REFLECTIONS OF YOU (Brighten Magic Academy Book 1)

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REFLECTIONS OF YOU (Brighten Magic Academy Book 1) Page 20

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Kage walked in front as we made our way out of the classroom and into the crowded hall. A few classes normally had break during this time, so the halls were busy as people bustled off to the cafeteria or outside to the food trucks and the section of restaurants on the south side of the campus.

  Braxton caught up to us, walking next to me while Kage looked around, trying to spot Zane as we made our way down the hall. We had seen him last week in this building so had assumed he’d be here somewhere if his class was also on break.

  "You should speak Korean more often," Braxton whispered, in that same language..

  I grinned. "Why? Your brothers can understand me too, you know."

  "It's rather sexy and makes me curious how it would sound when you're in your other form,” he answered in a hushed tone. I kept my outer expression calm but my inner girl was squealing at the compliment. It made me wonder how hot it would be to hear Braxton's seductive voice whispering in my ear.

  Nope. Heel, imagination. We're in the hallway and I don't want to get hard because of such thoughts. Ugh, I need to get laid. No, I'll just resort to masturbation. That will help and the guys won't know what their compliments and sexy bodies do to me. Yes, that sounds like a plan.

  "Zane!" Kage called out, spotting his brother who was with two other friends. We paused, waiting for Kage to get Zane. While we waited, Braxton and I turned to face each other.

  "How are your other classes going?" Braxton asked.

  "Not bad. Workload doesn't seem very hard. I think the hardest class is Superior Studies," I confessed, doing a mental overview of all the lessons from last week.

  Braxton groaned, ruffling his hair. "That class is gonna be a pain. I hate drawing out spells. It kind of shows the different sides of Ms. Landsford, though. She's easygoing in Casting class compared to Superior. It's like she's a whole different teacher in that class.

  "I agree," I replied before switching to Korean. "My mother always spoke highly of her knowledge and capabilities, but I really was underestimating her. She hides her magic so perfectly, you'd think she's harmless," I praised.

  Braxton nodded. "She's well known and seems even stronger than when I had her the first time I came here,” he replied, also in Korean.

  I opened my mouth to speak but then noticed Kage walking back to us without Zane. Braxton followed my confused gaze and he frowned at his brother's upset expression.

  "What's up?" Braxton asked.

  "Zane doesn't wanna eat with us today. He has plans," Kage grumbled. We looked back to where Zane was still talking to his two classmates. They laughed and Zane patted each of them on the shoulder before they began walking towards the exit.

  I looked back at Kage. "New friends?" I asked.

  "Ya. I think their brothers are in the 'cool crowd’ so they’re already popular by association. Plus they are pretty strong and in the majority of Zane's classes. We don't have any classes together so..." Kage trailed off.

  Alice opened her eyes and squirmed in Braxton's hand, who passed her over to Kage. He smiled brightly, taking Alice into his hand and petting her gently.

  "Hey, Alice. Want to cheer me up? Let's go buy you some carrots from the cafeteria before the line gets long," Kage suggested. He looked up to us. "Don't worry about Zane. It's not a big deal," Kage reassured us.

  I took a quick side glance at Braxton who looked unimpressed. "Who is in your other classes?" he asked.

  "I have a class with each of the other guys. Maximus is in all three of my other classes and Physical is with Nixon and Logan. I'm good, bro. Don't worry." Kage smiled. "I'm gonna go ahead to the cafe. I'll wait in line for you guys. Don't take too long."

  "We can go together?" I suggested.

  Kage shook his head from side to side. "Alice will start biting my finger if we get stuck in the cafeteria line like last week. She's not patient at all,” he complained.

  "I was hungry." Alice defended and I sighed.

  "She was hungry, but I do agree. Last week the line took a good half of our break. We'll catch up with you," I encouraged. He nodded, giving another reassuring look at Braxton before running off with Alice.

  I patted Braxton's shoulder. "Brax. They can't be together all the time,” I reminded.

  "I know, but that doesn't mean Zane has to brush him off like that. It's the second week of school. Could have at least been nicer about it," Braxton grumbled.

