by Nancy Finley
Agnos, Art, 154
Aker, Jack, 72
All About Eve, 75
Allen, Dick, 194
All-Star games, 34, 107, 169
All-Star teams, 102
Allyn, Arthur, 54
Alou, Jesus, 135
Alston, Walter, 160
American League (AL), the, 4, 12, 34, 54, 72, 89, 134, 159, 170, 195, 216, 225–26, 231
American League Championship Series (AL), 104, 116, 170, 176, 179, 226
American League West, 134, 195, 225
adopted the designated hitter in 1973, 107–8
“the biggest blast in All-star history,” 102–4
Championship series, 116–19
City of Oakland and County of Alameda file lawsuit, 203
1975 playoffs, the, 176–9
Anaheim, CA, 67
Anderson, Sparky, 121, 123
Andrews, Mike, xii, 139, 140–44
errors in Game Two of 1973 World Series, 135–37
examination by Dr. Walker, 140
hired by Charlie, 141–42
scandal surrounding, 142–43
statements under oath, 144–47
Angels (team), 49
Appling, Luke, 73
Arizona, 183, 193, 211
Arizona State Sun Devils, 86
Arizona State University, 60
Armas, Tony, 195, 201, 212
Associated Press, the (AP), 43, 188
Bachman, Marcy, 168, 238
Ball Four (Bouton), 113
Baltimore Orioles, the, 17, 104, 159, 134
Bando, Salvatore “Sal,” 60–61, 103, 116, 118, 157, 159–61, 177
Barber, Red, 65
Bauer, Hank, 6, 37, 86
Beanie and Cecil, 30
Beatles, the, 49–50, 80
Bell, Cool Papa, 40
Bench, Johnny, 123
Benjamin, Howard, 55, 64, 111
Benjamin Stables, 55
Benny, Jack, 179
Bergman, Ron, 60, 86, 115, 157, 213
Barry, Mary, 99, 158
Billingham, Jack, 120–22
Billy Ball, 211, 213, 225
Billy Club, 205, 207, 209
Binns, Val, 86
Birmingham, AL, 233
Black Panthers, the, 94–95
Blass, Steve, 145
Blue, Vida, 97, 101–3, 108, 118–20, 157, 159–60, 169, 177, 184–85, 194, 237
hired by Charlie, 55, 60
Borbon, Pedro, 120
Boston, MA, 4, 70, 72, 98, 137, 140, 170, 176
Boston Red Sox, the, 40, 113, 149, 170, 176
Boswell, Dave, 207
Bouton, Jim, 113
Bowman, Joe, 79
Braniff airlines, 25–26
Bronx Bombers, the, 176
Brooklyn Dodgers, 12, 170
Brown, Daniel, 237
Bruns, William, 113
Bryson, Bill, 51
Buckner, Bill, 160
Burleson, Rick, 177
Bush, David, 128
Cactus League, the, 211
Cadillac Eldorado, 102
Campaneris, Dagoberto “Bert” or “Campy,” 58, 94, 121–22, 136, 169, 206
injured by Lerrin LaGrow, 117
sued for paternity, 67
Caray, Harry, 98
Carroll, Clay, 120–21
Carroll, Parke, 13
Castro Valley, 179
Caywood, Betty, 50, 237
Chaney, Darrel, 124
Charlie O (mule), 53–55, 80, 104, 158, 167–68, 222, 235
death of, 188–90
Chevrolet Caprice, 130
Chicago, IL, 4, 9, 13, 22, 29, 32, 36–37, 51, 53–54, 88, 134, 153, 168, 179, 182, 184, 189, 192, 202–3, 205, 234
Chicago White Sox, the, 8, 11, 145, 170, 175
Child Protective Services, 91
Children’s Memorial Hospital in Kansas City, 49
Chillicothe Tribune, 57
Cimoli, Gino, 34
Cincinnati Reds, the, 118
City Center Bank, 19
City National Bank & Trust Company, 3
Cleveland Browns, the, 40
coaches, 125, 145, 230, 234
Coffin, Carolyn, 88, 152
butted heads with Monte Moore, 93
leaves the A’s, 187, 198
College World Series championship, 86
Colt, John W., 7
Comiskey Park, 52, 54, 134
Concepcion, Dave, 123
Conga Room, the, 63
Contra Costa Times, xiv
Cooper, Cecil, 177
Cosca, Stan, 167, 188
Costas, Bob, 103
Cow Palace, the, 167
Cronin, Joe, 108, 117
Cuellar, Mike, 134
Cy Young Award, 164
Daily Record, 236
