Mr. Wrong

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Mr. Wrong Page 13

by Alessandra Hart

  She leaned back. “So are there any other bombshells you want to drop on me in the name of honesty?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No,” I said. Something suddenly occurred to me, and I furrowed my brows. “Wait… there is something, actually.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Really? There’s more?”

  “Yes, really. Sorry. I completely forgot about this, because I got more than a little distracted by walking in on you stark naked the other night. But there was something else I wanted to tell you. It’s about your parents.”

  Nora’s eyebrows arched upward. “Oh?”

  “I walked in on them in the kitchen when I went downstairs to get a drink before bed. It sounded like they were talking about you and some sort of big secret.”

  I filled her in on what they’d said, as best as I could remember. She frowned. “Are you sure they were talking about me?”

  “Yes. I mean, they never said your name, but I’m about ninety-nine percent sure.”

  Nora bit her bottom lip as she mulled things over for a moment. “Hmm… I don’t know if you noticed this about my mother, but she’s a bit of a gossip,” she said. “Honestly, they were probably talking about the neighbor or something.”

  “I don’t think so. It sounded pretty serious.”

  She shrugged. “Well, I’ll ask, but I bet it’s just something silly and minor. Like I said, my mother is a big gossip. And what big secret could my parents even have, anyway? Mom’s only so gossipy because their life is just so normal and peaceful, and she needs something to entertain herself with. I doubt they’re hiding that they’re secretly CIA agents, or anything like that.”

  “I guess. Well, I just wanted to let you know.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  I paused, and then I spoke up again. “So that’s it. Everything is out in the open now.”

  “Yeah, I suppose it is.”

  “So… are we okay? Are we gonna get through all of this?” I asked.

  Nora smiled and reached over to squeeze my hand. “Yes,” she said softly. “I think we’re going to be okay.”



  “And… cut!”

  Bonnie shouted over at the crew, waving her hand. Then she approached me and one of the actors playing a teammate of Walter Simmons. “That was perfect,” she said. “Jacob, I don’t know what the hell it is you’ve been doing differently over this last week, but you’re blowing everyone else’s performance out of the water. No offense, Anders,” she added to the other actor.

  “You can thank your accuracy consultant,” I said with a grin, gesturing toward Nora. She was watching from the sidelines near a lighting operator.

  “Nora gave you acting tips?” Bonnie said with a confused frown.

  I shook my head and chuckled. “No. When we got rained out the other week, she took me up north to meet Walter’s family. Talking to them really helped me capture his true essence and make my performances more authentic, I think.”

  “Oh, I see. Terrific idea. I don’t know why we didn’t think of doing that,” she said. Then she frowned. “But that’s strange. I never received any receipts for gas or a hotel.”

  “Uh, I covered it, don’t worry,” I said hastily. I didn’t want to stupidly blow our cover and admit that we’d stayed at Nora’s parents’ house during that little trip, because that would make it all too obvious that there was something going on between us.

  And boy, there was something going on between us, all right.

  Nora and Oscar were still staying at my place (they’d been there for about a week or so now) and things were just as hot and heavy as they had been the first time. Nora was surprisingly filthy in bed. Not like one of those limp starfish women who lay on their backs waiting for the guy to do all the work. We hadn’t been able to keep our hands off each other. It wasn’t just the sex, either. I was serious about her; I cared about her more than anyone and anything else. She was understanding, she was kind, she was wonderful. She was it for me.

  “Okay, let’s start on the final quarter scene for this game,” Bonnie said, waving her hands at various people.

  Halfway during the filming for the scene, I saw Nora talking to Bonnie. Filming was cut as Nora then headed onto the field to show another one of the actors exactly where he needed to aim for in his kick. Then she trudged over to me.

  I tried my best to keep a serious expression plastered on my face. “Am I playing it right, coach?” I asked.