  We moved to the side of the hall, not wanting to block traffic even though everyone moved around us like we were a barrier.

  "I get it. Peer pressure? Maybe he doesn't want to always be seen attached to Kage?" I suggested.

  Braxton sighed. "Kage waited a year because Zane didn't want to enter Brighten on his own. I think it's a real stab in the back when, after being here less than a week, he ditches Kage like old laundry."

  "What. Kage waited too?" I always forgot that Kage was older than Zane but I didn't realize he got accepted last year.

  "Yes. The original plan was I was going to go with Kage since he's the quieter one. I knew he could be easily bullied if people didn’t take the time to get to know him," Braxton explained.

  We began to walk down the hall which had cleared out significantly, heading towards the exit which led to the cafeteria.

  "Zane is the more outgoing one and makes friends easily, so I thought he'd be just fine and wouldn't be targeted, unlike Kage. But when Kage got his acceptance, Zane asked if he could delay a year so they could go together."

  I grimaced at the thought, now understanding why Kage would be upset. "I would be mad if Zane ditched me so early in the game."

  "Exactly, and the one thing I worry about with Kage is he's the silent type. He won't say anything until he can't take it anymore and explode. He takes after our mom that way," Braxton admitted.

  "Maybe Zane will eat with him next time they see each other. Let's not jump to conclusions just yet," I consoled, wishing I could give him more comfort than that. I knew Braxton really cared about his brothers and didn't want either of them getting hurt or involved in whatever this cult-like club was. We hadn't determined what their exact requirements were, aside from wanting strong magic users. I hoped neither Kage or Zane ended up on their radar, but we'd have to be cautious anyway.

  I didn't know if the guys from the party were a part of that crowd, but they picked on Nixon who had been minding his own business, so maybe Braxton was right and the quieter types were easier targets for bullies.

  We turned the corner and saw the cafeteria building, with a long line out the door and along the side of the building. Braxton stopped and I followed suit, turning to face him.

  "I hope so. Kage doesn't show it but I can tell he was really bummed about it," Braxton whispered.

  I walked back up to him. "Kage will be fine. They can't always be together and he knows that. It's just during school. In the evenings they'll both be home and they share the same room. It shouldn't be a problem." I pointed out. Braxton nodded, looking slightly relieved.

  I turned around and walked right into someone's chest.

  "Ow," I huffed, taking a step back. Hands landed on my shoulders to stop me from falling and I looked up to see Braxton with a scowl on his face.

  "Watch it,” he warned.

  I looked back at the guy in front of me who quickly bowed, seeming nervous. "Sorry. Didn't see him,” he apologized, before running away. I heard some guys laughing to my left and I turned to see Eric, Andrew, and Nick. I frowned, narrowing my eyes at them which shut them up real quick.

  "You okay?" Braxton asked, following my gaze. "Want me to beat them up?"

  I laughed, shaking my head before stepping out of his hold. "Nah. Waste of time and I'm starving. I think I could teach them a lesson if I ever get to face one of them in Physical Studies."

  "Hmph.” Braxton nodded, then waved his hand in a flicking motion. A flood of water appeared out of nowhere, soaking the three of them. The guys all grunted, coughing out water and cursing while the other students glanced
at them in confusion.

  I gawked at Braxton who patted me on the shoulder. "There. They'll think twice before messing with you." He winked and began walking forward.

  I grinned, internally squealing at his protective nature. I absolutely loved it and his compassion towards his brothers never ceased to amaze me. I took one last glance at the three guys when I noticed a pair of eyes staring at me. Before I could clear my vision, the person turned, only their orange hair noticeable from this distance. I frowned, feeling like I'd seen someone like that before but shook my head, dismissing the idea.

  "I'm so hungry."

  I took quick steps to catch up with Braxton and we went into the cafeteria building to find Kage and Alice.

  For now, we'd just have to keep an eye out on those three guys since my gut told me they were bad news.

  "The point of this session is for those who I haven't seen summon a familiar yet to make an attempt to do so. I'd like you all to practice because this will be a part of your midterm and final exams," Mr. Huffling ordered.

