “I’ll take Jensen and Johnson and head that way now. Y’all worry about freeing the ones we know where are,” he told her. “And be careful. There are vampire who aren’t ours around.”

  “I smell them,” she told him. “Stay alert.”

  “You too,” he said before walking over to Jensen and Johnson.

  “Stay safe,” Harrison said and hugged her before he and Nevaeh walked into the building.

  “Let’s get these people out,” Karma said. “Dylan, you and Jackson go left, and Delanie and I will go right. We can cover the outer perimeter faster that way.”

  “Be careful,” Dylan said and kissed her forehead.

  “You too,” she responded.

  “Watch each other’s backs,”
Jackson told Delanie before he pulled her into a hard hug.

  “We always have,” she answered. “You and Dylan do the same.”

  “Since the day I was born,” he told her and kissed the tip of her nose before he released her and stepped back.

  “Let’s go,” Karma said and walked to the edge of the building.

  “Why couldn’t I have gone with Jackson?” Delanie asked, not really understanding why Karma split them up the way she did.

  “Because you and Jackson are both new vampire,” Karma explained. “And neither of you are officially agents yet. Dylan is a new vampire, too, but he didn’t have to adapt to too much when he was changed. You just woke up from the transition earlier today. Also, I know Dylan was wanting to talk to Jackson alone, and this gives him that chance.”

  “Oh,” Delanie responded. “Makes sense.”

  “Yes,” Karma said and stopped. “Do you hear that?”

  “Someone’s behind this wall,” Delanie said and pressed her ear against the outside of the hotel.

  “Sounds like a child,” Karma said as she started making an opening in the wall with her hands.

  “A female child,” Delanie added and helped Karma pull sections of the wall off.

  Once they had an opening about half the size of a door, Karma ducked down and entered the building with Delanie right behind her.

  “Holy fuck,” Karma whispered as her eyes landed on the small girl who looked about four or five years old. “No way she was in here alone.”

  “Mommy,” the child whimpered and looked toward a pile of debris beside her.

  “Take her out,” Karma told Delanie before she darted to the pile and started shifting it. “And send a few of the rescue team this way.”

  “Okay,” Delanie replied and scooped the child into her arms before disappearing through the opening.

  Once she was gone, Karma shifted the parts of wall and ceiling off the woman she could hear moaning beneath. She’d known the Mother was still alive, but did not want the child to see her like this.

  “My baby,” the young woman mouthed wordlessly.

  “She’s safe,” Karma assured her. “Rescue personal are on their way to get you out.”


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