  Her expression looked serious too, and she came up as close as she could without attracting suspicion from others. “You’re doing fine. I just wanted to let you know that you look a little too sexy. You’re going to pay for that later tonight…”

  She winked and headed back off the set field. I grinned, unable to keep a straight face as I watched her hips sway from side to side. She was a dirty little minx, always teasing and tempting me.

  When work was done for the day, I took a quick shower in one of the studio bathrooms before getting dressed again and heading out. Normally I would’ve just gone straight home, but I had an early dinner to get to, and it was in the same area as the studio, so there was no point going all the way home first. Nora was aware of my plans, and she’d already headed back to my house for the evening.

  As I stepped into the studio parking lot, I was met by squeals and shrieks from two girls who looked to be around nineteen or twenty. They were both slim and blonde with big breasts and too much lip filler, and their eyes were wide as they waved at me.

  “Oh my god, you’re Jacob Archer!” one of them said.

  I grinned. “Yep, that’s me.”

  “We love you on Code Grey! We just finished season five. When does the next season start?”

  “It hasn’t started filming yet. Still on break,” I said. “It’ll be back next year.”

  The girl on the left pouted, but the pout quickly evolved into a smile. “So if you’re not working on filming Code Grey at the moment, then you must have time to show us around the studio,” she said. “Or around town…”

  Her words seemed harmless, but there was a lot of obvious subtext, judging by her tone and the way she was hiking her skirt up on her thighs as high as possible without directly flashing her pussy.

  Once upon a time, I would’ve jumped at the chance to take these two hot actor groupies to a hotel and pound them senseless, but now the idea of doing something like that couldn’t be further from my mind. The only woman I wanted was Nora. She was the only one I wanted to see lying on a bed waiting for me. Every other woman in the world would have to prowl around elsewhere, because I was a kept man nowadays.

  Now that was something I never thought I’d hear myself say.

  “Sorry, I have to be somewhere. Nice to meet you, though,” I said with a polite smile before turning and continuing on my way to my car. I could hear the two girls expressing shock over what an asshole I apparently was for not responding to their come-on, but I didn’t give a shit. I couldn’t please everyone, and I didn’t fucking want to.

  Chris was already waiting for me at a little table when I arrived at the restaurant we’d decided to meet at. He grinned and waved as he saw me approach. “Hey, man. How’s work on the new movie?” he asked. “I’ve barely seen you lately. Must be busy, huh?”

  “Yeah, it’s busy, but good. Tiring, though. I can’t wait to go home, to be honest,” I said.

  Chris laughed. “Bullshit. You aren’t tired. You just want to blow me off to hook up with hot extras.”

  I shook my head. “Nope.”

  His forehead wrinkled in a confused frown, and he jokingly looked around as if searching for someone or something. “What happened to my friend Jacob? Who are you?”

  I laughed. “Same old me. But I’m still seeing Nora.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Really? Still? I thought she might’ve… well, shit, that explains a lot.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He was quiet for a moment, and then he shrugged. “Wel
l, for starters, it explains some of the stuff I’ve been hearing lately.”

  “Yeah? Like what?”

  “James told me you showed up at his place a couple of weeks ago, trolled his date right out the door, and then punched him. After getting his address from me, no less, which took a fair amount of explaining,” he said, one brow arched curiously. “I was wondering what that was about. Guess I know now.”

  “Er…. that whole thing was not what it sounds like. I mean, I didn’t show up there just to punch him. There were other reasons.”

  “Right,” Chris said. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to be seeing this chick?”

  I nodded. “Nora’s great. Perfect, in fact.” Chris was silent for a second, and I frowned. “I’m sorry, I’m not making things awkward for you at work, am I?” I added. “With you working so closely with her crazy ex and all.”

  “It’s a bit awkward, but I guess it’s fine. I’m more worried about…”

  He trailed off, and I cocked my head to the side. “About what?”

  “How well do you really know this woman? You only met her a month ago, and it’s not like you to suddenly drop off the radar and stop going out every night like you used to,” he said. “You know, you used to be out there partying and picking up chicks left, right and center. Now it’s like you’ve changed into a different guy all of a sudden. It’s kinda weird, man.”

