Trish Johns
Adam Johnson
Dan Johnson
Dean Johnson
Ian Johnson
Erin Jones
Heather Jones
Jessica Jones
Matthew Jones
Peter Jones
Simon Jones
Stephen Jones
Steve Jones
Ola Jonsson
Richard Judd
Jasmine Kaul
Andrew Kavanagh
Martin Kelly
Tom Kelsall
Scott Kennedy
Hilary Kemp
John Kent
Mark Keogan
Phil Kernick
Alex Kerridge
Philip Kerridge
M Keys
Matthew Kidd
Andy Kiernan
Dan Kieran
Brian Klosterman
Emily Joanne Kneeshaw
Jon Knight
Peter Knight
Alexis Kokolski
Karim Kronfli
Thomas Kyvik
Chris Lamyman
Stephen Landry
Tony Larks
Mats Larsen
Zoe Laughlin
Paul Richard Lauff
Jennifer Lawson
Gareth Layzell
Jimmy Leach
Kate Leask
Andy Lewis
Ian Lewis
Monika Lewis
Wendy Lewis
John Lindsay
Mark Lis
Sharon Lloyd
John & Christine Lomax
Andre Louis
David A Luckhurst
Russ Levett
John A Lynam
Daniel Lynch
Alistair Mackie
Terry Mackown
Matthew Mouse Maclellan
John Macmenemey
Simon Macneall
Cait MacPhee
Ewan Mac Mahon
Kerry Maidment-Grocke
Kevin Mahy
Alice Maltby
Sarah Markall
Charlie Marriott
Gary Marriott
Brian Marshall
Karen Marshall
Mandy Marshall
Mike Mason
Karen Masson
Tim Martin
Gordon McCague
Rod McDonald
Beth McGeachy-Blay
Nick McGill
Dustin McGivern
Paul McHugh
Ben McKenzie
Nicola McKissick
Bernard McLaughlin
Iain McSpuddles
Ian McWilliam
Neil Melville-Kenney
Tamsin Middleton
Daryl Millar
Nick Milligan
Richard & Tracy Mills
Laurie Mistretta
Michael Mitchell
Scott Mitchell
John Mitchinson
Deena Mobbs
Danny Molyneux
Kian Momtahan
Jim Mooney
David Morgan
David Morton
David Moss
Chris Mountain
Paul Mullett
Craig Naples
Chris Neale
Kerry Neale
Jaime Nelson
John New
Simon Newson
John Nichol
Al Nicholson
Colin Nicholson
Chris Nicolson
Martin Nooteboom
Bethany, Grace &
Morgan Norcutt
Paul (from the dwarf)
Adrian Oates
Stuart O’Connor
Erwin Oosterhoorn
Tyler Opsal
Amy O’Reilly
Benjamin Osaka
Stuart Owen
Lawrence Owens
Louise Paddock
John Page
Sal Page
Michael Palmer
Ernest Panychevskyy
Yianni Papas
Lesley Parker
Kevin Parker
Richard Parker
Mark Parkinson
David Parry
Kevin Pascoe
James Craig Paterson
Aaron Patterson
Terra Patton
Andrew Paul
Shaun Payne
Dave Pearson
Bella Pender
Kev Penny
Clifford Perry
Dan Peters
Mark Phelan
Chris (furrie) Phillips
Laurie Phillips
Eric Phillipson
Steve Pike
Mark Pitcher
Brian Pitkethley
Mike Pooler
Justin Pollard
Edward Pollitt
Darren Powell
David Powell
Chris Price
Christopher Pridham
Adam Priestley
Lawrence Pretty
James Pritchard
Donald Proud
Fiona Pugh
Andrew Pullan
Adam J Purcell
Huan Quayle
Dawn Raison
Mark Randall
Hans Rasmussen
Stuart Rawlings
Colette Reap
Simon Reap
Nichola Redworth
Julia Rees
Ian Reeves
James Reid
Craig Reilly
Paul Renold
Claire Reynolds
Andy Rice
Christopher Richardson
Jamie Richardson
Andrew Riddell
Ewen Roberts
Ian Roberts
Andrew Robinson
Andy Robinson
Stevie Robinson
Paul Robinson-Farenden
Anne Rock
Kenn W. Roessler
Gareth Rogers
John-Paul Rogers
Chloe Rowley-Morris
Allan P. Russell
Alan Rust
Petre Rodan
Mike Roest
Charles Ross
Craig Ross
Darren Ross
Lynn Rowlands
Claire Rudkins
David Rutt
Jamie De Rycke
Paul Sadler
Lynne Salisbury
Tim Saltmarsh
Adrian Samm
Christoph Sander
Darren Sant
Jonathan Sartin
Steven Saunderson
Neil Sayer
Carol Sayles
Hugh Scantlebury
Donna Scattini
Claire Scott
Tony Scott
David Seeley
Pat ‘Samhain’ Seery &
Kerrie ‘Caflas’ Gray
Chris Senior & Lem
Jonathan Sharpe
Sue Sharpe
Jo Sharples
Tony Sheehan
Darran Shepherd
Karl Sherratt