Daily Record and Kansas City Daily News-Press, 7
Dallas, TX, xv, 7, 9, 13, 25–26, 30, 39–40, 44–45, 64, 76, 91–92, 95, 111, 127, 238
Dallas Independent School District, 14
Dallas Morning News, xv
Daly, Ed, 53
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Jimmy Fund, 149
Darby, Jay, 237
Dark, Alvin, 67, 72, 98, 157, 159, 165, 174–75, 178–80
fired by Charlie, 72
jabs at Charlie, 165
rehired for the 1974 season, 156
Davalillo, Vic, 135
Davis, Bette, 75
Davis, Marvin, 192, 199
Denver, CO, 192, 199
designated hitters, 107, 139, 142, 145, 148
Detroit, 4, 102, 116–18, 206
Detroit Tigers, the, 68, 207
DiMaggio, Joe, 65, 87, 93, 202, 215
Dobson, Chuck, 87, 94, 109
hired by Charlie, 59
Dolich, Andy, 221, 225
Drabowsky, Moe, 55
Drago, Dick, 178
Duncan, Dave, 58, 124
Dunne, Robert J., 18
Eagles, the, 170
Eastwood, Clint, 179
Edgewater Hyatt, 104, 117
Edgewater Inn, 134
Ed Sullivan Show, 49
Eisenhardt, Roy, 222, 230
Ellis, Dock, 102
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 176
Epstein, Brian, 49
Epstein, Mike, 118, 239, 34
Evans, Dwight, 177
“Everything’s Up to Date in Kansas City,” 23
“Fan-a-Grams,” 22
fans, as number one to the Finleys, 235
farm teams, 58, 233
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the (FBI), 95
Feeney, Chuck, 231
Fenway Park, 170, 177
Ferguson, Joe, 159
Fingers, Rollie, 59, 116, 119, 123–24, 157, 160, 162, 169–70, 177, 184–85, 237
hired by Charlie, 59
Finley, Carl, xii, xiii–xv, 14, 19, 25–27, 29–33, 37, 43–52, 55, 58, 61, 63–64, 70, 72–80, 87–89, 91–95, 98, 101, 104, 111–14, 116, 122, 124, 127–31, 133–34, 137, 139–40, 142–43, 152–54, 156, 158, 163, 165–66–68, 171, 173–75, 178, 181–84, 187–91, 194, 197–99, 202–3, 205–8, 211, 216, 219–22, 226, 229–31, 233–39
agrees to move to Oakland, 88
agrees to return to the A’s, 129–31
book contract, 113
disagreements with Charlie, 87
divorce, 111
early morning phone calls with Charlie, 127
fake proposals, 129
financial troubles of, 113
first offers to work with the A’s, 14
girlfriend Sharon, 93, 98
given lifetime pass by MLB, 231
the indispensable man, 129
infidelity of, 63
method of planting ideas in Charlie’s head, 127
persuasion by Charlie to help the team, 25
cretary, 198
split with Charlie, 111
various titles of, 221
working with Charlie, 87
Finley, Charlie O., xi, xii, xiv–xv, 3–9, 14, 17–23, 25–37, 39–44, 46–61, 63–65, 67–81, 86–89, 91–95, 97–98, 101–5, 107–16, 120–25, 127–31, 133–37, 140–44, 146–48, 152–56, 158–71, 173–76, 179, 181–85, 187–95, 197–99, 201–8, 211–13, 215–17, 219–23, 226–27, 229, 231, 233, 234–39
acquires Oakland basketball and hockey teams, 130
background in insurance, xiv
bought house for Carl in Kansas City, 43–44
building the team, 58
burning the bus stunt, 21
burning of the lease, 6
and death of aunt Rose Marie, 46
decision to move the team to Oakland, 79
divorce, 111, 130, 165–66, 168, 174, 179, 181, 201, 204, 237
feud with Bowie Kuhn, 184–85
fires Alvin Dark multiple times, 72
the first playoff champagne, 104
frustration with baseball old guard, 108
girlfriends of, 168, 173, 202
heart attack, 134, 139, 166, 204
heart operation, 197–98
a “helicopter” owner, 235–36
infidelity of, 165
innovations, 22, 52, 108, 158–59, 174, 194
instincts, 140, 234
intuition of, 60
