REFLECTIONS OF YOU (Brighten Magic Academy Book 1)

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REFLECTIONS OF YOU (Brighten Magic Academy Book 1) Page 30

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "But, I'm thirsty."

  "I know. Just wait a few minutes and you can have the rest, okay?" he whispered. I slowly nodded, understanding that he was right. Didn't want to vomit it back up because I drank too quickly.

  My eyes scanned the hospital room; I was confused as to why I was here instead of our dorm room. "What happened?"

  "You don't remember?" Nixon questioned.

  "Uh. Not really. Everything is fuzzy," I confessed. The guys exchanged glances and Brax stepped forward.

  "Long story short, we were enjoying our Sunday afternoon when you and Kage announced Zane was in trouble and rushed over to the tower where we found some initiation thing going on. A brawl broke out and Huntly's younger brother, Silver, showed up. He tried to blast you guys off the tower but you used a spell to blind him. We thought it was over but Sliver sent a blast at you before we could intervene and you knocked into the tower wall which broke and fell," Brax summarized.

  "So why am I here and not dead?" I wondered. Don't get me wrong, I was damn happy to be alive but how did I survive, to begin with?

  Maximus stepped forward. "Nixon jumped over and caught you and used a teleportation spell mid-air. He teleported you close enough to Ms. Landsford and the other adults, laying you on the ground before you began to have a seizure."

  "Oh," I replied. That's not bad...I guess? "Then why did you say I died?"

  "Because you did," Nixon whispered. I turned to look into his eyes. He looked really tired and had black circles under his eyes. "Your seizure was longer than expected and you stopped breathing. We had to resuscitate you before putting you on a ventilator for a few days before you were able to breathe on your own."

  OH...well, ya that sounds pretty bad. Kage placed a hand on my shoulder. "But you started to breathe again without any help and your mana returned back to full strength. It's like your magic worked double to try and heal you and it did."

  "Plus your mother and Logan's mother were here non-stop. We just forced them to go home recently because they literally weren't sleeping," Braxton added.

  "Wow. long exactly have I been out for?" I questioned.

  "Two weeks," Nixon replied with a frown.

  "Two...weeks?! I guess I failed exams then," I whispered, feeling rather sad about it, my head hanging low.

  Logan walked back over to my side, slipping his hand into mine and squeezed gently. "You've been excused. The headmaster found out what happened and since your grades were already high to begin with, all the professors agreed you wouldn't need to take the exam to move forward. You also received an award for bravery and selflessness. You'll receive it when school starts back up again at the welcome back assembly where the headmaster herself will do a speech and introduce new rules regarding bullying at Brighten Magic Academy."

  I gawked at him, my eyes slowly looking at the others who all smiled with prideful expression. "That sounds rather cool. Gabriel would be happy," I whispered. I finally ended the cycle.

  Kage looked over his shoulder, staring at the white curtain that was pulled halfway open. "Zane dummy. Come out already. Jewel isn't mad,” he called out.

  "I wasn't hiding or anything,” he replied, shuffling quietly to the end of the bed. He bowed his head before I could speak. "I'm sorry, Jewel. It's kind of hard to explain and I don't want to explain everything to you until you’re feeling better, but I'm terribly sorry for hurting you. All of you guys too."

  I could hear the agony in his voice, trembling as if he'd burst into tears at any moment.

  Brax sighed, slapping his back. "We forgive you temporary idiocy. Lift your head, brother."

  He did as Brax commanded, his green eyes full of regret as they met mine. He stood there quietly, waiting for my response.

  Though my heart clenched with a deep ache, I realized there was one major problem.

  "Who are you?"


  Coming in July: Reflections of Me

  Seduce My Blood - Sneak Peek

  Seduce My Blood - Blurb

  When seduction runs in your veins, what better way to use it than to make yourself a millionaire?

  I never wanted to be the lone succubus-vampire hybrid in the overpopulated city of New York. In fact, I would have been fine with being a vampire, seriously.

  You see, mama dearest had a one time fling, got preggos and gave birth to little old me. As much as she wanted to win the best mother award, she couldn't ignore her succubus ways for long, hopping from man to man while I was stuck at home, vowing to never be like her. She finally settled with my step dad...he’s another matter altogether.

  Now, I use my powers of seduction to establish my business: Last Resort. Your best friend bailed for your double date? I got you. Your maid of honor got food poisoning? Say no more. You need me to take your place at the NYC champion pole dancing competition? Pay me extra and I’ll get you first place.

  I didn’t think my next gig as a subtitute secretary would lead me to one of the four richest entrepreneurs in NYC – or that I'd come to meet his three contemporaries at a later date. Did I mention he was a hot sexy vampire who was able to resist my charms long enough to strike up an actual conversation? Extra brownie points there.

  But a forbidden connection introduces trouble and confusion, leaving me as a prime target.

  Will I be able to seduce my way out of this? Or will the seduction in my blood turn sour?

  Seduce My Blood - Prologue

  You never realize how precious life is until the future you thought would be years is cut down to mere minutes


  "Liam, I can't miss this meeting and use the excuse that my vampire lover wants to keep me chained up in his mansion because he thinks the outside world is unsafe." It was probably good I wasn't holding my cell phone because I would have hung up by now.

