Avoiding Mr. Right

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Avoiding Mr. Right Page 14

by C. J. Ellisson

  It feels like a dream come true to finally have her in my arms. All the months of

  carefully waiting for her to notice me and the contrived questions about accounts

  so we could talk… all of it led to this night. And if I could change a thing, I wouldn’t.

  If we had experienced a good night of sex that first time together she probably would

  have shifted me into some type of fuck-buddy role and I never would have ventured

  past her emotional walls. I run a hand over her smooth back, reveling in the satiny

  feel of her skin. A smile spreads across my face in the darkness—no sign of her prickly

  defenses now.

  The intensity of my release and temporary loss of control from last night comes back

  to me, stirring my cock to life. Damn, that was hot. She’s a passionate woman when

  she lets herself be in the moment. I tilt my face to her forehead and place a kiss

  against her bangs, wondering if I can stealthily wake her up…

  I cough, clearing my throat loudly. She stirs and comes partly awake, probably unused

  to having someone stay the night.

  “Oh, did I wake you?” I whisper into the dark, careful to keep my tone neutral and

  not hopeful.

  Her hot hand trails over my chest and down to my stomach. “I had the most amazing

  dream. And look at that, you’re still here.” Her fingers skate below my waist and

  brush my growing erection. “Oh, and what a nice perk. Looks like all your parts are

  awake.” I can hear the smile in her words as her warm breath fans my chest.

  Her hand locks over my arousal and I suck in a breath. “I’m thirty-four, not sixty-four.

  I’m good for more than one round per night.”

  She lifts her head and plants a soft kiss on my mouth, her hand teasing me to full

  height. “Good to know, old man.”

  Before we lose all track of sense, a niggling worry in the back of my mind has me

  reaching out to place a hand over hers. “Last night was incredible. Please don’t tell

  me it was another one-off type of thing.”

  Faint light from the street spills in, slightly illuminating her unsure features hovering

  inches above my own. “I’m not saying no, but I need time to decide how far I want

  this to go, okay?”

  I let go of her hand and reach up to cup a full breast. “That’s better than a no any

  day of the week.”

  The peace and calm of our sexually-satisfied sleep is rudely broken by an incessant

  knocking at Carla’s front door. She snuggles in deeper as I glance at the clock. It’s

  only a few minutes after seven a.m.

  The banging becomes louder as I nudge Carla. “Someone’s at the door.”

  She mumbles, “Probably just a delivery. Can you get it?”

  Warmth swells inside me at the casual inclusion she’s offered into her life. I kiss

  her bare shoulder and reply, “No problem.”

  I grab my pants and a shirt, not bothering with underwear in my haste. The firm knocking

  continues after a brief respite and I call out, “Coming!”

  Carla pushes her bangs off her face and yawns. Her voice carries to me as I exit the

  bedroom, “I might as well get up, too. We’ve got work in two hours.”

  I open her apartment door and my blood freezes. This is no deliveryman. The guy in

  the hall is wearing a jacket and slacks, a button down shirt and a tie. He looks about

  my age, but a bit more haggard. His hard visage makes more sense when he opens his

  wallet and flashes a shiny gold badge. “Is there a problem, officer?”

  “Detective Donovan. Does a Carla Johnson live here?”

  “Yes.” I motion behind me. “She’s waking up now.”

  “I need to speak to her. May I come in?”

  Unsure shutting the door on him to check with Carla is a wise move, I gesture with

  my arm for him to come inside. “Please, have a seat. I’ll tell Carla you’re here.”

  I close the door after he enters, and face the detective. “Can you tell me what this

  is about?”

  “Are you family?” I shake my head. “Sorry, I can’t.”

  Dread fills my stomach as I walk to Carla’s bedroom. She’s sitting up in bed with

  a robe on, a confused smile on her face. “Did you just let someone into my living


  “It’s the police, Carla. I’m not sure what he wants.”

  Her face scrunches up in confusion. “I haven’t done anything wrong. Maybe it’s an

  issue with one of the neighbors?” She smiles warmly at me, “Although, if something

  happened last night I can honestly say I didn’t hear a thing.”

  “Why don’t you get some clothes on?” I run a hand through my short hair. “I think

  talking with a stranger in a robe might be a little uncomfortable.”