likely synesthesia of, 34–35
one of the “Sexiest Bachelors in the Bay Area,” 168
orange baseballs, 35, 107, 174
purchase of the team, 11, 17, 19–20
ranch in LaPorte, Indiana, 20, 59, 134
scouting, 58–59, 79, 95, 127, 234
sells the franchise, 199, 220–221
suit against Kuhn, 192, 194, 203–4
superstition and paranoia, 88, 171
Time cover story on, 173–74
wins Sporting News Man of the Year Award, 122
Finley, David, 26, 128
Finley, Fred, 25
Finley, Helen, xv, 14, 25–27, 29–32, 44–46, 52, 55–56, 63–64, 91, 98, 113
files for divorce, 63
Finley, Paul (Charlie’s son), 73–74
Finley, Shirley (Aunt Shirley), 26, 30–32, 52, 121, 124, 165, 201
Finley v. Kuhn, 192, 194
Fisk, Carlton, 177
Flight 85 incident, 70–74
Flood, Curt, 164
Ford, Whitey, 202, 215
Fosse, Ray, 61, 156, 160
Foster, Marcus, 154
Frank York’s Strolling Violins, 22
free agents, free agency, xii, 87, 157, 164–66, 184, 191–92, 201
Freehan, Bill, 118
Frey, Glenn, 170
Frick, Ford, 9
Friday, Pat, 9, 33, 61
Fryman, Woodie, 116, 118
Gaedel, Eddie, 20
Garner, Phil, 177
Garvey, Steve, 159
Gavin, Tom, 9
Geronimo, Cesar, 123
Giants, the, 125, 156, 193
Gordon, Joe, 28, 86
Gorman, Tom, 161
Gossage, Goose, 226
Gould, Sam, 48, 80
Gowdy, Curt, 135
Green, Dick, 60, 94, 161, 177
Griffith, Calvin, 207
Gullett, Don, 120
Haas, Wally, 222, 230
Haas, Walter, Jr., 230
Hague, Joe, 123
Hall of Fame, 59, 65, 160, 190, 212
Hammer, M. C. (Stanley Burrell), 222, 237
Harrelson, Ken, 54, 71
Harridge, Will, 12
Harvey the mechanical rabbit, 22, 31, 94, 229
demise of, 229
Harwell, Ernie, 103
Hawaiian Eye, 26
Hearnes, Warren, 53
Hearst, Patricia, 154
Hegan, Mike, 119–20
Henderson, Rickey, 190, 212, 221
Hendrick, George, 118–20
Hendrick, Norma, 14, 27
Hodges, Spider, 102
Hofman, Bobby, 156
Holtzman, Jerome, 193
Holtzman, Ken, 61, 108, 115, 120, 169, 177
Hoover, Herbert, 89
Hope, Bob, 179
Hotel Sherman, 23
hot pants, 102
Houk, Ralph, 34
Howe, Art, xiii
Hubbard, Cal, 89
Hunter, Catfish, xiii, xiv, 55, 61, 94, 103, 108, 116, 119, 121, 135–36, 160, 169, 174
becomes a free agent, 163–64
files a grievance, 163
hired by Charlie, 58–59
Hyde Park, 44, 68
Iglehart, Joe, 17
International Order of Dirty Old Men, 128
Jackson, Grant, 134
Jackson, Reginald Martinez “Reggie,” xiv, 60–61, 86, 116, 118–19, 140, 153, 156, 159, 161, 166, 169, 177, 206, 236
“biggest blast in All-Star history,” 103
hit by pitchers, 89
named 1973 World Series MVP, 136
J&B scotch, 5, 72, 175
Janssen Place, 44, 68
Javier, Julian, 119
Jersey City A’s, 201
Johnson, Arnold, 11, 17, 39, 77, 219, 236
payments to the Star, 5–6
stripping the team, 3–4
sudden death of, xiv–xv, 13
Jones, Cleon, 140
Judy, 152–53
Kaiser, Edgar, Sr., 85
Kansas City Athletics, 13, 27, 33, 40, 46, 58, 71, 76, 162, 236
auction of, 18
Official Theme Song of the, 23
picking a new mascot for, 52–53
Kansas City Chiefs, 76
“Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,” 50
Kansas City Municipal Stadium, 5, 26, 47, 87, 94, 128
Beatles show at, 50
Finley’s improvements to, 53–54
June 1967 re-examination of the lease, 75–79
lease for, 64
petting zoo at, 21
Kansas City Royals, the, 134, 169, 217
Kansas City Star, xii, xv, 3, 9, 18, 39, 51, 72, 75–76
Kaplan, Fred, 173–74
Kemper, R. (Rufus) Crosby, Jr., 19
Kemper, R. Crosby, III, 3, 7–9, 19–20
