Holly's Awakening

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Holly's Awakening Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing


  Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-546-4

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  There are moments in our lives when we have a chance to change our lives. Writing has changed my life and every time I open a fresh document I'm overcome with so much happiness. I want to say thank you to the readers and to Evernight for changing my life. I hope you enjoy Holly's story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


  Creek Valley, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  “I need you to help her, Kade. She’s dying inside, and there’s nothing I can do to bring her out of it,” Steven Clark said.

  Kade Edwards looked over at his long-term partner and pain in the ass. He’d been with Steven for three years, and they’d been friends before that. Even after all this time together Steven could still piss him off. Their relationship was solid—apart from one little problem. Steven wasn’t a submissive, and Kade needed one in his life. Also, they’d both agreed that they missed a woman. Before either of them had taken the next step with each other, they’d both enjoyed women. Kade had never lied to Steven about his need for a female in their lives, and neither had Steven.

  However, getting a woman to agree to be their third was a lot more difficult than Kade had anticipated. Last year he’d seen Gavin achieve that with his lover and woman. He’d also seen plenty of couples around Creek Valley achieve it. Kade really hoped to find the woman for them.

  Holly Walker was not that woman. She worked for Steven in the offices at the ranch, but she was a timid little thing. A big woman as well, her hips and tits were large, but she did have a tiny waist. She also wore big, baggy clothing. Kade couldn’t recall a time when he’d seen her in anything but jeans, and not that snug fit either. And a sweater. Even in summer she wore a bloody sweater.

  Holly was known around Creek Valley to those who paid attention as being the main care-giver to her siblings. Her mother was a whore who slept around with anyone who’d have her, and her father drank. In fact, both parents drank, and neither of them were responsible for the other children they’d brought into the world.

  He was not looking for a timid woman.

  “No, it’s not happening. I’m not dealing with her, Steven. I can’t even believe you hired her. Does the girl own anything other than a fucking sweater?” he asked.

  “Don’t be mean. Holly is a lovely girl, and she needs a firm hand. Her parents are useless. You know this. She has to handle her younger brothers and sisters,” Steven said, arguing his point.

  “What about the eldest brother? He works on my ranch, and I know he helps Holly. I’ve seen them leaving together.”

  “John helps her, but I’m not talking about helping her in that way. Holly needs a dominant man, Kade. She needs to have someone take away all responsibility and to simply take care of her.”

  Kade shook his head. He wasn’t going to let this one slide. There was no way he was going to let Steven convince him on this matter.

  “I said no. I want a woman who can take our passion. Not a woman who wears a sweater at all times of the year and also looks afraid of her own shadow. It’s not going to happen.”

  Steven stormed up to him, poked him in the chest, and started ranting. “For a man who doesn’t want anything to do with her you’ve taken into account her dress sense and the fact she leaves with her brother. What else have you looked at?” Steven asked.

  “Her hips and tits are too large. We don’t want a woman like that, and you can’t convince me we do.”

  “I think you need to take a long hard think about what you’re saying. If you don’t want her then why the hell are you always looking at her?”

  Taking a step back, Kade looked at his lover.

  “I’m asking you to take your time with her. She’s wound so tight, and she’s submissive. If you don’t take this opportunity then I know someone else will, and they may not treat her with the respect she deserves.”

  A knock at the door interrupted them from their conversation. Kade took a seat on the sofa along the far wall.

  “Come in,” Steven said.

  Holly stood in the doorway. Kade tensed as he took in her face. There were bruises around her left eye.

  “I’m here, Sir,” she said, looking down at the floor.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Steven grabbed her chin, turning her face this way and that.

  “Nothing, I fell down the stairs. Nothing happened. Is there anything you need me to do immediately?”

  Kade stared at her bruised eye, and anger consumed him. The only way those marks could appear on her face was if she’d walked into a fist, not down the stairs.

  “Come here,” Kade said.

  Her glance went to him then to Steven.

  “Go to him.” Steven guided her over to where Kade sat. Looking at her bowed head and shaking body, Kade’s heart broke. He saw the responsibility resting inside her. John, her brother, held himself in the same kind of way. On Holly it made her look broken and scared.

  Standing up, Kade was struck by how small she was. She only came to his chest, and her brown hair was wound up in a ponytail. The length was short and when it was down would probably only rest mid-way down her back.

  Her eyes stared at something past his shoulder. Kade watched her reactions and knew Steven was right. If someone didn’t step in right away she was going to snap. Her submissiveness showed in the way she held herself. In his presence her natural instinct was to submit. Kade saw it, recognised it, and respected it.

  “Remove your sweater,” he said.

  “What?” she asked. Her voice shook as she spoke the one word.

  “Are you wearing a bra underneath and a shirt?”