  We all nodded and moved to different areas of the field, Braxton, Kage and I went to the corner of the field near the fence. Kage had been on the quiet side for the majority of lunch, only adding occasional comments to our conversation, so unlike his usual inquisitive nature. Zane had been in the cafeteria, sitting on the other side with his two friends and a few others. They didn't seem very powerful, their magic aura weak in my opinion compared to Zane's but he looked excited to be around them.

  It was like viewing the popular table and knowing who belonged and who didn't. It made me rather happy it was an all-boy school so we didn't need to deal with girls squealing and fighting to get to sit with those guys, each trying to claim one of them as their boyfriend.

  We were three and a half hours into class and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I was really tired now, wishing I was able to get a good night’s sleep to help me feel more energized, especially on days like today when we had to use a lot more magic.

  I mentally had to encourage myself that I'd be home within an hour after I took a shower and walked home. The only bonus was getting to see Braxton in a towel since he was gonna stay back with me to shower. Kage barely broke a sweat in this class and said he'd walk home ahead of us and take Alice with him.

  I felt more relaxed that Alice was going with him, her aura strong enough to make people wary simply by her presence. Even with the other familiars, she was the strongest out of the bunch and made them feel intimidated, or so she explained. I guess familiars had it hard too.

  "I guess I can't participate in this lesson," I pointed out, looking at Alice who was falling asleep on my shoulder.

  "Hoot..."she replied. "I'm semi here."

  "Uh huh." I pet her soothingly. Take a nap, I'll wake you up if anything happens.

  She didn't reply, falling asleep within seconds. I looked back to Braxton and Kage who both had smiles on their faces.

  "Guess Kage can go for it," Braxton said as he stretched his arms.

  Kage raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"

  "When was the last time you summoned your familiar?" Braxton asked.

  "Wait, Kage has a familiar?" I asked.

  "We both do. Only Zane doesn't have one," Kage revealed. I looked back at Braxton who was observing the other students’ failed attempts.

  "You never said you had a familiar. Or you, Kage," I pointed out, turning to him.

  "You never asked,” they both said in unison. I let out a huff, moving over to sit on one of the large rocks near the fence.

  "Alright, Secret Brothers. One of you has to show me your familiar. My female side requests it," I stressed. I wasn't worried about anyone hearing me since we were the only ones on this side of the field, but I was seriously intrigued to know what familiar they both had.

  "We weren’t keeping it a secret," Braxton defended. I gave him a glare and he gave a cute pout as he looked everywhere but at me. I turned back to Kage who sighed.

  "Guess I can let Koa out. He's a show off though...hmmm."

  "Koa?" I asked, like the name. Alice. ALICE!

  "" She fluttered her feathers, opening her eyes slightly to glare at me. Don't give me that look. Kage is gonna summon his familiar!

  "So? He's probably like the rest of these ones. I'm not interested."

  I had to fight not to roll my eyes. That's your lack of sleep talking. Stay awake for a bit.

  "This better be good or I want ice cream," she mumbled.

  You can have ice cream regardless, but sure. I turned my attention back to Kage who had his eyes closed in concentration. We waited two minutes and by that time Alice was already nodding off. Braxton walked over to me, picking Alice off my shoulder before she fell off. He sat down next to me as we continued to wait for Kage to summon his familiar.

  "Does it always take this long?" I questioned. Braxton nodded while Alice hopped in his hand before she shifted. Light surrounded her and when it dimmed, it revealed a kitten.

  "Hmm. Been a while since she's changed into a kitten." I mused, petting her small head.

  "Meow,” she replied.

  "I want you to have a picture of Braxton holding a kitten for imagination purposes," she stated proudly and I almost choked on my saliva. Alice!

  "Not here," she replied, curling up in Braxton's hand and pretended to be asleep.

  I groaned, crossing my arms as I glared at her. Braxton had an amused grin on his face. "You and Alice get along well for familiar and Mistress," Braxton commented.

  "Huh? That's not normal?" I asked.