  She sighs and moves to her closet. “You’re probably right. Wonder what in the heck

  it could be about. Hope no one’s place was broken into. The building has always been

  safe in the past.” In a moment she’s dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt and I stand

  to the side to let her pass.

  “Aren’t you coming with me?” Hope shines in her eyes.

  Tension from a held breath eases out. “If you want me to, yes.”

  We pass through the narrow hall to greet the early morning visitor. The officer rises

  and extends his hand. “Are you Carla Johnson?”

  “Yes, I am.” She shakes his hand briefly, then settles on the couch and pats the cushion

  next to her, indicating I should join her. “Would you like some coffee? You caught

  us before the pot was made.”

  The tired-looking officer smiles, but it doesn’t reach his hazel eyes. “Thank you,

  I’m fine.” He reaches into his coat to withdraw some papers. “Did your mother, Erin

  Johnson, file a missing person’s report fifteen years ago for one David Henry Johnson?”

  Carla straightens in her seat. “Wait. You’re here for something about my father? Not

  like a break-in in the building or something?”

  The detective nods, his dark hair neat and his expression solemn. “Yes, that’s right.

  I’m here about a development in his case. You put your name in as a person to contact

  seven years ago, correct?”

  Carla’s face drains of color as she nods. I reach out across the couch and clasp her

  hand. “Our family moved out of the city a few years after my dad went missing. When

  I moved back into the area I contacted the department my mother originally filed the

  report with, just in case anything came up.” She swallows loudly. “Oh my God. What’s

  happened? Just spit it out.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Johnson,” he says. “Your father’s body was discovered in a deep ravine,

  during excavation for expanding a road.”

  She clutches my hand. “Did you just say ‘his body’?”

  “Yes, ma’am. The coroner’s report states he died about the same time frame he was

  reported missing.”

  Her voice comes out shaky, “Did the report say how he died?”

  “He suffered a severe head wound but whether he died from the injury or exposure to

  the elements is uncertain at this time. He had no wallet on him or anything of value.

  His identity was discovered through dental records collected with the original case.

  It’s speculated he may have been the victim of a carjacking and robbery gone wrong.

  I’m terribly sorry, ma’am.”

  Carla stares straight ahead while the detective opens his

  “You were fourteen when he was reported missing?”

  She doesn’t say anything. I scoot closer and wrap an arm around her, squeezing her

  shoulder to bring her back to the here and now.

  “Um...What?” She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. Yes, I was fourteen.”

  “Do you recall if your father had any enemies or what kind of people he socialized


  Carla’s face takes on a far-away expression. “Enemies? He got along with everyone

  as far as I could tell. I think he was in sales. I know he traveled with work sometimes.

  It was so long ago, I don’t really remember friends, outside of people who came to


  “Anyone ever seem to have a beef with him or maybe he owed them money?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Did your parents fight often?”

  Carla’s face crumbles. “Why are you asking these questions? Didn’t you just say it

  looked like a carjacking and a robbery?”

  “Yes, it looked like that’s what it could be. But that doesn’t mean we don’t try and find out exactly

  what happened that night.”

  The detective and Carla talk for a few more minutes before he departs, leaving her

  with his business card. He needs to speak with her mother and is giving Carla a chance

  to break the news to her first. Carla will need to head out soon. The shock of his

  visit leaves both of us quiet. Striving for some semblance of normalcy, I venture

  into the kitchen to make coffee. It takes me a few minutes to find everything and

  get it going. Carla doesn’t get up to help and I’m inclined to leave her to collect

  her thoughts. Very soon I’ve got a hot cup ready and hand it to Carla who’s still

  sitting on the couch, frozen in place.

  She takes a small sip of the fresh brew, her eyes meeting mine. “I don’t know what

  the hell I should be doing right now. This feels surreal.”

  I take a seat next to her and wrap my free arm around her hunched shoulders. “I think

  you’ll need to call in to work and then arrange transportation to her house.”

  A shudder runs through her frame. “You’re right. I’ll call into work. There’s no way

  I can tell her this over the phone. I’ll have to drive up.” Her hand shakes as she

  sets her coffee down. “I don’t even have a car. I’ll have to rent one.”

  Immediately I think of my sister’s car. “I can call Andrea and see if she can lend

  me hers. Do you want me to go with you or would you prefer to go alone?”