Kemper, William T., 19
Kennedy, Bob, 86
Keough, Matt, 195, 201
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 85
Kingman, Brian, 201
relationship to Billy Martin, 209
Kissinger, Henry, 169
Knoblauch, Chuck, 145
Knowland, William, 85
Krausse, Lew, Jr., 55, 59, 68–71, 87
shooting incident, 68
Kuhn, Bowie, xii, 76, 117, 135, 141, 166, 169, 184, 191, 194, 198
contract with MLB up for renewal, 176
feud with Charlie O. Finley, 192
intervention in the Mike Andrews affair, 147
Lacey, Bob, 201, 212
LaGrow, Lerrin, 117, 206
Lake Merritt, 92, 95, 98
Lane, Frank, 4–5, 9, 21, 23, 28, 61
Langford, Rick, 195, 201, 212
Lardner, Rex, 23, 235
Lazia, Johnny, 32
Leawood, KS, 79
Leggett, William, 148
Levi Strauss & Co., 221
Lewis, Allan, 120, 156
Life magazine, 20, 78, 113
Lindblad, Paul, 58, 193–94
Little Blowhard, 22
Little Richard, 50
Lockwood, Claude “Skip,” 60
Lombardi, Vince, 157
Lopat, Ed, 37
Los Angeles Dodgers, the, 12, 159–62, 170, 176
Louisville, KY, 39–40, 64, 76
Love Field, 25, 91
Lukas, Paul, 34
Lynn, Fred, 177
MacArthur, Douglas, xv
ack, Connie, 97, 103
famous “fire sales,” 192
Mack, Connie, III, 51
Macon, GA, 59
MacPhail, Lee, 216, 231
Mad Men, xii, 45
Major League Baseball (MLB), 64, 80, 86, 104, 109, 113, 117, 128, 136, 145, 163
Major League Baseball Players’ Association, the, 64–65, 163, 184
Mangual, Angel, 121–22
Mansfield, LA, 60
Mantle, Mickey, 12, 206, 215
Maris, Roger, 12
Markusen, Bruce, 141
Marquez, Gonzalo, 120
Marshall, Mike, 159
Martin, Billy, 116, 160, 202, 206–9, 211–12, 215–17, 221, 225
clashes with new owners (search Martin Crashes), 230
girlfriend Heather, 208–9
hired as the new manager, 206
marries Jill, 209
Masons, the, 29
McCatty, Steve, 195, 201
McDonald, Marie, 31
McGaha, Mel, 37
McGarr, Frank, 192–94
McGuff, Joe, 4–6, 51
McGuff, Kay, 51
McKenzie, Mike, 128
McKeon, Jack, 194–95
McNally, Dave, 134, 184
Mehl, Ernie, xv, 7, 11, 13, 17–18, 21, 23, 39, 43, 57, 76–78, 80–81, 87, 155, 211, 236
initial relationship with Charlie Finley, 3–5
“Poison Pen” award, 8–9
relationship to Arnold Johnson, 3–4
Menke, Dennis, 123
Merritt Bakery, 171
Messersmith, Andy, 160, 184
Mets, the, 135–36, 139–40
Mexia, TX, 32
Michael Andrews v. Charles O. Finley, et al., 144
Miller, Marvin, 3, 58, 65, 109, 163, 184, 234
Milner, John, 139
Milwaukee Brewers, the, 108
Milwaukee County Stadium, 169
Minnesota Twins, the, 97, 115, 207, 212
Miss America, 31, 179
“Missouri Waltz,” 23
Modesto, CA, 161, 233
Monarchs, the, 40
Monday, Rick, 59, 80, 86
Moneyball, 35, 237
Montreal Expos, the, 98
Moore, Donald, 141
Moore, Monte, 51, 73, 93–94, 190
Morabito, Mickey, 208
Morgan, Joe, 121, 123
Morgan, Mike, 201
Mormon Church, the, 152
Moss, Dick, 163
Mount St. Helens, 211
Muehlebach, George, 30
Muehlebach Hotel, the, 29–31, 33, 52, 63
“Mule Train, The,” 53
Murphy, Dwayne, 201, 212, 221
Mussman, Bob, 57
“Mustache Gang,” the, 170
Mustache Gang (Bergman), 86
Nahas, Robert T., 85
Nash, Jumbo Jim, 60
National Baseball Hall of Fame, 59, 65, 160, 190, 212
National Football League (NFL), 47
National Tuberculosis Association, 238
Navajo Code Talkers, xv
NBC, 216
Negro leagues, 40
Newhouse, Dave, 236
Newton, Huey P., 95
New York City, 4, 51, 54
New York Yankees, the, xi, 5, 34, 162, 170