Holly's Awakening

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Holly's Awakening Page 3

by Sam Crescent


  Holly jerked and looked at him. Fisting her hands at her sides she faced Kade. “What?”

  “Come on, baby, I know you were watching. Did it get you hot to see us together?” Kade asked.

  Steven took a step back, but she still felt his gaze on her.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.

  His chest was hard, muscular, and he made her mouth water for a taste of him.

  “No?” In one swift movement Kade had her sweater off her. She didn’t see any reason to fight him, and by the time he’d gotten it over head she’d already complied, lifting her arms up in order to help him.

  Kade’s hand went to her breast. He cupped her through her shirt. “You were watching, Holly, and you were turned on.” His thumb grazed her nipple. “Don’t lie.”

  Looking at the ground she felt mortified that he’d seen her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “All I want to know is if you liked it?” Kade took a step closer. His hand pressed between her thighs making her gasp. What the hell was she supposed to do or say?

  Chapter Three

  Kade wasn’t backing down. He refused to. The instant she’d come back from lunch he’d heard her. He’d made sure to speak loud enough for her to hear. If she couldn’t stomach the sight of him and Steven together then he wasn’t wasting time with her tonight. The only way their relationship was to work was for all of them to handle each other carefully. From her hard nipples and the heat coming from her pussy, Kade believed she really liked seeing them together.

  Steven stood away from them, and for that he was grateful. Kade knew how to work his magic better than anyone, and he wasn’t blowing his own trumpet when he said that. It was the truth.

  “You can’t lie. I bet your pussy is dripping wet for me, isn’t it?” he asked.

  Her gaze hadn’t dropped from his. Her lips were full and plump, totally inviting.

  “I … liked … it,” she said, gasping between each word.

  “That’s right, baby. Don’t lie to me. You ever lie to me and you’ll be punished.” Her eyes widened, but she still didn’t pull away.

  She looked more turned on than anything.

  He rubbed her pussy through her jeans. He wondered if she was bare or trimmed down below. Even though she covered up her body he guessed she kept everything well kept.

  “I’m a virgin,” she said. Her hands went to her mouth covering them up. Kade paused in his caress. Glancing over at Steven he saw the smile on his lover’s face.

  “Did you know about this?” he asked.

  “I figured she was. She doesn’t look like the kind of woman to spread it around town.” Steven shrugged. He could be such a prude. “Didn’t you want a virgin? A woman to train for your own desires?”

  Kade closed his eyes trying to block out the pleasure of having a woman for his own. Holly didn’t look frightened by his touch. From the look in her eyes she seemed more intrigued than anything.

  “I’ve not got a problem with you being a virgin, baby. In fact it’s going to turn me on knowing there has never been a man before me.” His cock thickened once again at the thought of training her. She would be a beautiful submissive. He saw it in the way she held herself. Steven was right. There was too much going on in her life that she didn’t have the first clue in how to break free from it.

  He would help her with that.

  “Eric and John are coming,” Steven said, warning him.

  “Tonight, Holly, you and I are going to have some fun.” He slammed his lips down on hers before she could say anything. Her moan echoed through his mind.

  He broke the kiss and walked out of the office before her two brothers walked in. Tonight he was going to get her naked and explore every inch of her. He stopped and waited for John to come back out.

  “My sister looks a little flustered.”

  “I’ve got your full consent to make her mine and Steven’s woman?” Kade asked. The last thing he needed was for her brother to get all high and mighty later on.

  “You have my consent. Holly deserves someone like you and Steven in her life. I’m not going to interfere with that, but I’m warning you. My father finds out and you’ll never hear the end of it.”

  Kade followed him to his truck.

  “I brought you her overnight bag. I went back to the trailer like you ordered this morning.”

  Holly had walked into the office with her purse and nothing else. The instant he’d seen it, he’d searched for John and ordered him to get her an overnight bag.

  “Thanks.” Kade took the bag and was surprised by how light it was.

  “Holly and the others don’t have a lot of stuff. I packed her everything she needed for tonight.” John shrugged, closed the truck and they both headed back toward the house. Kade quickly stored the bag in the porch then headed off to work.

  He listened to John chatter away about work and how the ranch was handling the new cattle. All the time Kade couldn’t get the image of Holly’s reaction out of his mind. Her tits were large, and her nipples were the same. He couldn’t wait to get her naked and see how many times he could bring her to orgasm.

  Once Holly accepted both of them in her life he intended to collar her and marry her. Steven had spent most of last night talking about their plans for the future. First they needed to handle the father. They were looking into potentially getting John full custody. If not, then Steven was going for it. Out of the two of them Steven hadn’t gotten into fights and didn’t have a bad reputation, whereas Kade did.

  John knew of some of their plans. Everything was down to the lawyer. He’d also seen the sheriff, Matt Dawson, about keeping an eye on Holly and the family.

  Matt had promised any more disturbance calls and he was filing a report himself. There were always loopholes, and so many of them had been overlooked when it came to the Walker family. He didn’t know how her father and mother had gotten away with being this bad for so long. Kade had heard about it on the news but never imagined he’d come face to face with it.