  She turns to me, her dark blue eyes looking lost and empty. “Thank you for the offer,

  but I think this is something I need to do by myself. My mom…” her voice trails off.

  She takes a deep breath and tries again. “My mom can be difficult and I have a feeling

  she isn’t going to take this well.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Pounding spring rain pours as I drive through the dreary morning to my mom’s in a

  rented sedan. The roads are slick and the traffic crawls. What would normally be a

  ninety-minute drive is already taking over two hours.

  My cell rings on the passenger seat. One glance reveals it’s Andy calling. I click

  answer and immediately switch the phone to speaker option, setting it on the console

  between the seats.

  “Hi Andy.”

  “Hey. Are you at your mom’s yet?”

  “Almost there. The rain has slowed everyone down.” Apprehension swirls in my middle,

  the rhythmic beat of the steady wipers doing nothing to calm me. “I’m so not looking

  forward to this.”

  “I don’t blame you.” A sigh echoes over the phone. “I’m sorry about the things I said

  about your dad last night. I had no right.”

  His thoughtfulness helps to stem the twisting in my gut. “Not your fault. I was right

  there thinking the worst of him myself.” I stop at a light close to my mom’s house,

  wondering how I’m going to break the news to her. “Of course, that was because we

  all thought he’d left. God, what a mess.”

  The light turns green and I make a left into her housing development. She bought

  one of the smaller townhouses two years after I graduated college when she only had

  Julie visiting sporadically on weekends.

  “I feel awful you’re dealing with this on your own. Are you going to be okay on the

  trip back alone? I could come up if you need a driver.”

  I smile, despite the awfulness of the day. “Thank you for the offer. I’ll be fine.”

  I’ve finally found a guy I want to spend more than one night with and I can’t believe

  I’m pushing him away. But it’s important to me that I handle this family business

  alone. I need to clear the air with my mom on a lot of emotional baggage and have

  waited too long to do so. Would I really want a new lover hearing all our dirty laundry?

  “Okay, as long as you’re sure. Call me when you’re heading home. The weather is bad

  and you know how New York drivers are.” I hear a touch of humor in his last words,

  as if he’s trying to lighten the situation a little. What an amazing guy. And to think

  I almost missed him due to my own issues.

  I use my left turn indicator when her street approaches, driving slower than normal

  due to the rain. “Alright, I will.”

  We say our goodbyes and hang up, seconds before I turn into an empty space in front

  of her place. The pale cream siding looks drab in the grey light of late morning.

  A lamp from an upper story illuminates the small front bedroom overlooking the parking


  I didn’t call ahead, worried it would start an avalanche of questions I was unprepared

  to answer. My mom works from home, telecommuting for a medical billing company. I

  know she’s there, where the light is, working in the bedroom she uses as an office.

  I take a deep breath and pull the hood up on my light raincoat. Waiting won’t make

  it any easier, so without further contemplation I grab my purse and race into the

  rain, then up her steps to the front door.

  Apprehension fills me once again as I ring the bell and wait for her to answer. God,

  maybe I should have asked the cop to come. Would that have been easier or harder?

  Depends on how you look at it. Easier because you wouldn’t have had to be the one

  to tell her.

  No. This might be hard, but it’s the right thing to do.

  After a few minutes my mom opens the door, her face creasing in surprise when she

  sees it’s me.

  “Carla! Come in, come in.” She steps to the side and ushers me with one arm out of

  the rain. “I didn’t know you were coming.” Her eyebrows creep up her lined forehead.

  “Did you call and I missed the message?”

  I shake my head no and remove my coat. She takes the dripping garment, her eyes traveling

  over my casual jeans and t-shirt without comment, and quickly hangs the raincoat in

  the attached garage so the water can fall off in there. When she turns back to me,

  worry creases her brow.

  “Are you okay, dear? It’s not like you to drive here unannounced—especially on a work

  day.” Understanding blossoms across her face. “Oh my God—did you get fired? I’m so

  sorry, honey.”

  “No mom, nothing like that. Can we go sit down and talk?”

  “Sure.” She heads down the entry hall to the kitchen, the small
living room opening

  up to my right as I follow her. “Would you like some coffee? I can put on a fresh


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