A Bridal Bouquet and a Body (A Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery Book 8)

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A Bridal Bouquet and a Body (A Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery Book 8) Page 9

by Cindy Bell

  “You have been missed, my love,” she said with a sigh. “Rory and Ethan are quite eager to spend time with their Daddy.”

  “Translation, Mom needs a nap,” he grinned and kissed her softly.

  Mitchell raised an eyebrow, still looking steadily at Vicky, who was standing hesitantly a few feet away from him. “So, are you ready to tell me everything that happened?” he asked. Before Vicky could speak, his cell phone chimed indicating he had a text message.

  “Give me a minute, guys,” he said to his brother and father. “Mom and Maisy are waiting in the restaurant for you.”

  “Sure,” John said and led Connor towards the restaurant.

  “We should get the boys from Aunt Ida,” Sarah said. Mitchell stared down at his phone.

  Phil glanced between Vicky and Sarah, and then nodded. “All right, we better save them from whatever glitter and feathers she's coating them in.”

  “Vicky,” Mitchell said as the kitchen emptied out. “Were you really trapped in the trunk of Stan's car?” he asked, his eyes wide.

  “Not for very long,” Vicky grimaced. “And we were able to get out safely.”

  “We?” he asked.

  “Aunt Ida was there with me,” she explained. “She was trying to help me solve the murder before the wedding.”

  “About the murder,” Mitchell said and shook his head. “Can you explain to me how it ended up being Stan? I can't wrap my head around it.”

  “It's a very long story,” Vicky said and grabbed his hand gently. “I know you must be tired…”

  “Not too tired for this,” he argued in return and held her hand firmly in his own. “So, what happened?”

  “Arthur owed money to a loan shark, but the loan shark isn't the one who killed him. His wife Poppy wanted to sell the property she inherited, but he didn't because he knew the loan shark would want the money from it.”

  “So, then his wife killed him?” Mitchell asked with surprise.

  “That's what I thought,” Vicky said with a shake of her head. “But no, Poppy didn't do it either. She had been working with a property developer to sell the property. When the property developer found out that Arthur was refusing to sell, he decided to get rid of the problem. So, he killed Arthur and tried to frame Miriam's son for it.”

  “The woman who owns the party store?” Mitchell asked with disbelief. “Isn't that where you rented the wedding tent?”

  “Yes,” Vicky groaned. “That's how I found Arthur's body, it was wrapped up in the tent.”

  “No,” Mitchell groaned and shook his head. “I guess we'll need a new one.”

  “No, it's fine,” Vicky said. “Everything's fine, as long as you're here.”

  Mitchell smiled a little at her words. Then the smile faded. “But, why would he want to frame Miriam’s son for the murder?” Mitchell asked.

  “It was part of some grand plan. From what I managed to piece together I think he wanted both the Smith and Darcy properties because they are next to each other,” Vicky explained. “If the party hire shop gets a bad name then they would lose business and would have to sell the shop, and it looks like they are selling the house as well. Maybe he knew, or hoped, that if they had to sell the shop they would sell their property and move elsewhere.”

  “Wow, a lot of trouble just for some land?” Mitchell said thoughtfully. “I’m sorry you couldn’t contact me.”

  “At least Bobby finally managed to,” Vicky smiled faintly. “And you’re home now.”

  “Obviously, you did a great job of solving the murder,” he said and slipped his arms around her waist. “And you are safe now,” he added and kissed her gently.

  “It's over now,” Vicky murmured. “We can focus on the wedding. Right?”

  “It's not quite over, is it?” he asked. “We still have to find the man who did this so we can put him behind bars.”

  “I know,” Vicky sighed. “They haven't been able to track him down yet. Maybe he'll wait until after the wedding to resurface,” she suggested hopefully.

  “Maybe,” he replied and rested his forehead against hers. “But no matter what we're getting married. Nothing will stop that from happening, I promise you.”

  Vicky smiled at his words and settled comfortably into his arms. She hoped that would prove to be true.

  “All right, we have a lot of work to do,” Sarah said as she walked into the room. “Enough with the mushy stuff, Vicky, save it for tomorrow. Phil has the kids, and Aunt Ida is on her way to the gardens. We're going to make sure everything is in place for tomorrow.”