  "Anastasia, it’s only because I care. I don’t want you getting hurt again,” Liam, my new lover, replied. I was surprised we'd been together for as long as we had. Not that I had problems with men. It was quite opposite actually. If they laid eyes on me, men would drop everything to cross crowded streets or climb over fences just to get to me. The attention was a blessing and a curse. At least I finally found a man who could keep up a conversation with me.

  "First off, that was a scratch with a little, itsy bitsy bit of poison in it. It didn't kill me. Just made me dizzy and confused. Secondly, you know succubi are surprisingly hard to kill, which is NOT because of my amazing seduction powers that run through my blood." I lectured, looking in my rear view mirror to the empty country road behind my pink Lexus.

  I sighed, hoping this trip would hurry the hell up. Sure, Liam and I were arguing, but I truly missed his presence which was a first for me. I didn't even miss my gay best friend who made life a lot more fun than what I soon realized was a dull life without such companionship.


  I paused in my speech; loving the way Liam shortened my name and used that husky voice of his, doing the whole 'fuck this trip, my ass is turning this baby around for hot sex and chocolate dessert in bed afterward' thing as little tingles prickled through me. I wonder if this is what it’s like when I indirectly use my powers?

  I inhaled deeply, keeping my eyes straight ahead at the road before me. "Liam, I'm an adult. I’m a very independent woman who needs her freedom to continue doing the business I had to create to survive the madness of NYC. No one had sympathy then, and even after all these years it's still the same. It's just a business meeting. I would need a valid excuse to cancel," I explained in a softer tone.

  Liam was quiet for a moment. "Then can I come over there? I won't be there exactly on time, but I'll be able to keep an eye when you leave your hotel room."

  "You mean to be there out in the open? Or stalk me, like vampires love to do, spooking people."

  "You know, you are ALSO a vampire and like to stalk just as much. Your best friend told me before you even asked," Liam countered. Fucking Alexander! Ca
n't keep his mouth shut.

  "That was different. I technically worked for you. Stalking is in my job description," I pointed out.

  "As a secretary?' he said in a skeptical tone.

  "Hey. Don't use that tone. Secretaries are the best stalkers to make sure you don't get clumsy, like Annie giving you black coffee instead of your usual six sugar, five cream, no foam, Venti latte in the mornings before your intense three-hour meetings. Not to forget the time you slept in and I had to search and reschedule everything to ensure you were set for the next week while you were off being a sexy vampire and sparkling everywhere."

  "I don't sparkle,” he grumbled.

  "That wasn't the point I was trying to make,” I shook my head. "Admit it. My stalking skills as your private secretary are the best," I stated proudly.

  He chuckled, the sound making me relax. "Yes. My Anastasia is the best private secretary I've ever had and makes sure to meet all my needs. Every. Single. One, " he whispered and I had to remind myself to breathe.

  "Tease. I'm driving." I used my left hand to fan my burning face.

  "I did no such thing. I'll be on my way. Be safe for me." He whispered the last sentence, making me smile.

  "Yes, my love. I'll be fine. The cactus will ensure no one fucks with me in this wasteland," I joked.

  "I love you," he spoke quietly, something I knew was hard for him to say. I looked again into the rear view mirror before glancing out my left window.

  "I love you t-"

  Suddenly, my life flashed before my eyes as something crashed directly into the left side of my car. Slowly my car spun high above the ground, glass shards of all sizes drifted slowly through the car. My ears picked up on a scream, which I then realized came from me.

  Flip, flip, flip, flip. CRASH!

  The car skidded on its roof and the pain that went through me was indescribable. It felt like the air was forced out of me and for a time I blacked out.

  It felt like a second, maybe two, or sixty. I couldn't think straight as the pain continued to vibrate through my body, making it hard to even breathe.

  "Anastasia!! SIA!"

  I could hear Liam's distress through the phone that miraculously was next to me on the floor. Well, the ceiling. The smell of leaking gas hit my nose and I began to panic, realizing I had to get out in case the car decided to blow up, taking me with it. I needed to get out.

  Moving after a car accident was a bitch, but the adrenaline that suddenly spiked through me demanded I escape this ticking time bomb. I unbuckled my seatbelt which caused me to fall onto the broken glass covering the ceiling.

  I let out a whimper from the pain in my hands and legs but I continued my attempt to escape, deciding my body could probably fit the passenger window. I grabbed the phone, realizing Liam was still on the line. I couldn’t even really form words, my quiet whimpers as tears rolled down my cheeks the only way to tell him I'd managed to survive.

  "Babe, Brian's coming. He'll be there in a few minutes. Just hang on,” he soothed.

  I replied with another sob before I slowly made my way out of the car. When I reached the sandy surface, I began to drag my body across the sandy ground, pausing to hold back the scream of agony that wanted so desperately to be set free. The pain was getting unbearable and I didn't know how long it would be before I fainted.

  Safety. I just need to get far enough to be safe from the explosion. Yes.