  “Then take your sweater off.”

  Her fingers played with the bottom of her sweater. He hated the damn thing.

  Steven placed a hand on her shoulder. “Trust him. He’s got your best interests at heart.”

  Seeing the fight inside her, Kade took over. There really was too much responsibility on her little shoulders. Taking hold of the bottom of the sweater, he tugged it over her head and threw the offending item of clothing to the floor.

  She stood in front of him wearing a top that clung to her like a second skin. Unlike the sweater she wore, this shirt outlined her curvy figure. Her waist was small compared to the expanse of her hips and breasts.

  He saw the outline of her nipples, which were once again large. Lust hit him square in the groin. His cock thickened with the need to taste her.

  “Kade?” Steven called his name, catching his attention.

  Letting go of Holly, he grabbed her sweater off the floor and handed it to her. In seconds she was out of the office. Steven stood next to the closed office door.


  “I’ll do it,” Kade said. He saw no other choice but to take her and help her. Holly needed a firm hand and someone to rely on. He and Steven were those people.


  Holly sat behind her desk and looked at the computer screen in front of
her. Kade had left Steven’s office several hours ago, and it was almost lunchtime. John would be outside waiting for her in a few minutes. Pressing around her eye she winced from the instant pain. She hated being hit in the face and making the same excuse of falling down the stairs. She lived in a trailer, so they didn’t really have any stairs. Holly knew what it felt like to be flung down the dozen steps leading up to the front of the trailer, and not once did that leave a mark like the one on her face.

  Her father hadn’t liked the fact she didn’t have any money, and neither did her mother. The only reason her father stopped hitting her after one hit was because John had turned up ready to take her to work. At least their father was terrified of John, as otherwise her bruising would be far worse. Her father wasn’t too scared to call the sheriff if they took their brothers and sisters away from them. Holly and John had tried to do that. Their parents’ threat stopped them from trying again.

  Steven walked out of his office to sit on her desk. She kept typing away. Her boss cleared his throat making her stop. Hesitating over the keys she turned to stare at her lap. Both men affected her, and she hated the response they created inside her.

  “Are you okay, Holly?”

  He wasn’t a big stickler for formality.

  “I’m fine. Everything is … fine.” Providing she earned enough to keep her brothers and sisters in clothes and food, the rest of the money was taken off her by her father. She had to pick them up at five from the after-school club she’d put them in that ran ‘til five-thirty.

  “You’re not kidding anyone when you say you fell down the stairs.”

  She tensed, hovering over the keyboard. “It’s nothing. Please, it’s nothing.”

  He rested a hand on her shoulder. She couldn’t help but stiffen further at his touch. Holly heard him curse but didn’t say anything to find out why he was cussing.

  “I want you to do something for me,” he said, catching her attention.

  Glancing up at him, she waited for him to speak.

  “Friday night I want you to come here—”

  “I can’t come Friday. I have to be at home.”

  If her father went out she needed to be home to make sure he didn’t start in on the other kids. For some reason after he ranted and raved at her, he backed down and went to bed. Her mother was no use at all.

  “Don’t interrupt,” he said. “I’m going to deal with your siblings. I want you here.”

  “You can’t do—”

  “Hey, sis, you ready?” John walked through the door halting her conversation.

  “John, how are you?” Steven asked. He didn’t look away from her as he spoke to her brother.

  “I’m good, Sir. I’m here to have lunch with my sister.”

  “You’re a hard worker. Kade and I value hard workers.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  His gaze still hadn’t moved from her.

  “Also, I was wondering if you’d be able to look after your siblings Friday. I need Holly here, and I don’t want her worrying about her family.”

  She turned her attention to her brother. John wouldn’t mind having the kids. The instant he’d turned eighteen he’d started working for Kade and moved into a new apartment. He would have taken all of them with him, but his place wasn’t big enough to house them all, and their father’s threat had hung over their heads stopping them from moving forward. Beside her and John there were three brothers and two sisters. She didn’t know how her mother had managed to carry seven children, but she had. Holly had also heard all the rumours surrounding her down to the fact they were not all from her father.

  “I’ve got no problem at all, Sir.” John smiled at her.

  “Good. I’ll pay for any expenses. Thank you.” Steven stood, shook her brother’s hand, and then made his way back to the office.

  Taking her sandwich out of her bag she followed John outside. There was a small grassy area outside of the ranch where they sat to each lunch. They rested under a tree getting as much shade as possible. Some of the other ranch hands waved at her in passing. She waved back and opened her brown lunch bag. Chicken paste sandwiches with an apple waited for her.

  “He’s still taking most of your wage?” John asked.

  “I have no choice, John.”

  “He’s a fucking bastard who needs to be put down. Why don’t you come live with me? You don’t have to stay there with the kids.”