  Vicky, Sarah, and Aunt Ida worked together to finish the last details of the wedding set-up that hadn't been completed. As Vicky was putting the last touches on the runner for the wedding, she heard some footsteps behind her. Her body tensed as she wondered if it could be Stan. Had he come back to finish the job? She was alone. Ida and Sarah had already gone inside to put away the materials they had used for decorating. She didn't even have her phone on her. Her heart was pounding. She cleared her throat and turned slowly to face the person standing behind her. Sheriff McDonnell stared back at her with a frown.

  “Vicky,” Sheriff McDonnell said as he narrowed his eyes. “I have a question for you.”

  “Oh,” Vicky said as she looked at him. She knew he must be angry that she had tried to solve the murder. “What is it?”

  “Would you like to attend the police academy?” he asked and managed to keep a straight face when he did.

  Vicky smiled warmly at him as she realized he was teasing her. “No, thank you, Sir, I think I'm more suited to event planning.”

  “Then would you mind terribly not to parade around town as if you're a police officer?” he asked through gritted teeth. Vicky's smile faded as she realized he wasn't as amused as she had hoped he would be.

  “Sure, it won't happen again,” Vicky promised him, widening her deep green eyes. She hoped that it made her look innocent rather than crazy.

  He stared at her for a long, heart-stopping moment. She knew that he could take Mitchell's badge if he really wanted to. “Somehow, I just don't think that I should believe you,” he said and shifted his hand on his hip. “I can't say that you didn't do a good job, but you put yourself at risk because of your behavior.”

  “I'm sorry,” Vicky said quietly.

  “On the upside, my two newest officers have had some great experience, and our deputy sheriff will get the justice that he deserves. So, I guess it’s all okay in the end,” he said.

  “I'm glad it all ended well.”

  “Me, too,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “Just do me a favor. Next time stay out of our investigations and let us do our jobs.”

  “Hopefully, there won't be a next time,” Vicky said with a smile.

  “This is Highland,” Sheriff McDonnell said with a shake of his head. “There will always be a next time. Now, make sure you get some rest tonight. Can't have you falling asleep as you walk down the aisle.”

  “I will,” she grinned.

  By the time Vicky collapsed in her bed, she was absolutely exhausted. But she still was incredibly excited for the next morning. She didn't know what might happen during the ceremony, or if she might have forgotten an important detail or two, but she did know one thing for sure. She was going to marry the love of her life. Despite investigating a murder and putting herself in danger he still loved her. He wanted her, as she was, and had no desire to change her. That meant a lot to Vicky. As she drifted off to sleep her mind was filled with thoughts of doves, and exploding cakes. She might have even witnessed a firework or two.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning was a bustle of activity. Vicky shared a delicious breakfast with Mae-Ellen, Maisy, Sarah, and Ida. Then the four of them began preparing Vicky for the wedding. Despite all of the planning, Vicky felt overwhelmed. It was a very special day, but not because of the flowers, or the ceremony. It was special because it was the day that she was going to promise to sp
end the rest of her life with Mitchell, a man she couldn't imagine ever living without.

  By the time her make-up was done, and her brown hair was swirled up and pinned to the top of her head, she was shivering with nervousness and excitement. Maisy and Mae-Ellen left to check on Mitchell, and Sarah ducked out to check on Rory and Ethan who were serving as flower-boy and ring-bearer. Alone with her aunt, Vicky tried to take a deep breath. She stood in front of the floor to ceiling mirror on her bedroom door.

  “What do you think, Aunt Ida?” Vicky asked as she smoothed down the skirt of her ivory gown.

  “I think it needs more color,” Aunt Ida said with disdain.

  “Oh no,” Vicky laughed as she turned to face her aunt.

  “Your bouquet,” Ida said and handed her the bundle of flowers that matched each layer on the cake. Vicky clasped it tightly and looked into Ida's eyes. She could feel tears forming.

  “Vicky, what's wrong?” Ida asked and touched her cheek lightly. “Are those happy tears or sad tears?”