  I looked forward, noticing the cactus not too far away. Speak of the devil. Damn cactus, you didn't do your job.

  I began my slow drag myself towards the large green prickly cactus. The closer the got, the more energy found to push forward. I finally reached it and cried in relief, forcing myself to remain as still as possible. I could feel the blood leave my body with each drag across the earth and my vampire instincts were already making this experience harder as my thirst grew with each second, my desire to drink that lovely thick liquid becoming stronger and stronger.

  I heard footsteps approach, but instead of feeling relieved that Brian had arrived, a sense of dread ran through me. It was as if my body knew my doom was imminent.

  "Sia? Sia!" Liam continued to call out over the line, and I gripped the phone in my right hand, pulling it as close to my lips. ""

  I couldn't manage to say anything else before a pair of black shoes appeared before me. I fought to lift my head, wanting to see the person who would kill me. I don't know about other people, but this NYC girl believed in ghosts and boy, if I died today, I would make sure my ass haunted this piece of shit until he turned himself in so Liam and Brian could fuck him up. Also couldn’t forget Alexander who would bitch slap the living soul out of him.

  I finally lifted my head, having to squint through my blurry vision. A smug smile was on the face of the purple-eyed stranger. I knew from one look he wasn't a vampire, but then the dots clicked and I knew without a doubt exactly what he was.

  He knelt down so I could get a better look at him. he chuckled quietly. "A succubus vampire. You, my dear, are a rarity. No wonder that brat has taken a liking to you. Too bad he won't make it here in time to watch me kill you."

  I gritted my teeth, growling as my eyes locked onto the pulse beating rapidly in his neck. I may have been injured, but once a vampire’s instinct took control, even the weakest could be a real threat.

  He pulled something out of his pocket, but I was faster, gripping the phone in my hand as I launched myself at him, wanting to do some damage to this person who thought he could mess with me.

  He crashed right into the cactus and cried out in pain as the sharp thorns stuck into him. Sadly, I wasn't fast enough to fight off his kick which sent me flying onto my back, breaking something, which at this point did nothing to me because I was already in so much pain, I felt more numb than anything. I rolled onto my stomach and snarled a spell I'd learned from Alexander's silly "Witch Magic for Beginners Guide."


  Fire shot out of the ground and he screamed as he took a direct hit. His body began to burn wildly and he dropped to the ground, rolling to try and put it out. I tried to move but was able to muster the energy to. Liam's screams on the speaker made my heart hurt. I could hear his frustration and pain, as well as his tears. I hadn’t predicted our relationship would lead to love, and now as I watched the burning man slowly rise up, I somehow knew wouldn't get to see Liam again.

  I wouldn't get to enjoy my morning shifts bringing him coffee and giving him those passionate kisses at his desk or enjoy our lunch breaks as we planned the next set of events in the afternoon. We wouldn't share those quiet home rides in rush hour traffic or the extravagance dinners we'd take turns treating each other to.

  I wouldn't get to look into his hazelnut eyes, which would flicker to red before he'd take a taste of my blood, sending us both into a euphoric state. He'd put all the blame on Brian and that would be the deal breaker, turning this into a war.

  Which was exactly what this man wanted, fighting the flames that burned his flesh enough that he was able to stumble over to my side. I gritted my teeth as his burned hand gripped my hair, tugging me up. His eyes stared into mine as they slowly began to dull. I knew neither of us would survive, but how would he kill me?

  Something poked into my neck, making me scream; a slow, cool liquid entered my veins. My eyes dilated and I began to choke, my body failing to take in any more air. It felt like my inside were freezing.

  "Bye-bye, Miss Secretary. You'll never live long enough to be the queen of anything," the man struggled to announce loudly, before blood poured out of his mouth. He let go of my hair and I dropped to my knees. He took a few steps away before he fell to the ground. He twitched a few times before he froze in place, taking his last breath.

  I tried to take the needle out but I couldn't move, my head laying on top of my right hand which held my phone.

  "Sia, baby, hold on. Brian's thirty seconds away. Please baby. Don't…

  I opened my mouth to reply, to say one last goodbye. I couldn't tell him how much change he'd brought into my life, but a final goodbye would be enough. But then I realized it was too late. I took my final breath as my eyes dulled; my once bright world gone black.

  About Yumoyori Wilson

  Yumoyori.W.Wilson lives in Toronto, Ontario with her lovely Mother, Queen Loulou. When she’s not working the night shift as a Community Registered Nurse, she’s out relaxing with friends or sipping bubble tea while playing Elsword with her gaming friends.

  She has an obsession with fashion and currently owns 100+ lipsticks, 50 being various shades of nudes though she insists all of them are different in their own way. She enjoys reading during her night shift, immersing herself in reverse harem, paranormal and romance novels to pass the time and prevent herself from falling asleep.

  To connect with Yumoyori online:


  Yumo’s Star Knight Facebook Group:


  Instagram: @yumoyoriauthor

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson


  Dark Wish

  Tainted Rose


  Poisonous Dream


  Forgotten Fairytale (July 28th 2018)


  Visionary Investigator


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