Jennifer Shipp
Andrew Shugg<
br />
Jon Shute
Sam Sibbert
Darren Sillett
Andy Sillwood
Alexander Sims
James Sinclair
Vicki Sivess
Keith Sleight
Lauren & James Smith
Mathew Smith
Trevor Smith
Nat Snell
Nicholas Soucek
Mark Sourbutts
Chris Spath
Ben Spencer
Rich Spencer
Mat Stace
Caroline Stammers
Andy Stanford-Clark
Richard Stephens
Adrian Stewart
Alex Stewart
Peter Strapp
Mark Sundaram
Charlie Styr
Lindsay Swann
Trina Talma
Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor
Greg Fenby Taylor
John Taylor & Wayne
Mark Taylor
Miles Taylor
Mark Taylor-Hankins
Chris & Michelle Thomas
Jo Thomas
Lynda Thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Maddox David Thomas
Mark Thomas
Andrew Thompson
Scott Thomson
Stephen Tilley
Catherine Tily
Barry Tipper
James Tombs
Paul Tompsett
Craig Tonks
Julia Tratt
Ole Traumüller
David Tubby
Martyn Tupper
Pete Tyler
Mark Vent
P Verbinnen
Kathy Vickers
Robert Vincent
Chris Wade
Steve Wadsworth
Jody Walker
Nathan Walker
Steve Walker
Stewart Walker
Antony Wallace
Nick Walpole
Katherine Walton-
Rachel Ward
Paul Warren
Emma Watkins
David Watt
James Watts
Matt Webb
Naomi Webb
Glenn Wehmeyer
Tom West
Alan White
Matt White
Matthew Whittaker
Carol Whitton
Jason Wickham
Rob Widdowson
Hank van der Wijngaart
Tom Wilkinson
Craig Williams
Andy Willy
Matt Wilmshurst
Donna Wilshere
Martin Wink
Graham Wise
Carl Withers
W Mark Witherspoon,
Dr. Les Witherspoon ND,
Aryeh, Amber, Chaya,
Yitzi, Eli
Ian Wolf
Chris Wood
Kevin Wood
Rupert Wood
Alan Wright
Colin & Rachel Wright
John Wright
John R Wright
Simon Wright
Tim Wright
Paul Wyatt
Ian Yates
Kym Yeap
About the Author
Robert Llewellyn wrote his first novel at the age of twelve. By the time he’d published The Man on Platform 5 (his first published work of fiction), thirty years had passed. In the intervening period he’d worked as an artist’s model, a bespoke shoemaker, a tree surgeon, a screenwriter, a comedian, actor and TV presenter.
He has appeared regularly on British television since 1987 in various guises including under quite absurd amounts of rubber in Red Dwarf; covered in grease and dust in Scrapheap Challenge; in terrifying machines on How Do They Do It? and sitting in a car chatting in Carpool.
Robert Llewellyn writes under a rack of solar panels in Gloucestershire; News from the Clouds is the final book in a trilogy. The other titles are News from Gardenia and News from the Squares.
Also by Robert Llewellyn
News from the Squares
News from Gardenia
The Man on Platform 5
Sudden Wealth
Brother Nature
The Man in the Rubber Mask
Thin He Was and Filthy-haired: Memoirs of a Bad Boy
Therapy and How to Avoid It (with Nigel Planer)
The Reconstructed Heart: How to Spot the Difference Between
a Normal Man and One Who Does the Housework, is Great in Bed and Doesn’t Get All Iffy When You Mention Words Like Love and Commitment
Behind the Scenes at Scrapheap Challenge
Sold Out! How I Survived a Year of Not Shopping
This edition first published in 2015
4–7 Manchester Street Marylebone London w1u 2ae
All rights reserved
© Robert Llewellyn, 2015
The right of Robert Llewellyn to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
A CIP record for this book
is available from the British Library
isbn 978-1-7835-20572 (trade hbk)
isbn 978-1-7835-21500 (ebook)
isbn 978-1-7835-20589 (limited edition)
News from the Clouds Page 29