  The bruise on Holly’s face was a clear sign of that. Kade might spank a woman, but he only ever punished a woman during play. He would never dream of hitting a woman for anything other than pleasure. The thought alone made him sick to his stomach. There was no way he was going to let any man lay a finger on his woman. Holly was his and Steven’s woman, and he’d already put the warning out to the men on the ranch to keep an eye on her.

  Creek Valley looked after its own. Her parents may be part of the town, but they’d hurt their own kids and that wasn’t allowed.


  Holly waved at John and Eric as they drove off. John refused to take her home, and Eric kept smirking at her. She couldn’t get the image of the two men together out of her mind. Steven wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. Kade was somewhere around. She hadn’t seen him since this afternoon.

  “What are you thinking?” Steven asked.

  “I’m scared about tonight.” She spoke the first words that came to her mind.

  “Don’t be. Nothing is going to happen unless you want it to.”

  She let out a sigh and rested against him. His masculine scent surrounded her. He always smelt amazing.

  “Did you like what you saw this afternoon?” Steven whispered the words against her ears.

  “Yes,” she said, sighing as she did.

  “Good. Kade and I are an item, and it’s easier if you accept that.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on. Kade never spoke more than ten words to me before. What is happening?” she asked.

  “What should have happened from the very beginning, Holly. Are you attracted to us?”

  His question made her groan. She didn’t want to answer him. Why couldn’t he leave the questions out of it?

  “Answer me,” he said.

  “Yes, answer him, Holly,” Kade said, standing in front of her.

  She gasped. Holly
hadn’t even seen him approach.

  “I wondered when you’d turn up,” Steven said.

  Kade didn’t wear a shirt, and his tanned flesh was on glorious display. She dropped her gaze to look up and down his body. His thick rod was outlined through the jeans. Her mouth watered remembering what she’d seen of him.

  “Yes, I’m attracted to you.” Her cheeks must be hot to the touch. Both men were crowding her in ways she didn’t think possible. There was a whole new pulse between her thighs that couldn’t be described as anything other than the pleasure they were working up.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Steven pressed on her back, moving her away from him.

  Kade pulled the band from her hair making her hair fall around her shoulders. No protest left her lips. He took her sweater from her next until she stood in front of him in a clinging shirt and jeans with her hair framing her face.

  His fingers sank into the length and fanned it out. She’d never liked her hair as the colour always made her think of mousy brown hair. Her father would laugh at her timid behaviour and call her “mouse” or anything derogatory he could think of.

  “I think we should take this inside,” Steven said.

  Kade took the lead, taking her hand and walking her through the office into the main house. She’d never been to the main house before. Holly knew Steven liked to keep work and living separate. She rarely saw him leaving the offices to go home.

  Instead of going upstairs, Kade led her through to the sitting room. There was a long sofa with three individual chairs surrounding a small wood coffee table. Steven removed the coffee table, and Kade stood her where it had been. On the wall was a large plasma television. The room felt homey and comforting. In the small trailer there was only room for a few deck chairs. She hated living in a trailer with her family.

  In time she hoped to get something better. With her father always taking her money her dreams seemed to be shattering around her.

  For so long she’d held all the emotions at bay. She never cried anymore or yelled at anyone. Day after day she went through the motions not doing anything to stop what was happening. In the few short moments she’d been with Steven and Kade she felt like opening up and screaming.

  She didn’t. Holly kept her words to herself as Kade circled her. Steven took a seat on the left chair. His legs were splayed open watching her.

  “When was the last time you felt anything?” Kade asked.

  Jerking her eyes up to the man dominating her space she saw him looking deep into her eyes. No, he wasn’t looking deep into her eyes. He was searching far deeper than anyone had ever dared.

  Breaking eye contact she looked at the floor.

  “You can hide all you want. For the last year I’ve watched you. You never show anything of yourself.” He moved behind her wrapping his arms around her and turned her in the direction of Steven. “You wear ugly fucking sweaters to hide from everyone. Your hair is always pulled into a pony tail.” As he spoke Kade wrapped her hair around his fist pulling on the strands. She gasped, and tears sprang to her eyes. “When did you stop feeling?”

  “How do you know this?” she asked, shocked by how assertive he was. Even her brother didn’t know the true pain she felt. When her father hit her she didn’t feel anything. The pain no longer registered inside her. His words and the way her life were going no longer felt worth it.

  “Because I know what you’re doing. You’re blanking everything out. You’re shutting yourself down to numb your body.” A hand moved down to cup her breast then down to palm her pussy. “Apart from this afternoon and the other day when I removed your sweater, you haven’t felt anything. I saw the shock in your eyes and the yearning when it went away. I’ve watched you a long time.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Is it?” Steven asked. “You’re going through life doing nothing because it hurts too damn much. When you’re with us I see the yearning as well. We’re going to open you up, baby. You’ll flower between us.”

  “The only question, Holly, is do you trust us enough to give yourself to us?” Kade asked. He nibbled her ear teasing her.

  The fire started instantly inside her. Closing her eyes, she sank against his warmth and wished she could open up like other women.