  “A little of both, maybe,” Vicky said in a whisper. “I'm so happy to be marrying Mitchell, but…”

  “You wish your parents were here,” Ida supplied and hugged her gently. “I know, sweetie, I wish they were, too.”

  “I didn't think it would be so hard to walk down the aisle alone,” Vicky murmured.

  “Alone?” Ida smiled as she pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. “I was kind of hoping that you might not want to be alone.”

  “What do you mean?” Vicky asked as she delicately dabbed at her eyes.

  “To be honest, Vicky,” Ida said. “I don't have any children of my own, and Sarah is already married. I was hoping…”

  “Would you really?” Vicky asked, her eyes widening. “You would walk me down the aisle?”

  “I would be honored,” Ida replied with warmth in her voice. “If that's what you want, of course.”

  “Yes, it is, I couldn't think of a more perfect person to walk down the aisle with me,” Vicky said happily. “Thank you, Aunt Ida!”

  “Only happy tears, okay?” she asked with a smile.

  “Only happy tears,” Vicky agreed.

  “I'll check on the musicians,” Ida said as she walked towards the door. “I'm sure Sarah will want to help you with your train and veil.”

  “Thank you again, Aunt Ida,” Vicky said as she watched her aunt step out of the room. She was thrilled that she would be escorting her down the aisle. As Ida stepped out of the room, Sarah stepped in.

  “Hey there, beautiful blushing bride,” Sarah smiled as she closed the door behind her.

  “How is it out there?” Vicky asked nervously.

  “Everything is perfect,” Sarah assured her.

  “The musicians are playing for the guests and everyone is beginning to take their seats,” Sarah smiled. “This is it, Vicky. This is really it. Are you ready?”

  “I think so,” Vicky replied and clutched her bouquet tighter.

  “Don't worry, no one ever really is,” Sarah said and hugged her gently. But I couldn't think of a more perfect person for you to spend the rest of your life with.”

  “Me neither,” Vicky agreed. “So, why does it feel like I'm going to explode and pass out at the same time?” she cringed.

  “Oh honey, that's how it's supposed to feel,” Sarah promised her with a laugh. “Listen, Phil and I were talking, and he mentioned that if you would like, he'd be happy to walk you down the aisle. I know it wouldn't be the same but…”

  “Oh wow,” Vicky said with a wide smile. “That is so kind of him to offer.”

  “You know Phil loves you,” Sarah said and squeezed her hands. “I know that he would be honored.”

  “Thank you,” Vicky said warmly. “But Aunt Ida already offered.”

  “That explains the tuxedo dress,” Sarah burst out laughing.

  “Wait, what?” Vicky asked with wide eyes.

  “You'll see,” Sarah grinned. “Oh Vicky, it's so wonderful to see you so happy. It's time, you better get out there,” Sarah hugged her again. Sarah delicately drew the veil down over Vicky's face. She straightened it until it was resting just right. Vicky stood up and Sarah clipped the train to the back of the dress.

  “Do you remember when you did this for me?” Sarah asked.

  “Yes,” Vicky giggled. “I stuck you in the backside with the pin.”

  “Oh yes! I had almost forgotten about that!” Sarah laughed. “Well, I guess it's time to return the favor.”

  “No!” Vicky laughed and jumped away.

  “I'm just kidding,” Sarah promised her and opened the door for Vicky. When Vicky stepped out through the door, Ida was waiting for her on the other side. She had changed out of her flashy purple dress, and was now wearing a finely tailored tuxedo dress, just as Sarah had said she was. It looked exquisite on Ida, and Vicky couldn't help but shake her head at how beautiful her aunt looked. Ida straightened her bow tie and then extended her hand to Vicky.

  “Time to get this party started,” Ida said and wiggled her bottom back and forth.

  “Nice, Aunt Ida,” Sarah said with a laugh.

  Ida and Vicky walked to the side door of the lobby. Outside, Vicky could see that all of her guests had taken their seats. The garden was filled with smiling faces, bright blossoming flowers, and flowing live music. But Vicky barely noticed any of that. All she saw was Mitchell, in his suit, standing nervously at the end of the aisle. He kept shifting from one foot to the other, as if he didn't trust the ground not to disappear. The minister was talking quietly with him.