  “Nora isn’t manipulating me into changing myself, if that’s what you’re worried about,” I replied. “I’m fine. Sure, I’ve changed a bit, but that’s all on me. I wanted to.”

  He looked slightly relieved at that. “Okay. But what about Ina? What do you think would happen if Nora found out about her?” he asked.

  Chris was one of the only people in the world who knew about Ina, other than my staff, manager, and agent.

  “She already knows.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “She knows?”

  “Yep. And she’s okay with it. I explained it all to her, and she understands.”

  “Jesus. Okay. So you guys are pretty serious, then.”

  I nodded. “Yep. Serious as a heart attack.”

  “Wow. Didn’t see that coming.

  I nodded and hesitated, trying to find the words to explain myself. “It’s like… when I met her, things became so clear. I didn’t want to keep fucking around and playing the field. I actually wanted to settle down. I can’t explain why or how. It just happened, and fuck, I’m glad it did.”

  “I think pigs are flying outside,” Chris said, squinting and pretending to look out the window. I laughed, and he looked back at me. “So what, you think you might love her?”

  I hesitated again as I thought about his question. I hadn’t said as much to Nora yet, but hell, why not? It was the truth. I’d never felt this way about anyone before.

  I nodded and spoke up again. “Yeah, I do. I love her,” I told him.

  Now I just needed to find the perfect way to tell her.



  “Nora Valencia?”

  I looked up and across the medical center to see my doctor beckoning me into her office. I smiled and headed in, eager for the appointment.

  After staying with Jacob for several weeks, we’d finally had the ‘talk’ about whether or not we wanted to take things to the next level and stop using condoms. That meant two things: we both needed to make sure we were clean, and I also wanted to go on the pill.

  Jacob had already been tested and found to be clean, and I’d been to this very same medical center three days ago to give them a blood and urine sample. Today my results were finally available, and luckily, I had the whole day off work to get everything sorted.

  “Okay, Nora,” Dr. Browning said as she gestured for me to sit. She peered at her computer screen, scrolling with her mouse. “Your test results are here, and let’s see… all clear. No sexually transmitted infections, and you aren’t pregnant, either. So we can definitely put you on the pill, if that’s still your intention.”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Great. Let me just look at the other general tests we ordered.” Her eyes scanned her computer screen again. “Your iron levels are fine too. Very good, in fact. And I see you’re an O-negative. Are you a blood donor by any chance?”

  I shook my head. “I always mean to go and do it, but then I forget. My memory is like a sieve these days.”

  “No pressure, but it would definitely be a good thing for you to consider. Your blood type is the universal donor, so it’s always in high demand and short supply.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know that. I’ll definitely try to remember to book an appointment for that soon,” I replied. “Do you have some sort of brochure for the donation center or something? If I have one in my purse, it might help me remember.”

  She reached across her desk and grabbed some pamphlets. “Here you go,” she said. “Anyway, let’s talk about the pill. I’d recommend Levlen for now, and we’ll see how you go. Did you read up on the things we talked about last time?”

  I nodded, and Dr. Browning continued explaining everything to me just in case. She went through the list of common side effects, explained exactly when I needed to start taking it, and when it would be in full effect. When she was finished, she wrote out my prescription and handed it to me along with a little booklet.

  “There’s more information in there about the possible side effects and what to do if you accidentally miss a pill one day,” she said. “Other than that, I’d say you’re ready to go. Any questions?”

  I shook my head, and five minutes later, I was heading out into the parking lot. I still had a lot of stuff to get done today. I had a bunch of shopping to do and dry-cleaning to pick up (I didn’t want to take advantage of Jacob’s household staff, even though they’d offered to do all these things for me) and I also needed to drop by the police station and check up on the progress of my restraining order against James. When I’d first gone in a few weeks ago, I’d been given a ton of paperwork to fill out, and I’d also provided one of the officers with my social media login details. That way they could see the abusive messages I was still getting and monitor who and where they came from in order to try and prove that it was James who was responsible for the harassment.