  She’d graduated high school two years ago, but she couldn’t leave the others. With her around there was someone for him to take his anger out on. If she wasn’t then he’d start on the others, and Holly knew it was only a matter of time before he ruined one of her siblings. Some damage couldn’t be repaired, and she refused to let him win.

  “I can’t, and you know that.” John helped when he could, and she accepted his help. “You don’t have to take care of them if you don’t want to. I know you’re a man now and chasing all sorts of women.” She bumped his shoulder trying to change the topic.

  “Don’t start, and you know family comes first. You guys will always come first. I love you, sis.” He kissed her head. “Speaking of love, I think the boss has a thing for you.”

  Holly froze. What did she say to that?

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “Steven has a thing for you. His eyes go all intense, and Kade is always watching you. Both of them have a thing for you.”

  “That’s crazy talk, and I don’t want to hear another thing from you.” She took a bite of her sandwich.

  “It’s not crazy, and I know it.”

  She knew it. There were plenty of couples around town, but she never thought anyone would be interested in her. Especially not two gorgeous men who could have any woman they wanted.


  Steven watched Holly out in the far field with her brother. It was the only time she ever relaxed.

  “She’s still wearing that bloody sweater,” Kade said, coming up behind him.

  “I know. She’s going to pass out one of these days with the heat.” Steven saw several of their men pass by. John gave them a wave while Holly merely smiled. The smile never reached her eyes.

  “That shiner had to have come from her dad,” Kade said.

  “Yep, the bastard is a mean one sober and drunk. I’ve heard he causes way too much trouble at the bar in town.” The stuff Steven heard about her parents scared him. He hated the moment she left the ranch every night. Steven always knew there was a risk she wasn’t coming home, but there was nothing he could do. He was looking into it, but the sheriff and lawyer he’d hired advised he tread carefully.

  “I’m going to pick up the pace and start hassling the sheriff. I’m tired of hearing the shit I hear, and knowing he’s hurting her is not acceptable. It wouldn’t be acceptable for anyone.” Kade wrapped his arms around Steven’s waist.

  Leaning against his lover, Steven inhaled his unique scent. Kade smelt of the earth and sweat, and it was a heady combination.

  “She’s the one, Kade. I know it.”

  His lover didn’t say a word. Kade’s arms tightened around him.

  “I know.”

  The words were whispered against ear.

  “You agree then?” Steven asked.

  “I can’t deny it. I’m always looking at her, and I hate watching her leave.” A sigh brushed his ear. “If we take Holly on we’ve got to take on her whole family. Are you ready for that?”

  “They’re like Holly and John. I’ve seen them in town. None of them want to be anything like their father. They sneer at him when he’s not looking.”

  They both paused as John helped Holly to her feet. She was a thicker woman, but she was a lot shorter than a lot of women. Her weight was highlighted by that.

  Kade and Steven turned away as the couple made it back towards the offices, which he kept at the side of the house. The ranch both he and Kade owned was one of the largest in Creek Valley. The next largest one was run by Gavin Powell.

going to take a trip into town to visit the pleasure shop.”

  The pleasure shop, which was run by Callie Sampson, was the only sex shop in town. She’d opened it three years ago, and the place had become an overnight success. Steven had a lot of respect for Callie. She fought hard to get her shop open and worked even harder to keep it running.

  “Bring back lots of condoms. I’m only going to be able to watch for so long,” Steven said. He got hard instantly whenever Holly was around. She turned him and made him forget who he was at times. Steven didn’t understand the control she held over him.

  Kade grasped his arm and turned him. Steven looked into Kade’s dark brown eyes. There were times they looked black, they were so dark.

  “You’re doing that thing again,” Kade said. His voice thickened.


  “Staring at me like you want to fuck me.”

  Steven smiled. “I always want to fuck you, Kade. That’s never been a problem.”

  “No, the problem starts when you won’t do as you’re told.” Kade groaned, taking his lips in a searing kiss. Steven broke away when he heard the door open.

  “I told you, I’m not doing as I’m told when you won’t do as you’re told,” Steven said, arguing with him.

  They were the same kind of men: dominating, controlling, and both in need of a submissive to balance them out. Holly knocked on the door once again.

  Kade slammed his lips down on Steven’s stopping him from responding to her knock. He imagined her standing there outside his door waiting.

  “Remember, it’s about what we both want,” Kade said, breaking the kiss.

  “I would never forget.” Their love was shocking and powerful. “Holly is what we both want and need, and you can’t deny that.”

  “I won’t.” Kade cupped his face. “I’ll see you after five.”

  Steven watched his lover walk to the door. Holly stood waiting. She glanced up at Kade, blushed and looked down at the floor.


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