by Sanjay Gupta
prevention failures, 43–44
proactive testing, 55, 57–58, 59, 184
probiotics, 207–8
Project Lightspeed, 110
PROOF plan acronym, 131 See also pandemic-proof plan
protein synthesis, 76
public health infrastructure and, 39, 59, 158
programs for, 159
surveillance data, 56–57
See also public health measures
public health measures, 6 contact tracing, 37–38, 157, 184
guidelines for, 64
isolation, 157, 184
mask wearing, 43, 121, 140, 144, 146, 170, 184
physical distancing, 43, 46, 134, 140, 144, 146, 154, 170
See also response protocols
public health multisystem failures, 49–65 China’s COVID deception, 51–53
influenza model vs. COVID, 54–58
prevention, 43–44
public health messaging, 60–65
testing, 57–60
public health sector marketing, 150, 152
quarantines, 157
R0 value, 8
racial disparities, 28–29, 184, 195, 220
Ramses V (pharoah of Egypt), 98, 101
rapid test kits, 180
Reagan, Ronald, 34
reality distortion field, 34
Red Dawn, 49
Redfield, Bob on American health, 38
on Azar, 61–62
as CDC director, 33
on Chinese government deception, 51–52, 53
on COVID as endemic in U.S., 130–31
early symptomatic focus and, 54
on lab theory, 82, 83
on obesity, 195–96
on set point theory, 197
testing and, 58, 59, 60
on vaccines, 97
on virus-vaccine relationship, 122–23
relative risk, 172–73
response protocols, 36 by British Columbia, 133–37
by South Korea, 37–38, 46–47, 156–57
by Taiwan, 157
by United Kingdom, 37–38
by United States, 27–34, 42–43, 147–48, 156–57
retroviruses, 118
risk assessment, 181–83
risk-benefit analysis for children, 187–88
risk response evaluations. See pandemic risk response evaluations
RNA vs. DNA, 75–76
vaccines based on, 96–97, 114
virus coexistence with, 76
RNA nucleotides, 75
RNA viruses, 86, 107–8, 180
rodents, 78–79
rotavirus vaccine, 97, 105
Russian flu pandemics (1889, 1892), 25
Sahin, Ugur, 109, 110, 111
Sambourne, E. L., 104
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 21
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic (2002–2003) Asian countries and, 6, 38, 157
case fatality rates of, 80–81, 86, 241, 242
COVID comparisons to, 1, 50, 54, 86–87, 88, 167
as COVID predictor, 41
global pandemics and, 10
Henry and, 135–36, 137
as warning, 85–86, 156
SARS virus vaccines for, 103, 147
zoonotic nature of, 76, 84
See also SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic (2002–2003)
schistosomiasis, 147, 152, 152
Sell, Tara Kirk, 151
Sentiment Index, 154
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 15, 21, 30, 43, 150
Sesame Street, 34
set point theory, 196–97
Shariff, Azim, 21–22
Sheen, Charlie, 49
shingles vaccine, 114
Shi Zhengli, 84–85
Shohamy, Daphna, 167–68
sickle cell disease, 110
sleep, 212–13
smallpox deaths from, 101
as endemic disease, 97–98
horsepox and, 100
vaccination, 101, 102–3, 104, 180
vaccine, 46, 98, 99, 102, 105
social circles, 230–32
social distancing. See physical distancing
social group confirmation bias, 177–78
social media, 185
social support, 216–17
Soderbergh, Steven, 4
South Korean response protocols, 37–38, 46–47, 156–57
Spanish flu pandemic (1918), 7, 17, 25, 40, 144, 153, 214, 251
spike proteins, 100, 106, 108, 111, 113, 114, 118, 238
Standard, Kelly, 178–79
Standard, Kimberly, 178–79
Stanley, Wendell Meredith, 74
state health departments, 61
Strachan, David, 234
stress, 213–14
Suarez, Francis, 23
subunit/recombinant/conjugate vaccines, 105, 106, 239, 240, 224
Swayze, Patrick, 49
swine flu (H1N1), 10, 26, 77, 242, 243
symptomatic case focus, 54
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, 157
Tapper, Jake, 163
T cells, 113, 114, 204
test, trace, and isolate, 121
testing failures of, 57–60
proactive, 55, 57–58, 59, 184
routine, 138
tetanus, 105–6
Thomas, Lewis, 127, 132
thriving gap, 221–22
toilet plume, 233
Townsend, Fran, 29, 30
toxoid vaccines, 105
transmission. See human-to-human transmission