  Vicky assumed he was attempting to calm Mitchell down. Vicky continued to watch him for a long moment. Her heart skipped a beat as she knew this was the last time she would be looking at him as her fiancé. From now on he would be her husband, a man she could trust, and who she knew would stand by her no matter what happened in their lives.

  Rory and Ethan were already making their way down the aisle in their little tuxedos. Vicky had never seen anything more adorable. For every flower that Rory tossed on the ground, Ethan was walking behind him trying to pick them up.

  “Rory, stop making such a mess, this is Aunt Vicky's wedding,” Ethan fussed. Vicky had to hide a grin.

  Ida gave her hand a soft squeeze. Vicky smiled at her. Then they both began walking towards the aisle. As soon as the musicians noticed their approach they began playing the Wedding March. Vicky's heart began to race, as she knew this was finally it, there was no turning back, unless of course she decided to run. She could go back to her single life, with no commitments. She could be free to roam and rest as she pleased. She could move to any place in the world, without having to consult another person about the decision. But as Mitchell turned to watch her walk down the aisle, all Vicky could think of was the one place she wanted to be, in his arms. The wide smile that Mitchell offered her led her to believe that he was thinking something very similar. As she reached the end of the aisle, he automatically reached for her hands. Ida gave Vicky a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before turning her over to Mitchell. Mitchell's eyes were filled with love as he held her hands gently in his own.

  “You look amazing,” he whispered before the minister could begin speaking.

  Vicky lost herself in Mitchell's loving gaze. She was so enraptured by it that she barely heard the words of the minister as he rambled through the ceremony. Vicky didn't need to hear any special words, or make any special vows to know that Mitchell would be with her for life. She could see his promise in the way that he looked at her, and it made her feel like the luckiest woman on the face of the earth.

  What Vicky didn't notice was a man walking towards the ceremony. She didn't notice that he was holding a gun at his side. She didn't notice that he was the murderer who had her locked in the trunk of his car less than twenty-four hours before. She didn't see that he was raising his gun with the intention of shooting her in the middle of the ceremony. Luckily, there was one person who did see him. One person who was alwa
ys looking out for Vicky, no matter what was happening around her.

  “Not so fast,” Ida growled and stuck her foot out into the aisle before Stan could make his way down it. She grabbed the hand holding the gun and pointed it down as Stan fell face first into the grass. She lithely jumped on top of him and pinned his arms behind his back. When the other guests at the wedding began to notice what was happening, Ida put her finger to her lips and tilted her head towards the bride and groom. The guests did their best to contain their surprise. The minister stuttered over a few words as Aunt Ida escorted Stan to Sheriff McDonnell who tugged him towards the parking lot. Despite all that had occurred, Vicky and Mitchell were still gazing steadily into each other’s eyes.

  The minister looked warily beyond them, towards Ida. Ida nodded towards him. He smiled and continued the ceremony.

  “I now pronounce you, husband and wife,” he said warmly.

  Vicky looked up at him startled. Mitchell blinked.

  “Already?” he asked, drawing a smattering of laughter from the guests.

  “Don't worry this is the best part,” Vicky grinned and leaned close to him. Mitchell met her with a soft and savoring kiss.

  Everyone in attendance cheered and clapped for the new couple. Rory and Ethan hollered and jumped up and down. Sarah was too busy crying to make a sound. Phil hugged her close.

  As Vicky turned around she saw Rex take Aunt Ida into his arms and hold her tight. She saw Mitchell's mother smiling proudly at them both. For the first time in a very long time, Vicky felt complete, and as if she had everything in the world to celebrate. As long as the wedding cake didn't explode.

  The End

  From the Author

  Thank you very much for reading A Bridal Bouquet and a Body, the eighth book in the Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery Series. If you enjoyed the book and would like to be updated when I release a new book you can sign up for email updates at http://www.cindybellbooks.com/newsletter. I will never share your email and you will only receive emails from me when I have released a new book, am offering a discount or when I have giveaways.


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