  Today was the day I’d find out if my petition for a restraining order had been accepted or not. Obviously, I was anxious to know. The officers who were helping me with my case seemed quite certain that I’d get it, and I could only hope they’d proven it was James who broke into my place and trashed it, because that was the linchpin in the whole case.

  Two hours later, once all my other errands were complete, I stepped into the precinct that was handling my case. “Hi, is Detective Sinclair available?” I asked at the front desk.

  The officer manning the desk nodded and waved me through to the bullpen after calling out to Sinclair. She met me a few seconds later and guided me to her desk.

  “Please sit down, Nora,” she said. “I have some bad news for you, unfortunately.”

  My heart sank. “Oh?”

  “The judge has denied your request for a restraining order against James Owens. But this is just a temporary setback. We’ll keep looking into things to help you.”

  “I don’t understand.” I shook my head. “He broke into my house and trashed it. He even wrote ‘die’ on the wall, for god’s sake! Not to mention all the threatening messages online. How could my request be denied?”

  She sighed. “We actually haven’t been able to prove it was James who broke into your house, so no charges have been laid in that regard as of yet. He had a solid alibi for when the breakin occurred, and for several hours before and after, too.”

  “What? How is that possible? There’s no one else it could be!” I said, my skin prickling with agitation. “What about the guard at the gate? Didn’t he see anything?”

  “The usual guard, Clint Weston, was off sick when the breakin occurred. There was a temporary replacement working at the time, but it
seems he’d fallen asleep when the culprit slipped by the gate late in the evening. There’s surveillance footage, of course, so we know the time-frame for when the breakin occurred, but all we can see on the footage is a tall person in black pants and a black hoodie. Could be anyone.”

  “It was James,” I said adamantly. “I don’t see how he can possibly have such a strong alibi. It had to be him!”

  “He could’ve paid someone else to do it for him while he established a solid alibi for himself,” Sinclair said. “We’ve seen that happen before. So that’s what we’re looking into now. But it could take a while to prove, if we even can. I know all this bureaucracy sucks, Nora. But we have to do it by the book. That’s how the system works.”

  I sighed heavily. “Right. I understand. But what about the Facebook messages? I’m still getting them every couple of days, and in the last week they’ve been getting more and more threatening. That counts as harassment, surely.”

  “We hit another roadblock there. Whoever is making the new profiles and messaging you is using a virtual private network to mask their IP address.”

  “Uh… what?”

  “When a VPN is used, we can’t tell where the messages are being sent from, essentially,” she explained. “But we have one of our best forensic computing guys on it. He’ll crack it eventually, and we should be able to get a location. Hopefully that’ll lead us to James so we can prove it was him once and for all.”

  I sighed and rubbed my temples. “I can’t believe this. He’s being so careful, all so he can get away with harassing and terrorizing an ex-girlfriend. It’s insane.”

  She gave me a sympathetic smile. “I know. I’m so sorry, Nora. I wish there was more we could do. But for the time being, we have to keep investigating and waiting for results. Until then, I’d suggest you keep staying elsewhere. Can you do that?”

  I nodded. “Yes, that’s not a problem. Will you call me as soon as your IT guy cracks this VPN thing?”

  “Of course. The second we get a location or a name, we’ll let you know.”

  “Thank you.” I gave her a tight smile.

  She handed me a sheaf of papers—copies of my written statement and rejected restraining order application from a few weeks ago. I stuffed it all in my handbag and left, feeling utterly dejected and miserable. I was so happy with my life in so many ways at the moment, but there was still this one dark stain on everything. James. That stupid freaking asshole. I had no idea why he couldn’t just let me go without a fight. After all, he’d made it pretty clear with all the cheating and lying that he didn’t love me or care about me. So why the hell was he still trying to make my life miserable?


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