travel, 8, 33–34, 77, 226–28
trolley problem, 165
Trump, Donald, 7, 29, 43, 50, 51, 63, 197
Trump administration COVID response, 14, 32–34, 60, 62–63
tsunami stones, 156
Türeci, Özlem, 109, 110, 111
universal vaccines, 159
U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control) coronaviruses illustration by, 107
federal funding shortfalls, 157
pandemic defintion by, 44–45
pandemic internal modeling, 53
pandemic preparations, 45
symptomatic case focus of, 54
testing failures by, 58–59
test kits by, 58
warning to public health experts about, 49
White House tampering of publications by, 60–61
U.S. COVID death response, 27–34
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 29, 56
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 22, 49, 56
U.S. Department of Justice, 201
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for the Office of Public Health, 49
U.S. Government Accountability Office, 228
U.S. long-term-care facilities, 228–29
U.S. obesity rates, 194
U.S. pandemic preparedness cost vs. risk analysis, 157–60
investment, 157
U.S. public health emergency declaration, 8, 201
U.S. response protocols, 27–34, 42–43, 147–48, 156–57
vacations, See also travel
vaccination, 94, 95–125 ancient viruses, 124–25
anti-vaccination movement, 94, 97, 102–5, 104, 147–48, 149, 185
children and, 188–89
COVID positives after, 114, 119–20
history of, 97–102
human immune system and, 112–14
inequitable vaccination rates, 184
normalization, 150
smallpox, 101, 102–3, 104, 180
See also COVID vaccines; vaccine myths; vaccines
Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), 122
vaccine hesitancy, 15, 103, 149, 150, 168, 185
vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), 173
vaccine myths af
ter COVID illness immunity, 120
bulletproof after vaccination, 121
COVID variants and, 121–23
DNA changing, 106–7, 118
effectiveness and safety lacking, 118–19
getting the disease, 119–20
herd immunity and, 121–22
infertility, 117–18, 184–85
questionable substances inside, 120–21
underlying conditions, 123–24
vaccine passports, 227
vaccines adverse reactions to, 173–75
based on RNA, 96–97, 114
diplomacy, 103
equitable global access to, 122, 184, 246
highly communicable diseases, 77
measles, 105
measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), 114
rotavirus vaccine, 97, 105
for SARS, 103, 147
shingles vaccine, 114
types of, 105–7
viral vector vaccines, 105, 106, 118
See also COVID vaccines; mRNA vaccines; vaccination; vaccine myths
Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel’s Autism (Hotez), 148–49
vagus nerve, 205–6
Vancouver Canucks, 135
variants of COVID. See COVID variants
variant-specific vaccines, 111–12, 116
vascular disease, 89
viral DNA code, 124
viral genes, 71
viral pneumonia, 1
viral vector vaccines, 105, 106, 118 See also adenoviruses
virome, 70
viruses, 69–93 chain of transmission, 86, 100–101, 112
COVID as RNA virus, 86–93
COVID lab leak theory and, 81–86
definition of, 69
evolutionary origins of COVID and, 75–81
known history of, 72–74
ubiquitous nature of, 70–71
See also coronaviruses
virus-vaccine relationship, 122–23
vitamins and supplements, 200
Warner, Allan, 101
Weed (documentary), 69
Weissman, Drew, 111
White House coronavirus task force, 45, 47
WHO (World Health Organization), 49, 56, 58, 84, 85, 99, 103, 124, 136
WHO dashboard, 186
wildland conversion, 130
Williams, Charles, 94
Winogradsky, Sergei, 202
Wolfe, Nathan, 70, 152–53, 154–55
women, 184–85
Woodward, Bob, 34
work-life balance, 232–33
World Economic Forum, 153
World War C, 5, 17, 132
Wuhan City, 1, 5–6
Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), 52, 81, 85
Xi Jinping, 51
Yan, Li-Meng, 2
yellow fever vaccine, 105
zika virus, 106, 110
zoonotic infectious diseases, 79
zoonotic viruses, 76
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, 167
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