  "Not really. Maybe it's a bond thing. Our familiars love for us depends on their mood. That's why it's taking Kage awhile," Braxton revealed. I glanced back to Kage who looked to be in deep concentration as he stood there.

  "Depends on their mood? So one day they could adore you and the next they can wish you would fall off a cliff?" I summarized.

  Braxton laughed, petting Alice gently."Pretty much. Maybe male familiars are more stubborn than females?"

  "Is your familiar a guy?" I asked.

  "Yup, but he likes to change to a she and piss people off." Braxton winked and I gave him a confused look.

  "I don't see what you're implying with that wink, Mister," I mumbled and his playful grin widened.

  "No hidden meaning. He just seriously loves to irritate people. Full of mischief. That's why I don't summon him unless I need to."

  "Ah. I guess you wouldn't want to piss off anyone here," I mumbled more to myself than Braxton. Alice never really had behavioral issues and always listened to me when I needed her. Maybe it was because we grew up together or something.

  "How long have you had your familiar for?"

  "Ten years. So when I was fourteen. Kage got his when he was six I think." Braxton scrunched his face, as if trying to recall.

  "You don't remember?" I asked.

  "Kage hid his familiar from us thinking our Father would get rid of him," Braxton revealed.


  Braxton placed Alice in his lap before he leaned back, using his hands to support himself as he looked up at the bright sky. "Our Father was strict and didn't allow us to have pets, so Kage assumed he'd get rid of Koa. When our parents found out, Father did want to get rid of him, but it didn't take long before we realized he was a familiar and not a normal animal. took him making a tornado in the kitchen for us to figure that out," Braxton explained, his voice low so only I'd hear the story and not to ruin Kage's concentration.

  "Tornado? What kind of familiar is he?" I wondered. Maybe if it was fire, I'd think a phoenix or something. It was hard to know what a familiar's main animal was. Alice technically had three and we'd never been able to narrow it down to determine her favorite. I guess she'd choose to be human if anything but that sometimes backfires depending on the situation.

  "He's a-" Braxton began but we both froze as goosebumps crawled up my skin. I quickly turned my head in time to see a large purp
le magic circle form above Kage who still had his eyes closed. He raised his arm up and with a flash of lightning, a bright gold form emerged, resting on his arm. Alice...

  "Hmm? What's the commotion? What's with the high level of magic?" Alice questioned. I had to fight to turn my gaze from the show before me as I looked over at Alice who sat up; and little kitten’s eyes grew wide at the scene.

  "Shit!" she swore and I turned back just as the light faded, revealing a huge bald eagle.

  My jaw hung open at the large bird. I was mesmerized by his color alone, his feathers a mixture of white and various shades of purple. His beak was gold and his eyes were mismatched, the left gold and the right a plum purple. He stretched out his wings over Kage whose eyes were now gold.

  I took a quick scan of the field and saw everyone was frozen in place. Even Mr. Huffling looked stunned where he stood, staring at Koa like he was a rare breed he'd never witnessed before.

  Kage lowered his hand and sighed. "You're so damn dramatic. Always trying to make an entrance." His voice was deeper and bolder, compared to his usual quiet soft-spoken tone.

  "Kiku,” Koa replied and Kade looked annoyed.

  "It wastes a lot more mana when you're doing your 'let me take my sweet time to impress the girl' move," Kage pointed out.

  I slowly looked at Alice who was still familiar-struck, her mouth hanging open while her paw was half up. Alice, did you break down? Alice?

  I reached out and picked her up. "I think Koa's entrance broke Alice," I mumbled, shaking my familiar gently.

  Braxton chuckled. "It's happened before."

  "Yup. See, Koa? Dramatic entrances don't do anyone favors. Since you're here, say ‘hi’ to Jinn," Kage encouraged.

  I looked up Koa who eyed me quietly. It took him thirty seconds, and then he bowed his head at me. "Wow. I'm impressed. Is he lecturing you?" Braxton asked Kage.

  He shook his head. "Surprisingly not. Guess he respects you," Kage commented. Koa flew off his hand and landed on Braxton's lap.


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