  Steven watched the battle and wished he could do something to help her. Kade knew a lot more than he did, and he’d been working close by her side. He’d known Kade was seeing more than he let on. His comments about her sweaters and shy attitude had hit Steven hard. The need to protect her was always there for him.

  Kade could give Holly what he couldn’t, a dominating but guiding hand in helping her. Holly needed to be awakened. She spent too much time hiding from her feelings and emotions that she’d cut herself off.

  Her gaze cut across to him.

  “Trust us, Holly. We’d never treat you badly. I promise.” And when Steven gave a promise he kept it.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she said, closing her eyes.

  “Open your eyes,” Kade ordered. When she didn’t, he walked around and gripped her chin forcing her to open.

  Tears shone deep in her depths. He saw Kade tense and knew his friend was fighting the instinct to fold her in his arms. Steven knew his friend better than anyone.

  “You can’t run from this. I won’t let you. You’re ours, baby. Nothing you do or say is ever going to change that.”

  “I want to trust you.”

  Kade cupped her cheeks. His touch went gentle. Steven saw it and wished he was the man to give her what she needed.

  “Look at Steven.” Her gaze returned to his. “I promise you he’ll never let anything happen to you.” Kade fingered the bruise around her eye. “If I thought it would help I’d kill your bastard father for doing this to you. He’s not worth going to prison over.” He kissed her lips. “Trust me.”

  After some time she nodded her head. “Yes, I trust you. I don’t want to be like this anymore. Please, help me.”

  Steven’s heart went out to her.

  “I can help you.”

  The tears shining in her eyes didn’t fall. Not one drop at all. Steven wished he could see her cry to show some kind of emotion. Her face scrunched up, but that was all.

  Kade enfolded her in his arms. Her fingers dug into his back, folding tight. She didn’t have any nails. Steven had watched her more than once chewing on her fingers. Their woman was in desperate need of being fixed.

  “Before anything else happens I think we should feed you,” Kade said. He looked over at Steven, and he took over, grabbing her hand and leading her through to the kitchen.

  Cooking was his priority. Kade couldn’t cook a piece of toast without burning it. He sat her down and checked the oven to see the casserole had not spilt over.

  Getting up at six in the morning had its benefits. When it was early in the morning it wasn’t too hot to put a casserole in the oven. He loved a decent cooked meal, and eating salads was never going to cut it.

  Kade walked in as he was serving the lamb casserole into bowls. “I’ve put her bag in our room. She’s not staying anywhere but between us.”

  “Fair enough.” Steven placed three bowls on the table and then brought the bread along with the dish containing the casserole in front of them. “I hope you like lamb.”

  “I’ve never tried it,” Holly said, taking the spoon from him.

  “You’ve never eaten lamb?” Kade asked, pausing in his eating.

  Heat filled her cheeks, and Steven tightened his grip on the spoon.

  “Lamb’s expensive.”

  And her father was too busy using the money on alcohol. Glancing at his lover Steven saw Kade had the same reaction as he did. Putting a hand on his arm, he forced the other man to calm down. There was nothing either of them could do to help her at the moment. They were working on it, and their lawyer felt they were close to a solution.

  “Enjoy it. I’m a pretty decent cook if I do say so myself.” Steven took a
bite and moaned, perfectly cooked with the right seasoning and root vegetables.

  He heard Holly moan and take another bite. In no time at all they were reaching for second helpings.

  It was nice to watch a woman enjoying her meal. Once they finished their second helping with extra bread, Holly declined a third bowl while he and Kade took another helping.

  Holly sat making patterns on the table with her fingers.

  “Do you cook at home?” Steven asked.

  “Yeah, when I can I cook as much as I can. I don’t know if I’m good, but it’s better than going without.”

  Steven imagined her brothers and sisters appreciated anything that was given to them. Shaking his head, he continued eating.

  Once he was done, all three of them washed the dishes, and then they made their way back into the siting room. Kade still hadn’t showered, and the scent of the day clung to his skin. Steven got hard remembering the feel of Kade’s hard cock sliding into his mouth. He loved going down on Kade. His lover had a big cock and knew how to use it. If he wasn’t with Kade in the bedroom, Steven would be jealous of the size of his member. His cock was a thing of beauty.

  Taking his seat once again, he watched as Kade stood her in the centre of the room. Her hands were locked in front of her. Her hands were twisting and turning. He saw the nerves gathering within her, and he wanted to wipe them from her.

  Kade stood in front of him. “Don’t say a word. Don’t interfere.”

  Steven read his lips. Kade was about to go all Dom on her.

  Nodding his head, Steven settled back, adjusted his cock, and watched Kade circle her.

  He noticed her nipples responding, hardening as Kade circled close. Every so often his hands skimmed down her sides or touched her, and her nipples hardened more. There was hope for Holly yet.

  Chapter Four

  Kade turned back to the woman waiting for him. Holly was fidgeting with her hands and staring down at the floor. Taking hold of her hands, he placed them on his chest, stopping her from moving. He covered her hands with his.

  She glanced up at him, nibbling her lip. He reached out and pulled her lip from between her teeth.


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